pipelineJob('node-snapshot-build') { displayName('Jenkins node snapshot preparation ') description('Updates jenkins node snapshot') properties { githubProjectUrl('https://github.com/debezium/debezium') } logRotator { numToKeep(10) } parameters { // CREDENTIALS stringParam('GITLAB_CREDENTIALS', 'gitlab-debeziumci-ssh', 'QE gitlab credentials id') stringParam('ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD', 'ansible-vault-password', 'Password for ansible vault in used ansible playbook') // OPENSTACK INSTANCE AND SNAPSHOT CONFIG stringParam('CLOUD_NAME', 'openstack', 'Name of openstack cloud') stringParam('SNAPSHOT_NAME', 'debezium-jenkins-node-centos8', 'Name of created snapshot') stringParam('BASE_IMAGE', 'CentOS-Stream-8-x86_64-GenericCloud', 'Base image for created snapshot') stringParam('INSTANCE_NAME', 'Ansible_temporary_instance', 'Name of created instance in Openstack') stringParam('INSTANCE_USER', 'centos', 'User used to connect to the instance') stringParam('KEYPAIR', 'jenkins', 'Keypair used to connect to the instance') // ANSIBLE REPO stringParam('ANS_GIT_SECRET', 'jenkins-node-git-repo', 'ID of secret containing repo from which ansible resources are cloned') stringParam('ANS_GIT_REPOSITORY', '', 'Repository from which ansible resources are cloned. Use SSH format') stringParam('ANS_GIT_BRANCH', 'master', 'A branch/tag of ansible sources') } definition { cps { script(readFileFromWorkspace('jenkins-jobs/pipelines/node_snapshot_build_pipeline.groovy')) sandbox() } } }