.row %h2.center Compiling Ruby to Binary. %div %p.center %span Putting wings on ruby to let you fly (may take X years). .row .tripple %h2.center What %p RubyX %b compiles ruby code to binary. %br In %b 100% pure ruby. %p The goal here is to prove that dynamic languages do not have to be slow. %br Only interpretation is slow, but when ruby is %b compiled to binary ,it can be really fast. %p How fast (X times), will eventually depend on the community. The RubyX approach works, but to create an mri compatible ruby will take many more man-years than i have. %p RubyX is here to =succeed "," do =link_to "empower you" , "/project/motivation.html" to make your ruby shine as much as you like. .tripple %h2.center Status %p The RubyX compiler is working (ie creates binaries), and the =link_to "architecture", "/rubyx/layers.html" has been refined over several years. %p A substantial part of the ruby language has been implemented: %ul %li Object oriented =succeed "." do =link_to "calling semantics" , "/rubyx/calling.html" %li Basic =link_to "block creation" , "/blog/implicit-blocks-are-working" and passing. %li Dynamic = succeed "." do =link_to "method resolution" ,"/rubyx/method_resolution.html" %li Control Structures, variables and assignment, integer operators. %li Object based =succeed "." do =link_to "memory" ,"/rubyx/memory.html" %li A minimal Runtime of = succeed "," do =link_to "classes, types" , "/rubyx/parfait.html" methods and basic types. %li =ext_link "Risc machine abstraction" , "https://github.com/ruby-x/rubyx/tree/master/lib/risc" (includes extensible instruction) %li A minimal Arm and Elf implementation to create = succeed "." do %b working binaries %h2.center Upcoming work %p But there is still a lot of work, here are just the next few topics %ul %li Dynamic Memory management %li Benchmarks for calling and integer %li Start stdlib with String and files By then we may be in the foothills, but nowhere near even basecamp, let alone there. .tripple %h2.center Docs %p The short introduction is under the =link_to "architecture" , "/rubyx/layers.html" menu. %p The presentation for = ext_link "GrillRb" , "/slides/grillrb" is more detailed than the previous unconf Hamburg one. But a 20min video was made in hamburg and can be found = ext_link "on youtube" , "https://youtu.be/ojW-q_wiSn8" %p To get to know the system, there is also an interpreter and a basic =succeed "." do =link_to "visual debugger" , "rubyx/debugger.html" %p The =link_to "about", "/project/motivation.html" section has some info of when and how this started. If you feel like contributing =link_to "read this", "/project/contribute.html" or write a = succeed "." do =ext_link "mail to the group" , "https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ruby-x" %h2.center News %p Last but not least, i try to get recent developments down on paper when they are still fresh. %p=post_link(Post.posts.values[0]) %p=post_link(Post.posts.values[1]) %p=post_link(Post.posts.values[2])