Rename Vool to Sol
Simple is really the descriptive name for the layer
Sure, it is "virtual" but that is not as important as the fact that it is simple (or simplified)
Also objct (based really) is better, since orientated implies it is a little like that, but only orientated, not really it. Sol only has objects, nothing else
Just cause i was renaming anyway
2019-10-04 00:38:47 +03:00
A little work on test times
They have been rising of late, installer reporter to check 8and keep checking)
tweaking of cli parameters
removed redundant interpreter tests
2019-09-18 13:36:29 +03:00
splitting commpiler commands and adding preload option
2019-09-13 19:08:59 +03:00
add a statistics command to compiler
just to see how many objects make up a binary
2019-09-05 13:25:40 +03:00
make elf symbols optional
and default to false. Smaller executables by at least half
also add option for compiler cli
2019-09-03 02:02:21 +03:00
adding parfait options to compiler
to make smaller binaries with larger integer heaps
also ran some benchmarks to see if it makes a difference
at least the binaries are smaller, calling also faster
2019-08-24 11:44:13 +03:00
Fix compilers link
link command varies on systems, hmm
2019-08-19 19:13:51 +03:00
Running tests on binary through qemu (system, no ssh)
2019-08-18 12:39:23 +03:00
added execute command and options
execute to compile and run
options to pass parfait factory levels in (as no gc)
2019-07-25 22:36:51 +03:00
a basic interpret command for cli
part of the benchmark effort
determine amount of objects
2019-07-25 21:23:55 +03:00
Torsten Ruger
fix all tests for previous commit
2019-02-08 23:03:23 +02:00
Torsten Ruger
Very basic cli to compile ruby files
Off course this is basically a cross compiler and the files
have to be transferred to an arm machine (and fixed as per note)
close #22
2019-02-07 11:07:57 +02:00