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2023-12-19 22:09:11 +07:00
/********************************** (C) COPYRIGHT ******************************
* File Name : CH59xBLE_ROM.H
* Author : WCH
* Version : V1.00
* Date : 2023/02/13
* Description : head file
* Address Space
* CODE: 00010000H - 0003FFFFH 192K
* : 00040000H - 0006FFFFH 192K
* : 0004E000H - 0006FFFFH 136K
* DATA: 20000000H - 20001FFFH 8K
* note:
* CH59xBLE_ROM.hex #define LIB_FLASH_BASE_ADDRESSS 0x00010000(default)
* CH59xBLE_ROMx.hex #define LIB_FLASH_BASE_ADDRESSS 0x00040000
* CH59xBLE_ROM_MESH.hex #define LIB_FLASH_BASE_ADDRESSS 0x0004E000
* CH59xBLE_ROM_PERI.hex #define LIB_FLASH_BASE_ADDRESSS 0x0000C000
* Copyright (c) 2023 Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics Co., Ltd.
* Attention: This software (modified or not) and binary are used for
* microcontroller manufactured by Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics.
#ifndef __CH59xBLE_ROM_H
#define __CH59xBLE_ROM_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#include "stdint.h"
#ifndef BOOL
typedef unsigned char BOOL;
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
#ifndef SUCCESS
#define SUCCESS 0x00
#ifndef bStatus_t
typedef uint8_t bStatus_t;
#ifndef tmosTaskID
typedef uint8_t tmosTaskID;
#ifndef tmosEvents
typedef uint16_t tmosEvents;
#ifndef tmosTimer
typedef uint32_t tmosTimer;
#ifndef tmosSnvId_t
typedef uint16_t tmosSnvId_t;
#ifndef tmosSnvLen_t
typedef uint16_t tmosSnvLen_t;
// Define function type that generate a random seed callback
typedef uint32_t (*pfnSrandCB)( void );
// Define function type that switch to idle mode callback
typedef uint32_t (*pfnIdleCB)( uint32_t );
// Define function type that run LSI clock calibration callback
typedef void (*pfnLSICalibrationCB)( void );
// Define function type that get temperature callback
typedef uint16_t (*pfnTempSampleCB)( void );
// Define function type that connect/advertise event complete callback.
typedef void (*pfnEventCB)( uint32_t timeUs );
// Define function type that library status callback.
typedef void (*pfnLibStatusErrorCB)( uint8_t code, uint32_t status );
// Define function type that process event
typedef tmosEvents (*pTaskEventHandlerFn)( tmosTaskID taskID, tmosEvents event );
// Define function type that read flash
typedef uint32_t (*pfnFlashReadCB)( uint32_t addr, uint32_t num, uint32_t *pBuf );
// Define function type that write flash
typedef uint32_t (*pfnFlashWriteCB)( uint32_t addr, uint32_t num, uint32_t *pBuf );
// Define function type that get system clock count
typedef uint32_t (*pfnGetSysClock)( void );
/* BLE library config struct */
typedef struct tag_ble_config
uint32_t MEMAddr; // library memory start address
uint16_t MEMLen; // library memory size
uint32_t SNVAddr; // SNV flash start address( if NULL,bonding information will not be saved )
uint16_t SNVBlock; // SNV flash block size ( default 256 )
uint8_t SNVNum; // SNV flash block number ( default 1 )
uint8_t BufNumber; // Maximum number of sent and received packages cached by the controller( default 5 )
// Must be greater than the number of connections.
uint16_t BufMaxLen; // Maximum length (in octets) of the data portion of each HCI data packet( default 27 )
// SC enable,must be greater than 69
// ATT_MTU = BufMaxLen-4,Range[23,ATT_MAX_MTU_SIZE]
uint8_t TxNumEvent; // Maximum number of TX data in a connection event ( default 1 )
uint8_t RxNumEvent; // Maximum number of RX data in a connection event ( default equal to BufNumber )
uint8_t TxPower; // Transmit power level( default LL_TX_POWEER_0_DBM(0dBm) )
uint8_t ConnectNumber; // Connect number,lower two bits are peripheral number,followed by central number
uint8_t WindowWidening; // Wait rf start window(us)
uint8_t WaitWindow; // Wait event arrive window in one system clock
uint8_t MacAddr[6]; // MAC address,little-endian
pfnSrandCB srandCB; // Register a program that generate a random seed
pfnIdleCB idleCB; // Register a program that set idle
pfnTempSampleCB tsCB; // Register a program that read the current temperature,determine whether calibration is need
pfnLSICalibrationCB rcCB; // Register a program that LSI clock calibration
pfnLibStatusErrorCB staCB; // Register a program that library status callback
pfnFlashReadCB readFlashCB; // Register a program that read flash
pfnFlashWriteCB writeFlashCB; // Register a program that write flash
} bleConfig_t; // Library initialization call BLE_LibInit function
/* BLE pa control config struct */
typedef struct tag_ble_clock_config
pfnGetSysClock getClockValue;
uint32_t ClockMaxCount; // The maximum count value
uint16_t ClockFrequency; // The timing clock frequency(Hz)
uint16_t ClockAccuracy; // The timing clock accuracy(ppm)
uint8_t irqEnable; // resv
/* BLE pa control config struct */
typedef struct tag_ble_pa_control_config
uint32_t txEnableGPIO; // tx enable gpio register
uint32_t txDisableGPIO; // tx disable gpio register
uint32_t tx_pin; // tx pin define
uint32_t rxEnableGPIO; // rx enable gpio register
uint32_t rxDisableGPIO; // rx disable gpio register
uint32_t rx_pin; // tx pin define
} blePaControlConfig_t;
// defined for all task
#define SYS_EVENT_MSG (0x8000) // A message is waiting event
#define INVALID_TASK_ID 0xFF // Task ID isn't setup properly
#define TASK_NO_TASK 0xFF
typedef struct
uint8_t event;
uint8_t status;
} tmos_event_hdr_t;
#define VER_FILE "CH59x_BLE_LIB_V1.0"
extern const uint8_t VER_LIB[]; // LIB version
#define SYSTEM_TIME_MICROSEN 625 // unit of process event timer is 625us
#define MS1_TO_SYSTEM_TIME(x) ((x)*1000/SYSTEM_TIME_MICROSEN) // transform unit in ms to unit in 625us ( attentional bias )
#define TMOS_TIME_VALID (30*1000*1000) // the maximum task time = RTC MAX clock - TMOS_TIME_VALID
/* takes a byte out of a uint32_t : var - uint32_t, ByteNum - byte to take out (0 - 3) */
#define BREAK_UINT32( var, ByteNum ) (uint8_t)((uint32_t)(((var) >>((ByteNum) * 8)) & 0x00FF))
#define HI_UINT16(a) (((a) >> 8) & 0xFF)
#define LO_UINT16(a) ((a) & 0xFF)
#define HI_UINT8(a) (((a) >> 4) & 0x0F)
#define LO_UINT8(a) ((a) & 0x0F)
#define BUILD_UINT32(Byte0, Byte1, Byte2, Byte3) \
((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(Byte0) & 0x00FF) \
+ (((uint32_t)(Byte1) & 0x00FF) << 8) \
+ (((uint32_t)(Byte2) & 0x00FF) << 16) \
+ (((uint32_t)(Byte3) & 0x00FF) << 24)))
#define BUILD_UINT16(loByte, hiByte) ((uint16_t)(((loByte) & 0x00FF)|(((hiByte) & 0x00FF)<<8)))
#define ACTIVE_LOW !
#define ACTIVE_HIGH !! // double negation forces result to be '1'
#ifndef BV
#define BV(n) (1 << (n))
#ifndef BF
#define BF(x,b,s) (((x) & (b)) >> (s))
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(n,m) (((n) < (m)) ? (n) : (m))
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(n,m) (((n) < (m)) ? (m) : (n))
#ifndef ABS
#define ABS(n) (((n) < 0) ? -(n) : (n))
/* TxPower define(Accuracy:±2dBm) */
#define LL_TX_POWEER_MINUS_20_DBM 0x01
#define LL_TX_POWEER_MINUS_15_DBM 0x03
#define LL_TX_POWEER_MINUS_10_DBM 0x05
#define LL_TX_POWEER_MINUS_8_DBM 0x07
#define LL_TX_POWEER_MINUS_1_DBM 0x13
#define LL_TX_POWEER_0_DBM 0x15
#define LL_TX_POWEER_1_DBM 0x1B
#define LL_TX_POWEER_2_DBM 0x23
#define LL_TX_POWEER_3_DBM 0x2B
#define LL_TX_POWEER_4_DBM 0x3B
/* ERR_LIB_INIT define */
#define ERR_LLE_IRQ_HANDLE 0x01
#define ERR_SET_MAC_ADDR 0x03
#define ERR_GAP_ROLE_CONFIG 0x04
#define ERR_SNV_ADDR_CONFIG 0x06
//! Default Public and Random Address Length
#define B_ADDR_LEN 6
//! Random Number Size
//! Default key length
#define KEYLEN 16
#define PUBLIC_KEY_LEN 64
//! Maximum Advertising Packet Length
#define B_MAX_ADV_LEN 31 // maximum legacy advertising packet length
#define B_MAX_ADV_EXT_LEN 460 // maximum extended advertising packet length
#define B_MAX_ADV_PERIODIC_LEN 460 // maximum periodic advertising packet length
#define FAILURE 0x01 //!< Failure
#define INVALIDPARAMETER 0x02 //!< Invalid request field
#define INVALID_TASK 0x03 //!< Task ID isn't setup properly
#define MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL 0x04 //!< No buffer is available.
#define INVALID_MSG_POINTER 0x05 //!< No message pointer.
#define INVALID_EVENT_ID 0x06 //!< Invalid event id.
#define INVALID_TIMEOUT 0x07 //!< Invalid timeout.
#define NO_TIMER_AVAIL 0x08 //!< No event is available.
#define NV_OPER_FAILED 0x0A //!< read a data item to NV failed.
#define INVALID_MEM_SIZE 0x0B //!< The tokens take up too much space and don't fit into Advertisement data and Scan Response Data
/** BLE_STATUS_VALUES BLE Default BLE Status Values
* returned as bStatus_t
#define bleInvalidTaskID INVALID_TASK //!< Task ID isn't setup properly
#define bleEecKeyRequestRejected 0x06 //!< key missing
#define bleNotReady 0x10 //!< Not ready to perform task
#define bleAlreadyInRequestedMode 0x11 //!< Already performing that task
#define bleIncorrectMode 0x12 //!< Not setup properly to perform that task
#define bleMemAllocError 0x13 //!< Memory allocation error occurred
#define bleNotConnected 0x14 //!< Can't perform function when not in a connection
#define bleNoResources 0x15 //!< There are no resource available
#define blePending 0x16 //!< Waiting
#define bleTimeout 0x17 //!< Timed out performing function
#define bleInvalidRange 0x18 //!< A parameter is out of range
#define bleLinkEncrypted 0x19 //!< The link is already encrypted
#define bleProcedureComplete 0x1A //!< The Procedure is completed
#define bleInvalidMtuSize 0x1B //!< SDU size is larger than peer MTU.
// Special case connection handles
#define INVALID_CONNHANDLE 0xFFFF // Invalid connection handle, used for no connection handle
#define LOOPBACK_CONNHANDLE 0xFFFE // Loopback connection handle, used to loopback a message
// Link state flags
#define LINK_NOT_CONNECTED 0x00 // Link isn't connected
#define LINK_CONNECTED 0x01 // Link is connected
#define LINK_AUTHENTICATED 0x02 // Link is authenticated
#define LINK_BOUND 0x04 // Link is bonded
#define LINK_ENCRYPTED 0x10 // Link is encrypted
// Link Database Status callback changeTypes
#define LINKDB_STATUS_UPDATE_NEW 0 // New connection created
#define LINKDB_STATUS_UPDATE_REMOVED 1 // Connection was removed
#define LINKDB_STATUS_UPDATE_STATEFLAGS 2 // Connection state flag changed
* GATT Services
#define GAP_SERVICE_UUID 0x1800 // Generic Access Profile
#define GATT_SERVICE_UUID 0x1801 // Generic Attribute Profile
* GATT Declarations
#define GATT_PRIMARY_SERVICE_UUID 0x2800 // Primary Service
#define GATT_SECONDARY_SERVICE_UUID 0x2801 // Secondary Service
#define GATT_INCLUDE_UUID 0x2802 // Include
#define GATT_CHARACTER_UUID 0x2803 // Characteristic
* GATT Descriptors
#define GATT_CHAR_EXT_PROPS_UUID 0x2900 // Characteristic Extended Properties
#define GATT_CHAR_USER_DESC_UUID 0x2901 // Characteristic User Description
#define GATT_CLIENT_CHAR_CFG_UUID 0x2902 // Client Characteristic Configuration
#define GATT_SERV_CHAR_CFG_UUID 0x2903 // Server Characteristic Configuration
#define GATT_CHAR_FORMAT_UUID 0x2904 // Characteristic Presentation Format
#define GATT_CHAR_AGG_FORMAT_UUID 0x2905 // Characteristic Aggregate Format
#define GATT_VALID_RANGE_UUID 0x2906 // Valid Range
#define GATT_EXT_REPORT_REF_UUID 0x2907 // External Report Reference Descriptor
#define GATT_REPORT_REF_UUID 0x2908 // Report Reference Descriptor
* GATT Characteristics
#define DEVICE_NAME_UUID 0x2A00 // Device Name
#define APPEARANCE_UUID 0x2A01 // Appearance
#define PERI_PRIVACY_FLAG_UUID 0x2A02 // Peripheral Privacy Flag
#define RECONNECT_ADDR_UUID 0x2A03 // Reconnection Address
#define PERI_CONN_PARAM_UUID 0x2A04 // Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters
#define SERVICE_CHANGED_UUID 0x2A05 // Service Changed
#define CENTRAL_ADDRESS_RESOLUTION_UUID 0x2AA6 // Central Address Resolution
* GATT Service UUIDs
#define IMMEDIATE_ALERT_SERV_UUID 0x1802 // Immediate Alert
#define LINK_LOSS_SERV_UUID 0x1803 // Link Loss
#define TX_PWR_LEVEL_SERV_UUID 0x1804 // Tx Power
#define CURRENT_TIME_SERV_UUID 0x1805 // Current Time Service
#define REF_TIME_UPDATE_SERV_UUID 0x1806 // Reference Time Update Service
#define NEXT_DST_CHANGE_SERV_UUID 0x1807 // Next DST Change Service
#define GLUCOSE_SERV_UUID 0x1808 // Glucose
#define THERMOMETER_SERV_UUID 0x1809 // Health Thermometer
#define DEVINFO_SERV_UUID 0x180A // Device Information
#define NWA_SERV_UUID 0x180B // Network Availability
#define HEARTRATE_SERV_UUID 0x180D // Heart Rate
#define PHONE_ALERT_STS_SERV_UUID 0x180E // Phone Alert Status Service
#define BATT_SERV_UUID 0x180F // Battery Service
#define BLOODPRESSURE_SERV_UUID 0x1810 // Blood Pressure
#define ALERT_NOTIF_SERV_UUID 0x1811 // Alert Notification Service
#define HID_SERV_UUID 0x1812 // Human Interface Device
#define SCAN_PARAM_SERV_UUID 0x1813 // Scan Parameters
#define RSC_SERV_UUID 0x1814 // Running Speed and Cadence
#define CSC_SERV_UUID 0x1816 // Cycling Speed and Cadence
#define CYCPWR_SERV_UUID 0x1818 // Cycling Power
#define LOC_NAV_SERV_UUID 0x1819 // Location and Navigation
* GATT Characteristic UUIDs
#define ALERT_LEVEL_UUID 0x2A06 // Alert Level
#define TX_PWR_LEVEL_UUID 0x2A07 // Tx Power Level
#define DATE_TIME_UUID 0x2A08 // Date Time
#define DAY_OF_WEEK_UUID 0x2A09 // Day of Week
#define DAY_DATE_TIME_UUID 0x2A0A // Day Date Time
#define EXACT_TIME_256_UUID 0x2A0C // Exact Time 256
#define DST_OFFSET_UUID 0x2A0D // DST Offset
#define TIME_ZONE_UUID 0x2A0E // Time Zone
#define LOCAL_TIME_INFO_UUID 0x2A0F // Local Time Information
#define TIME_WITH_DST_UUID 0x2A11 // Time with DST
#define TIME_ACCURACY_UUID 0x2A12 // Time Accuracy
#define TIME_SOURCE_UUID 0x2A13 // Time Source
#define REF_TIME_INFO_UUID 0x2A14 // Reference Time Information
#define TIME_UPDATE_CTRL_PT_UUID 0x2A16 // Time Update Control Point
#define TIME_UPDATE_STATE_UUID 0x2A17 // Time Update State
#define GLUCOSE_MEAS_UUID 0x2A18 // Glucose Measurement
#define BATT_LEVEL_UUID 0x2A19 // Battery Level
#define TEMP_MEAS_UUID 0x2A1C // Temperature Measurement
#define TEMP_TYPE_UUID 0x2A1D // Temperature Type
#define IMEDIATE_TEMP_UUID 0x2A1E // Intermediate Temperature
#define MEAS_INTERVAL_UUID 0x2A21 // Measurement Interval
#define BOOT_KEY_INPUT_UUID 0x2A22 // Boot Keyboard Input Report
#define SYSTEM_ID_UUID 0x2A23 // System ID
#define MODEL_NUMBER_UUID 0x2A24 // Model Number String
#define SERIAL_NUMBER_UUID 0x2A25 // Serial Number String
#define FIRMWARE_REV_UUID 0x2A26 // Firmware Revision String
#define HARDWARE_REV_UUID 0x2A27 // Hardware Revision String
#define SOFTWARE_REV_UUID 0x2A28 // Software Revision String
#define MANUFACTURER_NAME_UUID 0x2A29 // Manufacturer Name String
#define IEEE_11073_CERT_DATA_UUID 0x2A2A // IEEE 11073-20601 Regulatory Certification Data List
#define CURRENT_TIME_UUID 0x2A2B // Current Time
#define SCAN_REFRESH_UUID 0x2A31 // Scan Refresh
#define BOOT_KEY_OUTPUT_UUID 0x2A32 // Boot Keyboard Output Report
#define BOOT_MOUSE_INPUT_UUID 0x2A33 // Boot Mouse Input Report
#define GLUCOSE_CONTEXT_UUID 0x2A34 // Glucose Measurement Context
#define BLOODPRESSURE_MEAS_UUID 0x2A35 // Blood Pressure Measurement
#define IMEDIATE_CUFF_PRESSURE_UUID 0x2A36 // Intermediate Cuff Pressure
#define HEARTRATE_MEAS_UUID 0x2A37 // Heart Rate Measurement
#define BODY_SENSOR_LOC_UUID 0x2A38 // Body Sensor Location
#define HEARTRATE_CTRL_PT_UUID 0x2A39 // Heart Rate Control Point
#define NETWORK_AVAIL_UUID 0x2A3E // Network Availability
#define ALERT_STATUS_UUID 0x2A3F // Alert Status
#define RINGER_CTRL_PT_UUID 0x2A40 // Ringer Control Point
#define RINGER_SETTING_UUID 0x2A41 // Ringer Setting
#define ALERT_CAT_ID_BMASK_UUID 0x2A42 // Alert Category ID Bit Mask
#define ALERT_CAT_ID_UUID 0x2A43 // Alert Category ID
#define ALERT_NOTIF_CTRL_PT_UUID 0x2A44 // Alert Notification Control Point
#define UNREAD_ALERT_STATUS_UUID 0x2A45 // Unread Alert Status
#define NEW_ALERT_UUID 0x2A46 // New Alert
#define SUP_NEW_ALERT_CAT_UUID 0x2A47 // Supported New Alert Category
#define SUP_UNREAD_ALERT_CAT_UUID 0x2A48 // Supported Unread Alert Category
#define BLOODPRESSURE_FEATURE_UUID 0x2A49 // Blood Pressure Feature
#define HID_INFORMATION_UUID 0x2A4A // HID Information
#define REPORT_MAP_UUID 0x2A4B // Report Map
#define HID_CTRL_PT_UUID 0x2A4C // HID Control Point
#define REPORT_UUID 0x2A4D // Report
#define PROTOCOL_MODE_UUID 0x2A4E // Protocol Mode
#define SCAN_INTERVAL_WINDOW_UUID 0x2A4F // Scan Interval Window
#define PNP_ID_UUID 0x2A50 // PnP ID
#define GLUCOSE_FEATURE_UUID 0x2A51 // Glucose Feature
#define RECORD_CTRL_PT_UUID 0x2A52 // Record Access Control Point
#define RSC_MEAS_UUID 0x2A53 // RSC Measurement
#define RSC_FEATURE_UUID 0x2A54 // RSC Feature
#define SC_CTRL_PT_UUID 0x2A55 // SC Control Point
#define CSC_MEAS_UUID 0x2A5B // CSC Measurement
#define CSC_FEATURE_UUID 0x2A5C // CSC Feature
#define SENSOR_LOC_UUID 0x2A5D // Sensor Location
#define CYCPWR_MEAS_UUID 0x2A63 // Cycling Power Measurement
#define CYCPWR_VECTOR_UUID 0x2A64 // Cycling Power Vector
#define CYCPWR_FEATURE_UUID 0x2A65 // Cycling Power Feature
#define CYCPWR_CTRL_PT_UUID 0x2A66 // Cycling Power Control Point
#define LOC_SPEED_UUID 0x2A67 // Location and Speed
#define NAV_UUID 0x2A68 // Navigation
#define POS_QUALITY_UUID 0x2A69 // Position Quality
#define LN_FEATURE_UUID 0x2A6A // LN Feature
#define LN_CTRL_PT_UUID 0x2A6B // LN Control Point
#define ELE_UUID 0x2A6C // Elevation
#define PRESSURE_UUID 0x2A6D // Pressure
#define TEMP_UUID 0x2A6E // Temperature
#define HUMI_UUID 0x2A6F // Humidity
#define TRUE_WIND_SPEED_UUID 0x2A70 // True Wind Speed
#define TRUE_WIND_DIRECTION_UUID 0x2A71 // True Wind Direction
#define URI_UUID 0x2AB6 // URI
#define MEDIA_STATE_UUID 0x2BA3 // Media State
#define MEDIA_CTRL_PT_UUID 0x2BA4 // Media Control Point
#define MEDIA_CTRL_PT_OS_UUID 0x2BA5 // Media Control Point Opcodes Supported
#define CALL_STATE_UUID 0x2BBD // Call State
#define CALL_CTRL_PT_UUID 0x2BBE // Call Control Point
#define CALL_CTRL_PT_OO_UUID 0x2BBF // Call Control Point Optional Opcodes
#define TERM_REASON_UUID 0x2BC0 // Termination Reason
#define INCOMING_CALL_UUID 0x2BC1 // Incoming Call
#define MUTE_UUID 0x2BC3 // Mute
#define GATT_UNITLESS_UUID 0x2700 // unitless
#define GATT_UNIT_LENGTH_METER_UUID 0x2701 // m, m
#define GATT_UNIT_MASS_KGRAM_UUID 0x2702 // kg, kg
#define GATT_UNIT_TIME_SECOND_UUID 0x2703 // s, s
#define GATT_UNIT_AMOUNT_SUBSTANCE_M_UUID 0x2706 // mol, mol
#define GATT_UNIT_LUMINOUS_INTENSITY_C_UUID 0x2707 // cd, cd
#define GATT_UNIT_AREA_SQ_MTR_UUID 0x2710 // m^2, m^2
#define GATT_UNIT_VOLUME_CUBIC_MTR_UUID 0x2711 // m^3, m^3
#define GATT_UNIT_VELOCITY_MPS_UUID 0x2712 // m/s, m s^-1
#define GATT_UNIT_ACCELERATION_MPS_SQ_UUID 0x2713 // m/s^2, m s^-2
#define GATT_UNIT_WAVENUMBER_RM_UUID 0x2714 // ? m^-1
#define GATT_UNIT_DENSITY_KGPCM_UUID 0x2715 // p, kg m^-3
#define GATT_UNIT_SURFACE_DENSITY_KGPSM_UUID 0x2716 // pA, kg m^-2
#define GATT_UNIT_SPECIFIC_VOLUME_CMPKG_UUID 0x2717 // v, m^3 kg^-1
#define GATT_UNIT_CURRENT_DENSITY_APSM_UUID 0x2718 // j, A m^-2
#define GATT_UNIT_AMOUNT_CONC_MPCM_UUID 0x271A // c, mol m^-3
#define GATT_UNIT_MASS_CONC_KGPCM_UUID 0x271B // c, kg m^-3
#define GATT_UNIT_LUMINANCE_CPSM_UUID 0x271C // Lv, cd m^-2
#define GATT_UNIT_PLANE_ANGLE_RAD_UUID 0x2720 // rad, m m-1
#define GATT_UNIT_SOLID_ANGLE_STERAD_UUID 0x2721 // sr, m2 m-2
#define GATT_UNIT_FREQUENCY_HTZ_UUID 0x2722 // Hz, s-1
#define GATT_UNIT_FORCE_NEWTON_UUID 0x2723 // N, m kg s-2
#define GATT_UNIT_PRESSURE_PASCAL_UUID 0x2724 // Pa, N/m2 = m2 kg s-2
#define GATT_UNIT_ENERGY_JOULE_UUID 0x2725 // J, N m = m2 kg s-2
