folder("release") { description("This folder contains all jobs used by developers for upstream release and all relevant stuff") displayName("Release") } pipelineJob('release/release-deploy-container-images') { displayName('Debezium Deploy Container Images') description('Build and deploy Container images to the registry') properties { githubProjectUrl('') } logRotator { daysToKeep(7) numToKeep(10) } triggers { cron('@midnight') } parameters { stringParam('MAIL_TO', '') stringParam('DEBEZIUM_REPOSITORY', 'debezium/debezium', 'Repository from which Debezium is built') stringParam('IMAGES_REPOSITORY', '', 'Repository with Debezium Dockerfiles') stringParam('IMAGES_BRANCH', 'main', 'Branch used for images repository') stringParam('STREAMS_TO_BUILD_COUNT', '2', 'How many most recent streams should be built') stringParam('TAGS_PER_STREAM_COUNT', '1', 'How any most recent tags per stream should be built') stringParam('MULTIPLATFORM_PLATFORMS', 'linux/amd64,linux/arm64', 'Which platforms to build images for') booleanParam('SKIP_UI', true, 'Should UI image be skipped (skipped by default due to build failure on CI)?') } definition { cps { script(readFileFromWorkspace('jenkins-jobs/pipelines/release/build_debezium_images_pipeline.groovy')) } } }