# Job definition to test MySQL connector against different MySQL versions --- - job: project-type: matrix name: debezium-mysql-matrix-test display-name: Debezium MySQL Test Matrix description: Executes tests for MySQL Connector with MySQL matrix execution-strategy: sequential: true axes: - axis: type: user-defined name: MYSQL_VERSION values: - 8.0.13 - axis: type: user-defined name: PROFILE values: - none - assembly node: Slave properties: - build-discarder: days-to-keep: 7 - github: url: https://github.com/debezium/debezium parameters: - string: name: REPOSITORY default: https://github.com/debezium/debezium description: "Repository from which Debezium is built" - string: name: BRANCH default: "*/master" description: "A branch from which Debezium is built" scm: - git: url: $REPOSITORY branches: - "$BRANCH" wrappers: - timeout: timeout: 45 triggers: - reverse: jobs: 'debezium-postgresql-matrix-test' result: 'failure' builders: - maven-target: maven-version: (Default) goals: clean install -U -s $HOME/.m2/settings-snapshots.xml -pl debezium-connector-mysql -am -fae -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true -Dversion.mysql.server=$MYSQL_VERSION -Dmysql.port=4301 -Dmysql.replica.port=4301 -Dmysql.gtid.port=4302 -Dmysql.gtid.replica.port=4303 -P$PROFILE publishers: - junit: results: "**/target/surefire-reports/*.xml,**/target/failsafe-reports/*.xml" - email: recipients: jpechane@redhat.com