DBZ-7788 Support with statements in MySQL compound statements

This commit is contained in:
Chris Cranford 2024-04-18 13:25:44 -04:00 committed by Jiri Pechanec
parent 3a9ea7ac4e
commit 134583ce75
2 changed files with 92 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ compoundStatement
| caseStatement | ifStatement | leaveStatement
| loopStatement | repeatStatement | whileStatement
| iterateStatement | returnStatement | cursorStatement
| withStatement dmlStatement

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@ -732,6 +732,97 @@ BEGIN
-- delimiter //
CREATE DEFINER=`reportwriter`@`%` PROCEDURE `sp_ds_DAL_TX_Impoundment`(IN pDateFrom datetime, IN pDateTo datetime)
SET @goliveDate = '2023-05-02 02:00:00';
set @pRegion = 'DAL-TX';
-- set @pDateFrom = '2023-02-01 00:00:00';
-- set @pDateTo = '2023-03-10 00:00:00';
set @pDateFrom = pDateFrom;
set @pDateTo = pDateTo;
set @contractAmount = 21.03;
Temp1 as
select l.code as lotCode
, fi.Id AS FeeItemID
, fi.unitBillingPrice as billingPrice
, eq.equipmentClass
, a.customerCode
, v.impoundStatus
, tc.companyCode AS impoundCompany
, b.companyCode AS towOperator
, v.id AS vehicleId
, re.reasoncode
, v.towReferenceNumber
, fn_CalculateTimeZoneOffset(regionCode, v.clearedDate, 'DISPLAY') AS towDate
, fn_CalculateTimeZoneOffset(regionCode, v.releaseDate, 'DISPLAY') AS releaseDate
, fn_CalculateTimeZoneOffset(regionCode, fi.createdDate, 'DISPLAY') AS feeDate
, f.code
, fi.totalBillingPricePretax
from ims_vehicle v
join ref_region r
on v.regionId = r.regionId
INNER JOIN ims_fee_event fe ON v.id = fe.vehicleId
INNER JOIN ims_fee_item fi ON fe.id = fi.feeEventId
INNER JOIN ims_fee f ON fi.feeId = f.id
INNER JOIN ims_fee_category fc ON f.feeCategoryEnumCode = fc.enumcode
INNER JOIN ref_customer a ON v.accountId = a.customerId
INNER JOIN ref_reason re ON v.reasonId = re.reasonId
INNER JOIN ref_tow_company tc ON v.currentImpoundOperatorId = tc.towCompanyId
JOIN ref_tow_company b ON v.towOperatorId = b.towCompanyId
left join ref_lot l on v.currentLotId = l.id
join ref_equipment eq
on v.equipmentId = eq.id
where r.regionCode = @pRegion
and v.releaseDate >= @pDateFrom
and v.releaseDate < @pDateTo
and v.clearedDate >= @goliveDate
and b.companyCode != 'ART-DAL-TX'
and v.impoundStatus = 'RELEASED'
select lotCode
, Temp1.vehicleId as "Vehicle ID"
, towReferenceNumber as "Tow Reference Number"
, equipmentClass as "Class"
, impoundStatus as "Status"
, customerCode as "Customer"
, impoundCompany as "Impound Company"
, towOperator as "Tow Operator"
, towDate as "Tow Date"
, releaseDate as "Release Date"
, billingPrice as "Auto Pound Authorized Fee"
, billingPrice - @contractAmount as "rev threshold"
-- ,DATEDIFF(s.timeTo, s.timeFrom) as "Storage Days"
, null as "Storage Days"
, null as timeFrom
, null as timeTo
, billingPrice as "Authorized Impoundment Fee"
, (billingPrice - @contractAmount)/2 + @contractAmount as "rev share amount"
from Temp1
where code in ('ImpoundmentFee')
and lotCode like '%PEAKA%';
END; -- //-- delimiter ;