More rename cleanp
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ module Risc
# CallableCompiler is used to generate risc instructions. It is an abstact base
# class shared by BlockCompiler and MethodCompiler
# - risc_instructions: The sequence of risc level instructions that mom was compiled to
# - risc_instructions: The sequence of risc level instructions that slot machine was
# compiled to
# Instructions derive from class Instruction and form a linked list
# - constants is an array of Parfait objects that need to be available
# - callable is a Method of Block
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ module Risc
class MethodCompiler < CallableCompiler
# Methods starts with a Label, both in risc and mom.
# Pass in the callable(method) and the mom label that the method starts with
# Methods starts with a Label, both in risc and slot.
# Pass in the callable(method) and the slot label that the method starts with
def initialize( method , slot_label)
super(method , slot_label)
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module RubyX
# Layers are:
# - ruby , always needed as input, string
# - vool - intermediate language layer
# - mom - intermediate machine layer
# - slot_machine - intermediate machine layer
# - risc - "last" intermediate machine layer
# - target - arm or interpreter binary code
# - binary - "linked" code, everything need to create an elf binary
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ module RubyX
# Transform the incoming ruby source (string) to mom
# Transform the incoming ruby source (string) to slot
# The vool is stored using ruby_to_vool,the to_slot is called
# Return SlotMachine Statement
@ -97,11 +97,11 @@ module RubyX
# Process previously stored vool source to risc.
# return a Risc::RiscCollection , a collection of MethodCompilers
def to_risc()
mom = to_slot
slot = to_slot
# return mom for the previously stored vool source.
# return slot_machine for the previously stored vool source.
def to_slot
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# SlotMachine , Minimal Object Machine
# SlotMachine
This layer sits between the language layer (vool) and the risc machine layer.
It is meant to make the transition (between vool and risc) easier to understand.
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ no registers (one could see the current message as the only register)
### Instruction based
So mom is a machine layer, rather than a language.
So SlotMachine is a machine layer, rather than a language.
No control structures, but compare and jump instructions.
No send or call, just objects and jump.
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# A BlockCompiler is much like a MehtodCompiler, exept for blocks
class BlockCompiler < CallableCompiler
attr_reader :block , :mom_instructions
attr_reader :block , :slot_instructions
alias :block :callable
def initialize( block , method)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module Mom
def to_risc
risc_compiler = , @method , mom_instructions)
risc_compiler = , @method , slot_instructions)
#recursive blocks not done
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# CallableCompiler is used to generate mom instructions. It is an abstact base
# CallableCompiler is used to generate slot instructions. It is an abstact base
# class shared by BlockCompiler and MethodCompiler
# - mom_instructions: The sequence of mom level instructions that mom was compiled to
# - slot_instructions: The sequence of slot level instructions that was compiled to
# Instructions derive from class Instruction and form a linked list
class CallableCompiler
@ -12,17 +12,17 @@ module Mom
def initialize( callable )
@callable = callable
@constants = []
@mom_instructions =, source_name)
@current = start = @mom_instructions
@slot_instructions =, source_name)
@current = start = @slot_instructions
add_code source_name, "return_label")
add_code source_name, "unreachable")
@current = start
attr_reader :mom_instructions , :constants , :callable , :current
attr_reader :slot_instructions , :constants , :callable , :current
def return_label
@mom_instructions.each do |ins|
@slot_instructions.each do |ins|
next unless ins.is_a?(Label)
return ins if == "return_label"
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module Mom
# add a risc instruction after the current (insertion point)
# the added instruction will become the new insertion point
def add_code( instruction )
raise "Not an instruction:#{instruction.to_s}:#{}" unless instruction.is_a?(Mom::Instruction)
raise "Not an instruction:#{instruction.to_s}:#{}" unless instruction.is_a?(SlotMachine::Instruction)
new_current = instruction.last #after insertion this point is lost
@current.insert(instruction) #insert after current
@current = new_current
@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ module Mom
# convert al instruction to risc
# method is called by Method/BlockCompiler from to_risc
def instructions_to_risc(risc_compiler)
instruction =
instruction =
while( instruction )
raise "whats this a #{instruction}" unless instruction.is_a?(Mom::Instruction)
#puts "adding mom #{instruction.to_s}:#{}"
raise "whats this a #{instruction}" unless instruction.is_a?(SlotMachine::Instruction)
#puts "adding slot #{instruction.to_s}:#{}"
instruction.to_risc( risc_compiler )
#puts "adding risc #{risc.to_s}:#{}"
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# Base class for MOM instructions
