2023-11-10 10:35:27 +00:00
src DBZ-6996 2023-11-04 11:00:46 +01:00
pom.xml [release] Development version for testing module deps 2023-11-10 10:35:27 +00:00
README.md DBZ-6996 2023-11-04 11:00:46 +01:00

OpenShift deployment verification suite

This project verifies the basic functionality of Debezium connectors with Kafka cluster deployed to OpenShift via Strimzi project.


OpenShift cluster with cluster-wide administrator access is required in order to run these tests. Depending on chosen registry a configured docker credentials are required in order to push built

The tests also need an image containing debezium connector and scripting artifacts.

Create artifact server

Create maven repo folder


Prepare Apicurio converter

mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:get \
    -Dartifact=io.apicurio:apicurio-registry-distro-connect-converter:${APICURIO_VERSION}:zip \

Add Oracle drivers for oracle connector

ORACLE_ARTIFACT_VERSION=$(mvn -q -DforceStdout help:evaluate -Dexpression=version.oracle.driver)

mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.oracle.instantclient -DartifactId=ojdbc8 \
    -Dversion=${ORACLE_ARTIFACT_VERSION} -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=ojdbc8.jar \
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.oracle.instantclient -DartifactId=xstreams \
    -Dversion=${ORACLE_ARTIFACT_VERSION} -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=xstreams.jar \

Build Artifact server image and push it to image registry

cd ${DEBEZIUM_DIR}/jenkins-jobs/scripts
./upstream-artifact-server-prepare.sh \
    --maven-repo ${MAVEN_REPO} \
    -r <image_registry> \
    -o <organization> \
    -t <image_tag> \
    --dest-login <username> \
    --dest-pass <password> \
    --oracle-included true \
    -d ${DEBEZIUM_DIR}

Build and push testsuite docker image (x86 platform)

    pushd debezium-testing/debezium-testing-system/src/test/resources/docker/
    docker build -t <your_image_repository> --no-cache .
    docker push <your_image_repository>

Prepare namespace and pull secret for the testsuite

    oc login -u <username> -p <password> <ocp-api>
    oc new-project debezium-testsuite
    oc create secret generic <pull_secret_name> \
    --from-file=.dockercfg=<path/to/.dockercfg> \
    --type=kubernetes.io/dockercfg \
    -n debezium-testsuite

Edit Pod template

  • Update pod template debezium-testing/debezium-testing-system/src/test/resources/kube/Pod.yaml with custom values
    • If your testsuite image is private you have to link pull secret with default Service Account for pulling
  • In case you want attach remote debugger add DEBUG_PORT environment variable to Pod template
  • All the Pod template variables are described in table below
Name Description Example
TESTSUITE_ARGUMENTS Arguments are passed to mvn command -Dtest.prepare.strimzi=true -DskipTests=true -Dtest.strimzi.version.kafka=3.5.0 -Dtest.wait.scale=1
DBZ_GIT_BRANCH Branch from which you want start the tests "main"
DBZ_GIT_REPOSITORY Repository from which you want start the tests "https://github.com/debezium/debezium.git"
DBZ_OCP_PROJECT_DEBEZIUM Project where Kafka will be deployed "debezium"
DBZ_SECRET_NAME Pull secret for Artifact server repository "docker-secret"
DEBUG_PORT Port for remote debugging "9000"

More testsuite arguments

The following properties can be set to further configure the test execution (rest can be found in pom.xml, mostly with prefix test)

Name Default Value description
ocp.url OpenShift API endpoint
ocp.username OpenShift admin username
ocp.password OpenShift admin password
ocp.project.debezium debezium OpenShift debezium project
ocp.project.mysql debezium-mysql OpenShift mysql project
image.as Artifact server image URL
ocp.pull.secret.paths Pull secret if artifact server is in private repo

Running the tests

Deploy testsuite Pod and PVC

    oc apply -f debezium-testing/debezium-testing-system/src/test/resources/kube/PersistentVolumeClaim.yaml
    oc apply -f debezium-testing/debezium-testing-system/src/test/resources/kube/Pod.yaml
    oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin system:serviceaccount:debezium-testsuite:default

On some environments you can have problem creating PVC. In that case you use workaround before running Pod:

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z default


By default you cannot access pods running in Openshift by any other port than HTTPS. You can either create load balancer service if your infrastructure allows it or you can do ocp port forward pod/testsuite <DEBUG_PORT> <DEBUG_PORT> in separate terminal. That will allow your connection to testsuite running remotely in the pod.