#define GATT_UNIT_POWER_WATT_UUID 0x2726 // W, J/s = m2 kg s-3
#define GATT_UNIT_E_CHARGE_C_UUID 0x2727 // C, sA
#define GATT_UNIT_E_POTENTIAL_DIF_V_UUID 0x2728 // V, W/A = m2 kg s-3 A-1
#define GATT_UNIT_CELSIUS_TEMP_DC_UUID 0x272F // oC, t/oC = T/K - 273.15
#define GATT_UNIT_TIME_MINUTE_UUID 0x2760 // min, 60 s
#define GATT_UNIT_TIME_HOUR_UUID 0x2761 // h, 3600 s
#define GATT_UNIT_TIME_DAY_UUID 0x2762 // d, 86400 s
#define GATT_UNIT_PLANE_ANGLE_DEGREE_UUID 0x2763 // o, (pi/180) rad
#define GATT_UNIT_PLANE_ANGLE_MINUTE_UUID 0x2764 // ', (pi/10800) rad
#define GATT_UNIT_PLANE_ANGLE_SECOND_UUID 0x2765 // '', (pi/648000) rad
#define GATT_UNIT_AREA_HECTARE_UUID 0x2766 // ha, 10^4 m^2
#define GATT_UNIT_VOLUME_LITRE_UUID 0x2767 // l, 10^-3 m^3
#define GATT_UNIT_MASS_TONNE_UUID 0x2768 // t, 10^3 kg
#define GATT_UINT_LENGTH_YARD_UUID 0x27A0 // yd, 0.9144 m
#define GATT_UNIT_LENGTH_PARSEC_UUID 0x27A1 // pc, 3.085678 ?1016 m
#define GATT_UNIT_LENGTH_INCH_UUID 0x27A2 // in, 0.0254 m
#define GATT_UNIT_LENGTH_FOOT_UUID 0x27A3 // ft, 0.3048 m
#define GATT_UNIT_LENGTH_MILE_UUID 0x27A4 // mi, 1609.347 m
#define GATT_UNIT_PRESSURE_PFPSI_UUID 0x27A5 // psi, 6.894757 ?103 Pa
#define GATT_UNIT_VELOCITY_KMPH_UUID 0x27A6 // km/h, 0.2777778 m^s-1
#define GATT_UNIT_VELOCITY_MPH_UUID 0x27A7 // mi/h, 0.44704 m^ s-1
#define GATT_UNIT_ANGULAR_VELOCITY_RPM_UUID 0x27A8 // r/min, 0.1047198 rad s-1
#define GATT_UNIT_ENERGY_GCAL_UUID 0x27A9 // energy (gram calorie)
#define GATT_UNIT_ENERGY_KCAL_UUID 0x27AA // kcal, 4190.02 J
#define GATT_UNIT_ENERGY_KWH_UUID 0x27AB // kWh, 3600000 J
#define GATT_UNIT_THERMODYN_TEMP_DF_UUID 0x27AC // oF, t/oF = T/K ?1.8 - 459.67
#define GATT_UNIT_PERCENTAGE_UUID 0x27AD // percentage,%
#define GATT_UNIT_PER_MILE_UUID 0x27AE // per mille
#define GATT_UNIT_PERIOD_BPM_UUID 0x27AF // period (beats per minute),BPM
#define GATT_UNIT_E_CHARGE_AH_UUID 0x27B0 // electric charge (ampere hours)
#define GATT_UNIT_MASS_DENSITY_MGPD_UUID 0x27B1 // mass density (milligram per decilitre)
#define GATT_UNIT_MASS_DENSITY_MMPL_UUID 0x27B2 // mass density (millimole per litre)
#define GATT_UNIT_TIME_YEAR_UUID 0x27B3 // time (year)
#define GATT_UNIT_TIME_MONTH_UUID 0x27B4 // time (month)
/*********************************Messages IDs*********************************/
// GATT - Messages IDs
#define GATT_MSG_EVENT 0xB0 //!< Incoming GATT message
#define GATT_SERV_MSG_EVENT 0xB1 //!< Incoming GATT ServApp message
// GAP - Messages IDs
#define GAP_MSG_EVENT 0xD0 //!< Incoming GAP message
#define ATT_MTU_SIZE 23 //!< Minimum ATT MTU size
#define ATT_MAX_MTU_SIZE 512 //!< Maximum ATT MTU size
// ATT Methods
#define ATT_ERROR_RSP 0x01 //!< ATT Error Response
#define ATT_EXCHANGE_MTU_REQ 0x02 //!< ATT Exchange MTU Request
#define ATT_EXCHANGE_MTU_RSP 0x03 //!< ATT Exchange MTU Response
#define ATT_FIND_INFO_REQ 0x04 //!< ATT Find Information Request
#define ATT_FIND_INFO_RSP 0x05 //!< ATT Find Information Response
#define ATT_FIND_BY_TYPE_VALUE_REQ 0x06 //!< ATT Find By Type Value Request
#define ATT_FIND_BY_TYPE_VALUE_RSP 0x07 //!< ATT Find By Type Value Response
#define ATT_READ_BY_TYPE_REQ 0x08 //!< ATT Read By Type Request
#define ATT_READ_BY_TYPE_RSP 0x09 //!< ATT Read By Type Response
#define ATT_READ_REQ 0x0a //!< ATT Read Request
#define ATT_READ_RSP 0x0b //!< ATT Read Response
#define ATT_READ_BLOB_REQ 0x0c //!< ATT Read Blob Request
#define ATT_READ_BLOB_RSP 0x0d //!< ATT Read Blob Response
#define ATT_READ_MULTI_REQ 0x0e //!< ATT Read Multiple Request
#define ATT_READ_MULTI_RSP 0x0f //!< ATT Read Multiple Response
#define ATT_READ_BY_GRP_TYPE_REQ 0x10 //!< ATT Read By Group Type Request
#define ATT_READ_BY_GRP_TYPE_RSP 0x11 //!< ATT Read By Group Type Response
#define ATT_WRITE_REQ 0x12 //!< ATT Write Request
#define ATT_WRITE_RSP 0x13 //!< ATT Write Response
#define ATT_PREPARE_WRITE_REQ 0x16 //!< ATT Prepare Write Request
#define ATT_PREPARE_WRITE_RSP 0x17 //!< ATT Prepare Write Response
#define ATT_EXECUTE_WRITE_REQ 0x18 //!< ATT Execute Write Request
#define ATT_EXECUTE_WRITE_RSP 0x19 //!< ATT Execute Write Response
#define ATT_HANDLE_VALUE_NOTI 0x1b //!< ATT Handle Value Notification
#define ATT_HANDLE_VALUE_IND 0x1d //!< ATT Handle Value Indication
#define ATT_HANDLE_VALUE_CFM 0x1e //!< ATT Handle Value Confirmation
#define ATT_WRITE_CMD 0x52 //!< ATT Write Command
#define ATT_SIGNED_WRITE_CMD 0xD2 //!< ATT Signed Write Command
// ATT Error Codes
#define ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE 0x01 //!< The attribute handle given was not valid on this server
#define ATT_ERR_READ_NOT_PERMITTED 0x02 //!< The attribute cannot be read
#define ATT_ERR_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED 0x03 //!< The attribute cannot be written
#define ATT_ERR_INVALID_PDU 0x04 //!< The attribute PDU was invalid
#define ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_AUTHEN 0x05 //!< The attribute requires authentication before it can be read or written
#define ATT_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_REQ 0x06 //!< Attribute server does not support the request received from the client
#define ATT_ERR_INVALID_OFFSET 0x07 //!< Offset specified was past the end of the attribute
#define ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_AUTHOR 0x08 //!< The attribute requires authorization before it can be read or written
#define ATT_ERR_PREPARE_QUEUE_FULL 0x09 //!< Too many prepare writes have been queued
#define ATT_ERR_ATTR_NOT_FOUND 0x0a //!< No attribute found within the given attribute handle range
#define ATT_ERR_ATTR_NOT_LONG 0x0b //!< The attribute cannot be read using the Read Blob Request
#define ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_KEY_SIZE 0x0c //!< The Encryption Key Size used for encrypting this link is insufficient
#define ATT_ERR_INVALID_VALUE_SIZE 0x0d //!< The attribute value length is invalid for the operation
#define ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY 0x0e //!< The attribute request that was requested has encountered an error that was very unlikely, and therefore could not be completed as requested
#define ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_ENCRYPT 0x0f //!< The attribute requires encryption before it can be read or written
#define ATT_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_GRP_TYPE 0x10 //!< The attribute type is not a supported grouping attribute as defined by a higher layer specification
#define ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES 0x11 //!< Insufficient Resources to complete the request
#define ATT_ERR_INVALID_VALUE 0x80 //!< The attribute value is invalid for the operation
* ATT Find By Type Value Response macros
// Attribute Handle and Group End Handle pair indexes
#define ATT_ATTR_HANDLE_IDX( i ) ( (i) * (2 + 2) )
#define ATT_GRP_END_HANDLE_IDX( i ) ( ATT_ATTR_HANDLE_IDX( (i) ) + 2 )
#define ATT_ATTR_HANDLE( info, i ) ( BUILD_UINT16( (info)[ATT_ATTR_HANDLE_IDX((i))], \
(info)[ATT_ATTR_HANDLE_IDX((i))+1] ) )
#define ATT_GRP_END_HANDLE( info, i ) ( BUILD_UINT16( (info)[ATT_GRP_END_HANDLE_IDX((i))], \
(info)[ATT_GRP_END_HANDLE_IDX((i))+1] ) )
/** @defgroup ATT_MSG_EVENT_DEFINES ATT Message Event IDs
* @{
#define ATT_FLOW_CTRL_VIOLATED_EVENT 0x7E //!< Sent when ATT flow control is violated on a connection. This event is sent as an TMOS message defined as attFlowCtrlViolatedEvt_t.
#define ATT_MTU_UPDATED_EVENT 0x7F //!< Sent when MTU is updated for a connection. This event is sent as an TMOS message defined as attMtuUpdatedEvt_t.
/*** Opcode fields: bitmasks ***/
// Size of 16-bit Bluetooth UUID
#define ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE 2
// Size of 128-bit UUID
#define ATT_UUID_SIZE 16
/******************************** GATT ***********************************/
// GATT Attribute Access Permissions Bit Fields
#define GATT_PERMIT_READ 0x01 //!< Attribute is Readable
#define GATT_PERMIT_WRITE 0x02 //!< Attribute is Writable
#define GATT_PERMIT_AUTHEN_READ 0x04 //!< Read requires Authentication
#define GATT_PERMIT_AUTHEN_WRITE 0x08 //!< Write requires Authentication
#define GATT_PERMIT_AUTHOR_READ 0x10 //!< Read requires Authorization
#define GATT_PERMIT_AUTHOR_WRITE 0x20 //!< Write requires Authorization
#define GATT_PERMIT_ENCRYPT_READ 0x40 //!< Read requires Encryption
#define GATT_PERMIT_ENCRYPT_WRITE 0x80 //!< Write requires Encryption
// GATT Characteristic Properties Bit Fields
#define GATT_PROP_BCAST 0x01 //!< Permits broadcasts of the Characteristic Value
#define GATT_PROP_READ 0x02 //!< Permits reads of the Characteristic Value
#define GATT_PROP_WRITE_NO_RSP 0x04 //!< Permits writes of the Characteristic Value without response
#define GATT_PROP_WRITE 0x08 //!< Permits writes of the Characteristic Value with response
#define GATT_PROP_NOTIFY 0x10 //!< Permits notifications of a Characteristic Value without acknowledgement
#define GATT_PROP_INDICATE 0x20 //!< Permits indications of a Characteristic Value with acknowledgement
#define GATT_PROP_AUTHEN 0x40 //!< Permits signed writes to the Characteristic Value
#define GATT_PROP_EXTENDED 0x80 //!< Additional characteristic properties are defined in the Characteristic Extended Properties Descriptor
// GATT local read or write operation
// GATT Encryption Key Size Limits
#define GATT_MIN_ENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE 7 //!< GATT Minimum Encryption Key Size
#define GATT_MAX_ENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE 16 //!< GATT Maximum Encryption Key Size
// Attribute handle definitions
#define GATT_INVALID_HANDLE 0x0000 // Invalid attribute handle
#define GATT_MIN_HANDLE 0x0001 // Minimum attribute handle
#define GATT_MAX_HANDLE 0xFFFF // Maximum attribute handle
#define GATT_MAX_MTU 0xFFFF // Maximum MTU size
// Attribute Access Permissions
#define gattPermitRead( a ) ( (a) & GATT_PERMIT_READ )
#define gattPermitWrite( a ) ( (a) & GATT_PERMIT_WRITE )
#define gattPermitAuthenRead( a ) ( (a) & GATT_PERMIT_AUTHEN_READ )
#define gattPermitAuthenWrite( a ) ( (a) & GATT_PERMIT_AUTHEN_WRITE )
#define gattPermitAuthorRead( a ) ( (a) & GATT_PERMIT_AUTHOR_READ )
#define gattPermitAuthorWrite( a ) ( (a) & GATT_PERMIT_AUTHOR_WRITE )
#define gattPermitEncryptRead( a ) ( (a) & GATT_PERMIT_ENCRYPT_READ )
#define gattPermitEncryptWrite( a ) ( (a) & GATT_PERMIT_ENCRYPT_WRITE )
// Check for different UUID types
#define gattPrimaryServiceType( t ) ( ATT_CompareUUID( primaryServiceUUID, ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, (t).uuid, (t).len ) )
#define gattSecondaryServiceType( t ) ( ATT_CompareUUID( secondaryServiceUUID, ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, (t).uuid, (t).len ) )
#define gattCharacterType( t ) ( ATT_CompareUUID( characterUUID, ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, (t).uuid, (t).len ) )
#define gattIncludeType( t ) ( ATT_CompareUUID( includeUUID, ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, (t).uuid, (t).len ) )
#define gattServiceType( t ) ( gattPrimaryServiceType( (t) ) || gattSecondaryServiceType( (t) ) )
#define GATT_MAX_NUM_CONN (4)
// GATT Client Characteristic Configuration Bit Fields
#define GATT_CLIENT_CFG_NOTIFY 0x0001 //!< The Characteristic Value shall be notified
#define GATT_CLIENT_CFG_INDICATE 0x0002 //!< The Characteristic Value shall be indicated
#define GATT_CFG_NO_OPERATION 0x0000 // No operation
// All profile services bit fields
// The number of attribute records in a given attribute table
#define GATT_NUM_ATTRS( attrs ) ( sizeof( attrs ) / sizeof( gattAttribute_t ) )
// The handle of a service is the handle of the first attribute
#define GATT_SERVICE_HANDLE( attrs ) ( (attrs)[0].handle )
// The handle of the first included service (i = 1) is the value of the second attribute
#define GATT_INCLUDED_HANDLE( attrs, i ) ( *((uint16_t *)((attrs)[(i)].pValue)) )
// Client Characteristic Configuration table (from CCC attribute value pointer)
#define GATT_CCC_TBL( pValue ) ( (gattCharCfg_t *)(*((PTR_TYPE)(&pValue))))
/************************************ GAP *************************************/
#define GAP_MSG_EVENT_DEFINES //!< GAP type of command
#define GAP_DEVICE_INIT_DONE_EVENT 0x00 //!< Sent when the Device Initialization is complete. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapDeviceInitDoneEvent_t.
#define GAP_DEVICE_DISCOVERY_EVENT 0x01 //!< Sent when the Device Discovery Process is complete. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapDevDiscEvent_t.
#define GAP_ADV_DATA_UPDATE_DONE_EVENT 0x02 //!< Sent when the Advertising Data or SCAN_RSP Data has been updated. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapAdvDataUpdateEvent_t.
#define GAP_MAKE_DISCOVERABLE_DONE_EVENT 0x03 //!< Sent when the Make Discoverable Request is complete. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapMakeDiscoverableRspEvent_t.
#define GAP_END_DISCOVERABLE_DONE_EVENT 0x04 //!< Sent when the Advertising has ended. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapEndDiscoverableRspEvent_t.
#define GAP_LINK_ESTABLISHED_EVENT 0x05 //!< Sent when the Establish Link Request is complete. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapEstLinkReqEvent_t.
#define GAP_LINK_TERMINATED_EVENT 0x06 //!< Sent when a connection was terminated. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapTerminateLinkEvent_t.
#define GAP_LINK_PARAM_UPDATE_EVENT 0x07 //!< Sent when an Update Parameters Event is received. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapLinkUpdateEvent_t.
#define GAP_RANDOM_ADDR_CHANGED_EVENT 0x08 //!< Sent when a random address was changed. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapRandomAddrEvent_t.
#define GAP_SIGNATURE_UPDATED_EVENT 0x09 //!< Sent when the device's signature counter is updated. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapSignUpdateEvent_t.
#define GAP_AUTHENTICATION_COMPLETE_EVENT 0x0A //!< Sent when the Authentication (pairing) process is complete. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapAuthCompleteEvent_t.
#define GAP_PASSKEY_NEEDED_EVENT 0x0B //!< Sent when a Passkey is needed. This is part of the pairing process. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapPasskeyNeededEvent_t.
#define GAP_SLAVE_REQUESTED_SECURITY_EVENT 0x0C //!< Sent when a Slave Security Request is received. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapSlaveSecurityReqEvent_t.
#define GAP_DEVICE_INFO_EVENT 0x0D //!< Sent during the Device Discovery Process when a device is discovered. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapDeviceInfoEvent_t.
#define GAP_BOND_COMPLETE_EVENT 0x0E //!< Sent when the bonding process is complete. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapBondCompleteEvent_t.
#define GAP_PAIRING_REQ_EVENT 0x0F //!< Sent when an unexpected Pairing Request is received. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapPairingReqEvent_t.
#define GAP_DIRECT_DEVICE_INFO_EVENT 0x10 //!< Sent when a direct Advertising Data is received. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapDirectDeviceInfoEvent_t.
#define GAP_PHY_UPDATE_EVENT 0x11 //!< Sent when a PHY Update Event is received. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapLinkUpdateEvent_t.
#define GAP_EXT_ADV_DEVICE_INFO_EVENT 0x12 //!< Sent when a Extended Advertising Data is received. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapExtAdvDeviceInfoEvent_t.
#define GAP_MAKE_PERIODIC_ADV_DONE_EVENT 0x13 //!< Sent when the Set Periodic Advertising enable is complete. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapMakePeriodicRspEvent_t.
#define GAP_END_PERIODIC_ADV_DONE_EVENT 0x14 //!< Sent when the Set Periodic Advertising disable is complete. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapEndPeriodicRspEvent_t.
#define GAP_SYNC_ESTABLISHED_EVENT 0x15 //!< Sent when a Periodic Advertising Sync Establish is complete. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapSyncEstablishedEvent_t.
#define GAP_PERIODIC_ADV_DEVICE_INFO_EVENT 0x16 //!< Sent when a Periodic Advertising Data is received. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapPeriodicAdvDeviceInfoEvent_t.
#define GAP_SYNC_LOST_EVENT 0x17 //!< Sent when a Periodic Advertising Sync was lost. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapSyncLostEvent_t.
#define GAP_SCAN_REQUEST_EVENT 0x19 //!< Sent when a SCAN_REQ PDU or an AUX_SCAN_REQ PDU has been received by the advertiser. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapScanReqReseiveEvent_t.
#define GAP_OOB_NEEDED_EVENT 0x1A //!< resv
#define GAP_MAKE_CONNECTIONESS_CTE_DONE_EVENT 0x1B //!< Sent when the Set Connectionless CTE Transmit enable is complete. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapMakeConnectionlessCTERspEvent_t.
#define GAP_END_CONNECTIONESS_CTE_DONE_EVENT 0x1C //!< Sent when the Set Connectionless CTE Transmit disable is complete. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapEndConnectionlessCTERspEvent_t.
#define GAP_PERI_ADV_SYNC_TRAN_RECEIVED_EVENT 0x1D //!< Sent when the periodic advertising sync transfer received. This event is sent as an tmos message defined as gapPeriTranReceivec_t.
#define GAP_PROFILE_BROADCASTER 0x01 //!< A device that sends advertising events only.
#define GAP_PROFILE_OBSERVER 0x02 //!< A device that receives advertising events only.
#define GAP_PROFILE_PERIPHERAL 0x04 //!< A device that accepts the establishment of an LE physical link using the connection establishment procedure
#define GAP_PROFILE_CENTRAL 0x08 //!< A device that supports the Central role initiates the establishment of a physical connection
// GAP Status Return Values - returned as bStatus_t
#define bleGAPUserCanceled 0x30 //!< The user canceled the task
#define bleGAPConnNotAcceptable 0x31 //!< The connection was not accepted
#define bleGAPBondRejected 0x32 //!< The bond information was rejected.
#define bleGAPExpiredCanceled 0x33 //!< The duration has expired
#define GAP_DEVICE_NAME_LEN 21 // Excluding null-terminate char
// option defined
#define LISTEN_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_MODE (1<<0) //!< used to determine whether the Periodic Advertiser List is used
#define REPORTING_INITIALLY_DISABLED (1<<1) //!< 0: Reporting initially enabled 1: Reporting initially disabled
#define DUPLICATE_FILTERING_INITIALLY_ENABLED (1<<2) //!< 0: Duplicate filtering initially disabled 1: Duplicate filtering initially enabled
/** @defgroup GAP_CONN_HANDLE_DEFINES GAP Special Connection Handles
* Used by GAP_TerminateLinkReq()
* @{
#define GAP_CONNHANDLE_INIT 0xFFFE //!< terminates a link create
#define GAP_CONNHANDLE_ALL 0xFFFF //!< terminates all links for the matching task ID.
// Privacy Flag States
// GAP GATT Server Parameters used with GGS Get/Set Parameter and Application's Callback functions
#define GGS_APPEARANCE_ATT 1 // RW uint16_t
#define GGS_PERI_PRIVACY_FLAG_ATT 2 // RW uint8_t
#define GGS_RECONNCT_ADDR_ATT 3 // RW uint8_t[B_ADDR_LEN]
#define GGS_PERI_CONN_PARAM_ATT 4 // RW sizeof(gapPeriConnectParams_t)
#define GGS_PERI_PRIVACY_FLAG_PROPS 5 // RW uint8_t
#define GGS_W_PERMIT_DEVICE_NAME_ATT 6 // W uint8_t
#define GGS_W_PERMIT_APPEARANCE_ATT 7 // W uint8_t
#define GGS_W_PERMIT_PRIVACY_FLAG_ATT 8 // W uint8_t
#define GGS_CENT_ADDR_RES_ATT 9 // RW uint8_t
// GAP Services bit fields
#define GAP_SERVICE 0x00000001
// Timers
#define TGAP_GEN_DISC_ADV_MIN 0 //!< Minimum time to remain advertising, when in Discoverable mode.Default 0-turns off the timeout. (n * 0.625 mSec).
