2023-12-21 22:46:50 +07:00

442 lines
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/********************************** (C) COPYRIGHT *******************************
* File Name : hiddev.h
* Author : WCH
* Version : V1.0
* Date : 2018/12/11
* Description :
* Copyright (c) 2021 Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics Co., Ltd.
* Attention: This software (modified or not) and binary are used for
* microcontroller manufactured by Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics.
#ifndef HIDDEV_H
#define HIDDEV_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// HID Device Parameters
#define HIDDEV_ERASE_ALLBONDS 0 // Erase all of the bonded devices. Write Only. No Size.
// HID read/write operation
#define HID_DEV_OPER_WRITE 0 // Write operation
#define HID_DEV_OPER_READ 1 // Read operation
#define HID_DEV_OPER_ENABLE 2 // Notification enabled for report ID
#define HID_DEV_OPER_DISABLE 3 // Notifications disabled for report ID
// HID callback events
#define HID_DEV_SUSPEND_EVT 0 // HID suspend
#define HID_DEV_EXIT_SUSPEND_EVT 1 // HID exit suspend
#define HID_DEV_SET_BOOT_EVT 2 // HID set boot mode
#define HID_DEV_SET_REPORT_EVT 3 // HID set report mode
/* HID Report type */
/* HID information flags */
#define HID_FLAGS_REMOTE_WAKE 0x01 // RemoteWake
#define HID_FLAGS_NORMALLY_CONNECTABLE 0x02 // NormallyConnectable
/* Control point commands */
#define HID_CMD_SUSPEND 0x00 // Suspend
#define HID_CMD_EXIT_SUSPEND 0x01 // Exit Suspend
/* HID protocol mode values */
#define HID_PROTOCOL_MODE_BOOT 0x00 // Boot Protocol Mode
#define HID_PROTOCOL_MODE_REPORT 0x01 // Report Protocol Mode
/* Attribute value lengths */
#define HID_PROTOCOL_MODE_LEN 1 // HID Protocol Mode
#define HID_INFORMATION_LEN 4 // HID Information
#define HID_REPORT_REF_LEN 2 // HID Report Reference Descriptor
#define HID_EXT_REPORT_REF_LEN 2 // External Report Reference Descriptor
// HID Keyboard/Keypad Usage IDs (subset of the codes available in the USB HID Usage Tables spec)
#define HID_KEYBOARD_RESERVED 0 // 0x00 - No event inidicated
#define HID_KEYBOARD_A 4 // 0x04 - Keyboard a and A
#define HID_KEYBOARD_B 5 // 0x05 - Keyboard b and B
#define HID_KEYBOARD_C 6 // 0x06 - Keyboard c and C
#define HID_KEYBOARD_D 7 // 0x07 - Keyboard d and D
#define HID_KEYBOARD_E 8 // 0x08 - Keyboard e and E
#define HID_KEYBOARD_F 9 // 0x09 - Keyboard f and F
#define HID_KEYBOARD_G 10 // 0x0A - Keyboard g and G
#define HID_KEYBOARD_H 11 // 0x0B - Keyboard h and H
#define HID_KEYBOARD_I 12 // 0x0C - Keyboard i and I
#define HID_KEYBOARD_J 13 // 0x0D - Keyboard j and J
#define HID_KEYBOARD_K 14 // 0x0E - Keyboard k and K
#define HID_KEYBOARD_L 15 // 0x0F - Keyboard l and L
#define HID_KEYBOARD_M 16 // 0x10 - Keyboard m and M
#define HID_KEYBOARD_N 17 // 0x11 - Keyboard n and N
#define HID_KEYBOARD_O 18 // 0x12 - Keyboard o and O
#define HID_KEYBOARD_P 19 // 0x13 - Keyboard p and p
#define HID_KEYBOARD_Q 20 // 0x14 - Keyboard q and Q
#define HID_KEYBOARD_R 21 // 0x15 - Keyboard r and R
#define HID_KEYBOARD_S 22 // 0x16 - Keyboard s and S
#define HID_KEYBOARD_T 23 // 0x17 - Keyboard t and T
#define HID_KEYBOARD_U 24 // 0x18 - Keyboard u and U
#define HID_KEYBOARD_V 25 // 0x19 - Keyboard v and V
#define HID_KEYBOARD_W 26 // 0x1A - Keyboard w and W
#define HID_KEYBOARD_X 27 // 0x1B - Keyboard x and X
#define HID_KEYBOARD_Y 28 // 0x1C - Keyboard y and Y
#define HID_KEYBOARD_Z 29 // 0x1D - Keyboard z and Z
#define HID_KEYBOARD_1 30 // 0x1E - Keyboard 1 and !
