import groovy.json.* import java.util.* import com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.NonCPS IMAGES_DIR = 'images' TAG_REST_ENDPOINT = "${params.DEBEZIUM_REPOSITORY}/tags" STREAMS_TO_BUILD_COUNT = params.STREAMS_TO_BUILD_COUNT.toInteger() TAGS_PER_STREAM_COUNT = params.TAGS_PER_STREAM_COUNT.toInteger() GIT_CREDENTIALS_ID = 'debezium-github' DOCKER_CREDENTIALS_ID = 'debezium-dockerhub' QUAYIO_CREDENTIALS_ID = 'debezium-quay' class Version implements Comparable { int major int minor int micro String classifier def Version(major, minor) { this.major = major this.minor = minor this.micro = -1 } Version(name) { def parts = name.split('\\.') major = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]) minor = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]) micro = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]) classifier = parts[3] } @NonCPS def majorMinor() { new Version(major, minor) } @Override @NonCPS def String toString() { def sb = new StringBuilder() if (major != -1) { sb.append(major) } if (minor != -1) { sb.append('.') sb.append(minor) } if (micro != -1) { sb.append('.') sb.append(micro) } if (classifier != null) { sb.append('.') sb.append(classifier) } sb.toString() } @Override @NonCPS boolean equals(o) { (o == null) ? false : toString() == o.toString() } @Override @NonCPS int hashCode() { toString().hashCode() } @Override @NonCPS int compareTo(o) { int d = major - o.major if (d != 0) { return d } d = minor - o.minor if (d != 0) { return d } d = micro - o.micro if (d != 0) { return d } if (classifier != null) { return classifier.compareTo(o.classifier) } return 0 } } // Map keyed by stream - e.g 1.5 and containing a list of tags per-stream versions = [:] as TreeMap // The most recent streams to be built streamsToBuild = null // The most resent stable stream representing latest tag stableStream = null @NonCPS def initVersions(username, password) { TAG_REST_ENDPOINT.toURL().openConnection().with { doOutput = true setRequestProperty('Content-Type', 'application/json') setRequestProperty('Authorization', 'Basic ' + Base64.encoder.encodeToString("$username:$password".getBytes(java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) def json = new JsonSlurper().parse(new StringReader(content.text)) json.each { def current = new Version( def stream = current.majorMinor() versionList = versions[stream] if (versionList == null) { versionList = [] versions[stream] = versionList } versionList.add(current) } } echo "Versions: $versions" // Order the tags per stream form the most recent one versions.each { k, v -> Collections.sort(v) Collections.reverse(v) } // Find the most recent streams and the latest stable streamsToBuild = [versions.lastKey()] for (int i = 1; i < STREAMS_TO_BUILD_COUNT; i++) { streamsToBuild.add(versions.lowerKey(streamsToBuild[-1])) } stableStream = streamsToBuild.find { def tags = versions[it] tags.size() > 0 && tags[0].classifier == 'Final' } } node('Slave') { catchError { stage('Initialize') { dir('.') { deleteDir() } checkout([$class : 'GitSCM', branches : [[name: params.IMAGES_BRANCH]], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions : [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: IMAGES_DIR]], submoduleCfg : [], userRemoteConfigs : [[url: "https://$params.IMAGES_REPOSITORY", credentialsId: GIT_CREDENTIALS_ID]] ] ) withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: GIT_CREDENTIALS_ID, passwordVariable: 'GIT_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'GIT_USERNAME')]) { initVersions(GIT_USERNAME, GIT_PASSWORD) } withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: DOCKER_CREDENTIALS_ID, passwordVariable: 'DOCKER_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'DOCKER_USERNAME')]) { sh """ docker login -u $DOCKER_USERNAME -p $DOCKER_PASSWORD """ } withCredentials([string(credentialsId: QUAYIO_CREDENTIALS_ID, variable: 'USERNAME_PASSWORD')]) { def credentials = USERNAME_PASSWORD.split(':') sh """ set +x docker login -u ${credentials[0]} -p ${credentials[1]} """ } dir(IMAGES_DIR) { sh """ ./ docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install all """ } sh "" } stage('master') { echo "Building images for streams $streamsToBuild" dir(IMAGES_DIR) { sh """ DEBEZIUM_VERSIONS=\"${streamsToBuild.join(' ')}\" LATEST_STREAM=\"$stableStream\" ./ """ } } for (stream in streamsToBuild) { for (tag in versions[stream].take(TAGS_PER_STREAM_COUNT)) { echo "Building images for tag $tag" stage(tag.toString()) { dir(IMAGES_DIR) { // Disable IPv6 as Node.js has problems downloading dependencies using it sh """ sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1 """ sh """ git checkout v$tag git fetch origin $IMAGES_BRANCH:$IMAGES_BRANCH git checkout $IMAGES_BRANCH echo '========== Building UI only for linux/amd64, arm64 not working ==========' DEBEZIUM_UI_PLATFORM=linux/amd64 RELEASE_TAG=$tag ./ $stream $MULTIPLATFORM_PLATFORMS git reset --hard """ } } } } } mail to: params.MAIL_TO, subject: "${env.JOB_NAME} run #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} finished with ${currentBuild.currentResult}", body: "Run ${env.BUILD_URL} finished with result: ${currentBuild.currentResult}" }