# Base class for SlotMachine instructions
# At the base class level instructions are a linked list.
# Mom::Instructions are created by the Vool level as an intermediate step
# SlotMachine::Instructions are created by the Vool level as an intermediate step
# towards the next level down, the Risc level.
# Mom and Risc are both abstract machines (ie have instructions), so both
# SlotMachine and Risc are both abstract machines (ie have instructions), so both
# share the linked list functionality (In Util::List)
# To convert a Mom instruction to it's Risc equivalent to_risc is called
# To convert a SlotMachine instruction to it's Risc equivalent to_risc is called
class Instruction
include Util::List
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Mom
# to_risc, like the name says, converts the instruction to it's Risc equivalent.
# The Risc machine is basically a simple register machine (kind of arm).
# In other words Mom is the higher abstraction and so mom instructions convert
# In other words SlotMachine is the higher abstraction and so slot instructions convert
# to many (1-10) risc instructions
# The argument that is passed is a MethodCompiler, which has the method and some
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# Transering the arguments from the current frame into the next frame
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module Mom
# just name scoping the same stuff to mom
module SlotMachine
# just name scoping the same stuff to slot
# so we know we are on the way down, keeping our layers seperated
# and we can put constant adding into the to_risc methods (instead of on vool classes)
class Constant
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# A BlockYield calls an argument block. All we need to know is the index
# of the argument, and the rest is almost as simple as a SimpleCall
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# A base class for conditions in MOM
# A base class for conditions in SlotMachine
# Checks (if in code, compare in assm) jump or not, depending
# The logic we choose is closer to the code logic (the asm is reversed)
# When we write an if, the true is the next code, so the Check logic is
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module Mom
# check does not pass
# Note: In assembler a branch on 0 does just that, it branches if the condition
# is met. This means that the asm implementation is somewhat the reverse
# of the Mom names. But it's easier to understand (imho)
# of the SlotMachine names. But it's easier to understand (imho)
class Check < Instruction
attr_reader :false_jump
def initialize(false_jump)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# A dynamic call calls a method at runtime. This off course implies that we don't know the
# method at compile time and so must "find" it. Resolving, or finding the method, is a
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# Branch jump to the Label given
# Eg used at the end of while or end of if_true branch
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# A Label is the only legal target for a branch (in Mom, in Risc a BinaryCode is ok too)
# A Label is the only legal target for a branch (in SlotMachine, in Risc a BinaryCode is ok too)
# In the dynamic view (runtime) where the instructions form a graph,
# branches fan out, Labels collect. In other words a branch is the place where
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Mom
# A Label has a name which is mainly used for debugging.
# A Mom::Label converts one2one to a Risc::Label. So in a way it could not be more
# A SlotMachine::Label converts one2one to a Risc::Label. So in a way it could not be more
# simple.
# Alas, since almost by definition several roads lead to this label, all those
# several converted instructions must also point to the identical label on the
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# As reminder: a statically resolved call (the simplest one) becomes three Mom Instructions.
# As reminder: a statically resolved call (the simplest one) becomes three SlotMachine Instructions.
# Ie: MessageSetup,ArgumentTransfer,SimpleCall
# MessageSetup does Setup before a call can be made, acquiring and filling the message
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# Mom internal check, as the name says to see if two values are not the same
# SlotMachine internal check, as the name says to see if two values are not the same
# In other words, we this checks identity, bit-values, pointers
# The values that are compared are defined as SlotDefinitions, ie can be anything
# available to the machine through frame message or self
# Acording to Mom::Check logic, we jump to the given label is the values are the same
# Acording to SlotMachine::Check logic, we jump to the given label is the values are the same
class NotSameCheck < Check
attr_reader :left , :right
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# Dynamic method resolution is at the heart of a dynamic language, and here
# is the Mom level instruction to do it.
# is the SlotMachine level instruction to do it.
# When the static type can not be determined a CacheEntry is used to store
# type and method of the resolved method. The CacheEntry is shared with
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# the return jump jumps to the return label
# the method setup is such that there is exactly one return_label in a method
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# The ReturnSequence models the return from a method.