#define TGAP_LIM_ADV_TIMEOUT 1 //!< Maximum time to remain advertising, when in Limited Discoverable mode.Default 180 seconds. (n * 1 seconds)
#define TGAP_DISC_SCAN 2 //!< Minimum time to perform scanning,Setting this parameter to 0 turns off the timeout.Default 10.24seconds. (n * 0.625 mSec)
// when in General Discovery process
#define TGAP_DISC_ADV_INT_MIN 3 //!< Minimum advertising interval.Default 160. (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_DISC_ADV_INT_MAX 4 //!< Maximum advertising interval.Default 160. (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_DISC_SCAN_INT 5 //!< Scan interval used during Link Layer Scanning state.Default 16. (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_DISC_SCAN_WIND 6 //!< Scan window used during Link Layer Scanning state.Default 16. (n * 0.625 mSec)
// when in Connection Establishment process(1M PHY)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_INT_MIN 7 //!< Minimum Link Layer connection interval.Default 80. (n * 1.25 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_INT_MAX 8 //!< Maximum Link Layer connection interval.Default 80. (n * 1.25 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_SCAN_INT 9 //!< Scan interval used during Link Layer Initiating state.Default 16. (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_SCAN_WIND 10 //!< Scan window used during Link Layer Initiating state.Default 16. (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_HIGH_SCAN_INT 11 //!< Scan interval used during Link Layer Initiating state, high duty scan cycle scan parameters (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_HIGH_SCAN_WIND 12 //!< Scan window used during Link Layer Initiating state, high duty scan cycle scan parameters (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_SUPERV_TIMEOUT 13 //!< Link Layer connection supervision timeout.Default 2000. (n * 10 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_LATENCY 14 //!< Link Layer connection slave latency.Default 0. (in number of connection events)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_MIN_CE_LEN 15 //!< Local informational parameter about minimum length of connection needed.Default 0. (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_MAX_CE_LEN 16 //!< Local informational parameter about maximum length of connection needed.Default 0. (n * 0.625 mSec)
// Proprietary
#define TGAP_PRIVATE_ADDR_INT 17 //!< Minimum Time Interval between private (resolvable) address changes.Default 900. (n * 1 seconds)
#define TGAP_SM_TIMEOUT 18 //!< SM Message Timeout (milliseconds). Default 30 seconds.
#define TGAP_SM_MIN_KEY_LEN 19 //!< SM Minimum Key Length supported. Default 7.
#define TGAP_SM_MAX_KEY_LEN 20 //!< SM Maximum Key Length supported. Default 16.
#define TGAP_FILTER_ADV_REPORTS 21 //!< Filter duplicate advertising reports. Default TRUE.
#define TGAP_SCAN_RSSI_MIN 22 //!< Minimum RSSI required for scan advertising to be reported to the app. Default -127.
#define TGAP_REJECT_CONN_PARAMS 23 //!< Whether or not to reject Connection Parameter Update Request received on Central device. Default FALSE.
#define TGAP_AUTH_TASK_ID 24 //!< Task ID override for Task Authentication control (for stack internal use only)
// v5.x
#define TGAP_ADV_TX_POWER 25 //!< Indicates the maximum power level Range: -127 ≤ N ≤ +126 Units: dBm.Default 127(Host has no preference).
#define TGAP_ADV_PRIMARY_PHY 26 //!< resv.
#define TGAP_ADV_SECONDARY_PHY 27 //!< LE 1M/LE 2M. Default GAP_PHY_VAL_LE_1M.
#define TGAP_ADV_SECONDARY_MAX_SKIP 28 //!< Maximum advertising events the Controller can skip before sending the AUX_ADV_IND packets on the secondary advertising channel. Default 0.
#define TGAP_ADV_ADVERTISING_SID 29 //!< Value of the Advertising SID subfield in the ADI field of the PDU Range:0-15. Default 0.
#define TGAP_ADV_SCAN_REQ_NOTIFY 30 //!< Scan request notifications enabled.Default 0-disabled.
#define TGAP_ADV_ADVERTISING_DURATION 31 //!< Advertising duration Range: 0x0001 - 0xFFFF Time = N * 10ms. Default 0-No advertising duration.
#define TGAP_ADV_MAX_EVENTS 32 //!< indicates the maximum number of extended advertising events.Range: 0x00 - 0xFF. Default 0(No maximum number of advertising events).
// when in General Discovery process
#define TGAP_DISC_SCAN_PHY 33 //!< resv.
#define TGAP_DISC_SCAN_CODED_INT 34 //!< resv.
#define TGAP_DISC_SCAN_CODED_WIND 35 //!< resv.
#define TGAP_DISC_SCAN_DURATION 36 //!< Scan duration Range: 0x0001 - 0xFFFF Time = N * 10 ms. Default 0-Scan continuously until explicitly disable.
#define TGAP_DISC_SCAN_PERIOD 37 //!< resv.
// when in Connection Establishment process(2M PHY)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_INT_PHY 38 //!< resv.
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_2M_INT_MIN 39 //!< Minimum Link Layer connection interval.Default 80. (n * 1.25 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_2M_INT_MAX 40 //!< Maximum Link Layer connection interval.Default 80. (n * 1.25 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_2M_SUPERV_TIMEOUT 41 //!< Link Layer connection supervision timeout.Default 2000. (n * 10 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_2M_LATENCY 42 //!< Link Layer connection slave latency.Default 0. (in number of connection events)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_2M_MIN_CE_LEN 43 //!< Local informational parameter about minimum length of connection needed.Default 0. (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_2M_MAX_CE_LEN 44 //!< Local informational parameter about maximum length of connection needed.Default 0. (n * 0.625 mSec)
// when in Connection Establishment process(Coded PHY)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_CODED_INT_MIN 45 //!< resv.
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_CODED_INT_MAX 46 //!< resv.
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_CODED_SCAN_INT 47 //!< resv.
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_CODED_SCAN_WIND 48 //!< resv.
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_CODED_HIGH_SCAN_INT 49 //!< resv.
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_CODED_HIGH_SCAN_WIND 50 //!< resv.
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_CODED_LATENCY 52 //!< resv.
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_CODED_MIN_CE_LEN 53 //!< resv.
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_CODED_MAX_CE_LEN 54 //!< resv.
// periodic advertising
#define TGAP_PERIODIC_ADV_INT_MIN 55 //!< Minimum periodic advertising interval.Range: 0x0006 to 0xFFFF.Default 160. (n * 1.25 mSec)
#define TGAP_PERIODIC_ADV_INT_MAX 56 //!< Maximum periodic advertising interval.Range: 0x0006 to 0xFFFF.Default 160. (n * 1.25 mSec)
#define TGAP_PERIODIC_ADV_PROPERTIES 57 //!< Include TxPower in the periodic advertising PDU.
#define TGAP_SCAN_MAX_LENGTH 58 //!< Extended scan maximum data length.Default 460
#define TGAP_AFH_CHANNEL_MDOE 59 //!< whether t he Controller's channel assessment scheme is enabled or disabled.Default disabled.
// Constant Tone Extension Transmit
#define TGAP_CTE_TYPE 60 //!< The type of Constant Tone Extension.Default GAP_CTE_TYPE_AOA.
#define TGAP_CTE_LENGTH 61 //!< The type of Constant Tone Extension.Default 20.Range[2,20]
#define TGAP_CTE_COUNT 62 //!< resv
#define TGAP_LENGTH_OF_SWITCHING_PATTERN 63 //!< The number of Antenna IDs in the pattern,only used when transmitting an AoD Constant Tone Extension.Default 0.
#define TGAP_PARAMID_MAX 64 //!< ID MAX-valid Parameter ID
// GAP_DEVDISC_MODE_DEFINES GAP Device Discovery Modes
#define DEVDISC_MODE_NONDISCOVERABLE 0x00 //!< No discoverable setting
#define DEVDISC_MODE_GENERAL 0x01 //!< General Discoverable devices
#define DEVDISC_MODE_LIMITED 0x02 //!< Limited Discoverable devices
#define DEVDISC_MODE_ALL 0x03 //!< Not filtered
#define ADDRTYPE_PUBLIC 0x00 //!< Use the BD_ADDR
#define ADDRTYPE_STATIC 0x01 //!< Static address
#define ADDRTYPE_PRIVATE_NONRESOLVE 0x02 //!< Generate Non-Resolvable Private Address
#define ADDRTYPE_PRIVATE_RESOLVE 0x03 //!< Generate Resolvable Private Address
#define GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_IND 0x00 //!< Connectable undirected event typet
#define GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_HDC_DIRECT_IND 0x01 //!< Connectable high duty cycle directed event type
#define GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_SCAN_IND 0x02 //!< Scannable undirected event type
#define GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_NONCONN_IND 0x03 //!< Non-Connectable undirected event type
#define GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_LDC_DIRECT_IND 0x04 //!< Connectable low duty cycle directed event type
#define GAP_ADTYPE_EXT_CONN_DIRECT 0x05 //!< extend Connectable directed event type
#define GAP_ADTYPE_EXT_SCAN_UNDIRECT 0x06 //!< extend Scannable undirected event type
#define GAP_ADTYPE_EXT_NONCONN_NONSCAN_UNDIRECT 0x07 //!< extend Non-Connectable and Non-Scannable undirected event type
#define GAP_ADTYPE_EXT_CONN_UNDIRECT 0x08 //!< extend Connectable undirected event type
#define GAP_ADTYPE_EXT_SCAN_DIRECT 0x09 //!< extend Scannable directed event type
#define GAP_ADTYPE_EXT_NONCONN_NONSCAN_DIRECT 0x0A //!< extend Non-Connectable and Non-Scannable directed event type
#define GAP_PHY_VAL_LE_1M 0x01
#define GAP_PHY_VAL_LE_2M 0x02
#define GAP_PHY_BIT_LE_1M (1<<0)
#define GAP_PHY_BIT_LE_2M (1<<1)
// GAP_ADVERTISEMENT_TYPE_DEFINES GAP Periodic Advertising Properties
#define GAP_CTE_TYPE_AOA 0x00 //!< AoA Constant Tone Extension
#define GAP_CTE_TYPE_AOD_1US 0x01 //!< AoD Constant Tone Extension with 1us slots
#define GAP_CTE_TYPE_AOD_2US 0x02 //!< AoD Constant Tone Extension with 2us slots
// GAP Advertising Report Event Types
// bit0 to 4 ADVERTISEMENT_TYPE:defined for gapExtAdvDeviceInfoEvent_t Advertisement data type
#define GAP_ADRPT_ADV_IND 0x00 //!< Connectable undirected advertisement
#define GAP_ADRPT_ADV_DIRECT_IND 0x01 //!< Connectable directed advertisement
#define GAP_ADRPT_ADV_SCAN_IND 0x02 //!< Scannable undirected advertisement
#define GAP_ADRPT_ADV_NONCONN_IND 0x03 //!< Non-Connectable undirected advertisement
#define GAP_ADRPT_SCAN_RSP 0x04 //!< Scan Response
#define GAP_ADRPT_EXT_CONN_DIRECT 0x05 //!< extend Connectable directed report type
#define GAP_ADRPT_EXT_SCAN_UNDIRECT 0x06 //!< extend Scannable undirected report type
#define GAP_ADRPT_EXT_NONCONN_NONSCAN_UNDIRECT 0x07 //!< extend Non-Connectable and Non-Scannable undirected report type
#define GAP_ADRPT_EXT_CONN_UNDIRECT 0x08 //!< extend Connectable undirected report type
#define GAP_ADRPT_EXT_SCAN_DIRECT 0x09 //!< extend Scannable directed report type
#define GAP_ADRPT_EXT_NONCONN_NONSCAN_DIRECT 0x0A //!< extend Non-Connectable and Non-Scannable directed report type
#define GAP_ADRPT_EXT_SCAN_RESPONSE 0x0B //!< extend Scan Response report type
// bit5 to 6 Data status:defined for gapExtAdvDeviceInfoEvent_t Advertisement data type
#define GAP_ADRPT_EXT_DATA_MASK (3<<5)
#define GAP_ADRPT_EXT_DATA_COMPLETE (0<<5) //!< Complete
#define GAP_ADRPT_EXT_DATA_INCOMPLETE (1<<5) //!< more data to come
#define GAP_ADRPT_EXT_DATA_LAST (2<<5) //!< Incomplete, data truncated, no more to come
// GAP_FILTER_POLICY_DEFINES GAP Advertiser Filter Scan Parameters
#define GAP_FILTER_POLICY_ALL 0x00 //!< Allow Scan Request from Any, Allow Connect Request from Any (default).
#define GAP_FILTER_POLICY_WHITE_SCAN 0x01 //!< Allow Scan Request from White List Only, Allow Connect from Any
#define GAP_FILTER_POLICY_WHITE_CON 0x02 //!< Allow Scan Request from Any, Connect from White List Only
#define GAP_FILTER_POLICY_WHITE 0x03 //!< Allow Scan Request and Connect from White List Only
//! Maximum Pairing Passcode/Passkey value. Range of a passkey can be 0 - 999,999.
#define GAP_PASSCODE_MAX 999999
/** Sign Counter Initialized - Sign counter hasn't been used yet. Used when setting up
* a connection's signing information.
// GAP_ADVCHAN_DEFINES GAP Advertisement Channel Map
#define GAP_ADVCHAN_37 0x01 //!< Advertisement Channel 37
#define GAP_ADVCHAN_38 0x02 //!< Advertisement Channel 38
#define GAP_ADVCHAN_39 0x04 //!< Advertisement Channel 39
#define GAP_ADVCHAN_ALL (GAP_ADVCHAN_37 | GAP_ADVCHAN_38 | GAP_ADVCHAN_39) //!< All Advertisement Channels Enabled
// GAP_ADTYPE_DEFINES GAP Advertisement Data Types
#define GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS 0x01 //!< Discovery Mode: @ref GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS_MODES
#define GAP_ADTYPE_16BIT_MORE 0x02 //!< Service: More 16-bit UUIDs available
#define GAP_ADTYPE_16BIT_COMPLETE 0x03 //!< Service: Complete list of 16-bit UUIDs
#define GAP_ADTYPE_32BIT_MORE 0x04 //!< Service: More 32-bit UUIDs available
#define GAP_ADTYPE_32BIT_COMPLETE 0x05 //!< Service: Complete list of 32-bit UUIDs
#define GAP_ADTYPE_128BIT_MORE 0x06 //!< Service: More 128-bit UUIDs available
#define GAP_ADTYPE_128BIT_COMPLETE 0x07 //!< Service: Complete list of 128-bit UUIDs
#define GAP_ADTYPE_LOCAL_NAME_SHORT 0x08 //!< Shortened local name
#define GAP_ADTYPE_LOCAL_NAME_COMPLETE 0x09 //!< Complete local name
#define GAP_ADTYPE_POWER_LEVEL 0x0A //!< TX Power Level: -127 to +127 dBm
#define GAP_ADTYPE_OOB_CLASS_OF_DEVICE 0x0D //!< Simple Pairing OOB Tag: Class of device (3 octets)
#define GAP_ADTYPE_OOB_SIMPLE_PAIRING_HASHC 0x0E //!< Simple Pairing OOB Tag: Simple Pairing Hash C (16 octets)
#define GAP_ADTYPE_OOB_SIMPLE_PAIRING_RANDR 0x0F //!< Simple Pairing OOB Tag: Simple Pairing Randomizer R (16 octets)
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SM_TK 0x10 //!< Security Manager TK Value
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SM_OOB_FLAG 0x11 //!< Security Manager OOB Flags
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SLAVE_CONN_INTERVAL_RANGE 0x12 //!< Min and Max values of the connection interval (2 octets Min, 2 octets Max) (0xFFFF indicates no conn interval min or max)
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SIGNED_DATA 0x13 //!< Signed Data field
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SERVICES_LIST_16BIT 0x14 //!< Service Solicitation: list of 16-bit Service UUIDs
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SERVICES_LIST_128BIT 0x15 //!< Service Solicitation: list of 128-bit Service UUIDs
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SERVICE_DATA 0x16 //!< Service Data - 16-bit UUID
#define GAP_ADTYPE_PUBLIC_TARGET_ADDR 0x17 //!< Public Target Address
#define GAP_ADTYPE_RANDOM_TARGET_ADDR 0x18 //!< Random Target Address
#define GAP_ADTYPE_APPEARANCE 0x19 //!< Appearance
#define GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_INTERVAL 0x1A //!< Advertising Interval
#define GAP_ADTYPE_LE_BD_ADDR 0x1B //!< LE Bluetooth Device Address
#define GAP_ADTYPE_LE_ROLE 0x1C //!< LE Role
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_HASHC_256 0x1D //!< Simple Pairing Hash C-256
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_RANDR_256 0x1E //!< Simple Pairing Randomizer R-256
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SERVICE_DATA_32BIT 0x20 //!< Service Data - 32-bit UUID
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SERVICE_DATA_128BIT 0x21 //!< Service Data - 128-bit UUID
#define GAP_ADTYPE_URI 0x24 //!< URI
#define GAP_ADTYPE_INDOOR_POSITION 0x25 //!< Indoor Positioning Service v1.0 or later
#define GAP_ADTYPE_TRAN_DISCOVERY_DATA 0x26 //!< Transport Discovery Service v1.0 or later
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES 0x27 //!< LE Supported Features
#define GAP_ADTYPE_CHANNEL_MAP_UPDATE 0x28 //!< Channel Map Update Indication
#define GAP_ADTYPE_PB_ADV 0x29 //!< PB-ADV. Mesh Profile Specification Section 5.2.1
#define GAP_ADTYPE_MESH_MESSAGE 0x2A //!< Mesh Message. Mesh Profile Specification Section 3.3.1
#define GAP_ADTYPE_MESH_BEACON 0x2B //!< Mesh Beacon. Mesh Profile Specification Section 3.9
#define GAP_ADTYPE_BIG_INFO 0x2C //!< BIGInfo
#define GAP_ADTYPE_BROADCAST_CODE 0x2D //!< Broadcast_Code
#define GAP_ADTYPE_RSL_SET_IDENT 0x2E //!< Resolvable Set Identifier.Coordinated Set Identification Profile 1.0
#define GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_INTERVAL_LONG 0x2F //!< Advertising Interval - long
#define GAP_ADTYPE_3D_INFO_DATA 0x3D //!< 3D Information Data
#define GAP_ADTYPE_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC 0xFF //!< Manufacturer Specific Data: first 2 octets contain the Company Identifier Code followed by the additional manufacturer specific data
#define GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS_LIMITED 0x01 //!< Discovery Mode: LE Limited Discoverable Mode
#define GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS_GENERAL 0x02 //!< Discovery Mode: LE General Discoverable Mode
#define GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS_BREDR_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x04 //!< Discovery Mode: BR/EDR Not Supported
#define GAP_APPEARE_UNKNOWN 0x0000 //!< Unknown
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_PHONE 0x0040 //!< Generic Phone
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_COMPUTER 0x0080 //!< Generic Computer
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_WATCH 0x00C0 //!< Generic Watch
#define GAP_APPEARE_WATCH_SPORTS 0x00C1 //!< Watch: Sports Watch
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_CLOCK 0x0100 //!< Generic Clock
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_DISPLAY 0x0140 //!< Generic Display
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_RC 0x0180 //!< Generic Remote Control
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_EYE_GALSSES 0x01C0 //!< Generic Eye-glasses
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_TAG 0x0200 //!< Generic Tag
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_KEYRING 0x0240 //!< Generic Keyring
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_MEDIA_PLAYER 0x0280 //!< Generic Media Player
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_BARCODE_SCANNER 0x02C0 //!< Generic Barcode Scanner
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_THERMOMETER 0x0300 //!< Generic Thermometer
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_THERMO_EAR 0x0301 //!< Thermometer: Ear
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_HR_SENSOR 0x0340 //!< Generic Heart rate Sensor
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_HRS_BELT 0x0341 //!< Heart Rate Sensor: Heart Rate Belt
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_BLOOD_PRESSURE 0x0380 //!< Generic Blood Pressure
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_BP_ARM 0x0381 //!< Blood Pressure: Arm
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_BP_WRIST 0x0382 //!< Blood Pressure: Wrist
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_HID 0x03C0 //!< Generic Human Interface Device (HID)
#define GAP_APPEARE_HID_KEYBOARD 0x03C1 //!< HID Keyboard
#define GAP_APPEARE_HID_MOUSE 0x03C2 //!< HID Mouse
#define GAP_APPEARE_HID_JOYSTIC 0x03C3 //!< HID Joystick
#define GAP_APPEARE_HID_GAMEPAD 0x03C4 //!< HID Gamepad
#define GAP_APPEARE_HID_DIGITIZER_TYABLET 0x03C5 //!< HID Digitizer Tablet
#define GAP_APPEARE_HID_DIGITAL_PEN 0x03C7 //!< HID Digital Pen
#define GAP_APPEARE_HID_BARCODE_SCANNER 0x03C8 //!< HID Barcode Scanner
#define GAPROLE_PROFILEROLE 0x300 //!< Reading this parameter will return GAP Role type. Read Only. Size is uint8_t.
#define GAPROLE_IRK 0x301 //!< Identity Resolving Key. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t[KEYLEN]. Default is all 0, which means that the IRK will be randomly generated.
#define GAPROLE_SRK 0x302 //!< Signature Resolving Key. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t[KEYLEN]. Default is all 0, which means that the SRK will be randomly generated.
#define GAPROLE_SIGNCOUNTER 0x303 //!< Sign Counter. Read/Write. Size is uint32_t. Default is 0.
#define GAPROLE_BD_ADDR 0x304 //!< Device's Address. Read Only. Size is uint8_t[B_ADDR_LEN]. This item is read from the controller.
#define GAPROLE_ADVERT_ENABLED 0x305 //!< Enable/Disable Advertising. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is TRUE=Enabled.
#define GAPROLE_ADVERT_DATA 0x306 //!< Advertisement Data. Read/Write. Max size is B_MAX_ADV_EXT_LEN. Default to all 0.
#define GAPROLE_SCAN_RSP_DATA 0x307 //!< Scan Response Data. Read/Write. Max size is B_MAX_ADV_EXT_LEN. Defaults to all 0.
#define GAPROLE_ADV_EVENT_TYPE 0x308 //!< Advertisement Type. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_IND.
#define GAPROLE_ADV_DIRECT_TYPE 0x309 //!< Direct Advertisement Address Type. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is ADDRTYPE_PUBLIC.
#define GAPROLE_ADV_DIRECT_ADDR 0x30A //!< Direct Advertisement Address. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t[B_ADDR_LEN]. Default is NULL.
#define GAPROLE_ADV_CHANNEL_MAP 0x30B //!< Which channels to advertise on. Read/Write Size is uint8_t. Default is GAP_ADVCHAN_ALL
#define GAPROLE_ADV_FILTER_POLICY 0x30C //!< Filter Policy. Ignored when directed advertising is used. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is GAP_FILTER_POLICY_ALL.
#define GAPROLE_STATE 0x30D //!< Reading this parameter will return GAP Peripheral Role State. Read Only. Size is uint8_t.
#define GAPROLE_MAX_SCAN_RES 0x30E //!< Maximum number of discover scan results to receive. Default is 0 = unlimited.
#define GAPROLE_MIN_CONN_INTERVAL 0x311 //!< Minimum Connection Interval to allow (n * 1.25ms). Range: 7.5 msec to 4 seconds (0x0006 to 0x0C80). Read/Write. Size is uint16_t. Default is 7.5 milliseconds (0x0006).
#define GAPROLE_MAX_CONN_INTERVAL 0x312 //!< Maximum Connection Interval to allow (n * 1.25ms). Range: 7.5 msec to 4 seconds (0x0006 to 0x0C80). Read/Write. Size is uint16_t. Default is 4 seconds (0x0C80).
// v5.x
#define GAPROLE_PHY_TX_SUPPORTED 0x313 //!< The transmitter PHYs that the Host prefers the Controller to use.Default is GAP_PHY_BIT_ALL
#define GAPROLE_PHY_RX_SUPPORTED 0x314 //!< The receiver PHYs that the Host prefers the Controller to use.Default is GAP_PHY_BIT_ALL
#define GAPROLE_PERIODIC_ADVERT_DATA 0x315 //!< Periodic advertisement Data. Read/Write. Max size is B_MAX_ADV_PERIODIC_LEN. Default to all 0.
#define GAPROLE_PERIODIC_ADVERT_ENABLED 0x316 //!< bit0:Enable/Disable Periodic Advertising. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is FALSE=Disable.
//!< bit1:Include the ADI field in AUX_SYNC_IND PDUs
#define GAPROLE_CTE_CONNECTIONLESS_ENABLED 0x317 //!< Enable/Disable Connectionless CTE Transmit. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is FALSE=Disable.
#define GAPBOND_PERI_PAIRING_MODE 0x400 //!< Pairing Mode: @ref GAPBOND_PAIRING_MODE_DEFINES. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is GAPBOND_PAIRING_MODE_WAIT_FOR_REQ.
