// Metadata created by nebel // // UserStory: As an evaluator, I want to use Debezium to view create, update, and delete events in my database. :context: mysql [id="viewing-change-events"] = Viewing change events After deploying the {prodname} MySQL connector, it starts monitoring the `inventory` database for data change events. When you watched the connector start up, you saw that events were written to the following topics with the `dbserver1` prefix (the name of the connector): `dbserver1`:: The xref:{link-mysql-connector}#mysql-schema-change-topic[schema change topic] to which all of the DDL statements are written. `dbserver1.inventory.products`:: Captures change events for the `products` table in the `inventory` database. `dbserver1.inventory.products_on_hand`:: Captures change events for the `products_on_hand` table in the `inventory` database. `dbserver1.inventory.customers`:: Captures change events for the `customers` table in the `inventory` database. `dbserver1.inventory.orders`:: Captures change events for the `orders` table in the `inventory` database. For this tutorial, you will explore the `dbserver1.inventory.customers` topic. In this topic, you will see different types of change events to see how the connector captured them: * xref:viewing-create-event[Viewing a _create_ event] * xref:updating-database-viewing-update-event[Updating the database and viewing the _update_ event] * xref:deleting-record-database-viewing-delete-event[Deleting a record in the database and viewing the _delete_ event] * xref:restarting-kafka-connect-service[Restarting Kafka Connect and changing the database] include::{partialsdir}/modules/tutorial/proc-viewing-create-event.adoc[leveloffset=+1] include::{partialsdir}/modules/tutorial/proc-updating-database-viewing-update-event.adoc[leveloffset=+1] include::{partialsdir}/modules/tutorial/proc-deleting-record-database-viewing-delete-event.adoc[leveloffset=+1] include::{partialsdir}/modules/tutorial/proc-restarting-kafka-connect-service.adoc[leveloffset=+1]