# This involves the jump to the return address stored in the message, and
# the reinstantiation of the previous message.
# The machine (mom) only ever "knows" one message, the current message.
# The (slot) machine only ever "knows" one message, the current message.
# Messages are a double linked list, calling involves going forward,
# returning means going back.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# A SimpleCall is just that, a simple call. This could be called a function call too,
# meaning we managed to resolve the function at compile time and all we have to do is
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# A SlotDefinition defines a slot. A bit like a variable name but for objects.
# PS: for the interested: A "developement" of Smalltalk was the
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# SlotLoad is for moving data into a slot, either from another slot, or constant
# A Slot is basically an instance variable, but it must be of known type
# The value loaded (the right hand side) can be a constant (Mom::Constant) or come from
# The value loaded (the right hand side) can be a constant (SlotMachine::Constant) or come from
# another Slot (SlotDefinition)
# The Slot on the left hand side is always a SlotDefinition.
@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ module Mom
# @left: A SlotDefinition, or an array that can be passed to the constructor of the
# SlotDefinition (see there)
# @right: A SlotDefinition with slots or a Mom::Constant
# original_source: optinally another mom instruction that will be passed down to created
# risc instructions. (Because SlotLoad is often used internally in mom)
# @right: A SlotDefinition with slots or a SlotMachine::Constant
# original_source: optinally another slot_machine instruction that will be passed down
# to created risc instructions. (Because SlotLoad is often used internally)
class SlotLoad < Instruction
attr_reader :left , :right , :original_source
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module Mom
@left , @right = left , right
@left = , @left) if @left.is_a? Array
@right = , @right) if @right.is_a? Array
raise "right not Mom, #{@right.to_s}" unless @right.is_a?( SlotDefinition )
raise "right not SlotMachine, #{@right.to_s}" unless @right.is_a?( SlotDefinition )
@original_source = original_source || self
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# The funny thing about the ruby truth is that it is anything but false or nil
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
class Comparison < Macro
attr_reader :operator
def initialize(name , operator)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
class Div10 < Macro
def to_risc(compiler)
s = "div_10 "
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
class Div4 < Macro
def to_risc(compiler)
builder = compiler.builder(compiler.source)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
class Exit < Macro
def to_risc(compiler)
builder = compiler.builder(compiler.source)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
class GetInternalByte < Macro
def to_risc(compiler)
builder = compiler.builder(compiler.source)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
class GetInternalWord < Macro
def to_risc(compiler)
compiler.builder(compiler.source).build do
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# Init "method" is the first thing that happens in the machine
# There is an inital jump to it, but that's it, no setup, no nothing
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module Mom
# Set up the call to main, with space as receiver
|||| builder )
|||| builder )
|||| do
message << message[:next_message]
space? << Parfait.object_space
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
class Macro < Instruction
def to_s
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
class MethodMissing < Macro
attr_reader :name
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
class IntOperator < Macro
attr_reader :operator
def initialize(name , operator)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
class Putstring < Macro
def to_risc(compiler)
builder = compiler.builder(compiler.source)
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module Mom
word! << message[:receiver]
integer! << word[Parfait::Word.get_length_index]
Mom::Macro.emit_syscall( builder , :putstring )
SlotMachine::Macro.emit_syscall( builder , :putstring )
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
class SetInternalByte < Macro
def to_risc(compiler)
compiler.builder(compiler.source).build do
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
class SetInternalWord < Macro
def to_risc(compiler)
compiler.builder(compiler.source).build do
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Mom
module SlotMachine
# MethodCompiler is used to generate Mom instructions for methods
# MethodCompiler is used to generate SlotMachine instructions for methods
# and to instantiate the methods correctly.
class MethodCompiler < CallableCompiler
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Mom
# drop down to risc by converting this compilers instructions to risc.
# and the doing the same for any block_compilers
def to_risc
risc_compiler = , mom_instructions)
risc_compiler = , slot_instructions)
@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ module Mom
# Only for init, as init has no return
# kind of private
def _reset_for_init
@mom_instructions =, source_name)
@current = @mom_instructions
@slot_instructions =, source_name)
