## Verify the authenticity of Xiaomi products ### Phones Verify via IMEI and S/N [here](https://www.mi.com/global/verify/#/en/tab/imei). * Note: Despite what the site says, the S/N can only be found on the code sticker which is on the back of the packaging box. If something is wrong, even if it's not the IMEI, the site will say that the IMEI is wrong, please keep that in mind. ### Audio products Most of Xiaomi's audio products come with a unique QR code that verifies their authenticity by pointing to a verification website, but this website often comes up empty when accessed outside of China, so you need to fiddle with the URL to make it show the result. The URL the QR code contains: https://www.mi.com/verify/hsyz/?serial The URL you should visit to get the result: http://auth.1more.com/checkSN.html?c=serial&lag=en *Note: 1MORE is a Chinese audio company in the Mi Ecosystem.* ### Everything else Verify via security code [here](https://www.mi.com/global/verify/#/en/tab/secur).