# By default Volt generates this controller for your Main component require "salama" require_relative "interpreter" module Main class MainController < Volt::ModelController def index init_machine init_classes init_registers init_blocks end private def marker var return "W" if var.is_a? String var.class.name.split("::").last[0] end def init_machine machine = Virtual.machine.boot code = Ast::ExpressionList.new( [Ast::CallSiteExpression.new(:putstring, [] ,Ast::StringExpression.new("Hello again"))]) Virtual::Compiler.compile( code , machine.space.get_main ) machine.run_before "Register::CallImplementation" @interpreter = Interpreter.new @interpreter.start machine.init end def init_registers page._registers!.clear @interpreter.registers.each do |reg , val| model = RegisterModel.new( :name => reg , :value => val) page._registers << model @interpreter.register_event(:register_changed, model) @interpreter.register_event(:object_changed, model) model.register_changed( reg , nil , @interpreter.registers[reg]) end end def init_classes page._classes!.clear Virtual.machine.space.classes.each do |name , claz| next if [:Kernel,:Module,:MetaClass,:BinaryCode].index name c = Volt::Model.new :name => name page._classes << c end end def init_blocks blocks = BlocksModel.new page._blocks = blocks @interpreter.register_event(:instruction_changed, blocks) end # The main template contains a #template binding that shows another # template. This is the path to that template. It may change based # on the params._component, params._controller, and params._action values. def main_path "#{params._component || 'main'}/#{params._controller || 'main'}/#{params._action || 'index'}" end # Determine if the current nav component is the active one by looking # at the first part of the url against the href attribute. def active_tab? url.path.split('/')[1] == attrs.href.split('/')[1] end end end