@current = @slot_instructions
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module SlotMachine
# compilers These will transform to Risc MethodCompilers on the way down.
# As RubyCompiler pools source at the vool level, when several classes are compiled
# from vool to mom, several SlotMachineCompilers get instantiated. They must be merged before
# from vool to slot, several SlotMachineCompilers get instantiated. They must be merged before
# proceeding with translate. Thus we have a append method.
class SlotCollection
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ module SlotMachine
def to_risc( )
riscs =[]
@method_compilers.each_compiler do | mom_c |
riscs << mom_c.to_risc
@method_compilers.each_compiler do | slot_c |
riscs << slot_c.to_risc
# to_risc all compilers
# for each suffling constnts and fist label, then all instructions (see below)
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module Vool
# Since the return is normalized to only allow simple values it is simple.
# To return form a method in mom instructions we only need to do two things:
# To return form a method in slot_machine instructions we only need to do two things:
# - store the given return value, this is a SlotMove
# - activate return sequence (reinstantiate old message and jump to return address)
def to_slot( compiler )
@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ module Vool
def message_setup(compiler,called_method)
setup = called_method )
mom_receive = @receiver.to_slot_definition(compiler)
slot_receive = @receiver.to_slot_definition(compiler)
arg_target = [:message , :next_message ]
args = []
@arguments.each_with_index do |arg , index| # +1 because of type
args <<, arg_target + ["arg#{index+1}".to_sym] , arg.to_slot_definition(compiler))
setup <<, mom_receive , args )
setup <<, slot_receive , args )
def simple_call(compiler, called_method)
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
# The protocol is thus two stage:
# - first to_parfait with implicit side-effects of creating parfait objects that
# are added to the Parfait object_space
# - second to_slot , which will return a mom version of the statement. This may be code
# - second to_slot , which will return a slot version of the statement. This may be code
# or a compiler (for methods), or compiler collection (for classes)
module Vool
@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ module Vool
raise "Called when it shouldn't #{self.class}"
# create mom version of the statement, this is often code, that is added to the
# compiler, but for methods it is a compiler and for classes a collection of those.
# create slot_machine version of the statement, this is often code, that is added
# to the compiler, but for methods it is a compiler and for classes a collection of those.
# The argument given most often is a compiler
# The default implementation (this) is to raise an error
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ module Vool
stats = @statements.dup
first = stats.shift.to_slot(compiler)
while( nekst = stats.shift )
next_mom = nekst.to_slot(compiler)
first.append next_mom
next_slot = nekst.to_slot(compiler)
first.append next_slot
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ module Vool
compile_method = compiler.get_method , [])
runtime_method = :message , [ :method] )
check = , runtime_method, ok_label)
# TODO? Maybe create mom instructions for this
# TODO? Maybe create slot instructions for this
#builder = compiler.builder("yield")
#check << builder.built
@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ module Vool
def yield_arg_block(compiler)
arg_index = compiler.get_method.arguments_type.get_length - 1
setup = arg_index )
mom_receive = @receiver.to_slot_definition(compiler)
slot_receive = @receiver.to_slot_definition(compiler)
arg_target = [:message , :next_message ]
args = []
@arguments.each_with_index do |arg , index| # +1 because of type
args <<, arg_target + ["arg#{index+1}".to_sym] , arg.to_slot_definition(compiler))
setup << self , mom_receive , args )
setup << self , slot_receive , args )
setup << self , arg_index )
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module Risc
@string_input = as_main("return 5 + 5")
#FIXME should be mom macro test, no need to interpret
#FIXME should be macro test, no need to interpret
def test_chain
#show_main_ticks # get output of what is
check_main_chain [LoadConstant, SlotToReg, RegToSlot, LoadConstant, SlotToReg, #5
@ -1,14 +1,3 @@
## Pre - testing builtin
In the process of moving builtin from mom to parfait. Considering we started at risc, this
is progress.
Builtin methods should (will) use the Macro idea to actually become code and land in
the parfait code.
On the way there, we start by Testing and moving the old ones. Since we want to be able
to test some methods even after the move, without parsing/processing the whole of parfait
we have to have a method of "injecting" the single? methods.
## SlotMachine level
@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ module RubyX
module MacroHelper
def setup
whole ="class Space;def main(arg);return;end;end;" + source
@mom =
assert_equal SlotMachine::SlotCollection , @mom.class
@slot =
assert_equal SlotMachine::SlotCollection , @slot.class
assert_equal SlotMachine::MethodCompiler , compiler.class
def compiler
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ means testing every layer for every file.