#define GAPBOND_PERI_MITM_PROTECTION 0x401 //!< Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) basically turns on Passkey protection in the pairing algorithm. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is 0(disabled).
#define GAPBOND_PERI_IO_CAPABILITIES 0x402 //!< I/O capabilities. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is GAPBOND_IO_CAP_DISPLAY_ONLY @ref GAPBOND_IO_CAP_DEFINES.
#define GAPBOND_PERI_OOB_ENABLED 0x403 //!< OOB data available for pairing algorithm. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is 0(disabled).
#define GAPBOND_PERI_OOB_DATA 0x404 //!< OOB Data. Read/Write. size uint8_t[16]. Default is all 0's.
#define GAPBOND_PERI_BONDING_ENABLED 0x405 //!< Request Bonding during the pairing process if enabled. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is 0(disabled).
#define GAPBOND_PERI_KEY_DIST_LIST 0x406 //!< The key distribution list for bonding. size is uint8_t. @ref GAPBOND_KEY_DIST_DEFINES. Default is 0x77.
#define GAPBOND_PERI_DEFAULT_PASSCODE 0x407 //!< The default passcode for MITM protection. size is uint32_t. Range is 0 - 999,999. Default is 0.
#define GAPBOND_CENT_PAIRING_MODE 0x408 //!< Pairing Mode: @ref GAPBOND_PAIRING_MODE_DEFINES. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is GAPBOND_PAIRING_MODE_WAIT_FOR_REQ.
#define GAPBOND_CENT_MITM_PROTECTION 0x409 //!< Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) basically turns on Passkey protection in the pairing algorithm. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is 0(disabled).
#define GAPBOND_CENT_IO_CAPABILITIES 0x40A //!< I/O capabilities. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is GAPBOND_IO_CAP_DISPLAY_ONLY @ref GAPBOND_IO_CAP_DEFINES.
#define GAPBOND_CENT_OOB_ENABLED 0x40B //!< OOB data available for pairing algorithm. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is 0(disabled).
#define GAPBOND_CENT_OOB_DATA 0x40C //!< OOB Data. Read/Write. size uint8_t[16]. Default is all 0's.
#define GAPBOND_CENT_BONDING_ENABLED 0x40D //!< Request Bonding during the pairing process if enabled. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is 0(disabled).
#define GAPBOND_CENT_KEY_DIST_LIST 0x40E //!< The key distribution list for bonding. size is uint8_t. @ref GAPBOND_KEY_DIST_DEFINES. Default is 0x77.
#define GAPBOND_CENT_DEFAULT_PASSCODE 0x40F //!< The default passcode for MITM protection. size is uint32_t. Range is 0 - 999,999. Default is 0.
#define GAPBOND_ERASE_ALLBONDS 0x410 //!< Erase all of the bonded devices. Write Only. No Size.
#define GAPBOND_AUTO_FAIL_PAIRING 0x411 //!< TEST MODE (DO NOT USE) to automatically send a Pairing Fail when a Pairing Request is received. Read/Write. size is uint8_t. Default is 0 (disabled).
#define GAPBOND_AUTO_FAIL_REASON 0x412 //!< TEST MODE (DO NOT USE) Pairing Fail reason when auto failing. Read/Write. size is uint8_t. Default is 0x05 (SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_NOT_SUPPORTED).
#define GAPBOND_KEYSIZE 0x413 //!< Key Size used in pairing. Read/Write. size is uint8_t. Default is 16.
#define GAPBOND_AUTO_SYNC_WL 0x414 //!< Clears the White List adds to it each unique address stored by bonds in NV. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is FALSE.
#define GAPBOND_BOND_COUNT 0x415 //!< Gets the total number of bonds stored in NV. Read Only. Size is uint8_t. Default is 0 (no bonds).
#define GAPBOND_BOND_FAIL_ACTION 0x416 //!< Possible actions Central may take upon an unsuccessful bonding. Write Only. Size is uint8_t. Default is 0x02 (Terminate link upon unsuccessful bonding).
#define GAPBOND_ERASE_SINGLEBOND 0x417 //!< Erase a single bonded device. Write only. Must provide address type followed by device address.
#define GAPBOND_BOND_AUTO 0x418 //!< Auto save bonds into FLASH. Write Only. size is uint8_t. Default is 1(enabled).
#define GAPBOND_BOND_UPDATE 0x419 //!< Save current bonds into FLASH. Write Only. No Size.
#define GAPBOND_DISABLE_SINGLEBOND 0x41A //!< Disable a single bonded device. Write only. Must provide address type followed by device address.
#define GAPBOND_ENABLE_SINGLEBOND 0x41B //!< Ensable a single bonded device. Write only. Must provide address type followed by device address.
#define GAPBOND_DISABLE_ALLBONDS 0x41C //!< Disable all of the bonded devices. Write Only. No Size.
#define GAPBOND_ENABLE_ALLBONDS 0x41D //!< Ensable all of the bonded devices. Write Only. No Size.
#define GAPBOND_ERASE_AUTO 0x41E //!< Auto erase all of the bonded devices when the maximum number is reached.Size is uint8_t. Default is 1(enabled).
#define GAPBOND_AUTO_SYNC_RL 0x41F //!< Clears the Resolving List adds to it each unique address stored by bonds in NV. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is FALSE.
#define GAPBOND_SET_ENC_PARAMS 0x420 //!< Set bonding parameters.size is bondEncParams_t.
#define GAPBOND_PERI_SC_PROTECTION 0x421 //!< Set peripheral sc enable. Default is FALSE.
#define GAPBOND_CENT_SC_PROTECTION 0x422 //!< Set central sc enable. Default is FALSE.
#define GAPBOND_PAIRING_MODE_NO_PAIRING 0x00 //!< Pairing is not allowed
#define GAPBOND_PAIRING_MODE_WAIT_FOR_REQ 0x01 //!< Wait for a pairing request or slave security request
#define GAPBOND_PAIRING_MODE_INITIATE 0x02 //!< Don't wait, initiate a pairing request or slave security request
// GAPBOND_IO_CAP_DEFINES GAP Bond Manager I/O Capabilities
#define GAPBOND_IO_CAP_DISPLAY_ONLY 0x00 //!< Display Only Device
#define GAPBOND_IO_CAP_DISPLAY_YES_NO 0x01 //!< Display and Yes and No Capable
#define GAPBOND_IO_CAP_KEYBOARD_ONLY 0x02 //!< Keyboard Only
#define GAPBOND_IO_CAP_NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT 0x03 //!< No Display or Input Device
#define GAPBOND_IO_CAP_KEYBOARD_DISPLAY 0x04 //!< Both Keyboard and Display Capable
// GAPBOND_KEY_DIST_DEFINES GAP Bond Manager Key Distribution
#define GAPBOND_KEYDIST_SENCKEY 0x01 //!< Slave Encryption Key
#define GAPBOND_KEYDIST_SIDKEY 0x02 //!< Slave IRK and ID information
#define GAPBOND_KEYDIST_SSIGN 0x04 //!< Slave CSRK
#define GAPBOND_KEYDIST_SLINK 0x08 //!< Slave Link Key
#define GAPBOND_KEYDIST_MENCKEY 0x10 //!< Master Encrypton Key
#define GAPBOND_KEYDIST_MIDKEY 0x20 //!< Master IRK and ID information
#define GAPBOND_KEYDIST_MSIGN 0x40 //!< Master CSRK
#define GAPBOND_KEYDIST_MLINK 0x80 //!< Master Link Key
#define GAPBOND_PAIRING_STATE_STARTED 0x00 //!< Pairing started
#define GAPBOND_PAIRING_STATE_COMPLETE 0x01 //!< Pairing complete
#define GAPBOND_PAIRING_STATE_BONDED 0x02 //!< Devices bonded
#define GAPBOND_PAIRING_STATE_BOND_SAVED 0x03 //!< Bonding record saved in NV
// SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_DEFINES Pairing failure status values
#define SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_PASSKEY_ENTRY_FAILED 0x01 //!< The user input of the passkey failed, for example, the user cancelled the operation.
#define SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_OOB_NOT_AVAIL 0x02 //!< The OOB data is not available
#define SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_AUTH_REQ 0x03 //!< The pairing procedure can't be performed as authentication requirements can't be met due to IO capabilities of one or both devices
#define SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_CONFIRM_VALUE 0x04 //!< The confirm value doesn't match the calculated compare value
#define SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x05 //!< Pairing isn't supported by the device
#define SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_ENC_KEY_SIZE 0x06 //!< The resultant encryption key size is insufficient for the security requirements of this device.
#define SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_CMD_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x07 //!< The SMP command received is not supported on this device.
#define SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_UNSPECIFIED 0x08 //!< Pairing failed due to an unspecified reason
#define SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_REPEATED_ATTEMPTS 0x09 //!< Pairing or authentication procedure is disallowed because too little time has elapsed since the last pairing request or security request.
#define SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_INVALID_PARAMERERS 0x0A //!< The Invalid Parameters error code indicates that the command length is invalid or that a parameter is outside of the specified range.
#define SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_DHKEY_CHECK_FAILED 0x0B //!< Indicates to the remote device that the DHKey Check value received doesnt match the one calculated by the local device.
#define SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_NUMERIC_COMPARISON 0x0C //!< Indicates that the confirm values in the numeric comparison protocol do not match.
#define SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_KEY_REJECTED 0x0F //!< Indicates that the device chose not to accept a distributed key.
#define GAPBOND_FAIL_NO_ACTION 0x00 //!< Take no action upon unsuccessful bonding
#define GAPBOND_FAIL_INITIATE_PAIRING 0x01 //!< Initiate pairing upon unsuccessful bonding
#define GAPBOND_FAIL_TERMINATE_LINK 0x02 //!< Terminate link upon unsuccessful bonding
#define GAPBOND_FAIL_TERMINATE_ERASE_BONDS 0x03 //!< Terminate link and erase all existing bonds on device upon unsuccessful bonding
// Device NV Items
#define BLE_NVID_IRK 0x0002 //!< The Device's IRK
#define BLE_NVID_CSRK 0x0003 //!< The Device's CSRK
#define BLE_NVID_SIGNCOUNTER 0x0004 //!< The Device's Sign Counter
//!< RF Mode BOND NV IDs
#define BLE_NVID_BOND_RF_START 0x0100 //!< Start of the RF BOND NV IDs
// Bonding NV Items - Range 0x0200 - 0x6FFF
#define BLE_NVID_GAP_BOND_START 0x0200 //!< Start of the GAP Bond Manager's NV IDs
// GAP BOND Items
#define GAP_BOND_REC_ID_OFFSET 0 //!< NV ID for the main bonding record
#define GAP_BOND_LOCAL_LTK_OFFSET 1 //!< NV ID for the bonding record's local LTK information
#define GAP_BOND_DEV_LTK_OFFSET 2 //!< NV ID for the bonding records' device LTK information
#define GAP_BOND_DEV_IRK_OFFSET 3 //!< NV ID for the bonding records' device IRK
#define GAP_BOND_DEV_CSRK_OFFSET 4 //!< NV ID for the bonding records' device CSRK
#define GAP_BOND_DEV_SIGN_COUNTER_OFFSET 5 //!< NV ID for the bonding records' device Sign Counter
#define GAP_BOND_REC_IDS 6
// Macros to calculate the index/offset in to NV space
#define calcNvID(Idx, offset) (((((Idx) * GAP_BOND_REC_IDS) + (offset))) + BLE_NVID_GAP_BOND_START)
#define mainRecordNvID(bondIdx) (calcNvID((bondIdx), GAP_BOND_REC_ID_OFFSET))
#define localLTKNvID(bondIdx) (calcNvID((bondIdx), GAP_BOND_LOCAL_LTK_OFFSET))
#define devLTKNvID(bondIdx) (calcNvID((bondIdx), GAP_BOND_DEV_LTK_OFFSET))
#define devIRKNvID(bondIdx) (calcNvID((bondIdx), GAP_BOND_DEV_IRK_OFFSET))
#define devCSRKNvID(bondIdx) (calcNvID((bondIdx), GAP_BOND_DEV_CSRK_OFFSET))
#define devSignCounterNvID(bondIdx) (calcNvID((bondIdx), GAP_BOND_DEV_SIGN_COUNTER_OFFSET))
// GATT Configuration NV Items -Range 0x7000 - 0x7FFF
#define BLE_NVID_GATT_CFG_START 0x7000 //!< Start of the GATT Configuration NV IDs
// Macros to calculate the GATT index/offset in to NV space
#define gattCfgNvID(Idx) ((Idx) + BLE_NVID_GATT_CFG_START)
// Structure of NV data for the connected device's encryption information
typedef struct
uint8_t LTK[KEYLEN]; // Long Term Key (LTK)
uint16_t div; // LTK eDiv
uint8_t rand[B_RANDOM_NUM_SIZE]; // LTK random number
uint8_t keySize; // LTK key size
} gapBondLTK_t;
// Structure of NV data for the connected device's address information
typedef struct
uint8_t publicAddr[B_ADDR_LEN]; // Master's address
uint8_t reconnectAddr[B_ADDR_LEN]; // Privacy Reconnection Address
uint16_t stateFlags; // State flags: SM_AUTH_STATE_AUTHENTICATED & SM_AUTH_STATE_BONDING
uint8_t bondsToDelete;
} gapBondRec_t;
// Structure of NV data for the connected device's characteristic configuration
typedef struct
uint16_t attrHandle; // attribute handle
uint8_t value; // attribute value for this device
} gapBondCharCfg_t;
typedef struct
uint8_t srk[KEYLEN]; // Signature Resolving Key
uint32_t signCounter; // Sign Counter
} linkSec_t;
typedef struct
uint8_t ltk[KEYLEN]; // Long Term Key
uint16_t div; // Diversifier
uint8_t rand[B_RANDOM_NUM_SIZE]; // random number
uint8_t keySize; // LTK Key Size
uint8_t gapBondInvalid;
} encParams_t;
typedef struct
uint8_t connRole; // GAP Profile Roles @GAP_PROFILE_ROLE_DEFINES
uint8_t addrType; // Address type of connected device
uint8_t addr[B_ADDR_LEN]; // Other Device's address
encParams_t encParams;
} bondEncParams_t;
typedef struct
uint8_t taskID; // Application that controls the link
uint16_t connectionHandle; // Controller connection handle
uint8_t addrType; // Address type of connected device
uint8_t addr[B_ADDR_LEN]; // Other Device's address
uint8_t connRole; // Connection formed as central or peripheral
uint16_t connInterval; // The connection's interval (n * 1.25ms)
uint16_t connLatency;
uint16_t connTimeout;
uint16_t MTU; // The connection's MTU size
linkSec_t sec; // Connection Security related items
encParams_t *pEncParams; // pointer to LTK, ediv, rand. if needed.
uint16_t smEvtID;
void *pPairingParams;
void *pAuthLink;
} linkDBItem_t;
// function pointer used to register for a status callback
typedef void (*pfnLinkDBCB_t)( uint16_t connectionHandle, uint8_t changeType );
// function pointer used to perform specialized link database searches
typedef void (*pfnPerformFuncCB_t)( linkDBItem_t *pLinkItem );
* Attribute Type format (2 or 16 octet UUID).
typedef struct
uint8_t len; //!< Length of UUID (2 or 16)
uint8_t uuid[ATT_UUID_SIZE]; //!< 16 or 128 bit UUID
} attAttrType_t;
* Attribute Type format (2-octet Bluetooth UUID).
typedef struct
uint8_t len; //!< Length of UUID (2)
uint8_t uuid[ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE]; //!< 16 bit UUID
} attAttrBtType_t;
* Error Response format.
typedef struct
uint8_t reqOpcode; //!< Request that generated this error response
uint16_t handle; //!< Attribute handle that generated error response
uint8_t errCode; //!< Reason why the request has generated error response
} attErrorRsp_t;
* Exchange MTU Request format.
typedef struct
uint16_t clientRxMTU; //!< Client receive MTU size
} attExchangeMTUReq_t;
* Exchange MTU Response format.
typedef struct
uint16_t serverRxMTU; //!< Server receive MTU size
} attExchangeMTURsp_t;
* Find Information Request format.
typedef struct
uint16_t startHandle; //!< First requested handle number (must be first field)
uint16_t endHandle; //!< Last requested handle number
} attFindInfoReq_t;
* Find Information Response format.
typedef struct
uint16_t numInfo; //!< Number of attribute handle-UUID pairs found
uint8_t format; //!< Format of information data
uint8_t *pInfo; //!< Information data whose format is determined by format field (4 to ATT_MTU_SIZE-2)
} attFindInfoRsp_t;
* Find By Type Value Request format.
typedef struct
uint16_t startHandle; //!< First requested handle number (must be first field)
uint16_t endHandle; //!< Last requested handle number
attAttrBtType_t type; //!< 2-octet UUID to find
uint16_t len; //!< Length of value
uint8_t *pValue; //!< Attribute value to find (0 to ATT_MTU_SIZE-7)
} attFindByTypeValueReq_t;
* Find By Type Value Response format.
typedef struct
uint16_t numInfo; //!< Number of handles information found
uint8_t *pHandlesInfo; //!< List of 1 or more handles information (4 to ATT_MTU_SIZE-1)
} attFindByTypeValueRsp_t;
* Read By Type Request format.
typedef struct
uint16_t startHandle; //!< First requested handle number (must be first field)
uint16_t endHandle; //!< Last requested handle number
attAttrType_t type; //!< Requested type (2 or 16 octet UUID)
} attReadByTypeReq_t;
* Read By Type Response format.
typedef struct
uint16_t numPairs; //!< Number of attribute handle-UUID pairs found
uint16_t len; //!< Size of each attribute handle-value pair
uint8_t *pDataList; //!< List of 1 or more attribute handle-value pairs (2 to ATT_MTU_SIZE-2)
} attReadByTypeRsp_t;
* Read Request format.
typedef struct
uint16_t handle; //!< Handle of the attribute to be read (must be first field)
} attReadReq_t;
* Read Response format.
typedef struct
uint16_t len; //!< Length of value
uint8_t *pValue; //!< Value of the attribute with the handle given (0 to ATT_MTU_SIZE-1)
} attReadRsp_t;
* Read Blob Req format.
typedef struct
uint16_t handle; //!< Handle of the attribute to be read (must be first field)
uint16_t offset; //!< Offset of the first octet to be read
} attReadBlobReq_t;
* Read Blob Response format.
typedef struct
uint16_t len; //!< Length of value
uint8_t *pValue; //!< Part of the value of the attribute with the handle given (0 to ATT_MTU_SIZE-1)
} attReadBlobRsp_t;
* Read Multiple Request format.
typedef struct
uint8_t *pHandles; //!< Set of two or more attribute handles (4 to ATT_MTU_SIZE-1) - must be first field
uint16_t numHandles; //!< Number of attribute handles
} attReadMultiReq_t;
* Read Multiple Response format.
typedef struct
uint16_t len; //!< Length of values
uint8_t *pValues; //!< Set of two or more values (0 to ATT_MTU_SIZE-1)
} attReadMultiRsp_t;
* Read By Group Type Request format.
typedef struct
uint16_t startHandle; //!< First requested handle number (must be first field)
uint16_t endHandle; //!< Last requested handle number
attAttrType_t type; //!< Requested group type (2 or 16 octet UUID)
} attReadByGrpTypeReq_t;
* Read By Group Type Response format.
typedef struct
uint16_t numGrps; //!< Number of attribute handle, end group handle and value sets found
uint16_t len; //!< Length of each attribute handle, end group handle and value set
uint8_t *pDataList; //!< List of 1 or more attribute handle, end group handle and value (4 to ATT_MTU_SIZE-2)
} attReadByGrpTypeRsp_t;
* Write Request format.
typedef struct
uint16_t handle; //!< Handle of the attribute to be written (must be first field)
uint16_t len; //!< Length of value
uint8_t *pValue; //!< Value of the attribute to be written (0 to ATT_MTU_SIZE-3)
uint8_t sig; //!< Authentication Signature status (not included (0), valid (1), invalid (2))
uint8_t cmd; //!< Command Flag
} attWriteReq_t;
* Prepare Write Request format.
typedef struct
uint16_t handle; //!< Handle of the attribute to be written (must be first field)
uint16_t offset; //!< Offset of the first octet to be written
uint16_t len; //!< Length of value
uint8_t *pValue; //!< Part of the value of the attribute to be written (0 to ATT_MTU_SIZE-5) - must be allocated
} attPrepareWriteReq_t;
* Prepare Write Response format.
typedef struct
uint16_t handle; //!< Handle of the attribute that has been read
uint16_t offset; //!< Offset of the first octet to be written
uint16_t len; //!< Length of value
uint8_t *pValue; //!< Part of the value of the attribute to be written (0 to ATT_MTU_SIZE-5)
} attPrepareWriteRsp_t;
* Execute Write Request format.
typedef struct
uint8_t flags; //!< 0x00 - cancel all prepared writes.
//!< 0x01 - immediately write all pending prepared values.
} attExecuteWriteReq_t;
* Handle Value Notification format.
typedef struct
uint16_t handle; //!< Handle of the attribute that has been changed (must be first field)
uint16_t len; //!< Length of value
uint8_t *pValue; //!< Current value of the attribute (0 to ATT_MTU_SIZE-3)
} attHandleValueNoti_t;
* Handle Value Indication format.
typedef struct
uint16_t handle; //!< Handle of the attribute that has been changed (must be first field)
uint16_t len; //!< Length of value
uint8_t *pValue; //!< Current value of the attribute (0 to ATT_MTU_SIZE-3)
} attHandleValueInd_t;
* ATT Flow Control Violated Event message format. This message is sent to the
* app by the local ATT Server or Client when a sequential ATT Request-Response
* or Indication-Confirmation protocol flow control is violated for a connection.
* All subsequent ATT Requests and Indications received by the local ATT Server
* and Client respectively will be dropped.
* This message is to inform the app (that has registered with GAP by calling
* GAP_RegisterForMsgs()) in case it wants to drop the connection.
typedef struct
uint8_t opcode; //!< opcode of message that caused flow control violation
uint8_t pendingOpcode; //!< opcode of pending message
} attFlowCtrlViolatedEvt_t;
* ATT MTU Updated Event message format. This message is sent to the app
* by the local ATT Server or Client when the ATT MTU size is updated for a
* connection. The default ATT MTU size is 23 octets.
* This message is to inform the app (that has registered with GAP by calling
* GAP_RegisterForMsgs()) about the new ATT MTU size negotiated for a connection.
typedef struct
uint16_t MTU; //!< new MTU size
} attMtuUpdatedEvt_t;
* ATT Message format. It's a union of all attribute protocol messages and
* locally-generated events used between the attribute protocol and upper
* layer profile/application.
typedef union
// Request messages
attExchangeMTUReq_t exchangeMTUReq; //!< ATT Exchange MTU Request
attFindInfoReq_t findInfoReq; //!< ATT Find Information Request
attFindByTypeValueReq_t findByTypeValueReq; //!< ATT Find By Type Value Request
attReadByTypeReq_t readByTypeReq; //!< ATT Read By Type Request
attReadReq_t readReq; //!< ATT Read Request
attReadBlobReq_t readBlobReq; //!< ATT Read Blob Request
attReadMultiReq_t readMultiReq; //!< ATT Read Multiple Request
attReadByGrpTypeReq_t readByGrpTypeReq; //!< ATT Read By Group Type Request
attWriteReq_t writeReq; //!< ATT Write Request
attPrepareWriteReq_t prepareWriteReq; //!< ATT Prepare Write Request
attExecuteWriteReq_t executeWriteReq; //!< ATT Execute Write Request
// Response messages
attErrorRsp_t errorRsp; //!< ATT Error Response
attExchangeMTURsp_t exchangeMTURsp; //!< ATT Exchange MTU Response
attFindInfoRsp_t findInfoRsp; //!< ATT Find Information Response
attFindByTypeValueRsp_t findByTypeValueRsp; //!< ATT Find By Type Value Response
attReadByTypeRsp_t readByTypeRsp; //!< ATT Read By Type Response
attReadRsp_t readRsp; //!< ATT Read Response
attReadBlobRsp_t readBlobRsp; //!< ATT Read Blob Response
attReadMultiRsp_t readMultiRsp; //!< ATT Read Multiple Response
attReadByGrpTypeRsp_t readByGrpTypeRsp; //!< ATT Read By Group Type Response
attPrepareWriteRsp_t prepareWriteRsp; //!< ATT Prepare Write Response
// Indication and Notification messages
attHandleValueNoti_t handleValueNoti; //!< ATT Handle Value Notification
attHandleValueInd_t handleValueInd; //!< ATT Handle Value Indication
// Locally-generated event messages
attFlowCtrlViolatedEvt_t flowCtrlEvt; //!< ATT Flow Control Violated Event
attMtuUpdatedEvt_t mtuEvt; //!< ATT MTU Updated Event
} attMsg_t;
* GATT Find By Type Value Request format.
typedef struct
uint16_t startHandle; //!< First requested handle number (must be first field)
uint16_t endHandle; //!< Last requested handle number
attAttrType_t value; //!< Primary service UUID value (2 or 16 octets)
} gattFindByTypeValueReq_t;
* GATT Read By Type Request format.
typedef struct
uint8_t discCharsByUUID; //!< Whether this is a GATT Discover Characteristics by UUID sub-procedure
attReadByTypeReq_t req; //!< Read By Type Request
} gattReadByTypeReq_t;
* GATT Write Long Request format. Do not change the order of the members.
typedef struct
uint8_t reliable; //!< Whether reliable writes requested (always FALSE for Write Long)
attPrepareWriteReq_t req; //!< ATT Prepare Write Request
uint16_t lastOffset; //!< Offset of last Prepare Write Request sent
} gattWriteLongReq_t;
* GATT Reliable Writes Request format. Do not change the order of the members.
typedef struct
uint8_t reliable; //!< Whether reliable writes requested (always TRUE for Reliable Writes)
attPrepareWriteReq_t *pReqs; //!< Array of Prepare Write Requests (must be allocated)
uint8_t numReqs; //!< Number of Prepare Write Requests
uint8_t index; //!< Index of last Prepare Write Request sent
uint8_t flags; //!< 0x00 - cancel all prepared writes.
