  Now that i
  %em have
  had time to write some more code (250 commits last month), here is
  the good news:
%h2#sending-is-done Sending is done
  A dynamic language like ruby really has at it’s heart the dynamic method resolution. Without
  that we’d be writing C++. Not much can be done in ruby without looking up methods.
  Yet all this time i have been running circles around this mother of a problem, because
  (after all) it is a BIG one. It must be the one single most important reason why dynamic
  languages are interpreted and not compiled.
%h2#a-brief-recap A brief recap
  Last year already i started on a rewrite. After hitting this exact same wall for the fourth
  time. I put in some more Layers, the way a good programmer fixes any daunting problem.
  %a{:href => "https://github.com/ruby-x/rubyx"} Readme
  has quite a good summary on the new layers,
  and off course i’ll update the architecture soon. But in case you didn’t click, here is the
  very very short summary:
      Vool is a Virtual Object Oriented Language. Virtual in that is has no own syntax. But
      it has semantics, and those are substantially simpler than ruby. Vool is Ruby without
      the fluff.
      Mom, the Minimal Object Machine layer is the first machine layer. Mom has no concept of memory
      yet, only objects. Data is transferred directly from object
      to object with one of Mom’s main instructions, the SlotLoad.
      Risc layer here abstracts the Arm in a minimal and independent way. It does not model
      any real RISC cpu instruction set, but rather implements what is needed for rubyx.
      There is a minimal
      %em Arm
      translator that transforms Risc instructions to Arm instructions.
      Arm instructions assemble themselves into binary code. A minimal
      %em Elf
      implementation is
      able to create executable binaries from the assembled code and Parfait objects.
      Parfait: Generating code (by descending above layers) is only half the story in an oo system.
      The other half is classes, types, constant objects and a minimal run-time. This is
      what is Parfait is.
%h2#compiling-and-building Compiling and building
  After having finished all this layering work, i was back to square
  = succeed ":" do
    %em resolve
  But off course when i got there i started thinking that the resolve method (in ruby)
  would need resolve itself. And after briefly considering cheating (hardcoding type
  information into this
  %em one
  method), i opted to write the code in Risc. Basically assembler.
  And it was horrible. It worked, but it was completely unreadable. So then i wrote a dsl for
  generating risc instructions, using a combination of method_missing, instance_eval and
  operator overloading. The result is quite readable code, a mixture between assembler and
  a mathematical notation, where one can just freely name registers and move data around
  %em []
  = succeed "." do
    %em «
  By then resolving worked, but it was still a method. Since it was already in risc, i basically
  inlined the code by creating a new Mom instruction and moving the code to it’s
  = succeed "." do
    %em to_risc
  A small bug in calling the resulting method was fixed, and
  = succeed "," do
    %em voila
%h2#the-proof The proof
  Previous, static, Hello Worlds looked like this:
  \> “Hello world”.putstring
  Off course we can know the type that putstring applies to and so this does not
  involve any method resolution at runtime, only at compile time.
  Todays step is thus:
  \> a = “Hello World”
  %p a.putstring
  This does involve a run-time lookup of the
  %em putstring
  method. It being a method on String,
  it is indeed found and called.(1) Hurray.
  And maths works too:
  \> a = 150
  %p a.div10
  Does indeed result in 15. Even with the
  %em new
  integers. Part of the rewrite was to upgrade
  integers to first class objects.
  PS(1): I know with more analysis the compiler
  %em could
  now that
  %em a
  is a String (or Integer),
  but just now it doesn’t. Take my word for it or even better, read the code.