DBZ-2083 fix docs for Apicurio Avro converter

* apply PR comment, co-authored-by: Gunnar Morling
* apply PR comments and cleanup
This commit is contained in:
rkerner 2020-07-09 14:04:11 +02:00 committed by Gunnar Morling
parent 94f2932e95
commit b372438b33

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@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ ifdef::product[]
. Install the Avro converter from link:https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/apicurio/apicurio-registry-distro-connect-converter/{apicurio-version}/apicurio-registry-distro-connect-converter-{apicurio-version}-converter.tar.gz[the installation package] into Kafka Connect's _libs_ directory or directly into a plug-in directory.
. Install the Avro converter from link:https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/apicurio/apicurio-registry-distro-connect-converter/{apicurio-version}/apicurio-registry-distro-connect-converter-{apicurio-version}-converter.tar.gz[the installation package] into a plug-in directory. This is not needed when using the link:https://hub.docker.com/r/debezium/connect[Debezium Connect container image], see details in <<deploying-with-debezium-containers>>.
. Install the Avro converter by downloading the {prodname} link:https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html?product=red.hat.integration&downloadType=distributions[Service Registry Kafka Connect] zip file and extracting it into the {prodname} connector's directory.
@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ endif::product[]
Internally, Kafka Connect always uses JSON key/value converters for storing configuration and offsets.
@ -115,13 +115,18 @@ Internally, Kafka Connect always uses JSON key/value converters for storing conf
// Type: procedure
// Title: Deploying connectors that use Avro in {prodname} containers
// ModuleID: deploying-connectors-that-use-avro-in-debezium-containers
== Deploying with {prodname} containers
In your environment, you might want to use a provided {prodname} container to deploy {prodname} connectors that use Avro serializaion. Follow the procedure here to do that. In this procedure, you build a custom Kafka Connect container image for {prodname}, and you configure the {prodname} connector to use the Avro converter.
In your environment, you might want to use a provided {prodname} container image to deploy {prodname} connectors that use Avro serialization. Follow the procedure here to do that. In this procedure, you enable Apicurio converters on the {prodname} Kafka Connect container image, and configure the {prodname} connector to use the Avro converter.
In your environment, you might want to use a provided {prodname} container to deploy {prodname} connectors that use Avro serialization. Follow the procedure here to do that. In this procedure, you build a custom Kafka Connect container image for {prodname}, and you configure the {prodname} connector to use the Avro converter.
* You have the cluster administrator access to an OpenShift cluster.
* You have Docker installed and sufficient rights to create and manage containers.
* You downloaded the {prodname} connector plug-in(s) that you want to deploy with Avro serialization.
@ -137,29 +142,7 @@ docker run -it --rm --name apicurio \
-p 8080:8080 apicurio/apicurio-registry-mem:{apicurio-version}
. Build a {prodname} container image that contains the Avro converter:
.. Copy link:https://github.com/debezium/debezium-examples/blob/master/tutorial/debezium-with-apicurio/Dockerfile[`Dockerfile`] to a convenient location. This file has the following content:
FROM debezium/connect:$DEBEZIUM_VERSION
ENV APICURIO_VERSION={apicurio-version}
curl https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/apicurio/apicurio-registry-distro-connect-converter/$APICURIO_VERSION/apicurio-registry-distro-connect-converter-$APICURIO_VERSION-converter.tar.gz | tar xzv
.. Run the following command:
docker build --build-arg DEBEZIUM_VERSION={debezium-docker-label} -t debezium/connect-apicurio:{debezium-docker-label} .
. Run the newly built Kafka Connect image, configuring it so it uses the Avro converter:
. Run the {prodname} container image for Kafka Connect, configuring it to provide the Avro converter by enabling Apicurio via `ENABLE_APICURIO_CONVERTERS=true` environment variable:
@ -168,6 +151,7 @@ docker run -it --rm --name connect \
--link kafka:kafka \
--link mysql:mysql \
--link apicurio:apicurio \
-e GROUP_ID=1 \
-e CONFIG_STORAGE_TOPIC=my_connect_configs \
-e OFFSET_STORAGE_TOPIC=my_connect_offsets \
@ -175,11 +159,11 @@ docker run -it --rm --name connect \
-e VALUE_CONVERTER=io.apicurio.registry.utils.converter.AvroConverter \
-e CONNECT_KEY_CONVERTER=io.apicurio.registry.utils.converter.AvroConverter \
-e CONNECT_KEY_CONVERTER_APICURIO.REGISTRY_GLOBAL-ID=io.apicurio.registry.utils.serde.strategy.AutoRegisterIdStrategy \
-e CONNECT_KEY_CONVERTER_APICURIO.REGISTRY_GLOBAL-ID=io.apicurio.registry.utils.serde.strategy.GetOrCreateIdStrategy \
-e CONNECT_VALUE_CONVERTER=io.apicurio.registry.utils.converter.AvroConverter \
-e CONNECT_VALUE_CONVERTER_APICURIO_REGISTRY_GLOBAL-ID=io.apicurio.registry.utils.serde.strategy.AutoRegisterIdStrategy \
-p 8083:8083 debezium/connect-apicurio:{debezium-docker-label}
-e CONNECT_VALUE_CONVERTER_APICURIO_REGISTRY_GLOBAL-ID=io.apicurio.registry.utils.serde.strategy.GetOrCreateIdStrategy \
-p 8083:8083 debezium/connect:{debezium-docker-label}
@ -190,7 +174,7 @@ ifdef::product[]
* Setting up AMQ Streams storage
* Installing {registry}
. Extract the {prodname} connector archive(s) to create a directory structure for the connector plug-in(s). If you downloaded and extracted the archive for each {prodname} connector, the structure looks like this:
. Extract the {prodname} connector archive(s) to create a directory structure for the connector plug-in(s). If you downloaded and extracted the archive for each {prodname} connector, the structure looks like this:
@ -206,15 +190,15 @@ pass:quotes[*tree ./my-plugins/*]
├── ...
