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/* Patches */
/* The alpha patch adds transparency for the dmenu window.
* You need to uncomment the corresponding line in config.mk to use the -lXrender library
* when including this patch.
#define ALPHA_PATCH 0
/* This patch adds a border around the dmenu window. It is intended to be used with the center
* or xyw patches, to make the menu stand out from similarly coloured windows.
* http://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/border/
#define BORDER_PATCH 0
/* This patch makes dmenu case-insensitive by default, replacing the
* case-insensitive -i option with a case sensitive -s option.
* http://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/case-insensitive/
/* This patch centers dmenu in the middle of the screen.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/center/
#define CENTER_PATCH 0
/* This patch enables color emoji in dmenu by removing a workaround for a BadLength error
* in the Xft library when color glyphs are used.
* To enable this you will need an updated Xft library that can handle color glyphs otherwise
* the program will crash on encountering such characters. Note that you will also need a font
* that provides color emojis for this to work.
/* This patch adds a flag (-dy) which makes dmenu run the command given to it whenever input
* is changed with the current input as the last argument and update the option list according
* to the output of that command.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/dynamicoptions/
/* This patch make it so that fuzzy matches gets highlighted and is therefore meant
* to be used together with the fuzzymatch patch.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/fuzzyhighlight/
/* This patch adds support for fuzzy-matching to dmenu, allowing users to type non-consecutive
* portions of the string to be matched.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/fuzzymatch/
/* Allows dmenu's entries to be rendered in a grid by adding a new -g flag to specify
* the number of grid columns. The -g and -l options can be used together to create a
* G columns * L lines grid.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/grid/
#define GRID_PATCH 0
/* This patch adds the ability to move left and right through a grid.
* This patch depends on the grid patch.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/gridnav/
/* This patch highlights the individual characters of matched text for each dmenu list entry.
* The fuzzy highlight patch takes precedence over this patch.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/highlight/
/* This will automatically sort the search result so that high priority items are shown first.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/highpriority/
/* This patch causes dmenu to print out the current text each time a key is pressed.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/incremental/
/* This patch adds an option to provide preselected text.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/initialtext/
/* This patch adds a flag which will cause dmenu to select an item immediately if there
* is only one matching option left.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/instant/
/* This patch adds basic support for json files.
* This patch depends on the jansson library. Uncomment the relevant line in config.mk when
* enabling this patch.
* This patch is not compatible with the multi-selection, printinputtext, pipeout and
* non-blocking stdin patches.
* The multi-selection patch takes precedence over this patch.
* This patch takes precedence over non-blocking stdin, pipeout and printintputtext patches.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/json/
#define JSON_PATCH 0
/* This patch adds a '-h' option which sets the minimum height of a dmenu line. This helps
* integrate dmenu with other UI elements that require a particular vertical size.
* http://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/line-height/
/* This patch adds a -wm flag which sets override_redirect to false; thus letting your window
* manager manage the dmenu window.
* This may be helpful in contexts where you don't want to exclusively bind dmenu or want to
* treat dmenu more as a "window" rather than as an overlay.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/managed/
/* This patch adds an additional color scheme for highlighting entries adjacent to the current
* selection.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/morecolor/
/* This patch adds basic mouse support for dmenu.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/mouse-support/
/* Without this patch when you press Ctrl+Enter dmenu just outputs current item and it is not
* possible to undo that.
* With this patch dmenu will output all selected items only on exit. It is also possible to
* deselect any selected item.
* Also refer to the dmenu_run replacement on the below URL that supports multiple selections.
* This patch is not compatible with, and takes precedence over, the json, printinputtext,
* pipeout and non-blocking stdin patches.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/multi-selection/
/* This patch provides dmenu the ability for history navigation similar to that of bash.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/navhistory/
/* Adds the -S option to disable sorting menu items after matching. Useful, for example, when menu
* items are sorted by their frequency of use (using an external cache) and the most frequently
* selected items should always appear first regardless of how they were exact, prefix, or
* substring matches.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/no-sort/
#define NO_SORT_PATCH 0
/* This is a patch to have dmenu read stdin in a non blocking way, making it wait for input both
* from stdin and from X. This means that you can continue feeding dmenu while you type.
