static size_t nextrunetext(const char *text, size_t position, int inc) { ssize_t n; /* return location of next utf8 rune in the given direction (+1 or -1) */ for (n = position + inc; n + inc >= 0 && (text[n] & 0xc0) == 0x80; n += inc) ; return n; } /* return bytes from beginning of text to nth utf8 rune to the right */ static size_t runebytes(const char *text, size_t n) { size_t ret; ret = 0; while (n-- > 0) ret += nextrunetext(text + ret, 0, 1); return ret; } /* return number of characters from beginning of text to nth byte to the right */ static size_t runechars(const char *text, size_t n) { size_t ret, i; ret = i = 0; while (i < n) { i += nextrunetext(text + i, 0, 1); ret++; } return ret; } /* move caret on pre-edit text */ static void preeditcaret(XIC xic, XPointer clientdata, XPointer calldata) { XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct *pcaret; (void)xic; pcaret = (XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct *)calldata; if (!pcaret) return; switch (pcaret->direction) { case XIMForwardChar: cursor = nextrune(+1); break; case XIMBackwardChar: cursor = nextrune(-1); break; case XIMForwardWord: movewordedge(+1); break; case XIMBackwardWord: movewordedge(-1); break; case XIMLineStart: cursor = 0; break; case XIMLineEnd: if (preview[cursor] != '\0') cursor = strlen(preview); break; case XIMAbsolutePosition: cursor = runebytes(text, pcaret->position); break; case XIMDontChange: /* do nothing */ break; case XIMCaretUp: case XIMCaretDown: case XIMNextLine: case XIMPreviousLine: /* not implemented */ break; } pcaret->position = runechars(preview, cursor); } /* start input method pre-editing */ static int preeditstart(XIC xic, XPointer clientdata, XPointer calldata) { (void)xic; (void)calldata; (void)clientdata; composing = 1; printf("PREEDIT\n"); return BUFSIZ; } /* end input method pre-editing */ static void preeditdone(XIC xic, XPointer clientdata, XPointer calldata) { (void)xic; (void)clientdata; (void)calldata; printf("DONE\n"); composing = 0; } /* draw input method pre-edit text */ static void preeditdraw(XIC xic, XPointer clientdata, XPointer calldata) { XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct *pdraw; size_t beg, dellen, inslen, endlen; printf("DRAW\n"); (void)xic; pdraw = (XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct *)calldata; if (!pdraw) return; /* we do not support wide characters */ if (pdraw->text && pdraw->text->encoding_is_wchar == True) { fputs("warning: wchar is not supportecd; use utf8", stderr); return; } beg = runebytes(text, pdraw->chg_first); dellen = runebytes(preview + beg, pdraw->chg_length); inslen = pdraw->text ? runebytes(pdraw->text->string.multi_byte, pdraw->text->length) : 0; endlen = 0; if (beg + dellen < strlen(preview)) endlen = strlen(preview + beg + dellen); /* we cannot change text past the end of our pre-edit string */ if (beg + dellen >= BUFSIZ || beg + inslen >= BUFSIZ) return; /* get space for text to be copied, and copy it */ memmove(preview + beg + inslen, preview + beg + dellen, endlen + 1); if (pdraw->text && pdraw->text->length) memcpy(preview + beg, pdraw->text->string.multi_byte, inslen); (preview + beg + inslen + endlen)[0] = '\0'; /* get caret position */ cursor = runebytes(text, pdraw->caret); } static void init_input_method(XIM xim) { XVaNestedList preedit = NULL; XICCallback start, done, draw, caret; XIMStyle preeditstyle; XIMStyle statusstyle; XIMStyles *imstyles; int i; /* get styles supported by input method */ if (XGetIMValues(xim, XNQueryInputStyle, &imstyles, NULL) != NULL) fputs("XGetIMValues: could not obtain input method values", stderr); /* check whether input method support on-the-spot pre-editing */ preeditstyle = XIMPreeditNothing; statusstyle = XIMStatusNothing; for (i = 0; i < imstyles->count_styles; i++) { if (imstyles->supported_styles[i] & XIMPreeditCallbacks) { preeditstyle = XIMPreeditCallbacks; break; } } /* create callbacks for the input context */ start.client_data = NULL; done.client_data = NULL; draw.client_data = (XPointer)text; caret.client_data = (XPointer)text; start.callback = (XICProc)preeditstart; done.callback = (XICProc)preeditdone; draw.callback = (XICProc)preeditdraw; caret.callback = (XICProc)preeditcaret; /* create list of values for input context */ preedit = XVaCreateNestedList(0, XNPreeditStartCallback, &start, XNPreeditDoneCallback, &done, XNPreeditDrawCallback, &draw, XNPreeditCaretCallback, &caret, NULL); if (preedit == NULL) fputs("XVaCreateNestedList: could not create nested list", stderr); xic = XCreateIC(xim, XNInputStyle, preeditstyle | statusstyle, XNPreeditAttributes, preedit, XNClientWindow, win, XNFocusWindow, win, NULL); XFree(preedit); long eventmask; /* get events the input method is interested in */ if (XGetICValues(xic, XNFilterEvents, &eventmask, NULL)) fputs("XGetICValues: could not obtain input context values", stderr); XSelectInput(dpy, win, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | VisibilityChangeMask | ButtonPressMask | PointerMotionMask | eventmask); }