#content %h1 Bibliography .bib-conference %span.bib-number [1] %span.bib-author M. Accetta, R. Baron, W. Bolosky, D. Golub, R. Rashid, A. Tevanian, and M. Young. %span.bib-title Mach: A New Kernel Foundation for %span.smallcaps Unix Development. %span.bib-source Proceedings of the 1986 Usenix Conference %span.bib-pages pages 93-112. %span.bib-publisher Usenix Association, %span.bib-date 1986. .bib-conference %span.bib-number [2] %span.bib-author Sarita V. Adve, Vikram S. Adve, Mark D. Hill, and Mary K. Vernon. %span.bib-title Comparison of Hardware and Software Cache Coherence Schemes. %span.bib-source The 18th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture %span.bib-pages volume 19, pages 298-308, %span.bib-date 1991. .bib-conference %span.bib-number [3] %span.bib-author T.E. Anderson, B.N. Bershad, E.D. Lazowska, and H.M. Levy. %span.bib-title Scheduler Activations: Effective Kernel Support for the User-Level Management of Parallelism. %span.bib-source Proceedings of the 13th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %span.bib-pages pages 95-109, Pacific Grove, CA, %span.bib-date October 1991. ACM. .bib-entry %span.bib-number [4] %span.bib-author James Arleth. %span.bib-title A 68010 multiuser development system. = succeed "," do %span.bib-source Master's thesis %span.bib-date 1984. .bib-conference %span.bib-number [5] %span.bib-author Brian N. Bershad, Edward D. Lazowska, Henry M. Levy, and David B. Wagner. %span.bib-title An Open Environment for Building Parallel Programming Systems. %span.bib-source Symposium on Parallel Programming: Experience with Applications, Languages and Systems %span.bib-pages pages 1-9, New Haven, Connecticut (USA), %span.bib-date July 1988. ACM SIGPLAN. .bib-conference %span.bib-number [6] %span.bib-author A. Black, N. Hutchinson, E. Jul, and H. Levy. %span.bib-title Object Structure in the Emerald System. %span.bib-source Proceedings of the First Annual Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications %span.bib-pages pages 78-86. ACM, %span.bib-date September 1986. .bib-journal %span.bib-number [7] %span.bib-author D.L. Black. %span.bib-title Scheduling Support for Concurrency and Parallelism in the Mach Operating System. %span.bib-source IEEE Computer %span.bib-pages 23(5):35-43, %span.bib-date May 1990. .bib-conference %span.bib-number [8] %span.bib-author Min-Ih Chen and Kwei-Jay Lin. %span.bib-title A Priority Ceiling Protocol for Multiple-Instance Resources. = succeed "," do %span.bib-source IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium %span.bib-date December 1991. .bib-journal %span.bib-number [9] %span.bib-author David Cheriton. %span.bib-title An Experiment Using Registers for Fast Message-Based Interprocess Communication. %span.bib-source ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review %span.bib-pages 18(4):12-20, %span.bib-date October 1984. .bib-entry %span.bib-number [10] %span.bib-author F. Christian. %span.bib-title Probabilistic Clock Synchronization. = succeed "," do %span.bib-source Technical Report RJ6432 (62550) Computer Science %span.bib-date September 1988. .bib-book %span.bib-number [11] %span.bib-author H.M. Deitel. %span.bib-title An Introduction to Operating Systems. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, second edition, %span.bib-date 1989. .bib-conference %span.bib-number [12] %span.bib-author Richard P. Draves, Brian N. Bershad, Richard F. Rashid, and Randall W. Dean. %span.bib-title Using Continuations to Implement Thread Management and Communication in Operating Systems. %span.bib-source Proceedings of the 13th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %span.bib-pages pages 122-136, Pacific Grove, CA, %span.bib-date October 1991. ACM. .bib-journal %span.bib-number [13] %span.bib-author J. Feder. %span.bib-title The Evolution of %span.smallcaps Unix System Performance. %span.bib-source AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal %span.bib-pages 63(8):1791-1814, %span.bib-date October 1984. .bib-journal %span.bib-number [14] %span.bib-author P.M. Herlihy. %span.bib-title Wait-Free Synchronization. %span.bib-source ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems %span.bib-pages 13(1), %span.bib-date January 1991. .bib-entry %span.bib-number [15] %span.bib-author Neil D. Jones, Peter Sestoft, and Harald Sondergaard. %span.bib-title Mix: A Self-Applicable Partial Evaluator for Experiments in Compiler Generation. %span.bib-source Lisp and Symbolic Computation %span.bib-pages 2(9-50):10, 1989. .bib-entry %span.bib-number [16] %span.bib-author David Keppel, Susan J. Eggers, and Robert R. Henry. %span.bib-title A Case for Runtime Code Generation. = succeed "," do %span.bib-source Technical Report UW CS&E 