//!< 0x01 - immediately write all pending prepared values.
} gattReliableWritesReq_t;
* GATT Message format. It's a union of all attribute protocol/profile messages
* and locally-generated events used between the attribute protocol/profile and
* upper layer application.
typedef union
// Request messages
attExchangeMTUReq_t exchangeMTUReq; //!< ATT Exchange MTU Request
attFindInfoReq_t findInfoReq; //!< ATT Find Information Request
attFindByTypeValueReq_t findByTypeValueReq; //!< ATT Find By Type Value Request
attReadByTypeReq_t readByTypeReq; //!< ATT Read By Type Request
attReadReq_t readReq; //!< ATT Read Request
attReadBlobReq_t readBlobReq; //!< ATT Read Blob Request
attReadMultiReq_t readMultiReq; //!< ATT Read Multiple Request
attReadByGrpTypeReq_t readByGrpTypeReq; //!< ATT Read By Group Type Request
attWriteReq_t writeReq; //!< ATT Write Request
attPrepareWriteReq_t prepareWriteReq; //!< ATT Prepare Write Request
attExecuteWriteReq_t executeWriteReq; //!< ATT Execute Write Request
gattFindByTypeValueReq_t gattFindByTypeValueReq;//!< GATT Find By Type Value Request
gattReadByTypeReq_t gattReadByTypeReq; //!< GATT Read By Type Request
gattWriteLongReq_t gattWriteLongReq; //!< GATT Long Write Request
gattReliableWritesReq_t gattReliableWritesReq; //!< GATT Reliable Writes Request
// Response messages
attErrorRsp_t errorRsp; //!< ATT Error Response
attExchangeMTURsp_t exchangeMTURsp; //!< ATT Exchange MTU Response
attFindInfoRsp_t findInfoRsp; //!< ATT Find Information Response
attFindByTypeValueRsp_t findByTypeValueRsp; //!< ATT Find By Type Value Response
attReadByTypeRsp_t readByTypeRsp; //!< ATT Read By Type Response
attReadRsp_t readRsp; //!< ATT Read Response
attReadBlobRsp_t readBlobRsp; //!< ATT Read Blob Response
attReadMultiRsp_t readMultiRsp; //!< ATT Read Multiple Response
attReadByGrpTypeRsp_t readByGrpTypeRsp; //!< ATT Read By Group Type Response
attPrepareWriteRsp_t prepareWriteRsp; //!< ATT Prepare Write Response
// Indication and Notification messages
attHandleValueNoti_t handleValueNoti; //!< ATT Handle Value Notification
attHandleValueInd_t handleValueInd; //!< ATT Handle Value Indication
// Locally-generated event messages
attFlowCtrlViolatedEvt_t flowCtrlEvt; //!< ATT Flow Control Violated Event
attMtuUpdatedEvt_t mtuEvt; //!< ATT MTU Updated Event
} gattMsg_t;
* GATT tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT message format. This message is used to forward an
* incoming attribute protocol/profile message up to upper layer application.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GATT_MSG_EVENT and status
uint16_t connHandle; //!< Connection message was received on
uint8_t method; //!< Type of message
gattMsg_t msg; //!< Attribute protocol/profile message
} gattMsgEvent_t;
* GATT Attribute Type format.
typedef struct
uint8_t len; //!< Length of UUID (2 or 16)
const uint8_t *uuid; //!< Pointer to UUID
} gattAttrType_t;
* GATT Attribute format.
typedef struct attAttribute_t
gattAttrType_t type; //!< Attribute type (2 or 16 octet UUIDs)
uint8_t permissions; //!< Attribute permissions
uint16_t handle; //!< Attribute handle - assigned internally by attribute server
uint8_t *pValue; //!< Attribute value - encoding of the octet array is defined in
//!< the applicable profile. The maximum length of an attribute
//!< value shall be 512 octets.
} gattAttribute_t;
* GATT Service format.
typedef struct
uint16_t numAttrs; //!< Number of attributes in attrs
uint8_t encKeySize; //!< Minimum encryption key size required by service (7-16 bytes)
/** Array of attribute records.
* note: The list must start with a Service attribute followed by
* all attributes associated with this Service attribute.
gattAttribute_t *attrs;
} gattService_t;
* @brief Callback function prototype to read an attribute value.
* @note blePending can be returned ONLY for the following
* read operations:
* - Read Request: ATT_READ_REQ
* - Read Blob Request: ATT_READ_BLOB_REQ
* @note If blePending is returned then it's the responsibility of the application to respond to
* message respectively.
* @note Payload 'pValue' used with ATT_READ_RSP and ATT_READ_BLOB_RSP must be allocated using GATT_bm_alloc().
* @param connHandle - connection request was received on
* @param pAttr - pointer to attribute
* @param pValue - pointer to data to be read (to be returned)
* @param pLen - length of data (to be returned)
* @param offset - offset of the first octet to be read
* @param maxLen - maximum length of data to be read
* @param method - type of read message
* @return SUCCESS: Read was successfully.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending for this client.<BR>
* Error, otherwise: ref ATT_ERR_CODE_DEFINES.<BR>
typedef uint8_t (*pfnGATTReadAttrCB_t)( uint16_t connHandle, gattAttribute_t *pAttr, uint8_t *pValue,
uint16_t *pLen, uint16_t offset, uint16_t maxLen, uint8_t method );
* @brief Callback function prototype to write an attribute value.
* @note blePending can be returned ONLY for the following
* write operations:
* - Write Request: ATT_WRITE_REQ
* - Write Command: ATT_WRITE_CMD
* - Reliable Writes: Multiple ATT_PREPARE_WRITE_REQ followed by one final ATT_EXECUTE_WRITE_REQ
* @note If blePending is returned then it's the responsibility of the application to 1) respond to
* message respectively, and 2) free each request payload 'pValue' using BM_free().
* @note Write Command (ATT_WRITE_CMD) does NOT require a response message.
* @param connHandle - connection request was received on
* @param pAttr - pointer to attribute
* @param pValue - pointer to data to be written
* @param pLen - length of data
* @param offset - offset of the first octet to be written
* @param method - type of write message
* @return SUCCESS: Write was successfully.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending for this client.<BR>
* Error, otherwise: ref ATT_ERR_CODE_DEFINES.<BR>
typedef uint8_t (*pfnGATTWriteAttrCB_t)( uint16_t connHandle, gattAttribute_t *pAttr, uint8_t *pValue,
uint16_t len, uint16_t offset, uint8_t method );
* @brief Callback function prototype to authorize a Read or Write operation
* on a given attribute.
* @param connHandle - connection request was received on
* @param pAttr - pointer to attribute
* @param opcode - request opcode (ATT_READ_REQ or ATT_WRITE_REQ)
* @return SUCCESS: Operation authorized.<BR>
* ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_AUTHOR: Authorization required.<BR>
typedef bStatus_t (*pfnGATTAuthorizeAttrCB_t)( uint16_t connHandle, gattAttribute_t *pAttr,
uint8_t opcode );
* GATT Structure for Client Characteristic Configuration.
typedef struct
uint16_t connHandle; //!< Client connection handle
uint8_t value; //!< Characteristic configuration value for this client
} gattCharCfg_t;
* GATT Structure for service callback functions - must be setup by the application
* and used when GATTServApp_RegisterService() is called.
typedef struct
pfnGATTReadAttrCB_t pfnReadAttrCB; //!< Read callback function pointer
pfnGATTWriteAttrCB_t pfnWriteAttrCB; //!< Write callback function pointer
pfnGATTAuthorizeAttrCB_t pfnAuthorizeAttrCB; //!< Authorization callback function pointer
} gattServiceCBs_t;
* Connection parameters for the peripheral device. These numbers are used
* to compare against connection events and request connection parameter
* updates with the central.
typedef struct
uint16_t intervalMin; //!< Minimum value for the connection event (interval. 0x0006 - 0x0C80 * 1.25ms)
uint16_t intervalMax; //!< Maximum value for the connection event (interval. 0x0006 - 0x0C80 * 1.25ms)
uint16_t latency; //!< Number of LL latency connection events (0x0000 - 0x03e8)
uint16_t timeout; //!< Connection Timeout (0x000A - 0x0C80 * 10ms)
} gapPeriConnectParams_t;
* GAP event header format.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8_t opcode; //!< GAP type of command. Ref: @ref GAP_MSG_EVENT_DEFINES
} gapEventHdr_t;
* GAP_DEVICE_INIT_DONE_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when the Device Initialization is done [initiated by calling
* GAP_DeviceInit()].
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8_t opcode; //!< GAP_DEVICE_INIT_DONE_EVENT
uint8_t devAddr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< Device's BD_ADDR
uint16_t dataPktLen; //!< HC_LE_Data_Packet_Length
uint8_t numDataPkts; //!< HC_Total_Num_LE_Data_Packets
} gapDeviceInitDoneEvent_t;
* GAP_SIGNATURE_UPDATED_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when the signature counter has changed. This message is to inform the
* application in case it wants to save it to be restored on reboot or reconnect.
* This message is sent to update a connection's signature counter and to update
* this device's signature counter. If devAddr == BD_ADDR, then this message pertains
* to this device.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8_t opcode; //!< GAP_SIGNATURE_UPDATED_EVENT
uint8_t addrType; //!< Device's address type for devAddr
uint8_t devAddr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< Device's BD_ADDR, could be own address
uint32_t signCounter; //!< new Signed Counter
} gapSignUpdateEvent_t;
* GAP_DEVICE_INFO_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app during a Device Discovery Request, when a new advertisement or scan
* response is received.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8_t opcode; //!< GAP_DEVICE_INFO_EVENT
uint8_t eventType; //!< Advertisement Type: @ref GAP_ADVERTISEMENT_REPORT_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8_t addrType; //!< address type: @ref GAP_ADDR_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8_t addr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< Address of the advertisement or SCAN_RSP
int8_t rssi; //!< Advertisement or SCAN_RSP RSSI
uint8_t dataLen; //!< Length (in bytes) of the data field (evtData)
uint8_t *pEvtData; //!< Data field of advertisement or SCAN_RSP
} gapDeviceInfoEvent_t;
* GAP_DIRECT_DEVICE_INFO_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app during a Device Discovery Request, when a new advertisement or scan
* response is received.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8_t opcode; //!< GAP_DIRECT_DEVICE_INFO_EVENT
uint8_t eventType; //!< Advertisement Type: @ref GAP_ADVERTISEMENT_REPORT_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8_t addrType; //!< address type: @ref GAP_ADDR_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8_t addr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< Address of the advertisement or SCAN_RSP
uint8_t directAddrType; //!< public or random address type
uint8_t directAddr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< device address
int8_t rssi; //!< Advertisement or SCAN_RSP RSSI
} gapDirectDeviceInfoEvent_t;
* GAP_EXT_ADV_DEVICE_INFO_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app during a Device Discovery Request, when a new advertisement or scan
* response is received.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8_t opcode; //!< GAP_EXT_ADV_DEVICE_INFO_EVENT
uint8_t eventType; //!< Advertisement Type: @ref GAP_ADVERTISEMENT_REPORT_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8_t addrType; //!< address type: @ref GAP_ADDR_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8_t addr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< Address of the advertisement or SCAN_RSP
uint8_t primaryPHY; //!< Advertiser PHY on the primary advertising channel
uint8_t secondaryPHY; //!< Advertiser PHY on the secondary advertising channel
uint8_t advertisingSID; //!< Value of the Advertising SID subfield in the ADI field of the PDU
int8_t txPower; //!< Advertisement or SCAN_RSP power
int8_t rssi; //!< Advertisement or SCAN_RSP RSSI
uint16_t periodicAdvInterval; //!< the interval of periodic advertising
uint8_t directAddressType; //!< public or random address type
uint8_t directAddress[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< device address
uint8_t dataLen; //!< Length (in bytes) of the data field (evtData)
uint8_t *pEvtData; //!< Data field of advertisement or SCAN_RSP
} gapExtAdvDeviceInfoEvent_t;
* Type of device discovery (Scan) to perform.
typedef struct
uint8_t taskID; //!< Requesting App's Task ID, used to return results
uint8_t mode; //!< Discovery Mode: @ref GAP_DEVDISC_MODE_DEFINES
uint8_t activeScan; //!< TRUE for active scanning
uint8_t whiteList; //!< TRUE to only allow advertisements from devices in the white list.
} gapDevDiscReq_t;
* Type of device.
typedef struct
uint8_t eventType; //!< Indicates advertising event type used by the advertiser: @ref GAP_ADVERTISEMENT_REPORT_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8_t addrType; //!< Address Type: @ref GAP_ADDR_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8_t addr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< Device's Address
} gapDevRec_t;
* GAP_DEVICE_DISCOVERY_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* Application after a scan is performed.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8_t opcode; //!< GAP_DEVICE_DISCOVERY_EVENT
uint8_t numDevs; //!< Number of devices found during scan
gapDevRec_t *pDevList; //!< array of device records
} gapDevDiscEvent_t;
* GAP_MAKE_DISCOVERABLE_DONE_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when the Advertise config is complete.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
} gapMakeDiscoverableRspEvent_t;
* GAP_END_DISCOVERABLE_DONE_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when the Advertising has stopped.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
} gapEndDiscoverableRspEvent_t;
* GAP_PERIODIC_ADVERTISING_DONE_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when the Periodic Advertising config is complete.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
} gapMakePeriodicRspEvent_t;
* GAP_END_PERIODIC_ADV_DONE_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when the Periodic Advertising disable is complete.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8_t opcode; //!< GAP_END_PERIODIC_ADV_DONE_EVENT
} gapEndPeriodicRspEvent_t;
* GAP_SYNC_ESTABLISHED_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when the Periodic Advertising Sync Establish is complete.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8_t opcode; //!< GAP_SYNC_ESTABLISHED_EVENT
uint8_t status; //!< Periodic advertising sync status
uint16_t syncHandle; //!< Identifying the periodic advertising train
uint8_t advertisingSID; //!< Value of the Advertising SID subfield in the ADI field of the PDU
uint8_t devAddrType; //!< Device address type: @ref GAP_ADDR_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8_t devAddr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< Device address of sync
uint8_t advertisingPHY; //!< Advertiser PHY
uint16_t periodicInterval; //!< Periodic advertising interval
uint8_t clockAccuracy; //!< Clock Accuracy
} gapSyncEstablishedEvent_t;
* GAP_PERIODIC_ADV_DEVICE_INFO_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app during Periodic Advertising Sync, when received a Periodic Advertising packet
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint16_t syncHandle; //!< Identifying the periodic advertising train
int8_t txPower; //!< Periodic advertising tx power,Units: dBm
int8_t rssi; //!< Periodic advertising rssi,Units: dBm
uint8_t unUsed;
uint8_t dataStatus; //!< Data complete
uint8_t dataLength; //!< Length (in bytes) of the data field (evtData)
uint8_t *pEvtData; //!< Data field of periodic advertising data
} gapPeriodicAdvDeviceInfoEvent_t;
* GAP_SYNC_LOST_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when the Periodic Advertising Sync timeout period.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8_t opcode; //!< GAP_SYNC_LOST_EVENT
uint16_t syncHandle; //!< Identifying the periodic advertising train
} gapSyncLostEvent_t;
* GAP_SCAN_REQUEST_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when the advertiser receives a SCAN_REQ PDU or an AUX_SCAN_REQ PDU
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8_t opcode; //!< GAP_SCAN_REQUEST_EVENT
uint8_t advHandle; //!< identifying the periodic advertising train
uint8_t scannerAddrType; //!< the type of the address
uint8_t scannerAddr[B_ADDR_LEN];//!< the address of scanner device
} gapScanReqReseiveEvent_t;
* GAP_CONNECTIONESS_CTE_DONE_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when the Connectionless CTE Transmit config is complete.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
} gapMakeConnectionlessCTERspEvent_t;
* GAP_END_PERIODIC_ADV_DONE_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when the Periodic Advertising disable is complete.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
} gapEndConnectionlessCTERspEvent_t;
* GAP_ADV_DATA_UPDATE_DONE_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when Advertising Data Update is complete.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8_t opcode; //!< GAP_ADV_DATA_UPDATE_DONE_EVENT
uint8_t adType; //!< TRUE if advertising data, FALSE if SCAN_RSP
} gapAdvDataUpdateEvent_t;
* GAP_LINK_ESTABLISHED_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the app
* when the link request is complete.<BR>
* <BR>
* For an Observer, this message is sent to complete the Establish Link Request.<BR>
* For a Peripheral, this message is sent to indicate that a link has been created.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8_t opcode; //!< GAP_LINK_ESTABLISHED_EVENT
uint8_t devAddrType; //!< Device address type: @ref GAP_ADDR_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8_t devAddr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< Device address of link
uint16_t connectionHandle; //!< Connection Handle from controller used to ref the device
uint8_t connRole; //!< Connection formed as Master or Slave
uint16_t connInterval; //!< Connection Interval
uint16_t connLatency; //!< Connection Latency
uint16_t connTimeout; //!< Connection Timeout
uint8_t clockAccuracy; //!< Clock Accuracy
} gapEstLinkReqEvent_t;
* GAP_LINK_PARAM_UPDATE_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the app
* when the connection parameters update request is complete.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8_t opcode; //!< GAP_LINK_PARAM_UPDATE_EVENT
uint8_t status; //!< bStatus_t
uint16_t connectionHandle; //!< Connection handle of the update
uint16_t connInterval; //!< Requested connection interval
uint16_t connLatency; //!< Requested connection latency
uint16_t connTimeout; //!< Requested connection timeout
} gapLinkUpdateEvent_t;
* GAP_LINK_TERMINATED_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when a link to a device is terminated.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8_t opcode; //!< GAP_LINK_TERMINATED_EVENT
uint16_t connectionHandle; //!< connection Handle
uint8_t reason; //!< termination reason from LL
uint8_t connRole;
} gapTerminateLinkEvent_t;
* GAP_PHY_UPDATE_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the app(GAP_MSG_EVENT)
* when the PHY update request is complete.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8_t opcode; //!< GAP_PHY_UPDATE_EVENT
uint8_t status; //!< bStatus_t
uint16_t connectionHandle; //!< Connection handle of the update
uint8_t connTxPHYS; //!< tx phy(GAP_PHY_VAL_TYPE)
uint8_t connRxPHYS; //!< rx phy(GAP_PHY_VAL_TYPE)
} gapPhyUpdateEvent_t;
* GAP_PASSKEY_NEEDED_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when a Passkey is needed from the app's user interface.
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8_t opcode; //!< GAP_PASSKEY_NEEDED_EVENT
uint8_t deviceAddr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< address of device to pair with, and could be either public or random.
uint16_t connectionHandle; //!< Connection handle
uint8_t uiInputs; //!< Pairing User Interface Inputs - Ask user to input passcode
uint8_t uiOutputs; //!< Pairing User Interface Outputs - Display passcode
} gapPasskeyNeededEvent_t;
* Passcode Callback Function
typedef void (*pfnPasscodeCB_t)( uint8_t *deviceAddr, //!< address of device to pair with, and could be either public or random.
uint16_t connectionHandle, //!< Connection handle
uint8_t uiInputs, //!< Pairing User Interface Inputs - Ask user to input passcode
uint8_t uiOutputs //!< Pairing User Interface Outputs - Display passcode
* Pairing State Callback Function
typedef void (*pfnPairStateCB_t)( uint16_t connectionHandle, //!< Connection handle
uint8_t state, //!< Pairing state @ref GAPBOND_PAIRING_STATE_DEFINES
uint8_t status //!< Pairing status
typedef struct
tmos_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8_t opcode; //!< GAP_O0B_NEEDED_EVENT
uint8_t deviceAddr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< address of device to pair with, and could be either public or random.
uint16_t connectionHandle; //!< Connection handle
uint8_t r_local[16];
uint8_t c_local[16];
} gapOobNeededEvent_t;
* OOB Callback Function
typedef void (*pfnOobCB_t)( uint8_t *deviceAddr, //!< address of device to pair with, and could be either public or random.
uint16_t connectionHandle, //!< Connection handle
uint8_t* r_local, //!< local rand
uint8_t *c_local //!< local confirm
* Callback Registration Structure
typedef struct
pfnPasscodeCB_t passcodeCB; //!< Passcode callback
pfnPairStateCB_t pairStateCB; //!< Pairing state callback
pfnOobCB_t oobCB; //!< oob callback
} gapBondCBs_t;
typedef int (*pfnEcc_key_t)( uint8_t *pub, uint8_t *priv);
typedef int (*pfnEcc_dhkey_t)( uint8_t *peer_pub_key_x, uint8_t *peer_pub_key_y,
uint8_t *our_priv_key, uint8_t *out_dhkey );
typedef int (*pfnEcc_alg_f4_t)( uint8_t *u, uint8_t *v, uint8_t *x, uint8_t z,
uint8_t *out_enc_data );
typedef int (*pfnEcc_alg_g2_t)( uint8_t *u, uint8_t *v, uint8_t *x, uint8_t *y,
uint32_t *passkey );
typedef int (*pfnEcc_alg_f5_t)( uint8_t *w, uint8_t *n1, uint8_t *n2,
uint8_t a1t, uint8_t *a1, uint8_t a2t, uint8_t *a2, uint8_t *mackey, uint8_t *ltk );
typedef int (*pfnEcc_alg_f6_t)( uint8_t *w, uint8_t *n1, uint8_t *n2, uint8_t *r,
uint8_t *iocap, uint8_t a1t, uint8_t *a1, uint8_t a2t, uint8_t *a2, uint8_t *check );
* Callback Registration Structure
typedef struct
pfnEcc_key_t gen_key_pair;
pfnEcc_dhkey_t gen_dhkey;
pfnEcc_alg_f4_t alg_f4; //!< LE Secure Connections confirm value generation function f4
pfnEcc_alg_g2_t alg_g2; //!< LE Secure Connections numeric comparison value generation function g2
pfnEcc_alg_f5_t alg_f5; //!< LE Secure Connect ions key generation function f5
pfnEcc_alg_f6_t alg_f6; //!< LE Secure Connections check value generation function f6
} gapEccCBs_t;
* gapRole_States_t defined
typedef unsigned long gapRole_States_t;
// gapRole_States_t @ 4b'[3-0]-advertising states
#define GAPROLE_STATE_ADV_MASK (0xF) //!< advertising states mask
#define GAPROLE_STATE_ADV_SHIFT (0x0) //!< advertising states shift
#define GAPROLE_INIT 0 //!< Waiting to be started
#define GAPROLE_STARTED 1 //!< Started but not advertising
#define GAPROLE_ADVERTISING 2 //!< Currently Advertising
#define GAPROLE_WAITING 3 //!< Device is started but not advertising, is in waiting period before advertising again
#define GAPROLE_CONNECTED 4 //!< In a connection
#define GAPROLE_CONNECTED_ADV 5 //!< In a connection + advertising
#define GAPROLE_ERROR 6 //!< Error occurred - invalid state
// gapRole_States_t @ 4b'[7-4]-Periodic advertising states
// Periodic advertising Enable,only effective when GAP_ADTYPE_EXT_NONCONN_NONSCAN_UNDIRECT advertising event enable
#define GAPROLE_STATE_PERIODIC_MASK (0xF0) //!< Periodic advertising states mask
#define GAPROLE_STATE_PERIODIC_SHIFT (4) //!< Periodic advertising states shift
#define GAPROLE_PERIODIC_INVALID (0<<4) //!< Periodic advertising Waiting to be started
#define GAPROLE_PERIODIC_ENABLE (1<<4) //!< Periodic advertising Enable
#define GAPROLE_PERIODIC_WAIT (2<<4) //!< Periodic advertising is started but disable
#define GAPROLE_PERIODIC_ERROR (3<<4) //!< Periodic advertising error occurred
// gapRole_States_t @ 4b'[11-8]-Connectionless CTE Transmit states
// Connectionless CTE Transmit Enable,only effective when Periodic advertising valid
#define GAPROLE_STATE_CTE_MASK (0xF00) //!< gapRole_States_t Connectionless CTE defined
#define GAPROLE_STATE_CTE_SHIFT (8) //!< Connectionless CTE Transmit states shift
#define GAPROLE_CONNECTIONLESS_CTE_INVALID (0<<8) //!< Connectionless CTE Transmit Waiting to be started
#define GAPROLE_CONNECTIONLESS_CTE_ENABLE (1<<8) //!< Connectionless CTE Transmit Enable
#define GAPROLE_CONNECTIONLESS_CTE_WAIT (2<<8) //!< Connectionless CTE Transmit is started but disable
#define GAPROLE_CONNECTIONLESS_CTE_ERROR (3<<8) //!< Connectionless CTE Transmit error occurred
// gapRole_States_t @ 12b'[23-12]- Reserved for future use
// gapRole_States_t @ 8b'[31-24] - indicates which fields change
#define GAPROLE_PERIODIC_STATE_VALID (1<<24) //!< indicates periodic advertising states change
#define GAPROLE_CTE_T_STATE_VALID (1<<25) //!< indicates Connectionless CTE Transmit states change
* gapRole Event Structure
typedef union
gapEventHdr_t gap; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status.
