/* * This file contains patch control flags. * * In principle you should be able to mix and match any patches * you may want. In cases where patches are logically incompatible * one patch may take precedence over the other as noted in the * relevant descriptions. */ /* Patches */ /* The alpha patch adds transparency for the terminal. * https://st.suckless.org/patches/alpha/ */ #define ALPHA_PATCH 1 /* This patch allows st to reize to any pixel size rather than snapping to character width/height. * https://st.suckless.org/patches/anysize/ */ #define ANYSIZE_PATCH 1 /* By default bold text is rendered with a bold font in the bright variant of the current color. * This patch makes bold text rendered simply as bold, leaving the color unaffected. * https://st.suckless.org/patches/bold-is-not-bright/ */ #define BOLD_IS_NOT_BRIGHT_PATCH 1 /* By default st only sets PRIMARY on selection. * This patch makes st set CLIPBOARD on selection. * https://st.suckless.org/patches/clipboard/ */ #define CLIPBOARD_PATCH 1