Rather than create parfait tests for every layer (ie in the vool/slot_machine/risc directories)
we have one file per parfait file here. Each file tests all layers.
The usual workflow is to start with a new file and create tests for vool, mom, risc,binary
The usual workflow is to start with a new file and create tests for vool, slot_machine, risc,binary
in that order. Possibly fixing the compiler on the way. Then adding the file to
the RubyXCompiler parfait load list.
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ module RubyX
assert_equal :Data8 , vool[3].name
def test_slot
mom = @compiler.ruby_to_slot source
assert_equal SlotMachine::SlotCollection , mom.class
slot = @compiler.ruby_to_slot source
assert_equal SlotMachine::SlotCollection , slot.class
def test_risc
risc = compiler.ruby_to_risc( get_preload("Space.main") + source)
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ module RubyX
vool = @compiler.ruby_to_vool source
#puts vool
mom = vool.to_slot(nil)
assert_equal SlotMachine::SlotCollection , mom.class
slot = vool.to_slot(nil)
assert_equal SlotMachine::SlotCollection , slot.class
def est_risc
risc = compiler.ruby_to_risc source
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ module RubyX
assert_equal :Object ,
def test_slot
mom = compiler.ruby_to_slot source
assert_equal SlotMachine::SlotCollection , mom.class
slot = compiler.ruby_to_slot source
assert_equal SlotMachine::SlotCollection , slot.class
def test_risc
risc = compiler.ruby_to_risc( get_preload("Space.main") + source)
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ module RubyX
def test_creates_class_deriviation
mom = ruby_to_slot "class Testing ; end"
assert mom , "No classes created"
slot = ruby_to_slot "class Testing ; end"
assert slot , "No classes created"
def test_creates_class_with_deriviation
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module SlotMachine
# Most SlotMachineInstructionTests test the risc instructions of the mom instruction
# Most SlotMachineInstructionTests test the risc instructions of the slot instruction
# quite carefully, ie every instruction, every register.
# This is done with the assert methods in risc_assert
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
require_relative "../helper"
module Mom
module SlotMachine
module Builtin
class BootTest < MiniTest::Test
include Preloader
def get_compiler(clazz , name)
compiler =
coll = compiler.ruby_to_mom( get_preload("Space.main;#{clazz}.#{name}") )
coll = compiler.ruby_to_slot( get_preload("Space.main;#{clazz}.#{name}") )
@method = coll.method_compilers.last_compiler
@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ module SlotMachine
assert_equal 2 , method.frame_type.variable_index(:a)
def constant_setup(input)
mom =
assert_equal SlotMachine::SlotCollection , mom.class
compiler = mom.method_compilers
slot =
assert_equal SlotMachine::SlotCollection , slot.class
compiler = slot.method_compilers
assert_equal SlotMachine::MethodCompiler , compiler.class
@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ module VoolCompile
def compile_main_block( block_input , method_input = "main_local = 5" , preload = nil)
source = get_preload(preload) + as_main("#{method_input} ; self.main{|val| #{block_input}}")
mom_col = source )
compiler = mom_col.method_compilers.find_compiler_name(:main)
block = mom_col.method_compilers.find_compiler_name(:main_block)
slot_col = source )
compiler = slot_col.method_compilers.find_compiler_name(:main)
block = slot_col.method_compilers.find_compiler_name(:main_block)
assert block
@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ module Vool
assert_equal Vool::MacroExpression , vool.body.first.body.return_value.class
def test_slot_basic
mom = as_slot
assert_equal SlotMachine::SlotCollection , mom.class
assert_equal SlotMachine::MethodCompiler , mom.method_compilers.class
slot = as_slot
assert_equal SlotMachine::SlotCollection , slot.class
assert_equal SlotMachine::MethodCompiler , slot.method_compilers.class
def test_slot_instructions
mom_compiler = as_slot.method_compilers
assert_equal SlotMachine::Label , mom_compiler.slot_instructions.class
assert_equal SlotMachine::IntOperator ,
assert_equal SlotMachine::SlotLoad ,
assert_equal SlotMachine::ReturnJump ,
slot_compiler = as_slot.method_compilers
assert_equal SlotMachine::Label , slot_compiler.slot_instructions.class
assert_equal SlotMachine::IntOperator ,
assert_equal SlotMachine::SlotLoad ,
assert_equal SlotMachine::ReturnJump ,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user