. Add the Avro converter to the directory that contains the {prodname} connector that you want to configure to use Avro serialization:
. Add the Avro converter to the directory that contains the {prodname} connector that you want to configure to use Avro serialization:
.. Go to the link:{DebeziumDownload} and download the {registry} Kafka Connect zip file.
.. Extract the archive into the desired {prodname} connector directory.
.. Go to the link:{DebeziumDownload} and download the {registry} Kafka Connect zip file.
.. Extract the archive into the desired {prodname} connector directory.
To configure more than one type of {prodname} connector to use Avro serialization, extract the archive into the directory for each relevant connector type. While this duplicates the files, it removes the possibility of conflicting dependencies.
To configure more than one type of {prodname} connector to use Avro serialization, extract the archive into the directory for each relevant connector type. While this duplicates the files, it removes the possibility of conflicting dependencies.
. Create and publish a custom image for running {prodname} connectors that are configured to use the Avro converter:
. Create and publish a custom image for running {prodname} connectors that are configured to use the Avro converter:
.. Create a new `Dockerfile` by using `{DockerKafkaConnect}` as the base image. In the following example, you would replace _my-plugins_ with the name of your plug-ins directory:
@ -226,19 +210,19 @@ pass:quotes[COPY _./my-plugins/_ /opt/kafka/plugins/]
USER 1001
Before Kafka Connect starts running the connector, Kafka Connect loads any third-party plug-ins that are in the `/opt/kafka/plugins` directory.
Before Kafka Connect starts running the connector, Kafka Connect loads any third-party plug-ins that are in the `/opt/kafka/plugins` directory.
.. Build the docker container image. For example, if you saved the docker file that you created in the previous step as `debezium-container-with-avro`, then you would run the following command:
.. Build the docker container image. For example, if you saved the docker file that you created in the previous step as `debezium-container-with-avro`, then you would run the following command:
`docker build -t debezium-container-with-avro:latest`
.. Push your custom image to your container registry, for example:
.. Push your custom image to your container registry, for example:
`docker push debezium-container-with-avro:latest`
.. Point to the new container image. Do one of the following:
.. Point to the new container image. Do one of the following:
* Edit the `KafkaConnect.spec.image` property of the `KafkaConnect` custom resource. If set, this property overrides the `STRIMZI_DEFAULT_KAFKA_CONNECT_IMAGE` variable in the Cluster Operator. For example:
* Edit the `KafkaConnect.spec.image` property of the `KafkaConnect` custom resource. If set, this property overrides the `STRIMZI_DEFAULT_KAFKA_CONNECT_IMAGE` variable in the Cluster Operator. For example:
@ -280,10 +264,10 @@ spec:
database.history.kafka.topic: schema-changes.inventory
key.converter: io.apicurio.registry.utils.converter.AvroConverter
key.converter.apicurio.registry.url: http://apicurio:8080/api
key.converter.apicurio.registry.global-id: io.apicurio.registry.utils.serde.strategy.AutoRegisterIdStrategy
key.converter.apicurio.registry.global-id: io.apicurio.registry.utils.serde.strategy.GetOrCreateIdStrategy
value.converter: io.apicurio.registry.utils.converter.AvroConverter
value.converter.apicurio.registry.url: http://apicurio:8080/api
value.converter.apicurio.registry.global-id: io.apicurio.registry.utils.serde.strategy.AutoRegisterIdStrategy
value.converter.apicurio.registry.global-id: io.apicurio.registry.utils.serde.strategy.GetOrCreateIdStrategy
.. Apply the connector instance, for example:
@ -342,21 +326,6 @@ INFO: Connected to mysql:3306 at mysql-bin.000003/154 (sid:184054, cid:5)
// Type: concept
// Title: About Avro name requirements
// ModuleID: about-avro-name-requirements
== Naming
As stated in the Avro link:https://avro.apache.org/docs/current/spec.html#names[documentation], names must adhere to the following rules:
* Start with `[A-Za-z_]`
* Subsequently contains only `[A-Za-z0-9_]` characters
{prodname} uses the column's name as the basis for the corresponding Avro field.
This can lead to problems during serialization if the column name does not also adhere to the Avro naming rules.
Each {prodname} connector provides a configuration property, `sanitize.field.names` that you can set to `true` if you have columns that do not adhere to Avro rules for names. Setting `sanitize.field.names` to `true` allows serialization of non-conformant fields without having to actually modify your schema.
== Confluent Schema Registry
@ -420,8 +389,26 @@ docker run -it --rm --name avro-consumer \
--formatter io.confluent.kafka.formatter.AvroMessageFormatter \
--property schema.registry.url=http://schema-registry:8081 \
--topic db.myschema.mytable
// Type: concept
// Title: About Avro name requirements
// ModuleID: about-avro-name-requirements
== Naming
As stated in the Avro link:https://avro.apache.org/docs/current/spec.html#names[documentation], names must adhere to the following rules:
* Start with `[A-Za-z_]`
* Subsequently contains only `[A-Za-z0-9_]` characters
{prodname} uses the column's name as the basis for the corresponding Avro field.
This can lead to problems during serialization if the column name does not also adhere to the Avro naming rules.
Each {prodname} connector provides a configuration property, `sanitize.field.names` that you can set to `true` if you have columns that do not adhere to Avro rules for names. Setting `sanitize.field.names` to `true` allows serialization of non-conformant fields without having to actually modify your schema.
== Getting More Information
link:/blog/2016/09/19/Serializing-Debezium-events-with-Avro/[This post] from the {prodname} blog