  Basic enumerator style blocks were not as bad as i though. Admittedly i thought they
  would be close to impossible, so compared to that a few hundred commits are really
  quite little.

%h2 Different kind of blocks
  To start with let me lay the ground. In ruby code, i see blocks used in basically
  two kind of ways. I call the first one the
  %b implicit block
  which is what you do when using iterators/enumerable. Ruby let's you pass the
  block as an
  %em implicit
  argument. This is the kind that is implemented and that i will go into detail about.
  The other kind i shall call
  %em explicit
  is when you define blocks as variables, either with lambda or proc syntax.
  As a slight complication implicit blocks may be captured and used in the same
  way as explicit blocks, but let's forget for a moment that i said that.
  Explicit blocks are good for a more functional style of programming and used much
  (much?) less. Also they are the ones that will need some expansion on what we have now.

%h2 Implicit Block properties
  Since i never had to implement blocks before, it was a bit of a surprise how simple
  it was.
  After dynamic dispatch was done i had planned to improve the std library. But i
  quickly ran into loops, and doing loops without blocks in ruby is just too weird.
  So i started on blocks instead, which i must admit i thought would be very (very)
  But then i found that actually blocks are very similar to methods, just with a
  As it turns out, the implicit block calling basically guarantees that the caller's caller
  is the method where the block is defined. This means one knows all local variables and
  method args, while compiling the block. And can thus resolve all variable access
  at compile time, who knew!
  Ok, just in case that slipped off too quick, i'll say it again: For the
  %em implicit
  blocks, all variable (local/args/instance) are statically known at compile time.
  And since basic control structures (if/while) are obviously the same inside
  a block and method, the whole problem of blocks reduces to variable access.

%h2 Base classes
  When we have things that are the same in oo, the big oo hammer comes out: inheritance.
  So i made a base class for Block and Method, called Callable. And similarly
  a base class for MethodCompiler and it's new equivalent BlockCompiler, called

  The reason i mention this much detail is just because i was so surprised how little
  difference there is between the derived classes. In the case of Block and Method over
  95% of the code is in the base class, and for the compilers it's still over 80%.
  It really is only that scope resolution.
  The difference is that a Method resolves a variable in it's own frame, whereas a Block
  resolves it in the frame of the callers caller, ie where it was defined. And since
  we have a nice and simple calling convention, it is just two extra instruction per
  variable access.

  So, in the hope of proving how crazy fast it would be, i started on benchmarks.
  But here we come to another story. RubyX does consume memory quite fast, but has
  no allocation yet. So i could fix it by creating megabytes of shell objects at
  compile time, or bite the bullet and implement
  %b "new". 'Cause i'll do that, means we have to wait for the numbers.

%h2 Dynamic Blocks
  Since i pushed the Procs aside up there, i just want to say that this was not without
  consideration. I think the solution to Procs is not too difficult and the current state
  can be expanded to handle them thus: We need to check the method of the callers caller
  when entering the block code. If the implicit assumption holds, the code can execute.
  If not, we need to jump to an alternate version of the code that does the variable
  resolution dynamically.
  Basically that means compiling two alternate versions of the code and having the switch
  when entering the block code. Again though, since the calling convention is simple,
  the runtime resolution is relatively simple. And it can even be coded in ruby,
  since we can call out to a method from the generated code.

%h2 Ying and Yang of Methods and Blocks
  Sending for methods is sort of equivalent to yielding for blocks. The two use the exact same
  calling convention. In fact yield is almost identical to ".send", so when the time
  comes to do that, we're almost set.
  In methods we have the static case, where the method is known
  at compile time. And then we have dynamic dispatch, where the the method is resolved
  at run-time and called dynamically. But in both cases variable resolution is
  completely compile-time.
  And then we have blocks with the "static" version, where the block that is passed
  is known at compile-time, but only to the caller, not the callee. So the callee needs
  to invoke (yield) dynamically, but still the variable resolution is static (compile-time).
  And then the dynamic block version (Procs) where no resolution is necessary to
  call the Proc (since it is given as a variable), but instead the variables
  have to be resolved at run-time.
  To me they are sort of reversely symmetric. I'll have to try and make a diagram
  one day.

%h2 Side note on Builder
  Since i started with the builder and the associated dsl, i got more and more into it.
  The dsl provides quite readable code, there is sort of assignment and a few shortcuts
  to other risc instructions. But at the risc level one is really quite busy shuffling
  data from here to there, so the "assignment" which covers
  =ext_link "RegToSlot" , "https://github.com/ruby-x/rubyx/blob/master/lib/risc/instructions/reg_to_slot.rb"
  =ext_link "SlotToReg" , "https://github.com/ruby-x/rubyx/blob/master/lib/risc/instructions/slot_to_reg.rb"
  =ext_link "Transfer" , "https://github.com/ruby-x/rubyx/blob/master/lib/risc/instructions/transfer.rb"
  helps a lot.

  Because of this, i  have now rewritten all of the to_risc functions in Mom, that generate
  risc instructions using the dsl. Also the builtin code (including div10, shudder) uses
  the dsl. It is
  %em much
  easier to understand, and gets rid of a fair few crutches i created on the way.
  It's even
  =link_to  "documented", "/rubyx/builder.html.haml"

%h2 Future
  As i said, what i really would want to do now is some benchmarking.
  At least i got the Fibonacci of 30 to work. That's something! It took 7632 instructions.
  That doesn't sound too bad, and is in fact twice as fast as mri (theoretically).
  That means 1000 times fibo(30) per second on a PI.
  Alas, we need
  %b new
  first, even to count to 1000. That's not too bad in itself, but it does need allocate.
  That in itself is also not too bad, until you get to that else case,
  where the memory has run out.
  Then there is a mmap syscall and ... what? I guess i'll find out.
  A note for the far future: Since we now have different compilers, and we will need
  alternative code paths before long, inlining doesn't sound so impossible anymore
  either. Just another compiler with different scoping rules, another type test, another