gapDeviceInitDoneEvent_t initDone; //!< GAP initialization done.
gapDeviceInfoEvent_t deviceInfo; //!< Discovery device information event structure.
gapDirectDeviceInfoEvent_t deviceDirectInfo; //!< Discovery direct device information event structure.
gapAdvDataUpdateEvent_t dataUpdate; //!< Advertising Data Update is complete.
gapPeriodicAdvDeviceInfoEvent_t devicePeriodicInfo; //!< Discovery periodic device information event structure.
gapExtAdvDeviceInfoEvent_t deviceExtAdvInfo; //!< Discovery extend advertising device information event structure.
gapDevDiscEvent_t discCmpl; //!< Discovery complete event structure.
gapSyncEstablishedEvent_t syncEstEvt; //!< sync established event structure.
gapSyncLostEvent_t syncLostEvt; //!< sync lost event structure.
gapScanReqReseiveEvent_t scanReqEvt; //!< Scan_Request_Received event structure.
gapEstLinkReqEvent_t linkCmpl; //!< Link complete event structure.
gapLinkUpdateEvent_t linkUpdate; //!< Link update event structure.
gapTerminateLinkEvent_t linkTerminate; //!< Link terminated event structure.
gapPhyUpdateEvent_t linkPhyUpdate; //!< Link phy update event structure.
} gapRoleEvent_t;
* Type of device.
typedef struct
uint8_t eventType; //!< Indicates advertising event type used by the advertiser: @ref GAP_ADVERTISEMENT_REPORT_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8_t addrType; //!< Scan Address Type:0x00-Public Device Address or Public Identity Address 0x01-Random Device Address or Random (static) Identity Address
uint8_t addr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< Device's Address
int8_t rssi;
} gapScanRec_t;
* Type of GAPRole_CreateSync command parameters.
typedef struct
uint8_t options;
bit0: used to determine whether the Periodic Advertiser List is used
0: Use the Advertising_SID, Advertisier_Address_Type, and Advertiser_Address parameters to determine which advertiser to listen to.
1: Use the Periodic Advertiser List to determine which advertiser to listen to.
bit1: whether GAP_PERIODIC_ADV_DEVICE_INFO_EVENT events for this periodic advertising train are initially enabled or disabled.
0: Reporting initially enabled
1: Reporting initially disabled
0: Duplicate filtering initially disabled
1: Duplicate filtering initially enabled */
uint8_t advertising_SID; //!< if used, specifies the value that must match the Advertising SID
uint8_t addrType; //!< Scan Address Type: @ref GAP_ADDR_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8_t addr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< Device's Address
uint16_t skip; //!< the maximum number of consecutive periodic advertising events that the receiver may skip after
//!< successfully receiving a periodic advertising packet.Range: 0x0000 to 0x01F3
uint16_t syncTimeout; //!< the maximum permitted time between successful receives. If this time is exceeded, synchronization is lost.
//!< Time = N*10 ms.Range: 0x000A to 0x4000
uint8_t syncCTEType; //!< specifies whether to only synchronize to periodic advertising with certain types of Constant Tone Extension
//!< (a value of 0 indicates that the presence or absence of a Constant Tone Extension is irrelevant).
} gapCreateSync_t;
* Type of GAPRole_SetPathLossReporting command parameters.
typedef struct
uint16_t connHandle; //!< Used to identify the Connection handle
int8_t highThreshold; //!< High threshold for the path loss.Units: dB
int8_t highHysteresis; //!< Hysteresis value for the high threshold.Units: dB
int8_t lowThreshold; //!< High threshold for the path loss.Units: dB
int8_t lowHysteresis; //!< Hysteresis value for the high threshold.Units: dB
uint16_t minTimeSpent; //!< Minimum time in number of connection events to be observed
//!< once the path crosses the threshold before an event is generated.
uint8_t enable; //!< 0x00:Reporting disabled 0x01:Reporting enabled
} gapRoleSetPathLossReporting_t;
typedef struct
uint16_t connHandle; //!< Used to identify the Connection handle
int8_t lowRxThreshold; //!< High threshold for the peer power levels.Units: dB
int8_t highRxThreshold; //!< High threshold for the peer power levels.Units: dB
int8_t minTxPower; //!< Minimum transmit power level.Units: dB
int8_t maxTxPower; //!< Maximum transmit power level.Units: dB
} gapRolePowerlevelManagement_t;
* Callback when the device has been started. Callback event to
* the Notify of a state change.
typedef void (*gapRolesBroadcasterStateNotify_t)( gapRole_States_t newState );
typedef void (*gapRolesScanReqRecv_t)( gapScanRec_t * pEvent );
typedef struct
gapRolesBroadcasterStateNotify_t pfnStateChange; //!< Whenever the device changes state
gapRolesScanReqRecv_t pfnScanRecv;
} gapRolesBroadcasterCBs_t;
* Observer Event Callback Function
typedef void (*pfnGapObserverRoleEventCB_t)( gapRoleEvent_t *pEvent //!< Pointer to event structure.
* Observer Callback Structure
typedef struct
pfnGapObserverRoleEventCB_t eventCB; //!< Event callback.
} gapRoleObserverCB_t;
* Callback when the device has read an new RSSI value during a connection.
typedef void (*gapRolesRssiRead_t)( uint16_t connHandle, int8_t newRSSI );
* Callback when the device has been started. Callback event to
* the Notify of a state change.
typedef void (*gapRolesStateNotify_t)( gapRole_States_t newState, gapRoleEvent_t * pEvent );
* Callback when the connection parameteres are updated.
typedef void (*gapRolesParamUpdateCB_t)( uint16_t connHandle, uint16_t connInterval,
uint16_t connSlaveLatency, uint16_t connTimeout );
* Callback structure - must be setup by the application and used when gapRoles_StartDevice() is called.
typedef struct
gapRolesStateNotify_t pfnStateChange; //!< Whenever the device changes state
gapRolesRssiRead_t pfnRssiRead; //!< When a valid RSSI is read from controller
gapRolesParamUpdateCB_t pfnParamUpdate; //!< When the connection parameteres are updated
} gapRolesCBs_t;
* Central Event Callback Function
typedef void (*pfnGapCentralRoleEventCB_t)( gapRoleEvent_t *pEvent ); //!< Pointer to event structure.
* HCI Data Length Change Event Callback Function
typedef void (*pfnHciDataLenChangeEvCB_t)( uint16_t connHandle, uint16_t maxTxOctets,
uint16_t maxRxOctets );
* Central Callback Structure
typedef struct
gapRolesRssiRead_t rssiCB; //!< RSSI callback.
pfnGapCentralRoleEventCB_t eventCB; //!< Event callback.
pfnHciDataLenChangeEvCB_t ChangCB; //!< Length Change Event Callback .
} gapCentralRoleCB_t; // gapCentralRoleCB_t
/* RF-PHY define */
* RF_ROLE_STATUS_TYPE pfnRFStatusCB_t state defined
// TX_MODE call RF_Tx
#define TX_MODE_TX_FINISH 0x01 //!< basic or auto tx mode sends data successfully
//!< if it is in basic mode,it will enter idle state;
//!< if it is in auto mode,it will wait for receiving
#define TX_MODE_TX_FAIL 0x11 //!< basic or auto tx mode fail to send data and enter idle state
#define TX_MODE_TX_TIMEOUT TX_MODE_TX_FAIL //!< time of data transmission
#define TX_MODE_RX_DATA 0x02 //!< auto tx mode receive data(ack) and enter idle state
#define TX_MODE_RX_TIMEOUT 0x12 //!< auto tx mode receive timeout and enter idle state
#define TX_MODE_HOP_SHUT 0x22
// RX_MODE call RF_Rx
#define RX_MODE_RX_DATA 0x03 //!< basic or auto rx mode receive data
//!< if it is in basic mode,it will enter idle state;
//!< if it is in auto mode,it will judge whether the type matches;
//!< if it matches,it will send data(ack),otherwise(rsr=2), it will restart receiving
#define RX_MODE_TX_FINISH 0x04 //!< auto rx mode sends data(ack) successfully and enters idle state
#define RX_MODE_TX_FAIL 0x14 //!< auto rx mode fail to send data and enter idle state
#define RX_MODE_TX_TIMEOUT RX_MODE_TX_FAIL //!< time of data transmission
#define RX_MODE_HOP_SHUT 0x24
#define LLE_MODE_BASIC (0) //!< basic mode, enter idle state after sending or receive
#define LLE_MODE_AUTO (1) //!< auto mode, auto swtich to the receiving status after sending and the sending status after receiving
#define LLE_WHITENING_ON (0<<1)
#define LLE_WHITENING_OFF (1<<1)
#define LLE_MODE_PHY_MODE_MASK (0x30)
#define LLE_MODE_PHY_1M (0<<4)
#define LLE_MODE_PHY_2M (1<<4)
#define LLE_MODE_EX_CHANNEL (1<<6)
#define LLE_MODE_NON_RSSI (1<<7)
* RFRole Event Callback Function
typedef void (*pfnRFStatusCB_t)( uint8_t sta, uint8_t rsr, uint8_t *rxBuf );
// sta - current status@ref RF_ROLE_STATUS_TYPE
// rsr - receive status: bit0- crc check result,bit1- type matching result
// rxBuf - receive data buffer
typedef struct tag_rf_config
uint8_t LLEMode; //!< BIT0 0=basic, 1=auto def@LLE_MODE_TYPE
//!< BIT1 0=whitening on, 1=whitening off def@LLE_WHITENING_TYPE
//!< BIT4-5 00-1M 01-2M 10/11-resv def@LLE_PHY_TYPE
//!< BIT6 0=data channel(0-39)
//!< 1=rf frequency (2400000kHz-2483500kHz)
//!< BIT7 0=the first byte of the receive buffer is rssi
//!< 1=the first byte of the receive buffer is package type
uint8_t Channel; //!< rf channel(0-39)
uint32_t Frequency; //!< rf frequency (2400000kHz-2483500kHz)
uint32_t accessAddress; //!< access address,32bit PHY address
uint32_t CRCInit; //!< crc initial value
pfnRFStatusCB_t rfStatusCB; //!< status call back
uint32_t ChannelMap; //!< indicating Used and Unused data channels.Every channel is represented with a
//!< bit positioned as per the data channel index,The LSB represents data channel index 0
uint8_t Resv;
uint8_t HeartPeriod; //!< The heart package interval shall be an integer multiple of 100ms
uint8_t HopPeriod; //!< hop period( T=32n*RTC clock ),default is 8
uint8_t HopIndex; //!< indicate the hopIncrement used in the data channel selection algorithm,default is 17
uint8_t RxMaxlen; //!< Maximum data length received in rf-mode(default 251)
uint8_t TxMaxlen; //!< Maximum data length transmit in rf-mode(default 251)
} rfConfig_t;
/* end define@RF-PHY */
#define LIB_FLASH_BASE_ADDRESSS 0x00010000
#define LIB_FLASH_MAX_SIZE 0x00030000
#define LIB_RAM_MAX_SIZE 0x00002000
#define RAM_BASE_ADDRESSS 0x20000000
#define BLE_LIB_RAM_JT(n) (*(uint32_t*)( RAM_BASE_ADDRESSS+n*4 ))
#define BLE_LIB_JT(n) (*(uint32_t*)( FUNCITON_BASE_ADDRESSS+n*4 ))
#define VER_LIB (( const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_JT(0))
* UUID defined
* GATT Services
#define gapServiceUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(0))
#define gattServiceUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(1))
* GATT Attribute Types
#define primaryServiceUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(2))
#define secondaryServiceUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(3))
#define includeUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(4))
#define characterUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(5))
* GATT Characteristic Descriptors
#define charExtPropsUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(6))
#define charUserDescUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(7))
#define clientCharCfgUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(8))
#define servCharCfgUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(9))
#define charFormatUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(10))
#define charAggFormatUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(11))
#define validRangeUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(12))
#define extReportRefUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(13))
#define reportRefUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(14))
* GATT Characteristic Types
#define deviceNameUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(15))
#define appearanceUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(16))
#define periPrivacyFlagUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(17))
#define reconnectAddrUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(18))
#define periConnParamUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(19))
#define serviceChangedUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(10))
#define centAddrResUUID ((const uint8_t*) BLE_LIB_UUID(21))
#define tmos_rand (( uint32_t (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(1)) // pseudo-random number
#define tmos_memcmp (( BOOL (*) ( const void *src1, const void *src2, uint32_t len )) BLE_LIB_JT(2)) // TRUE - same, FALSE - different
#define tmos_isbufset (( BOOL (*) ( uint8_t *buf, uint8_t val, uint32_t len )) BLE_LIB_JT(3)) // TRUE if all "val",FALSE otherwise
#define tmos_strlen (( uint32_t (*) ( char *pString )) BLE_LIB_JT(4))
#define tmos_memset (( void (*) ( void * pDst, uint8_t Value, uint32_t len )) BLE_LIB_JT(5))
#define tmos_memcpy (( void (*) ( void *dst, const void *src, uint32_t len )) BLE_LIB_JT(6))
* @brief start a event immediately
* @param taskID - task ID of event
* @param event - event value
* @return 0 - SUCCESS.
#define tmos_set_event (( bStatus_t (*) ( tmosTaskID taskID, tmosEvents event )) BLE_LIB_JT(7))
* @brief clear a event already timeout, cannot be used in it own event function.
* @param taskID - task ID of event
* @param event - event value
* @return 0 - SUCCESS.
#define tmos_clear_event (( bStatus_t (*) ( tmosTaskID taskID, tmosEvents event )) BLE_LIB_JT(8))
* @brief start a event after period of time
* @param taskID - task ID to set event for
* @param event - event to be notified with
* @param time - timeout value
* @return TRUE,FALSE.
#define tmos_start_task (( BOOL (*) ( tmosTaskID taskID, tmosEvents event, tmosTimer time )) BLE_LIB_JT(9))
* @brief This function is called to start a timer to expire in n system clock time.
* When the timer expires, the calling task will get the specified event
* and the timer will be reloaded with the timeout value.
* @param taskID - task ID to set timer for
* @param event - event to be notified with
* @param time - timeout value
#define tmos_start_reload_task (( bStatus_t (*) ( tmosTaskID taskID, tmosEvents event, tmosTimer time )) BLE_LIB_JT(126) )
* @brief stop a event
* @param taskID - task ID of event
* @param event - event value
* @param None.
* @return SUCCESS.
#define tmos_stop_task (( bStatus_t (*) ( tmosTaskID taskID, tmosEvents event )) BLE_LIB_JT(10))
* @brief get last period of time for this event
* @param taskID - task ID of event
* @param event - event value
* @return the timer's tick count if found, zero otherwise.
#define tmos_get_task_timer (( tmosTimer (*) ( tmosTaskID taskID, tmosEvents event )) BLE_LIB_JT(11))
* @brief send msg to a task,callback events&SYS_EVENT_MSG
* @param taskID - task ID of task need to send msg
* @param *msg_ptr - point of msg
#define tmos_msg_send (( bStatus_t (*) ( tmosTaskID taskID, uint8_t *msg_ptr )) BLE_LIB_JT(12))
* @brief delete a msg
* @param *msg_ptr - point of msg
* @return SUCCESS.
#define tmos_msg_deallocate (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t *msg_ptr )) BLE_LIB_JT(13))
* @brief receive a msg
* @param taskID - task ID of task need to receive msg
* @return *uint8_t - message information or NULL if no message
#define tmos_msg_receive (( uint8_t* (*) ( tmosTaskID taskID )) BLE_LIB_JT(14))
* @brief allocate buffer for msg when need to send msg
* @param len - length of msg
* @return pointer to allocated buffer or NULL if allocation failed.
#define tmos_msg_allocate (( uint8_t* (*) ( uint16_t len )) BLE_LIB_JT(15))
* @brief read a data item to NV.
* @param id - Valid NV item Id.
* @param len - Length of data to read.
* @param *pBuf - Data to read.
* @return SUCCESS if successful, NV_OPER_FAILED if failed.
#define tmos_snv_read (( bStatus_t (*) ( tmosSnvId_t id, tmosSnvLen_t len, void *pBuf)) BLE_LIB_JT(107) )
* @brief tmos system timer initialization
* @note must initialization before call tmos task
* @param fnGetClock - system clock select extend input,if NULL select HSE as the clock source
* @return SUCCESS if successful, FAILURE if failed.
#define TMOS_TimerInit (( bStatus_t (*) ( bleClockConfig_t *pClockConfig )) BLE_LIB_JT(16))
* @brief interrupt handler.
* @param None
* @return None
#define TMOS_TimerIRQHandler (( void (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(120) )
* @brief Process system
* @param None.
* @return None.
#define TMOS_SystemProcess (( void (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_RAM_JT(0))
* @brief Get current system clock
* @param None.
* @return current system clock (in 0.625ms)
#define TMOS_GetSystemClock (( uint32_t (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(18))
* @brief register process event callback function
* @param eventCb-events callback function
* @return 0xFF - error,others-task id
#define TMOS_ProcessEventRegister (( tmosTaskID (*) ( pTaskEventHandlerFn eventCb )) BLE_LIB_JT(19))
* @brief Add a device address into white list ( support SNVNum MAX )
* @param addrType - Type of device address
* @param devAddr - first address of device address
* @return Command Status.
#define LL_AddWhiteListDevice (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t addrType, uint8_t *devAddr )) BLE_LIB_JT(20))
* @brief Remove a device address from white list
* @param addrType - Type of device address
* @param devAddr - first address of device address
* @return Command Status.
#define LL_RemoveWhiteListDevice (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t addrType, uint8_t *devAddr )) BLE_LIB_JT(21))
* @brief Clear white list
* @param None
* @return Command Status.
#define LL_ClearWhiteList (( bStatus_t (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(22))
* @brief Encrypt data
* @param key - key
* @param plaintextData - original data
* @param encryptData - encrypted data
* @return Command Status.
#define LL_Encrypt (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t *key, uint8_t *plaintextData, uint8_t *encryptData )) BLE_LIB_JT(23))
* @brief Decrypt data
* @param key - key
* @param plaintextData - original data
* @param decryptData - decrypted data
* @return Command Status.
#define LL_Decrypt (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t *key, uint8_t *plaintextData, uint8_t *decryptData )) BLE_LIB_JT(24))
* @brief get number of unAck packet in current connect buffer
* @param handle - connect handle
* @return 0xFFFFFFFF-handle error,number of packets not receiving ack
#define LL_GetNumberOfUnAckPacket (( uint32_t (*) ( uint16_t handle )) BLE_LIB_JT(25))
* @brief Register a callback function will be called after each connect event.
* Only effect in single connection
* @param connEventCB - callback function
* @return None.
#define LL_ConnectEventRegister (( void (*) ( pfnEventCB connEventCB )) BLE_LIB_JT(26))
* @brief Register a callback function will be called after each advertise event.
* @param advEventCB - callback function
* @return None.
#define LL_AdvertiseEventRegister (( void (*) ( pfnEventCB advEventCB )) BLE_LIB_JT(135) )
* @brief set tx power level
* @param power - tx power level
* @return Command Status.
#define LL_SetTxPowerLevel (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t power )) BLE_LIB_JT(27))
* @brief read rssi
* @param None.
* @return the value of rssi.
#define BLE_ReadRssi (( int8_t (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(108) )
* @brief read cfo
* @param None.
* @return the value of cfo.
#define BLE_ReadCfo (( int16_t (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(121) )
* @brief pa control init
* @note Can't be called until role Init
* @param paControl - pa control parameters(global variable)
* @return Command Status.
#define BLE_PAControlInit (( void (*) ( blePaControlConfig_t *paControl )) BLE_LIB_JT(109) )
* @brief ble register reset and rf calibration
* @param None
* @return None
#define BLE_RegInit (( void (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(110) )
* @brief Init BLE lib. RTC will be occupied at the same time.
* @param pCfg - config of BLE lib
* @return 0-success. error defined @ ERR_LIB_INIT
#define BLE_LibInit (( bStatus_t (*) ( bleConfig_t* pCfg )) BLE_LIB_JT(28))
* @brief interrupt handler.
* @param None
* @return None
#define BB_IRQLibHandler (( void (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_RAM_JT(1) )
* @brief interrupt handler.
* @param None
* @return None
#define LLE_IRQLibHandler (( void (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_RAM_JT(2) )
* @brief generate a valid access address
* @param None.
* @return access address
* the Access Address meets the following requirements:
* It shall have no more than six consecutive zeros or ones.
* It shall not be t he advertising channel packets Access Address.
* It shall not be a sequence that differ s from the advertising channel packets' Access Address by only one bit.
* It shall not have all four octets equal.
* It shall have no more than 24 transitions.
* It shall have a minimum of two transitions in the most significant six bits.
#define BLE_AccessAddressGenerate (( void (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(29))
* linkDB_Register - Register with this function to receive a callback when
* status changes on a connection.
#define linkDB_Register (( uint8_t (*) ( pfnLinkDBCB_t pFunc )) BLE_LIB_JT(30) )
* linkDB_State - Check to see if a physical link is in a specific state.
* returns TRUE is the link is in state. FALSE, otherwise.
#define linkDB_State (( uint8_t (*) ( uint16_t connectionHandle, uint8_t state )) BLE_LIB_JT(31) )
* linkDB_PerformFunc - Perform a function of each connection in the link database.
#define linkDB_PerformFunc (( void (*) ( pfnPerformFuncCB_t cb )) BLE_LIB_JT(32) )
* linkDB_Up - Check to see if a physical link is up (connected).
* Use like: uint8_t linkDB_Up( uint16_t connectionHandle );
* connectionHandle - controller link connection handle.
* returns TRUE if the link is up. FALSE, otherwise.
#define linkDB_Up( connectionHandle ) linkDB_State( (connectionHandle), LINK_CONNECTED )
* @brief This function is used to get the MTU size of a connection.
* @param connHandle - connection handle.
* @return connection MTU size.<BR>
#define ATT_GetMTU (( uint16_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle )) BLE_LIB_JT(33) )
* @brief Send Handle Value Confirmation.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @return SUCCESS: Confirmation was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid confirmation field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
#define ATT_HandleValueCfm (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle )) BLE_LIB_JT(34) )
* Compare two UUIDs. The UUIDs are converted if necessary.