#define HID_KEYBOARD_2 31 // 0x1F - Keyboard 2 and @
#define HID_KEYBOARD_3 32 // 0x20 - Keyboard 3 and #
#define HID_KEYBOARD_4 33 // 0x21 - Keyboard 4 and %
#define HID_KEYBOARD_5 34 // 0x22 - Keyboard 5 and %
#define HID_KEYBOARD_6 35 // 0x23 - Keyboard 6 and ^
#define HID_KEYBOARD_7 36 // 0x24 - Keyboard 7 and &
#define HID_KEYBOARD_8 37 // 0x25 - Keyboard 8 and *
#define HID_KEYBOARD_9 38 // 0x26 - Keyboard 9 and (
#define HID_KEYBOARD_0 39 // 0x27 - Keyboard 0 and )
#define HID_KEYBOARD_RETURN 40 // 0x28 - Keyboard Return (ENTER)
#define HID_KEYBOARD_ESCAPE 41 // 0x29 - Keyboard ESCAPE
#define HID_KEYBOARD_DELETE 42 // 0x2A - Keyboard DELETE (Backspace)
#define HID_KEYBOARD_TAB 43 // 0x2B - Keyboard Tab
#define HID_KEYBOARD_SPACEBAR 44 // 0x2C - Keyboard Spacebar
#define HID_KEYBOARD_MINUS 45 // 0x2D - Keyboard - and (underscore)
#define HID_KEYBOARD_EQUAL 46 // 0x2E - Keyboard = and +
#define HID_KEYBOARD_LEFT_BRKT 47 // 0x2F - Keyboard [ and {
#define HID_KEYBOARD_RIGHT_BRKT 48 // 0x30 - Keyboard ] and }
#define HID_KEYBOARD_BACK_SLASH 49 // 0x31 - Keyboard \ and |
#define HID_KEYBOARD_SEMI_COLON 51 // 0x33 - Keyboard ; and :
#define HID_KEYBOARD_SGL_QUOTE 52 // 0x34 - Keyboard ' and "
#define HID_KEYBOARD_GRV_ACCENT 53 // 0x35 - Keyboard Grave Accent and Tilde
#define HID_KEYBOARD_COMMA 54 // 0x36 - Keyboard , and <
#define HID_KEYBOARD_DOT 55 // 0x37 - Keyboard . and >
#define HID_KEYBOARD_FWD_SLASH 56 // 0x38 - Keyboard / and ?
