Part of what got me started on this project was the intuition that our programming model is in some way broken and so by
good old programmers logic: you haven't understood it til you programmed it, I started to walk into the fog.
### FPGA's
Don't ask me why they should be called Field Programmable Gate Arrays, but they have facinated me for years, because off
course they offer the "ultimate" in programming. Do away with fixed cpu instruction sets and get the programm in silicon.
But several attempts at learning the black magic have left me only little the wiser. Verlilog or VHDL are the languages that
make up 80-90% of what is used and they so not object oriented, or in any way user friendly. So that has been on the long
list, until i bumped into [pshdl]( by way of Karstens [excellent video on it]( Pshdl aim to be simple and indeed looks it. Also similuation is exact
and fast. Definately the way to go Karsten!
But what struck me is something he said. That in hardware programming it's all about getting your design/programm to fit into
the space you have, and make the timing of the gates work.
And i realized that is what is missing from our programming model: time and space. There is no time, as calls happen
sequentially / always immediately. And there is no space as we have global memory with random access, unlimited by virtual
memory. But the world we live in is governed by time and space, and that governs the way our brain works.
### Active Objects vs threads
That is off course not soo new, and the actir model has been created to fix that. And while i haven't used it much,
i believe it does, especially in non techie problems. And [Celluloid]( seems to be a great
implementation of that idea.
Off course Celluloid needs native threads, so you'll need to run rubinius or jruby. Understandibly. And so we have
a fix for the problem, if we use celluloid.
But it is a fix, it is not part of the system. The system has sequetial calls per thread and threads. Threads are evil as