:page-aliases: configuration/compute-partition.adoc // Category: debezium-using // Type: assembly // ModuleID: routing-records-to-partitions-based-on-column-values // Title: Routing records to partitions based on column values [id="compute-partition"] = [DEPRECATED] Compute Partition :toc: :toc-placement: macro :linkattrs: :icons: font :source-highlighter: highlight.js toc::[] [IMPORTANT] ==== This page describes an SMT that will be removed in future releases. Please use the new SMT xref:transformations/partition-routing.adoc[Partition Routing]. ==== By default, when {prodname} detects a change in a data collection, it emits a change event to an Apache Kafka topic with a single partition. As described in {link-prefix}:{link-topic-auto-creation}#customizing-debezium-automatically-created-topics[Customization of Kafka Connect automatic topic creation], you can customize the default configuration to route events to multiple partitions, based on a hash of the primary key. However, in some cases, you might want {prodname} to route events to a specific partition. The compute partition SMT enables you to route events to destination partitions based on a specified column name value. {prodname} uses the hash of the specified value to determine the destination partition. // Type: concept // Title: Example: Basic configuration of the {prodname} compute partition SMT // ModuleID: basic-configuration-of-the-debezium-compute-partition-smt [[example-basic-compute-partition-configuration-example]] == Example: Basic configuration You configure the compute partition transformation in the {prodname} connector's Kafka Connect configuration. The configuration specifies the following parameters: * The data collection column to use to calculate the destination partition. * The maximum number of partitions permitted for the data collection. The SMT only processes events that originate in specified data collections. Events from other data collections are ignored. To configure a {prodname} connector to route events to a specific partition, configure the `ComputePartition` SMT in the Kafka Connect configuration for the {prodname} connector. For example, you might add the following configuration in your connector configuration. [source] ---- ... topic.creation.default.partitions=2 topic.creation.default.replication.factor=1 ... transforms=ComputePartition transforms.ComputePartition.type=io.debezium.transforms.partitions.ComputePartition transforms.ComputePartition.partition.data-collections.field.mappings=inventory.products:name,inventory.orders:purchaser transforms.ComputePartition.partition.data-collections.partition.num.mappings=inventory.products:2,inventory.orders:2 ... ---- The configuration in the preceding example enables partition computation for the `products` and `orders` data collections. The configuration specifies that the SMT uses the `name` column to compute the partition for the `products` data collection. The number of partitions is set to `2`. The number of partitions that you specify must match the number of partitions that are specified in the Kafka topic configuration. Based on the configuration in the example, for the following `Products` table, the SMT routes change events for all records that have the field name `hammer` to the same partition. That is, the items with `id` values `104`, `105`, and `106` are routed to the same partition. .Products table [cols="25%a,25%a,25%a,25%a"] |=== |id |name |description |weight |101 |scooter |Small 2-wheel scooter | 3.14 |102 |car battery |12V car battery | 8.1 |103 |12-pack drill bits |12-pack of drill bits with sizes ranging from #40 to #3 | 0.8 |104 |hammer |12oz carpenter's hammer | 0.75 |105 |hammer |14oz carpenter's hammer | 0.875 |106 |hammer |16oz carpenter's hammer | 1.0 |107 |rocks |box of assorted rocks | 5.3 |108 |jacket |water-resistant black windbreaker | 0.1 |109 |spare tire |24-inch spare tire | 22.2 |=== // Type: reference // ModuleID: options-for-configuring-the-compute-partition-transformation // Title: Options for configuring the compute partition transformation [[compute-partition-configuration-options]] == Configuration options The following table lists the configuration options that you can use with the compute partition SMT. .Partition routing SMT (`ComputePartition`) configuration options [cols="30%a,25%a,45%a"] |=== |Property |Default |Description |[[compute-partition-data-collections-field-mappings]]<> | |A comma-separated list of colon-delimited pairs that specify the columns to use for a specific data collection, for example, `inventory.products:name,inventory.orders:purchaser`. |[[compute-partition-data-collections-partition-num-mappings]]<> | |A comma-separated list of colon-delimited pairs that specify the number of partitions to use for a specific data collection, for example, `inventory.products:2,inventory.orders:3`. | |===