%hr/ %p After almost a year of rewrite: %strong Hello World is back. %p %strong Working executables again %p So much has changed in the last year it is almost impossible to recap. Still a little summary: %h3#register-machine Register Machine %p The whole layer of the %a{:href => "/2014/09/30/a-better-register-machine.html"} Register Machine as an abstraction was not there. Impossible is was to see what was happening. %h3#passes Passes %p In the beginning i was trying to = succeed "." do %em just do it %a{:href => "/2014/07/05/layers-vs-passes.html"} implemented Passes to go between them. %h3#the-virtual-machine-design The virtual machine design %p Thinking about what objects makes up a virtual machine has brought me to a clear understanding of the = succeed "." do %a{:href => "/2014/09/12/register-allocation-reviewed.html"} objects needed %a{:href => "/2014/06/27/an-exceptional-thought.html"} stopped using the machine stack altogether and am using a linked list instead. Recently is has occurred to me that that linked list %a{:href => "/06/20/the-static-call-chain.html"}> doesn’t even change , so it is very simple indeed. %h3#smaller-though-not-small-changes Smaller, though not small, changes %ul %li The %a{:href => "/2014/08/19/object-storage.html"} Salma Object File format was created. %li The %a{:href => "http://dancinglightning.gitbooks.io/the-object-machine/content/"} Book was started %li I gave lightning talks at Frozen Rails 2014, Helsinki and Bath Ruby 2015 %li I presented at Munich and Zurich user groups, lots to take home from all that %h3#future Future %p The mountain is still oh so high, but at last there is hope again. The second dip into arm (gdb) debugging has made it very clear that a debugger is needed. Preferably visual, possibly 3d, definitely browser based. So either Opal or even Volt. %p Already more clarity in upcoming fields has arrived: %ul %li inlining is high on the list, to code in higher language %li the difference between %a{:href => "/2015/05/20/expression-is-slot.html"} statement and expression helped to structure code. %li hopefully the debugger / interpreter will help to write better tests too.