%section#intro %h1 RubyX %p Compile ruby to binary %p in 100% Ruby %p No external dependencies %p Faster ( X times ) %p Easy to understand %p Easy to modify own tool %section#torsten %h2 Torsten %p github.com/rubydesign %p 30+ years coding %p Now coding as hobby %section#finland %h2 from Finland %p %img{:alt => "Finland", "data-src" => image_url("slides/grillrb/finland.jpg")}/ %section#raisa %h2 Raisa %small (my wife) %p %img{:alt => "Raisa", "data-src" => image_url("slides/grillrb/raisa.jpg") , height: 400}/ %section#villataika %h2 Run a b&b %small villataika.fi %p %img{:alt => "Villa Taika", "data-src" => image_url("slides/grillrb/villataika.jpg") , height: 400}/ %section#intro2 %h2 RubyX %p Compile ruby to binary in ruby %p.fragment why %p.fragment how %p.fragment future %section %section#story %h2 Short Story %p About the 60’s %p uncle Bob %p going to Mars %p the Energy solution %section#mars %h2 Mission to the Moon %p ‘61 goal declared by Kennedy %p.fragment ‘69 achieved by Appollo 9 %p.fragment 4bit , 2k RAM , 1Mhz %p.fragment Mars 2020, maybe %section#thorium %h2 Molten-Salt Reactor %p Early 60’s nuclear research (Thorium) %p.fragment sucessful run '64-'69 , 7MW %p.fragment Walk away safe , small , little waste %p.fragment Rediscovered by Kirk Sorensen 2008 %section#bob %h2 Programming %p Uncle Bob “Future of programming” %p.fragment C ,Unix,Smalltalk ,Lisp ,invented 60’s %p.fragment Engineers doubling every 5 years %p.fragment Go 2009 , Rust 2010 , Julia 2012 %section#60s %h2 Theory of 60’s %p Programming, spaceflight, energy %p.fragment Major advancement in 60’s %p.fragment New advancements only recently %section#now %h2 Why now %p Simula invented OO concepts in 67 %p.fragment Smalltalk (first pure OO) PARC 70’s %p.fragment Popular 80’s , "Blue Book" published %p.fragment Ruby, Python, JS, reincarnated 90’s %p.fragment YARV, mri’s stack machine, 00's %section#speed %h2 The Speed problem %p %large %b 10x %span.fragment possibly 30x %span.fragment sometimes 100x %p.fragment laptop becomes a pi %p.fragment 1k hardware costs 10k %section#effects %h2 Effects of Speed %p 2 language problem (nice OR fast) %p.fragment Limited domains accessible %p.fragment Smaller community %p.fragment less tools %section#cause %h2 Problem cause %p Speed is symptom %p.fragment Interpretation is cause %br (walking with a map) %br %p.fragment Compilation is the solution %section#meta_problem %h2 Meta problem %p Implementation language %p.fragment You can’t fix %p.fragment Ruby is the solution %section#whyme %h4 Why me? %h2 I %table %tbody %tr %td %img.no_b{alt: "love", "data-src" => image_url("slides/grillrb/heart.png"), height: 250} %td %td %td %img.no_b{alt: "ruby", "data-src" => image_url("slides/grillrb/ruby.png") , height: 250} %section#also %h2 Also: %p I have time %p.fragment and basic skills %p.fragment and motivation %section#motiv %h2 Motivation %p Further the art %p.fragment prove the oo case %p.fragment for the community %p.fragment with you %section#demo %h2 Demo of =link_to "cli" , "https://github.com/ruby-x/rubyx/blob/master/lib/rubyx/rubyxc.rb" %p %br =link_to "www.ruby-x.org" , "http://www.ruby-x.org" %p %br =link_to "github.com/ruby-x" , "https://github.com/ruby-x/rubyx"