// Job definition to test PostgreSQL connector against different PostgreSQL versions matrixJob('connector-debezium-db2-matrix-test') { displayName('Debezium DB2 Connector Test Matrix') description('Executes tests for DB2 Connector') label('Slave') axes { label("Node", "Slave") } properties { githubProjectUrl('https://github.com/debezium/debezium-connector-db2') } parameters { stringParam('REPOSITORY', 'https://github.com/debezium/debezium-connector-db2', 'Repository from which connector is built') stringParam('BRANCH', 'main', 'A branch/tag from which the connector is built') stringParam('SOURCE_URL', "", "URL to productised sources") booleanParam('PRODUCT_BUILD', false, 'Is this a productised build?') } triggers { cron('H 04 * * 1-5') } wrappers { preBuildCleanup() timeout { noActivity(1200) } } publishers { archiveJunit('**/target/surefire-reports/*.xml') archiveJunit('**/target/failsafe-reports/*.xml') mailer('jpechane@redhat.com', false, true) } logRotator { daysToKeep(7) } steps { shell(''' # Ensure WS cleaup ls -A1 | xargs rm -rf # Retrieve sources if [ "$PRODUCT_BUILD" == true ] ; then PROFILE_PROD="pnc" curl -OJs $SOURCE_URL && unzip debezium-*-src.zip # Build parent mvn clean install -s ~/.m2/settings-snapshots.xml -am -fae \ -DskipTests -DskipITs \ -Dinsecure.repositories=WARN \ -P$PROFILE_PROD # Run connector tests cd debezium-connector-db2 mvn clean install -U -s $HOME/.m2/settings-snapshots.xml -am -fae \ -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true \ -Dtest.argline="-Ddebezium.test.records.waittime=5" \ -Dinsecure.repositories=WARN \ -P$PROFILE_PROD \ $MAVEN_ARGS else PROFILE_PROD="none" git clone $REPOSITORY . git checkout $BRANCH # Run connector tests mvn clean install -U -s $HOME/.m2/settings-snapshots.xml -am -fae \ -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true \ -Dtest.argline="-Ddebezium.test.records.waittime=5" \ -Dinsecure.repositories=WARN \ $MAVEN_ARGS fi ''') } }