There is off course no truth in Physics, or science, though it was a hard nut to swallow.
Science is about facts, usually irrelavant facts. Irrelevant to the person’s life that is learning and teaching.
It’s about talking in detail about the irrelevant, while never mentioning that it is irrelevant.
Science is about pretence of knowlege, not real knowledge which is about life, love, or something meaningful.
The sign of intelligence is surely learning and reflection.
But while it is not a big step to realise that what everyone needs to learn most is how to be fullfilled
(colloqually called happy), and the reflection that matters most is that of ones own life,
it is also a step rarely taken.
Sadly all the talk about not meaningful things is keeping most people quite busy and away from any meaningful self-searching.
I have done my spiritual search, it started long ago, lead me to my master and finding the truth and love.
Spiritually i have searched and i have found. I am left without question. That is, for me (not generally, or you) i have answers to any meaningful question. And i am completely fulfilled in my life, my work, and most importantly my love. My whole life is a whole, not as it used to be many distinct parts and i have no problems, either in daily life or in general.
%h3#an-echo-karma-unfulfilled An echo, karma unfulfilled
So why am still doing this and not out there teaching. At least it seems that anyone who has realized anything feels the
need to go forth and tell others. But it is not my way and that is ok, in the same way that not everyone who learns english
becomes an english teacher.
The best i can come up with it that there is still karma that needs to be cleaned. Just to clarify, karma is unresolved