#define HID_KEYBOARD_CAPS_LOCK 57 // 0x39 - Keyboard Caps Lock
#define HID_KEYBOARD_F1 58 // 0x3A - Keyboard F1
#define HID_KEYBOARD_F2 59 // 0x3B - Keyboard F2
#define HID_KEYBOARD_F3 60 // 0x3C - Keyboard F3
#define HID_KEYBOARD_F4 61 // 0x3D - Keyboard F4
#define HID_KEYBOARD_F5 62 // 0x3E - Keyboard F5
#define HID_KEYBOARD_F6 63 // 0x3F - Keyboard F6
#define HID_KEYBOARD_F7 64 // 0x40 - Keyboard F7
#define HID_KEYBOARD_F8 65 // 0x41 - Keyboard F8
#define HID_KEYBOARD_F9 66 // 0x42 - Keyboard F9
#define HID_KEYBOARD_F10 67 // 0x43 - Keyboard F10
#define HID_KEYBOARD_F11 68 // 0x44 - Keyboard F11
#define HID_KEYBOARD_F12 69 // 0x45 - Keyboard F12
#define HID_KEYBOARD_PRNT_SCREEN 70 // 0x46 - Keyboard Print Screen
#define HID_KEYBOARD_SCROLL_LOCK 71 // 0x47 - Keyboard Scroll Lock
#define HID_KEYBOARD_PAUSE 72 // 0x48 - Keyboard Pause
#define HID_KEYBOARD_INSERT 73 // 0x49 - Keyboard Insert
#define HID_KEYBOARD_HOME 74 // 0x4A - Keyboard Home
#define HID_KEYBOARD_PAGE_UP 75 // 0x4B - Keyboard PageUp
#define HID_KEYBOARD_DELETE_FWD 76 // 0x4C - Keyboard Delete Forward
#define HID_KEYBOARD_END 77 // 0x4D - Keyboard End
#define HID_KEYBOARD_PAGE_DOWN 78 // 0x4E - Keyboard PageDown
#define HID_KEYBOARD_RIGHT_ARROW 79 // 0x4F - Keyboard RightArrow
#define HID_KEYBOARD_LEFT_ARROW 80 // 0x50 - Keyboard LeftArrow
#define HID_KEYBOARD_DOWN_ARROW 81 // 0x51 - Keyboard DownArrow
#define HID_KEYBOARD_UP_ARROW 82 // 0x52 - Keyboard UpArrow
#define HID_KEYBPAD_NUM_LOCK 83 // 0x53 - Keypad Num Lock and Clear
#define HID_KEYBPAD_DIVIDE 84 // 0x54 - Keypad /
#define HID_KEYBOARD_MULTIPLY 85 // 0x55 - Keypad *
#define HID_KEYBOARD_SUBTRACT 86 // 0x56 - Keypad -
#define HID_KEYBPAD_ADD 87 // 0x57 - Keypad +
#define HID_KEYBPAD_ENTER 88 // 0x58 - Keypad ENTER
#define HID_KEYBPAD_1 89 // 0x59 - Keypad 1 and End
#define HID_KEYBPAD_2 90 // 0x5A - Keypad 2 and Down Arrow
#define HID_KEYBPAD_3 91 // 0x5B - Keypad 3 and PageDn
#define HID_KEYBPAD_4 92 // 0x5C - Keypad 4 and Lfet Arrow
#define HID_KEYBPAD_5 93 // 0x5D - Keypad 5
#define HID_KEYBPAD_6 94 // 0x5E - Keypad 6 and Right Arrow
#define HID_KEYBPAD_7 95 // 0x5F - Keypad 7 and Home
#define HID_KEYBPAD_8 96 // 0x60 - Keypad 8 and Up Arrow
#define HID_KEYBPAD_9 97 // 0x61 - Keypad 9 and PageUp
#define HID_KEYBPAD_0 98 // 0x62 - Keypad 0 and Insert
#define HID_KEYBPAD_DOT 99 // 0x63 - Keypad . and Delete
#define HID_KEYBOARD_MUTE 127 // 0x7F - Keyboard Mute
#define HID_KEYBOARD_VOLUME_UP 128 // 0x80 - Keyboard Volume up
#define HID_KEYBOARD_VOLUME_DOWN 129 // 0x81 - Keyboard Volume down
#define HID_KEYBOARD_LEFT_CTRL 224 // 0xE0 - Keyboard LeftContorl
#define HID_KEYBOARD_LEFT_SHIFT 225 // 0xE1 - Keyboard LeftShift
#define HID_KEYBOARD_LEFT_ALT 226 // 0xE2 - Keyboard LeftAlt
#define HID_KEYBOARD_LEFT_GUI 227 // 0xE3 - Keyboard LeftGUI
#define HID_KEYBOARD_RIGHT_CTRL 228 // 0xE4 - Keyboard LeftContorl
#define HID_KEYBOARD_RIGHT_SHIFT 229 // 0xE5 - Keyboard LeftShift
#define HID_KEYBOARD_RIGHT_ALT 230 // 0xE6 - Keyboard LeftAlt
#define HID_KEYBOARD_RIGHT_GUI 231 // 0xE7 - Keyboard RightGUI
// HID Consumer Usage IDs (subset of the codes available in the USB HID Usage Tables spec)
