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require 'parslet/pattern'
# Transforms an expression tree into something else. The transformation
# performs a depth-first, post-order traversal of the expression tree. During
# that traversal, each time a rule matches a node, the node is replaced by the
# result of the block associated to the rule. Otherwise the node is accepted
# as is into the result tree.
# This is almost what you would generally do with a tree visitor, except that
# you can match several levels of the tree at once.
# As a consequence of this, the resulting tree will contain pieces of the
# original tree and new pieces. Most likely, you will want to transform the
# original tree wholly, so this isn't a problem.
# You will not be able to create a loop, given that each node will be replaced
# only once and then left alone. This means that the results of a replacement
# will not be acted upon.
# Example:
# class Example < Parslet::Transform
# rule(:string => simple(:x)) { # (1)
# StringConstant.new(x)
# }
# end
# A tree transform (Parslet::Transform) is defined by a set of rules. Each
# rule can be defined by calling #rule with the pattern as argument. The block
# given will be called every time the rule matches somewhere in the tree given
# to #apply. It is passed a Hash containing all the variable bindings of this
# pattern match.
# In the above example, (1) illustrates a simple matching rule.
# Let's say you want to parse matching parentheses and distill a maximum nest
# depth. You would probably write a parser like the one in example/parens.rb;
# here's the relevant part:
# rule(:balanced) {
# str('(').as(:l) >> balanced.maybe.as(:m) >> str(')').as(:r)
# }
# If you now apply this to a string like '(())', you get a intermediate parse
# tree that looks like this:
# {
# l: '(',
# m: {
# l: '(',
# m: nil,
# r: ')'
# },
# r: ')'
# }
# This parse tree is good for debugging, but what we would really like to have
# is just the nesting depth. This transformation rule will produce that:
# rule(:l => '(', :m => simple(:x), :r => ')') {
# # innermost :m will contain nil
# x.nil? ? 1 : x+1
# }
# = Usage patterns
# There are four ways of using this class. The first one is very much
# recommended, followed by the second one for generality. The other ones are
# omitted here.
# Recommended usage is as follows:
# class MyTransformator < Parslet::Transform
# rule(...) { ... }
# rule(...) { ... }
# # ...
# end
# MyTransformator.new.apply(tree)
# Alternatively, you can use the Transform class as follows:
# transform = Parslet::Transform.new do
# rule(...) { ... }
# end
# transform.apply(tree)
# = Execution context
# The execution context of action blocks differs depending on the arity of
# said blocks. This can be confusing. It is however somewhat intentional. You
# should not create fat Transform descendants containing a lot of helper methods,
# instead keep your AST class construction in global scope or make it available
# through a factory. The following piece of code illustrates usage of global
# scope:
# transform = Parslet::Transform.new do
# rule(...) { AstNode.new(a_variable) }
# rule(...) { Ast.node(a_variable) } # modules are nice
# end
# transform.apply(tree)
# And here's how you would use a class builder (a factory):
# transform = Parslet::Transform.new do
# rule(...) { builder.add_node(a_variable) }
# rule(...) { |d| d[:builder].add_node(d[:a_variable]) }
# end
# transform.apply(tree, :builder => Builder.new)
# As you can see, Transform allows you to inject local context for your rule
# action blocks to use.
class Parslet::Transform
# FIXME: Maybe only part of it? Or maybe only include into constructor
# context?
include Parslet
class << self
# FIXME: Only do this for subclasses?
include Parslet
# Define a rule for the transform subclass.
def rule(expression, &block)
@__transform_rules ||= []
@__transform_rules << [Parslet::Pattern.new(expression), block]
# Allows accessing the class' rules
def rules
@__transform_rules || []
def initialize(&block)
@rules = []
if block
# Defines a rule to be applied whenever apply is called on a tree. A rule
# is composed of two parts:
# * an *expression pattern*
# * a *transformation block*
def rule(expression, &block)
@rules << [
# Applies the transformation to a tree that is generated by Parslet::Parser
# or a simple parslet. Transformation will proceed down the tree, replacing
# parts/all of it with new objects. The resulting object will be returned.
def apply(obj, context=nil)
case obj
when Hash
recurse_hash(obj, context)
when Array
recurse_array(obj, context)
# Executes the block on the bindings obtained by Pattern#match, if such a match
# can be made. Depending on the arity of the given block, it is called in
# one of two environments: the current one or a clean toplevel environment.
# If you would like the current environment preserved, please use the
# arity 1 variant of the block. Alternatively, you can inject a context object
# and call methods on it (think :ctx => self).
# # the local variable a is simulated
# t.call_on_match(:a => :b) { a }
# # no change of environment here
# t.call_on_match(:a => :b) { |d| d[:a] }
def call_on_match(bindings, block)
if block
if block.arity == 1
return block.call(bindings)
context = Context.new(bindings)
return context.instance_eval(&block)
# Allow easy access to all rules, the ones defined in the instance and the
# ones predefined in a subclass definition.
def rules
self.class.rules + @rules
# @api private
def transform_elt(elt, context)
rules.each do |pattern, block|
if bindings=pattern.match(elt, context)
# Produces transformed value
return call_on_match(bindings, block)
# No rule matched - element is not transformed
return elt
# @api private
def recurse_hash(hsh, ctx)
hsh.inject({}) do |new_hsh, (k,v)|
new_hsh[k] = apply(v, ctx)
# @api private
def recurse_array(ary, ctx)
ary.map { |elt| apply(elt, ctx) }
require 'parslet/context'