DBZ-1292 ☁️ Adding documentation for CloudEvents converter

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Gunnar Morling 2020-01-13 15:18:17 +01:00
parent 8c33a4e147
commit 92b044d405
2 changed files with 153 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
* Integrations
** xref:configuration/serdes.adoc[Change Event SerDes]
** xref:integrations/outbox.adoc[Outbox Quarkus Extension]
** xref:configuration/cloudevents.adoc[CloudEvents]
* Operations
** xref:operations/logging.adoc[Logging]
** xref:operations/monitoring.adoc[Monitoring]

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@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
= Exporting CloudEvents
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:source-highlighter: highlight.js
Support for CloudEvents currently is in incubating state, i.e. exact semantics, configuration options etc. may change in future revisions, based on the feedback we receive.
Please let us know or your specific requirements or if you encounter any problems will using this feature.
https://cloudevents.io/[CloudEvents] is a "specification for describing event data in a common way",
aiming at providing "interoperability across services, platforms and systems".
It defines:
* a set of standardized event attributes
* rules for defining custom attributes
* encoding rules for mapping event formats to serialized representations such as JSON or Avro
* protocol bindings for transport layers such as Apache Kafka, HTTP or AMQP
By means of a specific Kafka Connect message converter
Debezium optionally emits change events that adhere to the CloudEvents specification.
Currently, the structured mode of mapping CloudEvents is supported, using JSON and/or Avro as the envelope and the data format.
Support for the binary mode of mapping CloudEvents will be added in a future version of Debezium.
== Event Format
The following example shows a CloudEvents event of the Debezium Postgres connector, using JSON as envelope and data format:
"id" : "name:test_server;lsn:29274832;txId:565", <1>
"source" : "/debezium/postgresql/test_server", <2>
"specversion" : "1.0", <3>
"type" : "io.debezium.postgresql.datachangeevent", <4>
"time" : "2020-01-13T13:55:39.738Z", <5>
"datacontenttype" : "application/json", <6>
"iodebeziumop" : "r", <7>
"iodebeziumversion" : "1.1.0-SNAPSHOT", <8>
"iodebeziumconnector" : "postgresql",
"iodebeziumname" : "test_server",
"iodebeziumtsms" : "1578923739738",
"iodebeziumsnapshot" : "true",
"iodebeziumdb" : "postgres",
"iodebeziumschema" : "s1",
"iodebeziumtable" : "a",
"iodebeziumtxId" : "565",
"iodebeziumlsn" : "29274832",
"iodebeziumxmin" : null,
"data" : { <9>
"before" : null,
"after" : {
"pk" : 1,
"name" : "Bob"
<1> Unique id of the change event, based on the connector's logical name ("test_server") and connector-specific attributes identifying the event
<2> Source of the event, i.e. the logical name of the database
<3> The CloudEvents specification versions
<4> The type of change event
<5> Time of the change in the source database
<6> Describes the content type of the `data` attribute; JSON in this case
<7> Operation type identifier (one of (r)ead, (c)reate, (u)pdate or (d)elete)
<8> All the `source` attributes known from Debezium data change events are mapped to CloudEvents extension attributes, using the "iodebezium" prefix for the attribute name
<9> The actual data change itself; depending on the kind of change and the type of connector, may contain the `before`, `after` and/or `patch` fields
Alternatively, Avro can be used as content type for the `data` attribute:
"id" : "name:test_server;lsn:33227720;txId:578",
"source" : "/debezium/postgresql/test_server",
"specversion" : "1.0",
"type" : "io.debezium.postgresql.datachangeevent",
"time" : "2020-01-13T14:04:18.597Z",
"datacontenttype" : "avro/binary", <1>
"dataschema" : "http://my-registry/schemas/ids/1", <2>
"iodebeziumop" : "r",
"iodebeziumversion" : "1.1.0-SNAPSHOT",
"iodebeziumconnector" : "postgresql",
"iodebeziumname" : "test_server",
"iodebeziumtsms" : "1578924258597",
"iodebeziumsnapshot" : "true",
"iodebeziumdb" : "postgres",
"iodebeziumschema" : "s1",
"iodebeziumtable" : "a",
"iodebeziumtxId" : "578",
"iodebeziumlsn" : "33227720",
"iodebeziumxmin" : null,
"data" : "AAAAAAEAAgICAg==" <3>
<1> Designates the `data` attribute to be of type Avro binary data
<2> URI of the schema to which the Avro data adheres
<3> The `data` attribute, base64-encoded Avro binary data
Finally, it's also possible to use Avro for the entire envelope as well as the `data` attribute.
=== Configuration Options
The following configuration options exist when usi
[cols="35%a,10%a,55%a",width=100,options="header,footer",role="table table-bordered table-striped"]
|The encoding type to use for the CloudEvents envelope structure; one of `json` or `avro`.
|The encoding type to use for the `data` attribute; can be `json` if `serializer.type` is `avro`;
can be `json` or `avro`, if `serializer.type` is `json` or `avro`.
|`json. \...`
|Any configuration options to be passed through to the underlying converter when using JSON (the "json." prefix will be removed)
|`avro. \...`
|Any configuration options to be passed through to the underlying converter when using Avro (the "avro." prefix will be removed)
The following shows an example configuration for using JSON as envelope format
(the default, so `value.converter.serializer.type` could also be omitted) and Avro as data content type:
"value.converter": "io.debezium.converters.CloudEventsConverter",
"value.converter.serializer.type" : "json",
"value.converter.data.serializer.type" : "avro",
"value.converter.avro.schema.registry.url": "http://schema-registry:8081"
Note this converter is solely meant to be used as a converter for Kafka record __values__;
it can be used together with any other converter for serializing record __keys__, e.g. the String, Long, JSON or Avro converters.