DBZ-4251 Add stopping signal to documentation

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Chris Cranford 2022-06-01 18:18:09 -04:00 committed by Jiri Pechanec
parent b1b245b273
commit 8981f741dc

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@ -159,3 +159,64 @@ If you do not specify a value, the connector runs an incremental snapshot.
The value for snapshot events is `r`, signifying a `READ` operation.
.Stopping an incremental snapshot
Incremental snapshots can also be stopped by sending a signal to the {data-collection} on the source database.
You submit signals to the {data-collection} as SQL `INSERT` queries.
After {prodname} detects the change in the signaling {data-collection}, it reads the signal, and stops the incremental snapshot operation if it's in progress.
The query that you submit specifies the snapshot operation of `incremental`, and, optionally, the {data-collection}s of the current running snapshot to be removed.
* xref:{link-signalling}#debezium-signaling-enabling-signaling[Signaling is enabled]. +
** A signaling data collection exists on the source database and the connector is configured to capture it.
** The signaling data collection is specified in the xref:{context}-property-signal-data-collection[`signal.data.collection`] property.
. Send a SQL query to stop the ad hoc incremental snapshot to the signaling {data-collection}:
INSERT INTO _<signalTable>_ (id, type, data) values (_'<id>'_, 'stop-snapshot', '{"data-collections": ["_<tableName>_","_<tableName>_"],"type":"incremental"}');
For example,
INSERT INTO myschema.debezium_signal (id, type, dat) values ('ad-hoc-1', 'stop-snapshot', '{"data-collections": ["schema1.table1", "schema2.table2"],"type":"incremental"}');
The values of the `id`, `type`, and `data` parameters in the command correspond to the xref:{link-signaling}#debezium-signaling-required-structure-of-a-signaling-data-collection[fields of the signaling {data-collection}].
The following {data-collection} describes these parameters:
.Descriptions of fields in a SQL command for sending a stop incremental snapshot signal to the signaling {data-collection}
|Value |Description
|Specifies the fully-qualified name of the signaling {data-collection} on the source database
| The `id` parameter specifies an arbitrary string that is assigned as the `id` identifier for the signal request. +
Use this string to identify logging messages to entries in the signaling {data-collection}.
{prodname} does not use this string.
| Specifies `type` parameter specifies the operation that the signal is intended to trigger. +
|An optional component of the `data` field of a signal that specifies an array of {data-collection} names or regular expressions to match {data-collection} names to remove from the snapshot. +
The array lists regular expressions which match {data-collection}s by their fully-qualified names, using the same format as you use to specify the name of the connector's signaling {data-collection} in the xref:{context}-property-signal-data-collection[`signal.data.collection`] configuration property.
If this component of the `data` field is omitted, the signal stops the entire incremental snapshot that is in progress.
|A required component of the `data` field of a signal that specifies the kind of snapshot operation that is to be stopped. +
Currently, the only valid option is `incremental`. +
Specifying a `type` value in the SQL query that you submit to the signaling {data-collection} is required. +
If you do not specify a value, the signal will not stop the incremental snapshot.