* This patch is meant to be used along with the incremental patch, so that you can use stdout
* to feed stdin.
* This patch is not compatible with the json and multi-selection patches, both of which takes
* precedence over this patch.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/non_blocking_stdin/
/* Adds text which displays the number of matched and total items in the top right corner of dmenu.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/numbers/
/* This patch adds simple markup for dmenu using pango markup.
* This depends on the pango library v1.44 or greater.
* You need to uncomment the corresponding lines in config.mk to use the pango libraries
* when including this patch.
* Note that the pango patch is incompatible with the scroll patch and will result in
* compilation errors if both are enabled.
* Note that the pango patch does not protect against the BadLength error from Xft
* when color glyphs are used, which means that dmenu will crash if color emoji is used.
* If you need color emoji then you may want to install this patched library from the AUR:
* https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/libxft-bgra/
* A long term fix for the libXft library is pending approval of this pull request:
* https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/lib/libxft/-/merge_requests/1
* Also see:
* https://developer.gnome.org/pygtk/stable/pango-markup-language.html
* https://github.com/StillANixRookie/dmenu-pango
#define PANGO_PATCH 0
/* With this patch dmenu will not directly display the keyboard input, but instead replace
* it with dots. All data from stdin will be ignored.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/password/
/* This patch allows the selected text to be piped back out with dmenu. This can be useful if you
* want to display the output of a command on the screen.
* Only text starting with the character '#' is piped out by default.
* This patch is not compatible with the json and multi-select patches, both of which takes
* precedence over this one.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/pipeout/
/* Lifted from the listfullwidth patch this simple change just avoids colors for the prompt (with
* the -p option or in config.h) by making it use the same style as the rest of the input field.
* The rest of the listfullwidth patch is covered by the vertfull patch.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/listfullwidth/
/* This patch changes the behaviour of matched items and the Tab key to allow tab completion.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/prefix-completion/
/* This patch adds an option -ps to specify an item by providing the index that should be
* pre-selected.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/preselect/
/* This patch allows dmenu to print out the 0-based index of matched text instead of the matched
* text itself. This can be useful in cases where you would like to select entries from one array
* of text but index into another, or when you are selecting from an ordered list of non-unique
* items.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/printindex/
/* This patch adds a flag (-t) which makes Return key to ignore selection and print the input
* text to stdout. The flag basically swaps the functions of Return and Shift+Return hotkeys.
* This patch is not compatible with the multi-select and json patches, both of which takes
* precedence over this one.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/printinputtext/
/* This patch adds a new flag to dmenu with which text input will be rejected if it would
* result in no matching item.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/reject-no-match/
/* This patch adds a '-r' option which disables Shift-Return and Ctrl-Return.
* This guarantees that dmenu will only output one item, and that item was read from stdin.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/restrict-return/
/* This patch adds support for text scrolling and no longer appends '...' for long input as
* it can handle long text.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/scroll/
#define SCROLL_PATCH 0
/* This patch allows the symbols, which are printed in dmenu to indicate that either the input
* is too long or there are too many options to be shown in dmenu in one line, to be defined.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/symbols/
/* With this patch dmenu will split input lines at first tab character and only display first
* part, but it will perform matching on and output full lines as usual.
* This can be useful if you want to separate data and representation, for example, a music
* player wrapper can display only a track title to user, but still supply full filename to
* the underlying script.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/tsv/
#define TSV_PATCH 0
/* This patch prevents dmenu from indenting items at the same level as the prompt length.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/vertfull/
/* Adds extended window manager hints such as _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE and _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK.
* https://github.com/Baitinq/dmenu/blob/master/patches/dmenu-wm_type.diff
#define WMTYPE_PATCH 0
/* This patch adds the ability to configure dmenu via Xresources. At startup, dmenu will read and
* apply the resources named below:
* dmenu.font : font or font set
* dmenu.background : normal background color
* dmenu.foreground : normal foreground color
* dmenu.selbackground : selected background color
* dmenu.selforeground : selected foreground color
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/xresources/
/* This patch adds options for specifying dmenu window position and width.
* The center patch takes precedence over the XYW patch if enabled.
* https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/xyw/
#define XYW_PATCH 0