#define HID_CONSUMER_POWER 48 // 0x30 - Power
#define HID_CONSUMER_RESET 49 // 0x31 - Reset
#define HID_CONSUMER_SLEEP 50 // 0x32 - Sleep
#define HID_CONSUMER_MENU 64 // 0x40 - Menu
#define HID_CONSUMER_SELECTION 128 // 0x80 - Selection
#define HID_CONSUMER_ASSIGN_SEL 129 // 0x81 - Assign Selection
#define HID_CONSUMER_MODE_STEP 130 // 0x82 - Mode Step
#define HID_CONSUMER_RECALL_LAST 131 // 0x83 - Recall Last
#define HID_CONSUMER_QUIT 148 // 0x94 - Quit
#define HID_CONSUMER_HELP 149 // 0x95 - Help
#define HID_CONSUMER_CHANNEL_UP 156 // 0x9C - Channel Increment
#define HID_CONSUMER_CHANNEL_DOWN 157 // 0x9D - Channel Decrement
#define HID_CONSUMER_PLAY 176 // 0xB0 - Play
#define HID_CONSUMER_PAUSE 177 // 0xB1 - Pause
#define HID_CONSUMER_RECORD 178 // 0xB2 - Record
#define HID_CONSUMER_FAST_FORWARD 179 // 0xB3 - Fast Forward
#define HID_CONSUMER_REWIND 180 // 0xB4 - Rewind
#define HID_CONSUMER_SCAN_NEXT_TRK 181 // 0xB5 - Scan Next Track
#define HID_CONSUMER_SCAN_PREV_TRK 182 // 0xB6 - Scan Previous Track
#define HID_CONSUMER_STOP 183 // 0xB7 - Stop
#define HID_CONSUMER_EJECT 184 // 0xB8 - Eject
#define HID_CONSUMER_RANDOM_PLAY 185 // 0xB9 - Random Play
#define HID_CONSUMER_SELECT_DISC 186 // 0xBA - Select Disk
#define HID_CONSUMER_ENTER_DISC 187 // 0xBB - Enter Disc
#define HID_CONSUMER_REPEAT 188 // 0xBC - Repeat
#define HID_CONSUMER_STOP_EJECT 204 // 0xCC - Stop/Eject
#define HID_CONSUMER_PLAY_PAUSE 205 // 0xCD - Play/Pause
#define HID_CONSUMER_PLAY_SKIP 206 // 0xCE - Play/Skip
#define HID_CONSUMER_VOLUME 224 // 0xE0 - Volume
#define HID_CONSUMER_BALANCE 225 // 0xE1 - Balance
#define HID_CONSUMER_MUTE 226 // 0xE2 - Mute
#define HID_CONSUMER_BASS 227 // 0xE3 - Bass
#define HID_CONSUMER_VOLUME_UP 233 // 0xE9 - Volume Increment
#define HID_CONSUMER_VOLUME_DOWN 234 // 0xEA - Volume Decrement
// HID report mapping table
typedef struct
uint16_t handle; // Handle of report characteristic
uint16_t cccdHandle; // Handle of CCCD for report characteristic
uint8_t id; // Report ID
uint8_t type; // Report type
uint8_t mode; // Protocol mode (report or boot)
} hidRptMap_t;
// HID dev configuration structure
typedef struct
uint32_t idleTimeout; // Idle timeout in milliseconds
uint8_t hidFlags; // HID feature flags
} hidDevCfg_t;
* Global Variables
// These variables are defined in the service .c file that uses HID Dev
// HID report map length
extern uint16_t hidReportMapLen;
// HID protocol mode
extern uint8_t hidProtocolMode;
* Profile Callbacks
// HID Report callback
typedef uint8_t (*hidDevReportCB_t)(uint8_t id, uint8_t type, uint16_t uuid,
uint8_t oper, uint16_t *pLen, uint8_t *pData);
// HID event callback
typedef void (*hidDevEvtCB_t)(uint8_t evt);
// HID passcode callback
typedef void (*hidDevPasscodeCB_t)(uint8_t *deviceAddr, uint16_t connectionHandle,
uint8_t uiInputs, uint8_t uiOutputs);
typedef struct
hidDevReportCB_t reportCB;
hidDevEvtCB_t evtCB;
hidDevPasscodeCB_t passcodeCB;
gapRolesStateNotify_t pfnStateChange; //!< Whenever the device changes state
} hidDevCB_t;
* @fn HidDev_Init
* @brief Initialization function for the Hid Dev Task.
