
71 lines
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require_relative "element_view"
# Listviews hold an array of elements and are responsible for drawing (and re-drawing them)
# A ListView hold the elements, but also the drawn html divs. You can change the element
# structure by adding/removing/replacing and the ListView will take care of redrawing the html
# A ListView is itself an ElementView so one can build recursive structures.
# Also one can easily change the root html element, or by deriving wrap or edit the resulting html
class ListView < ElementView
def initialize children
@children = children
@elements = []
# create a root node acording to the tag given (default div)
# The tag name will be passed to the div function, so class and id may be set as well (see there)
# draw all children and keep the elements as @elements
# return (as per base class) the single root of the collection
def draw root = "div"
@element = div(root)
@elements = @children.collect do | c |
append_element c.draw
# replace the child at index with the given one (second arg)
# The child must be an ElementView , which will be rendered and
# the old node will be replaced in the live dom
def replace_at( index , node)
old = @elements[index]
@children[index] = node
rendered = node.draw
@elements[index] = rendered
old.replace_with(rendered) if old
# remove the first child and element (from view)
def remove_first
remove_at 0
# remove both child and element at given position
def remove_at index
raise "index out of bounds #{index} => #{@children.length}" if(index >= @children.length or index < 0)
@children.delete_at( index )
element = @elements.delete_at(index)
element.remove if element
# remove all elements and views, basically resetting the list to empty
def clear_view
remove_first while( ! @children.empty? )
# append a View instnace to the children array
# render it and append it to the html element
# and keep a copy in @elements
def append_view view
@children << view
rendered = view.draw
@elements << rendered # add to internal array
@element << rendered # add to html children