#define ATT_CompareUUID (( uint8_t (*) ( const uint8_t *pUUID1, uint16_t len1, const uint8_t *pUUID2, uint16_t len2 )) BLE_LIB_JT(35) )
* @brief Initialize the Generic Attribute Profile Client.
* @return SUCCESS: Client initialized successfully.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
#define GATT_InitClient (( bStatus_t (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(36) )
* @brief Register to receive incoming ATT Indications or Notifications
* of attribute values.
* @param taskId ?task to forward indications or notifications to
* @return void
#define GATT_RegisterForInd (( void (*) ( uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(37) )
* @brief Find the attribute record for a given handle
* @param handle - handle to look for
* @param pHandle - handle of owner of attribute (to be returned)
* @return Pointer to attribute record. NULL, otherwise.
#define GATT_FindHandle (( gattAttribute_t * (*) ( uint16_t handle, uint16_t *pHandle )) BLE_LIB_JT(38) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used when a server is configured to
* indicate a characteristic value to a client and expects an
* attribute protocol layer acknowledgement that the indication
* was successfully received.
* The ATT Handle Value Indication is used in this sub-procedure.
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive an tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT message.
* The type of the message will be ATT_HANDLE_VALUE_CFM.
* @note This sub-procedure is complete when ATT_HANDLE_VALUE_CFM
* (with SUCCESS or bleTimeoutstatus) is received by the calling application task.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param pInd - pointer to indication to be sent
* @param authenticated - whether an authenticated link is required
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Indication was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A confirmation is pending with this client.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_Indication (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, attHandleValueInd_t *pInd, uint8_t authenticated, uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(39) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used when a server is configured to
* notify a characteristic value to a client without expecting
* any attribute protocol layer acknowledgement that the
* notification was successfully received.
* The ATT Handle Value Notification is used in this sub-procedure.
* @note A notification may be sent at any time and does not invoke a confirmation.
* No confirmation will be sent to the calling application task for
* this sub-procedure.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param pNoti - pointer to notification to be sent
* @param authenticated - whether an authenticated link is required
* @return SUCCESS: Notification was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_Notification (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, attHandleValueNoti_t *pNoti,uint8_t authenticated )) BLE_LIB_JT(40) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used by the client to set the ATT_MTU
* to the maximum possible value that can be supported by both
* devices when the client supports a value greater than the
* default ATT_MTU for the Attribute Protocol. This sub-procedure
* shall only be initiated once during a connection.
* The ATT Exchange MTU Request is used by this sub-procedure.
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive an tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT message.
* The type of the message will be either ATT_EXCHANGE_MTU_RSP or
* ATT_ERROR_RSP (if an error occurred on the server).
* @note This sub-procedure is complete when either ATT_EXCHANGE_MTU_RSP
* (with SUCCESS or bleTimeout status) or ATT_ERROR_RSP
* (with SUCCESS status) is received by the calling application task.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param pReq - pointer to request to be sent
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending with this server.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_ExchangeMTU (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, attExchangeMTUReq_t *pReq, uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(41) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used by a client to discover all
* the primary services on a server.
* The ATT Read By Group Type Request is used with the Attribute
* Type parameter set to the UUID for "Primary Service". The
* Starting Handle is set to 0x0001 and the Ending Handle is
* set to 0xFFFF.
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive multiple tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT messages.
* The type of the messages will be either ATT_READ_BY_GRP_TYPE_RSP
* or ATT_ERROR_RSP (if an error occurred on the server).
* @note This sub-procedure is complete when either ATT_READ_BY_GRP_TYPE_RSP
* (with bleProcedureComplete or bleTimeout status) or ATT_ERROR_RSP
* (with SUCCESS status) is received by the calling application task.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending with this server.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_DiscAllPrimaryServices (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(42) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used by a client to discover a specific
* primary service on a server when only the Service UUID is
* known. The primary specific service may exist multiple times
* on a server. The primary service being discovered is identified
* by the service UUID.
* The ATT Find By Type Value Request is used with the Attribute
* Type parameter set to the UUID for "Primary Service" and the
* Attribute Value set to the 16-bit Bluetooth UUID or 128-bit
* UUID for the specific primary service. The Starting Handle shall
* be set to 0x0001 and the Ending Handle shall be set to 0xFFFF.
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive multiple tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT messages.
* The type of the messages will be either ATT_FIND_BY_TYPE_VALUE_RSP
* or ATT_ERROR_RSP (if an error occurred on the server).
* @note This sub-procedure is complete when either ATT_FIND_BY_TYPE_VALUE_RSP
* (with bleProcedureComplete or bleTimeout status) or ATT_ERROR_RSP
* (with SUCCESS status) is received by the calling application task.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param pUUID - pointer to service UUID to look for
* @param len - length of value
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending with this server.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_DiscPrimaryServiceByUUID (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, uint8_t *pUUID, uint8_t len, uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(43) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used by a client to find include
* service declarations within a service definition on a
* server. The service specified is identified by the service
* handle range.
* The ATT Read By Type Request is used with the Attribute
* Type parameter set to the UUID for "Included Service". The
* Starting Handle is set to starting handle of the specified
* service and the Ending Handle is set to the ending handle
* of the specified service.
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive multiple tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT messages.
* The type of the messages will be either ATT_READ_BY_TYPE_RSP
* or ATT_ERROR_RSP (if an error occurred on the server).
* @note This sub-procedure is complete when either ATT_READ_BY_TYPE_RSP
* (with bleProcedureCompleteor bleTimeout status)or ATT_ERROR_RSP
* (with SUCCESS status) is received by the calling application task.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param startHandle - starting handle
* @param endHandle - end handle
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending with this server.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_FindIncludedServices (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, uint16_t startHandle, uint16_t endHandle, uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(44) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used by a client to find all the
* characteristic declarations within a service definition on
* a server when only the service handle range is known. The
* service specified is identified by the service handle range.
* The ATT Read By Type Request is used with the Attribute Type
* parameter set to the UUID for "Characteristic". The Starting
* Handle is set to starting handle of the specified service and
* the Ending Handle is set to the ending handle of the specified
* service.
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive multiple tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT messages.
* The type of the messages will be either ATT_READ_BY_TYPE_RSP
* or ATT_ERROR_RSP (if an error occurred on the server).
* @note This sub-procedure is complete when either ATT_READ_BY_TYPE_RSP
* (with bleProcedureComplete or bleTimeout status)or ATT_ERROR_RSP
* (with SUCCESS status) is received by the calling application task.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param startHandle - starting handle
* @param endHandle - end handle
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending with this server.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_DiscAllChars (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, uint16_t startHandle, uint16_t endHandle, uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(45) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used by a client to discover service
* characteristics on a server when only the service handle
* ranges are known and the characteristic UUID is known.
* The specific service may exist multiple times on a server.
* The characteristic being discovered is identified by the
* characteristic UUID.
* The ATT Read By Type Request is used with the Attribute Type
* is set to the UUID for "Characteristic" and the Starting
* Handle and Ending Handle parameters is set to the service
* handle range.
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive multiple tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT messages.
* The type of the messages will be either ATT_READ_BY_TYPE_RSP
* or ATT_ERROR_RSP (if an error occurred on the server).
* @note This sub-procedure is complete when either ATT_READ_BY_TYPE_RSP
* (with bleProcedureComplete or bleTimeout status) or ATT_ERROR_RSP
* (with SUCCESS status) is received by the calling application task.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param pReq - pointer to request to be sent
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending with this server.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_DiscCharsByUUID (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, attReadByTypeReq_t *pReq, uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(46) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used by a client to find all the
* characteristic descriptors Attribute Handles and Attribute
* Types within a characteristic definition when only the
* characteristic handle range is known. The characteristic
* specified is identified by the characteristic handle range.
* The ATT Find Information Request is used with the Starting
* Handle set to starting handle of the specified characteristic
* and the Ending Handle set to the ending handle of the specified
* characteristic. The UUID Filter parameter is NULL (zero length).
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive multiple tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT messages.
* The type of the messages will be either ATT_FIND_INFO_RSP or
* ATT_ERROR_RSP (if an error occurred on the server).
* @note This sub-procedure is complete when either ATT_FIND_INFO_RSP
* (with bleProcedureComplete or bleTimeout status) or ATT_ERROR_RSP
* (with SUCCESS status) is received by the calling application task.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param startHandle - starting handle
* @param endHandle - end handle
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending with this server.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_DiscAllCharDescs (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, uint16_t startHandle, uint16_t endHandle, uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(47) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used to read a Characteristic Value
* from a server when the client knows the Characteristic Value
* Handle. The ATT Read Request is used with the Attribute Handle
* parameter set to the Characteristic Value Handle. The Read
* Response returns the Characteristic Value in the Attribute
* Value parameter.
* The Read Response only contains a Characteristic Value that
* is less than or equal to (ATT_MTU ?1) octets in length. If
* the Characteristic Value is greater than (ATT_MTU - 1) octets
* in length, the Read Long Characteristic Value procedure may
* be used if the rest of the Characteristic Value is required.
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive an tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT message.
* The type of the message will be either ATT_READ_RSP or
* ATT_ERROR_RSP (if an error occurred on the server).
* @note This sub-procedure is complete when either ATT_READ_RSP
* (with SUCCESS or bleTimeout status) or ATT_ERROR_RSP
* (with SUCCESS status) is received by the calling application task.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param pReq - pointer to request to be sent
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending with this server.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_ReadCharValue (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, attReadReq_t *pReq, uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(48) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used to read a Characteristic Value
* from a server when the client only knows the characteristic
* UUID and does not know the handle of the characteristic.
* The ATT Read By Type Request is used to perform the sub-procedure.
* The Attribute Type is set to the known characteristic UUID and
* the Starting Handle and Ending Handle parameters shall be set
* to the range over which this read is to be performed. This is
* typically the handle range for the service in which the
* characteristic belongs.
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive an tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT messages.
* The type of the message will be either ATT_READ_BY_TYPE_RSP
* or ATT_ERROR_RSP (if an error occurred on the server).
* @note This sub-procedure is complete when either ATT_READ_BY_TYPE_RSP
* (with SUCCESS or bleTimeout status) or ATT_ERROR_RSP
* (with SUCCESS status) is received by the calling application task.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param pReq - pointer to request to be sent
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending with this server.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_ReadUsingCharUUID (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, attReadByTypeReq_t *pReq, uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(49) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used to read a Characteristic Value from
* a server when the client knows the Characteristic Value Handle
* and the length of the Characteristic Value is longer than can
* be sent in a single Read Response Attribute Protocol message.
* The ATT Read Blob Request is used in this sub-procedure.
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive multiple tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT messages.
* The type of the messages will be either ATT_READ_BLOB_RSP or
* ATT_ERROR_RSP (if an error occurred on the server).
* @note This sub-procedure is complete when either ATT_READ_BLOB_RSP
* (with bleProcedureComplete or bleTimeout status) or ATT_ERROR_RSP
* (with SUCCESS status) is received by the calling application task.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param pReq - pointer to request to be sent
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending with this server.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_ReadLongCharValue (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, attReadBlobReq_t *pReq, uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(50) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used to read multiple Characteristic Values
* from a server when the client knows the Characteristic Value
* Handles. The Attribute Protocol Read Multiple Requests is used
* with the Set Of Handles parameter set to the Characteristic Value
* Handles. The Read Multiple Response returns the Characteristic
* Values in the Set Of Values parameter.
* The ATT Read Multiple Request is used in this sub-procedure.
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive an tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT message.
* The type of the message will be either ATT_READ_MULTI_RSP
* or ATT_ERROR_RSP (if an error occurred on the server).
* @note This sub-procedure is complete when either ATT_READ_MULTI_RSP
* (with SUCCESS or bleTimeout status) or ATT_ERROR_RSP
* (with SUCCESS status) is received by the calling application task.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param pReq - pointer to request to be sent
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending with this server.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_ReadMultiCharValues (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, attReadMultiReq_t *pReq, uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(51) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used to write a Characteristic Value
* to a server when the client knows the Characteristic Value
* Handle and the client does not need an acknowledgement that
* the write was successfully performed. This sub-procedure
* only writes the first (ATT_MTU ?3) octets of a Characteristic
* Value. This sub-procedure can not be used to write a long
* characteristic; instead the Write Long Characteristic Values
* sub-procedure should be used.
* The ATT Write Command is used for this sub-procedure. The
* Attribute Handle parameter shall be set to the Characteristic
* Value Handle. The Attribute Value parameter shall be set to
* the new Characteristic Value.
* No response will be sent to the calling application task for this
* sub-procedure. If the Characteristic Value write request is the
* wrong size, or has an invalid value as defined by the profile,
* then the write will not succeed and no error will be generated
* by the server.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param pReq - pointer to command to be sent
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_WriteNoRsp (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, attWriteReq_t *pReq )) BLE_LIB_JT(52) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used to write a Characteristic Value
* to a server when the client knows the Characteristic Value
* Handle and the ATT Bearer is not encrypted. This sub-procedure
* shall only be used if the Characteristic Properties authenticated
* bit is enabled and the client and server device share a bond as
* defined in the GAP.
* This sub-procedure only writes the first (ATT_MTU ?15) octets
* of an Attribute Value. This sub-procedure cannot be used to
* write a long Attribute.
* The ATT Write Command is used for this sub-procedure. The
* Attribute Handle parameter shall be set to the Characteristic
* Value Handle. The Attribute Value parameter shall be set to
* the new Characteristic Value authenticated by signing the
* value, as defined in the Security Manager.
* No response will be sent to the calling application task for this
* sub-procedure. If the authenticated Characteristic Value that is
* written is the wrong size, or has an invalid value as defined by
* the profile, or the signed value does not authenticate the client,
* then the write will not succeed and no error will be generated by
* the server.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param pReq - pointer to command to be sent
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleLinkEncrypted: Connection is already encrypted.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_SignedWriteNoRsp (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, attWriteReq_t *pReq )) BLE_LIB_JT(53) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used to write a characteristic value
* to a server when the client knows the characteristic value
* handle. This sub-procedure only writes the first (ATT_MTU-3)
* octets of a characteristic value. This sub-procedure can not
* be used to write a long attribute; instead the Write Long
* Characteristic Values sub-procedure should be used.
* The ATT Write Request is used in this sub-procedure. The
* Attribute Handle parameter shall be set to the Characteristic
* Value Handle. The Attribute Value parameter shall be set to
* the new characteristic.
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive an tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT message.
* The type of the message will be either ATT_WRITE_RSP
* or ATT_ERROR_RSP (if an error occurred on the server).
* @note This sub-procedure is complete when either ATT_WRITE_RSP
* (with SUCCESS or bleTimeout status) or ATT_ERROR_RSP
* (with SUCCESS status) is received by the calling application task.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param pReq - pointer to request to be sent
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending with this server.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_WriteCharValue (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, attWriteReq_t *pReq, uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(54) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used to write a Characteristic Value to
* a server when the client knows the Characteristic Value Handle
* but the length of the Characteristic Value is longer than can
* be sent in a single Write Request Attribute Protocol message.
* The ATT Prepare Write Request and Execute Write Request are
* used to perform this sub-procedure.
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive multiple tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT messages.
* The type of the messages will be either ATT_PREPARE_WRITE_RSP,
* ATT_EXECUTE_WRITE_RSP or ATT_ERROR_RSP (if an error occurred on
* the server).
* @note This sub-procedure is complete when either ATT_PREPARE_WRITE_RSP
* (with bleTimeout status), ATT_EXECUTE_WRITE_RSP
* (with SUCCESS or bleTimeout status), or ATT_ERROR_RSP
* (with SUCCESS status) is received by the calling application task.
* @note The 'pReq->pValue' pointer will be freed when the sub-procedure is complete.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param pReq - pointer to request to be sent
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending with this server.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_WriteLongCharValue (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, attPrepareWriteReq_t *pReq, uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(55) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used to write a Characteristic Value to
* a server when the client knows the Characteristic Value Handle,
* and assurance is required that the correct Characteristic Value
* is going to be written by transferring the Characteristic Value
* to be written in both directions before the write is performed.
* This sub-procedure can also be used when multiple values must
* be written, in order, in a single operation.
* The sub-procedure has two phases, the first phase prepares the
* characteristic values to be written. Once this is complete,
* the second phase performs the execution of all of the prepared
* characteristic value writes on the server from this client.
* In the first phase, the ATT Prepare Write Request is used.
* In the second phase, the attribute protocol Execute Write
* Request is used.
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive multiple tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT messages.
* The type of the messages will be either ATT_PREPARE_WRITE_RSP,
* ATT_EXECUTE_WRITE_RSP or ATT_ERROR_RSP (if an error occurred on
* the server).
* @note This sub-procedure is complete when either ATT_PREPARE_WRITE_RSP
* (with bleTimeout status), ATT_EXECUTE_WRITE_RSP
* (with SUCCESS or bleTimeout status), or ATT_ERROR_RSP
* (with SUCCESS status) is received by the calling application task.
* @note The 'pReqs' pointer will be freed when the sub-procedure is complete.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param pReqs - pointer to requests to be sent
* @param numReqs - number of requests in pReq
* @param flags - execute write request flags
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending with this server.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_ReliableWrites (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, attPrepareWriteReq_t *pReqs,uint8_t numReqs, uint8_t flags, uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(56) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used to read a characteristic descriptor
* from a server when the client knows the characteristic descriptor
* declaration's Attribute handle.
* The ATT Read Request is used for this sub-procedure. The Read
* Request is used with the Attribute Handle parameter set to the
* characteristic descriptor handle. The Read Response returns the
* characteristic descriptor value in the Attribute Value parameter.
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive an tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT message.
* The type of the message will be either ATT_READ_RSP or
* ATT_ERROR_RSP (if an error occurred on the server).
* @note This sub-procedure is complete when either ATT_READ_RSP
* (with SUCCESS or bleTimeout status) or ATT_ERROR_RSP
* (with SUCCESS status) is received by the calling application task.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param pReq - pointer to request to be sent
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending with this server.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_ReadCharDesc (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, attReadReq_t *pReq, uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(57) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used to read a characteristic descriptor
* from a server when the client knows the characteristic descriptor
* declaration's Attribute handle and the length of the characteristic
* descriptor declaration is longer than can be sent in a single Read
* Response attribute protocol message.
* The ATT Read Blob Request is used to perform this sub-procedure.
* The Attribute Handle parameter shall be set to the characteristic
* descriptor handle. The Value Offset parameter shall be the offset
* within the characteristic descriptor to be read.
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive multiple tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT messages.
* The type of the messages will be either ATT_READ_BLOB_RSP or
* ATT_ERROR_RSP (if an error occurred on the server).
* @note This sub-procedure is complete when either ATT_READ_BLOB_RSP
* (with bleProcedureComplete or bleTimeout status) or ATT_ERROR_RSP
* (with SUCCESS status) is received by the calling application task.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param pReq - pointer to request to be sent
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending with this server.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_ReadLongCharDesc (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, attReadBlobReq_t *pReq, uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(58) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used to write a characteristic
* descriptor value to a server when the client knows the
* characteristic descriptor handle.
* The ATT Write Request is used for this sub-procedure. The
* Attribute Handle parameter shall be set to the characteristic
* descriptor handle. The Attribute Value parameter shall be
* set to the new characteristic descriptor value.
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive an tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT message.
* The type of the message will be either ATT_WRITE_RSP
* or ATT_ERROR_RSP (if an error occurred on the server).
* @note This sub-procedure is complete when either ATT_WRITE_RSP
* (with SUCCESS or bleTimeout status) or ATT_ERROR_RSP
* (with SUCCESS status) is received by the calling application task.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param pReq - pointer to request to be sent
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending with this server.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_WriteCharDesc (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, attWriteReq_t *pReq, uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(59) )
* @brief This sub-procedure is used to write a Characteristic Value to
* a server when the client knows the Characteristic Value Handle
* but the length of the Characteristic Value is longer than can
* be sent in a single Write Request Attribute Protocol message.
* The ATT Prepare Write Request and Execute Write Request are
* used to perform this sub-procedure.
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive multiple tmos GATT_MSG_EVENT messages.
* The type of the messages will be either ATT_PREPARE_WRITE_RSP,
* ATT_EXECUTE_WRITE_RSP or ATT_ERROR_RSP (if an error occurred on
* the server).
* @note This sub-procedure is complete when either ATT_PREPARE_WRITE_RSP
* (with bleTimeout status), ATT_EXECUTE_WRITE_RSP
* (with SUCCESS or bleTimeout status), or ATT_ERROR_RSP
* (with SUCCESS status) is received by the calling application task.
* @note The 'pReq->pValue' pointer will be freed when the sub-procedure is complete.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param pReq - pointer to request to be sent
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.v
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending with this server.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
#define GATT_WriteLongCharDesc (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, attPrepareWriteReq_t *pReq, uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(60) )
* @brief GATT implementation of the allocator functionality.
* @note This function should only be called by GATT and the upper layer protocol/application.
* @param connHandle - connection that message is to be sent on.
* @param opcode - opcode of message that buffer to be allocated for.
* @param size - number of bytes to allocate from the heap.
* @param pSizeAlloc - number of bytes allocated for the caller from the heap.
* @param flag - .
* @return pointer to the heap allocation; NULL if error or failure.
#define GATT_bm_alloc (( void* (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, uint8_t opcode, uint16_t size, uint16_t *pSizeAlloc, uint8_t flag )) BLE_LIB_JT(61) )
* @brief GATT implementation of the de-allocator functionality.
* @param pMsg - pointer to GATT message containing the memory to free.
* @param opcode - opcode of the message
* @return none
#define GATT_bm_free (( void (*) ( gattMsg_t *pMsg, uint8_t opcode )) BLE_LIB_JT(62) )
* @brief Register a service's attribute list and callback functions with
* the GATT Server Application.
* @param pAttrs - Array of attribute records to be registered
* @param numAttrs - Number of attributes in array
* @param encKeySize - Minimum encryption key size required by service (7-16 bytes)
* @param pServiceCBs - Service callback function pointers
* @return SUCCESS: Service registered successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid service fields.<BR>
* FAILURE: Not enough attribute handles available.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleInvalidRange: Encryption key size's out of range.<BR>
#define GATTServApp_RegisterService (( bStatus_t (*) ( gattAttribute_t *pAttrs,\
uint16_t numAttrs, uint8_t encKeySize,gattServiceCBs_t *pServiceCBs )) BLE_LIB_JT(63) )
* @brief Add function for the GATT Service.
* @param services - services to add. This is a bit map and can
* contain more than one service.
* @return SUCCESS: Service added successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid service field.<BR>
* FAILURE: Not enough attribute handles available.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
#define GATTServApp_AddService (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint32_t services )) BLE_LIB_JT(64) )
* @brief Deregister a service's attribute list and callback functions from
* the GATT Server Application.
* @note It's the caller's responsibility to free the service attribute
* list returned from this API.
* @param handle - handle of service to be deregistered
* @param p2pAttrs - pointer to array of attribute records (to be returned)
* @return SUCCESS: Service deregistered successfully.<BR>
* FAILURE: Service not found.<BR>
#define GATTServApp_DeregisterService (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t handle, gattAttribute_t **p2pAttrs )) BLE_LIB_JT(114) )
* @brief Initialize the client characteristic configuration table.
* @note Each client has its own instantiation of the ClientCharacteristic Configuration.
* Reads/Writes of the Client Characteristic Configuration only only affect the
* configuration of that client.
* @param connHandle - connection handle (0xFFFF for all connections).
* @param charCfgTbl - client characteristic configuration table.
* @return none
#define GATTServApp_InitCharCfg (( void (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, gattCharCfg_t *charCfgTbl )) BLE_LIB_JT(65) )
* @brief Send out a Service Changed Indication.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param taskId - task to be notified of confirmation
* @return SUCCESS: Indication was sent successfully.<BR>
* FAILURE: Service Changed attribute not found.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A confirmation is pending with this client.<BR>
#define GATTServApp_SendServiceChangedInd (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, tmosTaskID taskID)) BLE_LIB_JT(127) )
* @brief Read the client characteristic configuration for a given client.
* @note Each client has its own instantiation of the Client Characteristic Configuration.
* Reads of the Client Characteristic Configuration only shows the configuration
* for that client.
