diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 54a0280..bd846bb 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -984,6 +984,7 @@ - [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]](https://github.com/ogham/exa) [exa](https://the.exa.website/) - exa is a modern replacement for ls. - [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]](https://github.com/LubuntuFu/fishfry) [Fishfry](https://github.com/LubuntuFu/fishfry) - replaces fish history with a history tailored to pentesters for efficiency and newbie pentesters for learning. - [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf) [fzf](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf) - A general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder with interactive filter and preview feature for things like files, command history, git commits, hostnames, etc. +- [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]](https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl) [gallery-dl](https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl) - Command-line program to download image galleries and collections from pixiv, exhentai, danbooru and more. - [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]](https://github.com/heppu/gkill) [Gkill](https://github.com/heppu/gkill) - An interactive process killer for Linux. - [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]](https://github.com/nicolargo/glances) [Glances](https://nicolargo.github.io/glances/) - Glances is a system monitoring terminal application that shows you your disk usage, ram usage, and cpu usage in a very friendly way using the Ncurses programming library. It is tolerant to windows resizing, and very low on system ram useage. - [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]](https://github.com/jarun/googler) [Googler](https://itsfoss.com/review-googler-linux/) - A program that can Google anything right in the command line.