pipelineJob('rhel-downstream-prepare-job') { displayName('AMQ Streams on RHEL Preparation - Downstream') description('Prepares image for AMQ Streams on RHEL') properties { githubProjectUrl('https://github.com/debezium/debezium') } logRotator { numToKeep(10) } parameters { stringParam('MAIL_TO', 'debezium-qe@redhat.com') // QUAY CONFIG stringParam('QUAY_CREDENTIALS', 'rh-integration-quay-creds', 'Quay.io credentials id') stringParam('QUAY_ORGANISATION', '', 'Organisation where images are copied') // RHEL CONFIG stringParam('RHEL_IMAGE', 'registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8:latest', 'Base RHEL image') // KAFKA CONFIG stringParam('KAFKA_URL', '', 'AMQ streams kafka') stringParam('DBZ_SCRIPTS_VERSION', '2.0', 'Version of debezium used as source of startup scripts') // DEBEZIUM CONFIG stringParam('DBZ_GIT_REPOSITORY', 'https://github.com/debezium/debezium.git', 'Repository from which Debezium sources are cloned') stringParam('DBZ_GIT_BRANCH', 'main', 'A branch/tag of Debezium sources') // IMAGE NAME booleanParam('AUTO_TAG', true, 'Use automatically generated tag') textParam('EXTRA_IMAGE_TAGS', 'latest', 'List of extra texts tags for multiple images') // DEBEZIUM CONNECT IMAGE CONFIG textParam('DBZ_CONNECTOR_ARCHIVE_URLS', '', 'List of URLs to productised Debezium connectors') // EXTRA CONFIG textParam('DBZ_EXTRA_LIBS', '', 'List of extra libraries added to connectors') } definition { cps { script(readFileFromWorkspace('jenkins-jobs/pipelines/rhel_downstream_prepare_pipeline.groovy')) sandbox() } } }