* @param connHandle - connection handle.
* @param charCfgTbl - client characteristic configuration table.
* @return attribute value
#define GATTServApp_ReadCharCfg (( uint16_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, gattCharCfg_t *charCfgTbl )) BLE_LIB_JT(66) )
* @brief Write the client characteristic configuration for a given client.
* @note Each client has its own instantiation of the Client Characteristic Configuration.
* Writes of the Client Characteristic Configuration only only affect the
* configuration of that client.
* @param connHandle - connection handle.
* @param charCfgTbl - client characteristic configuration table.
* @param value - attribute new value.
* @return Success or Failure
#define GATTServApp_WriteCharCfg (( uint8_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, gattCharCfg_t *charCfgTbl, uint16_t value )) BLE_LIB_JT(67) )
* @brief Process the client characteristic configuration
* write request for a given client.
* @param connHandle - connection message was received on.
* @param pAttr - pointer to attribute.
* @param pValue - pointer to data to be written.
* @param len - length of data.
* @param offset - offset of the first octet to be written.
* @param validCfg - valid configuration.
* @return Success or Failure
#define GATTServApp_ProcessCCCWriteReq (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, gattAttribute_t *pAttr,\
uint8_t *pValue, uint16_t len, uint16_t offset,uint16_t validCfg )) BLE_LIB_JT(68) )
* @brief Set a GAP GATT Server parameter.
* @param param - Profile parameter ID<BR>
* @param len - length of data to right
* @param value - pointer to data to write. This is dependent on
* the parameter ID and WILL be cast to the appropriate
* data type (example: data type of uint16_t will be cast to
* uint16_t pointer).<BR>
* @return bStatus_t
#define GGS_SetParameter (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t param, uint8_t len, void *value )) BLE_LIB_JT(69) )
* @brief Get a GAP GATT Server parameter.
* @param param - Profile parameter ID<BR>
* @param value - pointer to data to put. This is dependent on
* the parameter ID and WILL be cast to the appropriate
* data type (example: data type of uint16_t will be cast to
* uint16_t pointer).<BR>
* @return bStatus_t
#define GGS_GetParameter (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t param, void *value )) BLE_LIB_JT(70) )
* @brief Add function for the GAP GATT Service.
* @param services - services to add. This is a bit map and can
* contain more than one service.
* @return SUCCESS: Service added successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid service field.<BR>
* FAILURE: Not enough attribute handles available.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
#define GGS_AddService (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint32_t services )) BLE_LIB_JT(71) )
* FUNCTIONS - Initialization and Configuration
* @brief Set a GAP Parameter value. Use this function to change the default GAP parameter values.
* @param paramID - parameter ID: @ref GAP_PARAMETER_ID_DEFINES
* @param paramValue - new param value
* @return SUCCESS or INVALIDPARAMETER (invalid paramID)
#define GAP_SetParamValue (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t paramID, uint16_t paramValue )) BLE_LIB_JT(72) )
* @brief Get a GAP Parameter value.
* @note This function is the same as GAP_PasskeyUpdate(), except that
* the passkey is passed in as a non-string format.
* @param paramID - parameter ID: @ref GAP_PARAMETER_ID_DEFINES
* @return GAP Parameter value or 0xFFFF if invalid
#define GAP_GetParamValue (( uint16_t (*) ( uint16_t paramID )) BLE_LIB_JT(73) )
* @brief Setup the device's address type. If ADDRTYPE_PRIVATE_RESOLVE is selected,
* the address will change periodically.
* @param addrType - @ref GAP_ADDR_TYPE_DEFINES
* @param pStaticAddr - Only used with ADDRTYPE_STATIC or ADDRTYPE_PRIVATE_NONRESOLVE type
* NULL to auto generate otherwise the application can specify the address value
* @return SUCCESS: address type updated,<BR>
* bleNotReady: Can't be called until GAP_DeviceInit() is called
* and the init process is completed
* bleIncorrectMode: can't change with an active connection,or INVALIDPARAMETER
* If return value isn't SUCCESS, the address type remains the same as before this call.
#define GAP_ConfigDeviceAddr (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t addrType, uint8_t *pStaticAddr )) BLE_LIB_JT(74) )
* @brief Resolves a private address against an IRK.
* @param(in) pIRK - pointer to the IRK
* @param(in) pAddr - pointer to the Resolvable Private address
* @param(out) pIRK
* @param(out) pAddr
* @return SUCCESS: match,<BR>
* FAILURE: don't match,<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: parameters invalid<BR>
#define GAP_ResolvePrivateAddr (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t *pIRK, uint8_t *pAddr )) BLE_LIB_JT(75) )
* @brief Setup or change advertising and scan response data.
* @note if the return status from this function is SUCCESS,the task isn't complete
* until the GAP_ADV_DATA_UPDATE_DONE_EVENT is sent to the calling application task.
* @param taskID - task ID of the app requesting the change
* @param adType - TRUE - advertisement data, FALSE - scan response data
* @param dataLen - Octet length of advertData
* @param pAdvertData - advertising or scan response data
* @return SUCCESS: data accepted
* bleIncorrectMode: invalid profile role
#define GAP_UpdateAdvertisingData (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t taskID,uint8_t adType,uint16_t dataLen,uint8_t *pAdvertData )) BLE_LIB_JT(76) )
* @brief Set a GAP Bond Manager parameter.
* @note You can call this function with a GAP Parameter ID and it will set the GAP Parameter.
* @param param - Profile parameter ID: @ref GAPBOND_PROFILE_PARAMETERS
* @param len - length of data to write
* @param pValue - pointer to data to write. This is dependent on
* the parameter ID and WILL be cast to the appropriate
* data type (example: data type of uint16_t will be cast to
* uint16_t pointer).
* @return SUCCESS or INVALIDPARAMETER (invalid paramID)
#define GAPBondMgr_SetParameter (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t param, uint8_t len, void *pValue )) BLE_LIB_JT(77) )
* @brief Get a GAP Bond Manager parameter.
* @note You can call this function with a GAP Parameter ID and it will get a GAP Parameter.
* @param param - Profile parameter ID: @ref GAPBOND_PROFILE_PARAMETERS
* @param pValue - pointer to location to get the value. This is dependent on
* the parameter ID and WILL be cast to the appropriate data type.
* (example: data type of uint16_t will be cast to uint16_t pointer)
* @return SUCCESS or INVALIDPARAMETER (invalid paramID)
#define GAPBondMgr_GetParameter (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t param, void *pValue )) BLE_LIB_JT(78) )
* @brief Respond to a passcode request.
* @param connectionHandle - connection handle of the connected device or 0xFFFF if all devices in database.
* @param status - SUCCESS if passcode is available, otherwise see @ref SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_DEFINES.
* @param passcode - integer value containing the passcode.
* @return SUCCESS - bond record found and changed
* bleIncorrectMode - Link not found.
#define GAPBondMgr_PasscodeRsp (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connectionHandle, uint8_t status, uint32_t passcode )) BLE_LIB_JT(79) )
* @brief Respond to a passcode request.
* @param connHandle - connection handle of the connected device or 0xFFFF if all devices in database.
* @param status - SUCCESS if oob data is available, otherwise see @ref SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_DEFINES.
* @param oob - containing the oob data.
* @param c_peer - containing the peer confirm.
* @return SUCCESS - bond record found and changed
* bleIncorrectMode - Link not found.
#define GAPBondMgr_OobRsp (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, uint8_t status, uint8_t *oob, uint8_t * c_peer ) BLE_LIB_JT(139) )
* @brief Initialization function for the ecc-function callback.
* @param pEcc - callback registration Structure @ref gapEccCBs_t.
* @return null.
#define GAPBondMgr_EccInit (( void (*) ( gapEccCBs_t *pEcc ) BLE_LIB_JT(140) )
* @brief Send a security request
* @param connHandle - connection handle
* @return SUCCESS: will send
* bleNotConnected: Link not found
* bleIncorrectMode: wrong GAP role, must be a Peripheral Role
#define GAPBondMgr_PeriSecurityReq (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle )) BLE_LIB_JT(132) )
* @brief Set a GAP Role parameter.
* @note You can call this function with a GAP Parameter ID and it will set a GAP Parameter.
* @param param - Profile parameter ID: @ref GAPROLE_PROFILE_PARAMETERS
* @param len - length of data to write
* @param pValue - pointer to data to write. This is dependent on the parameter ID and
* WILL be cast to the appropriate data type (example: data type of uint16_t
* will be cast to uint16_t pointer).
* @return SUCCESS or INVALIDPARAMETER (invalid paramID)
#define GAPRole_SetParameter (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t param, uint16_t len, void *pValue )) BLE_LIB_JT(80) )
* @brief Get a GAP Role parameter.
* @note You can call this function with a GAP Parameter ID and it will get a GAP Parameter.
* @param param - Profile parameter ID: @ref GAPROLE_PROFILE_PARAMETERS
* @param pValue - pointer to location to get the value. This is dependent on
* the parameter ID and WILL be cast to the appropriate
* data type (example: data type of uint16_t will be cast to
* uint16_t pointer).
* @return SUCCESS or INVALIDPARAMETER (invalid paramID)
#define GAPRole_GetParameter (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t param, void *pValue )) BLE_LIB_JT(81) )
* @brief Terminates the existing connection.
* @return SUCCESS or bleIncorrectMode
#define GAPRole_TerminateLink (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle )) BLE_LIB_JT(82) )
* @brief Read Rssi Cmd.
* @param connHandle - connection handle
* @return bStatus_t: HCI Error Code.<BR>
#define GAPRole_ReadRssiCmd (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle )) BLE_LIB_JT(83) )
* @brief used to synchronize with a periodic advertising train from an advertiser and
* begin receiving periodic advertising packets.
* @param pSync - sync parameters@ gapCreateSync_t
* @return bStatus_t: HCI Error Code.<BR>
#define GAPRole_CreateSync (( bStatus_t (*) ( gapCreateSync_t *pSync )) BLE_LIB_JT(123) )
* @brief used to cancel the HCI_LE_Periodic_Advertising_Create_Sync command while
* it is pending.
* @param None.
* @return bStatus_t: HCI Error Code.<BR>
#define GAPRole_CancelSync (( bStatus_t (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(124) )
* @brief used to stop reception of the periodic advertising train identified
* by the Sync_Handle parameter.
* @param syncHandle-identifying the periodic advertising train
* @return bStatus_t: HCI Error Code.<BR>
#define GAPRole_TerminateSync (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t syncHandle )) BLE_LIB_JT(125) )
* @brief Update the link connection parameters.
* @param connHandle - connection handle
* @param connIntervalMin - minimum connection interval in 1.25ms units
* @param connIntervalMax - maximum connection interval in 1.25ms units
* @param connLatency - number of LL latency connection events
* @param connTimeout - connection timeout in 10ms units
* @return SUCCESS: Connection update started started.<BR>
* bleIncorrectMode: No connection to update.<BR>
#define GAPRole_UpdateLink (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, uint16_t connIntervalMin,\
uint16_t connIntervalMax, uint16_t connLatency, uint16_t connTimeout )) BLE_LIB_JT(84) )
* @brief Update the connection phy.
* @param connHandle - connection handle
* @param all_phys - a bit field that allows the Host to specify, for each direction
* set BIT0:The Host has no preference among the transmitter PHYs supported by the Controller
* set BIT1:The Host has no preference among the receiver PHYs supported by the Controller
* @param tx_phys - a bit field that indicates the transmitter PHYs.(GAP_PHY_BIT_TYPE)
* @param rx_phys - a bit field that indicates the receiver PHYs.(GAP_PHY_BIT_TYPE)
* @param phy_options - resv
* @return SUCCESS: PHY update started started .<BR>
* bleIncorrectMode: No connection to update.<BR>
#define GAPRole_UpdatePHY (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, uint8_t all_phys, uint8_t tx_phys,\
uint8_t rx_phys, uint16_t phy_options)) BLE_LIB_JT(122) )
* @brief used to allow the Host to specify the privacy mode to be used for a given entry on the resolving list.
* @note This command shall not be used when address resolution is enabled in the Controller and:
* Advertising (other than periodic advertising) is enabled,
* Scanning is enabled, or
* an GAPRole_CentralEstablishLink, or GAPRole_CreateSync command is pending.
* @param addrTypePeer - 0x00:Public Identity Address 0x01:Random (static) Identity Address
* @param peerAddr - Public Identity Address or Random (static) Identity Address of the advertiser
* @param privacyMode - 0x00:Use Network Privacy Mode for this peer device (default)
* 0x01:Use Device Privacy Mode for this peer device
* @return Command Status.
#define GAPRole_SetPrivacyMode (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t addrTypePeer, uint8_t *peerAddr, uint8_t privacyMode )) BLE_LIB_JT(133) )
* @brief used to set the path loss threshold reporting parameters.
* @param pParm - set path loss parameters@ gapRoleSetPathLossReporting_t
* @return Command Status.
#define GAPRole_SetPathLossReporting (( bStatus_t (*) ( gapRoleSetPathLossReporting_t *pParm )) BLE_LIB_JT(134) )
* @brief used to set power level management.
* @param pParm - set power level parameters@ gapRolePowerlevelManagement_t
* @return Command Status.
#define GAPRole_SetPowerlevel (( bStatus_t (*) ( gapRolePowerlevelManagement_t *pParm )) BLE_LIB_JT(136) )
* @brief Initialization function for the GAP Role Task.
* @param None.
* @return SUCCESS,bleInvalidRange
#define GAPRole_BroadcasterInit (( bStatus_t (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(85) )
* @brief Does the device initialization. Only call this function once.
* @param pAppCallbacks - pointer to application callbacks.
* @return SUCCESS or bleAlreadyInRequestedMode
#define GAPRole_BroadcasterStartDevice (( bStatus_t (*) ( gapRolesBroadcasterCBs_t *pAppCallbacks )) BLE_LIB_JT(86) )
* @brief Does the Broadcaster receive scan request call initialization.
* @param pAppCallbacks - pointer to application callbacks.
* @return None
#define GAPRole_BroadcasterSetCB (( void (*) (gapRolesBroadcasterCBs_t *pAppCallbacks )) BLE_LIB_JT(106) )
* @internal
* @brief Observer Profile Task initialization function.
* @param None.
* @return SUCCESS,bleInvalidRange
#define GAPRole_ObserverInit (( bStatus_t (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(87) )
* @brief Start the device in Observer role. This function is typically
* called once during system startup.
* @param pAppCallbacks - pointer to application callbacks
* @return SUCCESS: Operation successful.<BR>
* bleAlreadyInRequestedMode: Device already started.<BR>
#define GAPRole_ObserverStartDevice (( bStatus_t (*) ( gapRoleObserverCB_t *pAppCallbacks )) BLE_LIB_JT(88) )
* @brief Start a device discovery scan.
* @param mode - discovery mode: @ref GAP_DEVDISC_MODE_DEFINES
* @param activeScan - TRUE to perform active scan
* @param whiteList - TRUE to only scan for devices in the white list
* @return SUCCESS: Discovery scan started.<BR>
* bleIncorrectMode: Invalid profile role.<BR>
* bleAlreadyInRequestedMode: Not available.<BR>
#define GAPRole_ObserverStartDiscovery (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t mode, uint8_t activeScan, uint8_t whiteList )) BLE_LIB_JT(89) )
* @brief Cancel a device discovery scan.
* @return SUCCESS: Cancel started.<BR>
* bleInvalidTaskID: Not the task that started discovery.<BR>
* bleIncorrectMode: Not in discovery mode.<BR>
#define GAPRole_ObserverCancelDiscovery (( bStatus_t (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(90) )
* @internal
* @brief Initialization function for the GAP Role Task.
* This is called during initialization and should contain
* any application specific initialization (ie. hardware
* initialization/setup, table initialization, power up
* notificaiton ... ).
* @param None.
* @return SUCCESS,bleInvalidRange
#define GAPRole_PeripheralInit (( bStatus_t (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(91) )
* @brief Does the device initialization. Only call this function once.
* @param pAppCallbacks - pointer to application callbacks.
* @return SUCCESS or bleAlreadyInRequestedMode
#define GAPRole_PeripheralStartDevice (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t taskid, gapBondCBs_t *pCB,gapRolesCBs_t *pAppCallbacks )) BLE_LIB_JT(92) )
* @brief Update the parameters of an existing connection
* @param connHandle - the connection Handle
* @param connIntervalMin - minimum connection interval in 1.25ms units
* @param connIntervalMax - maximum connection interval in 1.25ms units
* @param latency - the new slave latency
* @param connTimeout - the new timeout value
* @param taskId - taskID will recv L2CAP_SIGNAL_EVENT message
* @return SUCCESS, bleNotConnected or bleInvalidRange
#define GAPRole_PeripheralConnParamUpdateReq (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint16_t connHandle, uint16_t connIntervalMin,\
uint16_t connIntervalMax,uint16_t latency, uint16_t connTimeout,uint8_t taskId )) BLE_LIB_JT(93) )
* @internal
* @brief Central Profile Task initialization function.
* @param None.
* @return SUCCESS,bleInvalidRange
#define GAPRole_CentralInit (( bStatus_t (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(94) )
* @brief Start the device in Central role. This function is typically
* called once during system startup.
* @param pAppCallbacks - pointer to application callbacks
* @return SUCCESS: Operation successful.<BR>
* bleAlreadyInRequestedMode: Device already started.<BR>
#define GAPRole_CentralStartDevice (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t taskid, gapBondCBs_t *pCB, gapCentralRoleCB_t *pAppCallbacks )) BLE_LIB_JT(95) )
* @brief Start a device discovery scan.
* @param mode - discovery mode: @ref GAP_DEVDISC_MODE_DEFINES
* @param activeScan - TRUE to perform active scan
* @param whiteList - TRUE to only scan for devices in the white list
* @return SUCCESS: Discovery scan started.<BR>
* bleIncorrectMode: Invalid profile role.<BR>
* bleAlreadyInRequestedMode: Not available.<BR>
#define GAPRole_CentralStartDiscovery (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t mode, uint8_t activeScan, uint8_t whiteList )) BLE_LIB_JT(96) )
* @brief Cancel a device discovery scan.
* @return SUCCESS: Cancel started.<BR>
* bleInvalidTaskID: Not the task that started discovery.<BR>
* bleIncorrectMode: Not in discovery mode.<BR>
#define GAPRole_CentralCancelDiscovery (( bStatus_t (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(97) )
* @brief This API is called by the Central to update the Host data channels
* initiating an Update Data Channel control procedure.
* @note While it isn't specified,it is assumed that the Host expects an
* update channel map on all active connections and periodic advertise.
* input parameters
* @param chanMap - A five byte array containing one bit per data channel
* where a 1 means the channel is "used".
* @return SUCCESS
#define GAPRole_SetHostChanClassification (( (*) ( uint8_t *chanMap )) BLE_LIB_JT(128) )
* @brief Establish a link to a peer device.
* @param highDutyCycle - TRUE to high duty cycle scan, FALSE if not
* @param whiteList - determines use of the white list: TRUE-enable
* @param addrTypePeer - address type of the peer device: @ref GAP_ADDR_TYPE_DEFINES
* @param peerAddr - peer device address
* @return SUCCESS: started establish link process.<BR>
* bleIncorrectMode: invalid profile role.<BR>
* bleNotReady: a scan is in progress.<BR>
* bleAlreadyInRequestedMode: can't process now.<BR>
* bleNoResources: too many links.<BR>
#define GAPRole_CentralEstablishLink (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t highDutyCycle, uint8_t whiteList,uint8_t addrTypePeer, uint8_t *peerAddr )) BLE_LIB_JT(98) )
* @brief RF_PHY Profile Task initialization function.
* @param None.
* @return 0 - success.
#define RF_RoleInit (( bStatus_t (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(99) )
* @brief rf config.
* @param pConfig - rf config parameters
* @return 0 - success.
#define RF_Config (( bStatus_t (*) ( rfConfig_t *pConfig )) BLE_LIB_JT(100) )
* @brief rx mode.
* @param txBuf - rx mode tx data
* @param txLen - rx mode tx length(0-251)
* @param pktRxType - rx mode rx package type
* broadcast type(0xFF):receive all matching types,
* others:receive match type or broadcast type
* @param pktTxType - rx mode tx package type(auto mode)
* broadcast type(0xFF):received by all matching types;
* others:only received by matching type
* @return 0 - success. 1-access address error 2-busy
#define RF_Rx (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t *txBuf, uint8_t txLen, uint8_t pktRxType, uint8_t pktTxType ) ) BLE_LIB_JT(101) )
* @brief tx mode.
* @param txBuf - tx mode tx data
* @param txLen - tx mode tx length(0-251)
* @param pktTxType - tx mode tx package type
* broadcast type(0xFF):received by all matching types;
* others:only received by matching type
* @param pktRxType - tx mode rx package type(auto mode)
* broadcast type(0xFF):receive all matching types,
* others:receive match type or broadcast type
* @return 0 - success. 1-access address error 2-busy
#define RF_Tx (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t *txBuf, uint8_t txLen, uint8_t pktTxType, uint8_t pktRxType ) ) BLE_LIB_JT(102) )
* @brief shut down,stop tx/rx mode.
* @param None.
* @return 0 - success.
#define RF_Shut (( bStatus_t (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(103) )
* @brief rf mode set radio channel/frequency.
* @param channel.
* @return 0 - success.
#define RF_SetChannel (( void (*) ( uint32_t channel )) BLE_LIB_JT(115) )
* @brief shut down rf frequency hopping
* @param None.
* @return None.
#define RF_FrequencyHoppingShut (( void (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(116) )
* @brief
* @param resendCount - Maximum count of sending HOP_TX pdu,0 = unlimited.
* @return 0 - success.
#define RF_FrequencyHoppingTx (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t resendCount )) BLE_LIB_JT(117) )
* @brief
* @param timeoutMS - Maximum time to wait for receiving HOP_TX pdu(Time = n * 1mSec),0 = unlimited.
* @return 0 - success.1-fail.2-LLEMode error(shall AUTO)
#define RF_FrequencyHoppingRx (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint32_t timeoutMS )) BLE_LIB_JT(118) )
* @brief Erase FH bonded device
* @param None.
* @return None.
#define RF_BondingErase (( void (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(119) )
* @brief single channel mode.
* @param ch - rf channel,f=2402+ch*2 MHz, ch=0,...,39
* @return 0 - success.
#define LL_SingleChannel (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t ch )) BLE_LIB_JT(104) )
* @brief used to stop any test which is in progress.
* @param(in) pPktNum - null
* @param(out) the number of received packets.
* @return 0 - success.
#define LL_TestEnd (( bStatus_t (*) (uint8_t *pPktNum )) BLE_LIB_JT(105) )
* @brief used to start a test where the DUT receives test reference packets at a fixed interval
* input parameters
* @param opcode = 0x201D
* pParm0 - RX_Channel
* opcode = 0x2033
* pParm0 - RX_Channel
* pParm1 - PHY
* pParm2 - Modulation_Index
* @return 0 - success.
#define API_LE_ReceiverTestCmd (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t *pParm, uint16_t opcode )) BLE_LIB_JT(111) )
* @brief used to start a test where the DUT generates test reference packets at a fixed interval
* @param opcode = 0x201E
* pParm 0 - TX_Channel
* pParm 1 - Test_Data_Length
* pParm 2 - Packet_Payload
* opcode = 0x2034
* pParm 0 - TX_Channel
* pParm 1 - Test_Data_Length
* pParm 2 - Packet_Payload
* pParm 3 - PHY
* @return 0 - success.
#define API_LE_TransmitterTestCmd (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t *pParm, uint16_t opcode )) BLE_LIB_JT(112) )
* @brief used to stop any test which is in progress
* @param None
* @return 0 - success.
#define API_LE_TestEndCmd (( bStatus_t (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(113) )
* @brief resv
* @param None
* @return None.
#define RFEND_SetSensitivity (( void (*) ( void )) BLE_LIB_JT(129) )
* @brief used to set rf TxCtune value
* @param pParm(in) - Must provide length of parameter followed by 6 bytes parameter
* @return Command Status.
#define RFEND_TXCtuneSet (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t *pParm )) BLE_LIB_JT(130) )
* @brief used to get rf TxCtune value
* @param pParm(out) - length of parameter(6) followed by 6 bytes parameter
* @return Command Status.
#define RFEND_TXCtuneGet (( bStatus_t (*) ( uint8_t *pParm )) BLE_LIB_JT(131) )
* END @ Profile API
#ifdef __cplusplus