!!! Strict %html %head %meta{:content => "text/html; charset=UTF-8", "http-equiv" => "Content-Type"}/ %title Synthesis: An Efficient Implementation of Fundamental Operating System Services - Abstract %link{:href => "../css/style.css", :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css"}/ %link{:href => "style.css", :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css"}/ %body #nav %a.home{:href => "../index.html"} Alexia's Home %a{:href => "index.html"} Dissertation %a.here{:href => "abs.html"} Abstract %a{:href => "ack.html"} Acknowledgements %a{:href => "toc.html"} Contents %a{:href => "ch1.html"} Chapter 1 %a{:href => "ch2.html"} Chapter 2 %a{:href => "ch3.html"} Chapter 3 %a{:href => "ch4.html"} Chapter 4 %a{:href => "ch5.html"} Chapter 5 %a{:href => "ch6.html"} Chapter 6 %a{:href => "ch7.html"} Chapter 7 %a{:href => "ch8.html"} Chapter 8 %a{:href => "bib.html"} Bibliography %a{:href => "app-A.html"} Appendix A #running-title Synthesis: An Efficient Implementation of Fundamental Operating System Services - Abstract #content %h1 Abstract %p This dissertation shows that operating systems can provide fundamental services an order of magnitude more efficiently than traditional implementations. It describes the implementation of a new operating system kernel, Synthesis, that achieves this level of performance. %p The Synthesis kernel combines several new techniques to provide high performance without sacrificing the expressive power or security of the system. The new ideas include: %ul %li Run-time code synthesis - a systematic way of creating executable machine code at runtime to optimize frequently-used kernel routines - queues, buffers, context switchers, interrupt handlers, and system call dispatchers - for specific situations, greatly reducing their execution time. %li Fine-grain scheduling - a new process-scheduling technique based on the idea of feedback that performs frequent scheduling actions and policy adjustments (at submillisecond intervals) resulting in an adaptive, self-tuning system that can support real-time data streams. %li Lock-free optimistic synchronization is shown to be a practical, efficient alternative to lock-based synchronization methods for the implementation of multiprocessor operating system kernels. %li An extensible kernel design that provides for simple expansion to support new kernel services and hardware devices while allowing a tight coupling between the kernel and the applications, blurring the distinction between user and kernel services. The result is a significant performance improvement over traditional operating system implementations in addition to providing new services.