* This is called during initialization and should contain
* any application specific initialization (ie. hardware
* initialization/setup, table initialization, power up
* notificaiton ... ).
* @param task_id - the ID assigned by TMOS. This ID should be
* used to send messages and set timers.
* @return none
extern void HidDev_Init(void);
* @fn HidDev_ProcessEvent
* @brief Hid Dev Task event processor. This function
* is called to process all events for the task. Events
* include timers, messages and any other user defined events.
* @param task_id - The TMOS assigned task ID.
* @param events - events to process. This is a bit map and can
* contain more than one event.
* @return events not processed
extern uint16_t HidDev_ProcessEvent(uint8_t task_id, uint16_t events);
* @fn HidDev_Register
* @brief Register a callback function with HID Dev.
* @param pCfg - Parameter configuration.
* @param pCBs - Callback function.
* @return None.
extern void HidDev_Register(hidDevCfg_t *pCfg, hidDevCB_t *pCBs);
* @fn HidDev_RegisterReports
* @brief Register the report table with HID Dev.
* @param numReports - Length of report table.
* @param pRpt - Report table.
* @return None.
extern void HidDev_RegisterReports(uint8_t numReports, hidRptMap_t *pRpt);
* @fn HidDev_Report
* @brief Send a HID report.
* @param id - HID report ID.
* @param type - HID report type.
* @param len - Length of report.
* @param pData - Report data.
* @return None.
extern uint8_t HidDev_Report(uint8_t id, uint8_t type, uint8_t len, uint8_t *pData);
* @fn HidDev_Close
* @brief Close the connection or stop advertising.
* @return None.
extern void HidDev_Close(void);
* @fn HidDev_SetParameter
* @brief Set a HID Dev parameter.
* @param param - Profile parameter ID
* @param len - length of data to right
* @param pValue - pointer to data to write. This is dependent on
* the parameter ID and WILL be cast to the appropriate
* data type (example: data type of uint16_t will be cast to
* uint16_t pointer).
* @return bStatus_t
extern bStatus_t HidDev_SetParameter(uint8_t param, uint8_t len, void *pValue);
* @fn HidDev_GetParameter
* @brief Get a HID Dev parameter.
* @param param - Profile parameter ID
* @param pValue - pointer to data to get. This is dependent on
* the parameter ID and WILL be cast to the appropriate
* data type (example: data type of uint16_t will be cast to
* uint16_t pointer).
* @return bStatus_t
extern bStatus_t HidDev_GetParameter(uint8_t param, void *pValue);
* @fn HidDev_PasscodeRsp
* @brief Respond to a passcode request.
* @param status - SUCCESS if passcode is available, otherwise
* @param passcode - integer value containing the passcode.
* @return none
extern void HidDev_PasscodeRsp(uint8_t status, uint32_t passcode);
* @fn HidDev_ReadAttrCB
* @brief HID Dev attribute read callback.
* @param connHandle - connection message was received on
* @param pAttr - pointer to attribute
* @param pValue - pointer to data to be read
* @param pLen - length of data to be read
* @param offset - offset of the first octet to be read
* @param maxLen - maximum length of data to be read
* @return Success or Failure
extern bStatus_t HidDev_ReadAttrCB(uint16_t connHandle, gattAttribute_t *pAttr,
uint8_t *pValue, uint16_t *pLen, uint16_t offset, uint16_t maxLen, uint8_t method);
* @fn HidDev_WriteAttrCB
* @brief HID Dev attribute read callback.
* @param connHandle - connection message was received on
* @param pAttr - pointer to attribute
* @param pValue - pointer to data to be written
* @param len - length of data
* @param offset - offset of the first octet to be written
* @return Success or Failure
extern bStatus_t HidDev_WriteAttrCB(uint16_t connHandle, gattAttribute_t *pAttr,
uint8_t *pValue, uint16_t len, uint16_t offset, uint8_t method);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* HIDDEV_H */