DBZ-1533 Added documentation

This commit is contained in:
Jiri Pechanec 2019-12-06 09:25:42 +01:00 committed by Gunnar Morling
parent 1e556066a6
commit 1805d1d73b
2 changed files with 113 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -19,6 +19,21 @@
public class Serdes {
* Provides a {@link Serde} implementation that maps JSON Debezium message into a {@code T} Java class.<br />
* When used as key deserializer then the key fields are directly mapped into Java object key.<br />
* When used as value deserializer its behaviour is driven by value of {@code from.field} config option
* <ul>
* <li>not set - maps complete message envelope</li>
* <li>{@code before/after} - extracts the given field from the envelope and maps it
* </ul>
* If schema is enabled then the serde will extract the {@code payload} field to get the envelope and applies
* the rules above.
* @param <T> type to which JSON is mapped
* @param objectType type to which JSON is mapped
* @return serializer/deserializer to convert JSON ro/from Java class
public static <T> Serde<T> payloadJson(Class<T> objectType) {
return new JsonSerde<>(objectType);

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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
= Debezium Event Deserialization
:toc-placement: macro
:icons: font
:source-highlighter: highlight.js
Debezium generates a data change in the form of a complex message structure.
This message is later on serialized by Kafka Connect converter and it is the responsibility of the consumer to deserialize it into a logical message.
For this purpose, Kafka uses the so-called https://kafka.apache.org/10/documentation/streams/developer-guide/datatypes.html[SerDes].
Debezium provides serdes to simplify the deserialization for the consumer either being it Kafka Streams pipeline or plain Kafka consumer.
== JSON SerDe
JSON SerDe deserializes JSON encoded message and transforms it into a Java class.
Internally this is achieved using https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-databind/wiki[Jackson Databind].
The consumer creates a serde instance using
final Serde<MyType> serde = Serdes.payloadJson(MyType.class);
The consumer will then receive logical Java type `MyType` whose fields are initiated from the JSON message.
This applies both for keys and values.
It is also possible to use plain Java types like `Integer` for example when key consists of a single `INT` column.
When JSON converter is used by Kafka Connect then it generally provides two modes of operations - with or without schema.
When the schema is used then the message looks like
"schema": {...},
"payload": {
"op": "u",
"source": {
"ts_ms" : "...",
"before" : {
"field1" : "oldvalue1",
"field2" : "oldvalue2"
"after" : {
"field1" : "newvalue1",
"field2" : "newvalue2"
when it is not then the structure is more like
"op": "u",
"source": {
"ts_ms" : "...",
"before" : {
"field1" : "oldvalue1",
"field2" : "oldvalue2"
"after" : {
"field1" : "newvalue1",
"field2" : "newvalue2"
The deserializer behaviour is driven by `from.field` configuration option and follows the rules
* if a message contains schema then use `payload` only
* if the key is deserialized then map key fields into the target class
* if the value is deserialized and contains envelope then
** if `from.field` is not set then deserialize complete envelope into the target type
** otherwise deserialize and map only content of field configured into the target type thus effectively flatting the message
* if the value is deserialized and contains already flattened message (i.e. using `ExtractNewRecordState`) then map flattened record into the target logical type
=== Configuration options
[cols="35%a,10%a,55%a",width=100,options="header,footer",role="table table-bordered table-striped"]
|Empty if a message with full envelope should be deserialized, `before`/`after` if only data values before or after the change are required.