#include "date_time_handling.h" #include "list_handling.h" #include "cut_string.h" #include "move_lines.h" #include "read_until_nl.h" #include "read_until_string.h" #include "seek_string_a.h" #include "remove_whitespace.h" #include #include #include #include #include int main() { //const char ICS_PATH[] = "tests/calendar.ics"; char *ICS_PATH; char *HOME = getenv("HOME"); if (HOME != NULL) { ICS_PATH = strcat(HOME, "/.local/share/evolution/calendar/system/calendar.ics"); } else { printf ("Environment variable HOME is not set.\n"); return 1; } char my_line[4096] = ""; int myfd = open(ICS_PATH, O_RDONLY); if (myfd == -1) { perror ("Error opening file"); return 1; } // initialize linked list struct event *head = NULL; static char current_date[] = "xxxxxxxxTxxxxxx"; get_date(current_date); printf ("Current date and time: %s\n\n", current_date); char date[256] = ""; char summary[256] = ""; while(read_until_nl(myfd, my_line)) { if (strncmp(my_line, "BEGIN:VEVENT", 12) == 0) { memset(my_line, '\0', sizeof(my_line)); // go to DTSTART, but dont write to a variable seek_string_a(myfd, "DTSTART"); read_until_string(myfd, my_line, "DTEND"); remove_whitespace(my_line); cut_string(my_line, ':', 1); strcpy(date, my_line); memset(my_line, '\0', sizeof(my_line)); seek_string_a(myfd, "SUMMARY:"); read_until_string(myfd, my_line, "TRANSP:"); remove_nl_and_cr(my_line); strcpy(summary, my_line); memset(my_line, '\0', sizeof(my_line)); sorted_insert(&head, date, summary); memset(date, '\0', sizeof(date)); memset(summary, '\0', sizeof(summary)); } memset(my_line, '\0', sizeof(my_line)); } //print_list(head); print_upcoming(head, current_date); free_list(head); return 0; }