#!/usr/bin/env bash eval "$(dircolors --sh)" # Setup correct colors # Cache directory CACHE_DIR="/tmp/fuz_cache" mkdir -p "$CACHE_DIR" FD_OPTIONS="--hidden --color=always --follow" FD_EXCLUDE_ARGS="-E .cache -E .github -E github -E .local/state -E .ssh -E .android -E GIMP -E Thunar -E .config/blender -E .config/mpv/script_modules -E .config/mpv/scripts -E .config/tmux/plugins -E fontforge -E fzf-tab-completion -E .gnupg -E libreoffice -E node_modules -E obsidian -E .obsidian -E qBittorrent -E subversion -E .terminfo -E terminfo -E .local/share/nvim/mason/packages -E *.pyc -E .maxima -E .config/vivaldi -E .mozilla -E *.o" # Function to populate the cache populate_cache() { fd $FD_OPTIONS $FD_EXCLUDE_ARGS -E .git >"$CACHE_DIR/all" fd $FD_OPTIONS $FD_EXCLUDE_ARGS -E .git --type directory >"$CACHE_DIR/folders" fd --color=always -HI '^.git$' --type d --base-directory ~ $FD_EXCLUDE_ARGS | sed 's|\\[1\;34m\.git\\[0m\\[1\;34m\/\\[0m||' >"$CACHE_DIR/git" fd $FD_OPTIONS $FD_EXCLUDE_ARGS -E .git -e pdf -e epub -e djvu >"$CACHE_DIR/documents" fd $FD_OPTIONS $FD_EXCLUDE_ARGS -E .git -e jpg -e jpeg -e png -e webp -e bmp -e tiff -e tif -e raw -e ico -e exif -e heic -e heif -e gif -e avif -e jxl >"$CACHE_DIR/images" fd $FD_OPTIONS $FD_EXCLUDE_ARGS -E .git -e mkv -e mp4 -e webm -e avi >"$CACHE_DIR/videos" } # Populate the cache initially populate_cache & MONITOR_EXCLUDE_DIRS=( "$HOME/.cache" "$HOME/.mozilla" "$HOME/.pki" "$HOME/.terminfo" "$HOME/.local/state" ) # Combine excluded directories into a single regular expression pattern MONITOR_EXCLUDE_PATTERN=$( IFS="|" echo "${MONITOR_EXCLUDE_DIRS[*]}" ) # Watch for changes in ~ and update the cache inotifywait -m -q -r -e move -e create -e delete --exclude "$MONITOR_EXCLUDE_PATTERN" "$HOME" | while read -r; do # Throttle cache updates by sleeping for 1 second sleep 10 populate_cache done