Shortcuts in keyboard selection mode:

h, j, k, l:              move cursor left/down/up/right (also with arrow keys)
H, M, L:                 move cursor to the top/middle/bottom of the screen
Home, End:               move cursor to the top/bottom of the screen
Backspace or 0, $ or A:  move cursor to the beginning/end of the line
^ or I:                  move cursor to the beginning of the indented line
!:                       move cursor to the middle of the row
_:                       move cursor to the right edge of the screen
*:                       move cursor to the center of the screen
w, W                     jump forward to the start of a word
e, E                     jump forward to the end of a word
b, B                     jump backward to the start of a word
g, G:                    go to the first/last line
z:                       center the screen on the cursor
PgUp or K, PgDown or J:  scroll the page up/down
/, ?:                    activate input mode and search up/down
n, N:                    repeat last search and search forward/backward
f, F:                    jump forward/backward to the given character
t, T:                    jump forward/backward to before the given character
; or r                   repeat previous f, t, F or T movement and move forward
, or R                   repeat previous f, t, F or T movement and move backward
v:                       toggle selection mode
V:                       toggle line selection mode
s:                       toggle regular/rectangular selection type
y:                       yank (copy) selected text
0 - 9:                   set the quantifier
Return:                  quit keyboard_select, yank and keep the highlight of the selection
Escape, q:               quit keyboard_select/exit input mode/exit selection mode/reset quantifier