This dwm 6.2 side project has a different take on dwm patching. It uses preprocessor directives to decide whether or not to include a patch during build time. Essentially this means that this build, for better or worse, contains both the patched and the original code. The aim being that you can select which patches to include and the build will contain that code and nothing more.
For example to include the alpha
patch then you would only need to flip this setting from 0 to 1 in patches.h:
#define ALPHA_PATCH 1
So if you have ever been curious about trying out dwm, but have been discouraged by manual patching, then this may be a good starting point to see what a "fully fledged" dwm can look like. Want to try out the pertag
patch? Just flip a config and recompile. Once you have found out what works for you and what don't then you should be in a better position to choose patches should you want to start patching from scratch.
Refer to for details on the dwm window manager, how to install it and how it works.
2019-09-13 - Added titlecolor and push patches
2019-09-12 - Added activetagindicatorbar, alwaysfullscreen and autoresize patches
2019-09-11 - Added monitor rules, combo and ewmhtags patches
2019-09-10 - Minor tweaks to awesomebar patch (incl. alpha and systray compatibility). Added floatbordercolor patch.
2019-09-09 - Added deck, fibonacci (dwindle and spiral), gridmode, gapplessgrid, horizgrid, nrowgrid, centeredmaster and flextile layouts. Added alternativetags and awesomebar patches.
2019-09-08 - Added cfacts and vanitygaps patches, added bstack and bstackhoriz layouts
2019-09-07 - Added cyclelayouts, resizecorners, rotatestack, savefloats, statuspadding, switchtag, center and windowrolerule patches
2019-09-06 - Added attachabove, attachaside, attachbelow, attachbottom, autostart, fancybar, focusonnetactive and losefullscreen patches
2019-09-05 - Alpha, systray, togglefullscreen, tagallmon, tagmonfixfs, tagswapmon, pertag and zoomswap patches added
Patches included:
- this patch changes the rectangle indicating if a tag is used by a client into a bar above the tag name
- adds transparency for the status bar
- adds alternative tags which can be toggled on the fly for the sole purpose of providing visual aid
- prevents the focus to drift from the active fullscreen client when using focusstack()
- new windows are placed above selected client
- new windows are placed on top of the stack
- new windows are placed below selected client
- new windows are placed at the bottom of the stack
- by default, windows that are not visible when requesting a resize/move will not get resized/moved, with this patch, however, they will
- makes dwm run
and~/.dwm/ &
on startup
- makes dwm run
- enhanced taskbar that allows focus / hiding / unhiding of windows by clicking on the status bar
- adds an iscentered rule to automatically center clients on the current monitor
- the cfacts patch provides the ability to assign different weights to clients in their respective stack in tiled layout
- allows you to select multiple tags by pressing all the right keys as a combo, e.g. hold MOD and press and hold 1 and 3 together to view those two tags
- lets you cycle through all your layouts
- adds EWMH support for _NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS, _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP, _NET_DESKTOP_NAMES and _NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT, which allows for compatibility with other bars and programs that request workspace information, e.g. polybar's xworkspaces module
- shows the titles of all visible windows in the status bar
- this patch allows a different border color to be chosen for floating windows
- by default, dwm responds to _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW client messages by setting the urgency bit on the named window
- this patch activates the window instead
- by default in dwm it is possible to make an application fullscreen, then use the focusstack keybindings to focus on other windows beneath the current window
- it is also possible to spawn new windows (e.g. a terminal) that end up getting focus while the previous window remains in fullscreen
- this patch ensures that in such scenarios the previous window loses fullscreen
- adds rules per monitor, e.g. have default layouts per monitor
- the use case for this is if the second monitor is vertical (i.e. rotated) then you may want to use a different default layout for this monitor than what is used for the main monitor (for example normal vertical split for main monitor and horizontal split for the second)
- adds nmaster, mfact, layouts and more per tag rather than per monitor
- this patch provides a way to move clients up and down inside the client list
- by default, windows only resize from the bottom right corner
- with this patch the mouse is warped to the nearest corner and you resize from there
- let's you rotate through the stack using keyboard shortcuts
- saves size and position of every floating window before it is forced into tiled mode
- if the window is made floating again then the old dimensions will be restored
- adds configuration options for horizontal and vertical padding in the status bar
- adds system tray in the status bar
- when an application opens on a specific tab this patch adds the option to also switch to that tag when the application starts
- move all visible windows to an adjacent monitor
- allows moving a fullscreen window to another monitor while remaining in fullscreen
- swap all visible windows on one monitor with those of an adjacent monitor
- adds a new color scheme used by the (selected) window title in the bar
- allows you to toggle fullscreen on and off using a single shortcut key
- adds configurable gaps between windows differentiating between outer, inner, horizontal and vertical gaps
- sometimes a single application opens different windows depending on the task at hand and this is often reflected in the WM_WINDOW_ROLE(STRING) x property
- this patch adds the role field to the rule configuration so that one can differentiate between, say, Firefox "browser" vs "Preferences" vs "Manager" or Google-chrome "browser" vs "pop-up".
- allows a master and a stack window to swap places rather than every window on the screen changing position
Layouts included:
- bottomstack layout
- bottomstack horizontal layout
- centeredmaster layout
- centeredfloatingmaster layout
- deck layout
- fibonacci (dwindle and spiral) layouts
- expanded flextile patch supporting:
- horizontal and vertical split
- centered horizontal and vertical split
- pertag, cfacts, rmaster, vanitygaps patches
- tile, deck, monocle, centeredmaster, bstack, bstackhoriz, gapplessgrid and more
- expanded flextile patch supporting:
- gappless grid layout
- gridmode (grid) layout
- horizontal grid layout
- nrowgrid layout, number of rows in grid controlled by nmaster