#include #include "asm_rules.c" void bin_to_hex(char *tryte, int *hex) { char *a = tryte; int num = 0; do { int b = *a=='1'?1:0; num = (num<<1)|b; a++; } while (*a); *hex = num; //printf("%d\n",num); } void asm_to_hex(char *_asm, int *opcode, int *in0, int *in1, int *out){ char tryte[54]; char t0[18]; char t1[18]; char t2[18]; char t3[18]; for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) { t0[i] = 0; t1[i] = 0; t2[i] = 0; t3[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 54; i++) { tryte[i] = 0; } //convert assembly to formated binary representation of ternary for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++) { //printf("%c",_asm[i]); if(_asm[i]==2) { strcat(tryte, "10"); } else if (_asm[i]==1) { strcat(tryte, "01"); } else { strcat(tryte, "00"); } } int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) { t0[i] = tryte[j]; j++; } for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { t1[i] = tryte[j]; j++; } for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { t2[i] = tryte[j]; j++; } for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { t3[i] = tryte[j]; j++; } bin_to_hex(t0, opcode); bin_to_hex(t1, in0); bin_to_hex(t2, in1); bin_to_hex(t3, out); } int main() { FILE *dest_asm = fopen("assembly.txt", "w"); FILE *src_asm = fopen("src.asm", "r"); unsigned int size=0; fprintf(dest_asm,"00000\n"); char in_asm[64]; char out_asm[27]; int hex_op; int hex_in0; int hex_in1; int hex_out; fgets(in_asm, 64, src_asm); while(!feof(src_asm)) { hex_op = 0; hex_in0 = 0; hex_in1 = 0; hex_out = 0; asm_rules(in_asm, out_asm); asm_to_hex(out_asm, &hex_op, &hex_in0, &hex_in1, &hex_out); printf("%.5x %.5x %.5x %.5x\n", hex_op, hex_in0, hex_in1, hex_out); fprintf(dest_asm,"%.5x ", hex_op); fprintf(dest_asm,"%.5x ", hex_in0); fprintf(dest_asm,"%.5x ", hex_in1); fprintf(dest_asm,"%.5x \n", hex_out); // Write the hex to a file fgets(in_asm, 64, src_asm); size++; } printf("\n%u trytes", size); // Close the file fclose(dest_asm); fclose(src_asm); return 0; }