91-11-04 %span.bib-date November 1991. .bib-conference %span.bib-number [17] %span.bib-author B.D. Marsh, M.L.Scott, T.J.LeBlanc, and E.P.Markatos. %span.bib-title First-Class User-Level Threads. %span.bib-source Proceedings of the 13th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %span.bib-pages pages 95-109, Pacific Grove, CA, %span.bib-date October 1991. ACM. .bib-conference %span.bib-number [18] %span.bib-author H. Massalin and C. Pu. %span.bib-title Threads and Input/Output in the Synthesis Kernel. %span.bib-source Proceedings of the Twelfth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %span.bib-pages pages 191-201, Arizona, %span.bib-date December 1989. .bib-entry %span.bib-number [19] %span.bib-author Henry Massalin. %span.bib-title A 68010 Multitasking Development System. Master's thesis, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York City, %span.bib-date 1984. .bib-book %span.bib-number [20] %span.bib-author Motorola. %span.bib-title MC68881 and MC68882 Floating-Point Coprocessor User's Manual. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 07632, %span.bib-date 1987. .bib-book %span.bib-number [21] %span.bib-author Motorola. %span.bib-title MC68030 User's Manual. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 07632, %span.bib-date 1989. .bib-conference %span.bib-number [22] %span.bib-author J. Ousterhout. %span.bib-title Why Aren't Operating Systems Getting Faster as Fast as Hardware. %span.bib-source USENIX Summer Conference %span.bib-pages pages 247-256, Anaheim, CA, %span.bib-date June 1990. .bib-conference %span.bib-number [23] %span.bib-author Susan Owicki and Anant Agarwal. %span.bib-title Evaluating the Performance of Software Cache Coherence. = succeed "." do %span.bib-source Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Programming Languages and Operating Systems %span.bib-date 1989. .bib-entry %span.bib-number [24] %span.bib-author R. Pike, D. Presotto, K. Thompson, and H. Trickey. %span.bib-title Plan 9 from Bell Labs. = succeed "," do %span.bib-source Technical Report CSTR # 158 %span.bib-date 1991. .bib-journal %span.bib-number [25] %span.bib-author C. Pu, H. Massalin, and J. Ioannidis. %span.bib-title The Synthesis Kernel. %span.bib-source Computing Systems %span.bib-pages 1(1):11-32, %span.bib-date Winter 1988. .bib-journal %span.bib-number [26] %span.bib-author J.S. Quarterman, A. Silberschatz, and J.L. Peterson. %span.bib-title 4.2BSD and 4.3BSD as Examples of the %span.smallcaps Unix System. %span.bib-source ACM Computing Surveys %span.bib-pages 17(4):379-418, %span.bib-date December 1985. .bib-journal %span.bib-number [27] %span.bib-author D. Ritchie. %span.bib-title A Stream Input-Output System. %span.bib-source AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal %span.bib-pages 63(8):1897-1910, %span.bib-date October 1984. .bib-journal %span.bib-number [28] %span.bib-author D.M. Ritchie and K. Thompson. %span.bib-title The %span.smallcaps Unix Time-Sharing System. %span.bib-source Communications of ACM %span.bib-pages 7(7):365-375, %span.bib-date July 1974. .bib-journal %span.bib-number [29] %span.bib-author J.A. Stankovic. %span.bib-title Misconceptions About Real-Time Computing: A Serious Problem for Next-Generation Systems. %span.bib-source IEEE Computer %span.bib-pages 21(10):10-19, %span.bib-date October 1988. .bib-journal %span.bib-number [30] %span.bib-author M. Stonebraker. %span.bib-title Operating System Support for Database Management. %span.bib-source Communications of ACM %span.bib-pages 24(7):412-418, %span.bib-date July 1981. .bib-entry %span.bib-number [31] %span.bib-author Sun Microsystems Incorporated, 2550 Garcia Avenue, Mountain View, California 94043, 415-960-1300. %span.bib-title SunOS Reference Manual, %span.bib-date May 1988. .bib-conference %span.bib-number [32] %span.bib-author Peter Wegner. %span.bib-title Dimensions of Object-Based Language Design. %span.bib-source Norman Meyrowitz, editor, Proceedings of the OOPSLA'87 conference %span.bib-pages pages 168-182, Orlando FL (USA), %span.bib-date 1987. ACM. .bib-conference %span.bib-number [33] %span.bib-author Mark Weiser, Alan Demers, and Carl Hauser. %span.bib-title The Portable Common Runtime Approach to Interoperability. %span.bib-source Proceedings of the 12th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles %span.bib-pages pages 114-122, Litchfield Park AZ (USA), %span.bib-date December 1989. ACM. .bib-journal %span.bib-number [34] %span.bib-author W.A. Wulf, E. Cohen, W. Corwin, A. Jones, R. Levin, C. Pierson, and F. Pollack. %span.bib-title Hydra: The Kernel of a Multiprocessing Operating System. %span.bib-source Communications of ACM %span.bib-pages 17(6):337-345, %span.bib-date June 1974.