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2020-06-17 08:10:15 +02:00
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Worker Settings
workerId: standalone
workerHostname: localhost
workerPort: 6750
workerPortTls: 6751
# Configuration Store connection string
configurationStoreServers: localhost:2181
# ZooKeeper session timeout in milliseconds
zooKeeperSessionTimeoutMillis: 30000
# ZooKeeper operation timeout in seconds
zooKeeperOperationTimeoutSeconds: 30
# Function package management
numFunctionPackageReplicas: 1
downloadDirectory: download/pulsar_functions
# Classname of Pluggable JVM GC metrics logger that can log GC specific metrics
# jvmGCMetricsLoggerClassName:
# Function metadata managment (assignment, scheduling, and etc)
# Configure the pulsar client used by function metadata management
# points
pulsarServiceUrl: pulsar://localhost:6650
pulsarWebServiceUrl: http://localhost:8080
# the authentication plugin to be used by the pulsar client used in worker service
# clientAuthenticationPlugin:
# the authentication parameter to be used by the pulsar client used in worker service
# clientAuthenticationParameters:
# Bookie Authentication
# Authentication plugin to use when connecting to bookies
# bookkeeperClientAuthenticationPlugin:
# BookKeeper auth plugin implementatation specifics parameters name and values
# bookkeeperClientAuthenticationParametersName:
# Parameters for bookkeeper auth plugin
# bookkeeperClientAuthenticationParameters:
# pulsar topics used for function metadata management
pulsarFunctionsNamespace: public/functions
pulsarFunctionsCluster: standalone
functionMetadataTopicName: metadata
clusterCoordinationTopicName: coordinate
# Number of threads to use for HTTP requests processing. Default is set to 8
numHttpServerThreads: 8
# function assignment and scheduler
schedulerClassName: "org.apache.pulsar.functions.worker.scheduler.RoundRobinScheduler"
functionAssignmentTopicName: "assignments"
failureCheckFreqMs: 30000
rescheduleTimeoutMs: 60000
initialBrokerReconnectMaxRetries: 60
assignmentWriteMaxRetries: 60
instanceLivenessCheckFreqMs: 30000
# Frequency how often worker performs compaction on function-topics
topicCompactionFrequencySec: 1800
# Function Runtime Management
#### Process Runtime ####
# Pulsar function instances are launched as processes
functionRuntimeFactoryClassName: org.apache.pulsar.functions.runtime.process.ProcessRuntimeFactory
# location of log files for functions
logDirectory: /tmp
# change the jar location only when you put the java instance jar in a different location
# change the python instance location only when you put the python instance jar in a different location
# change the extra dependencies location:
#### Thread Runtime ####
# Pulsar function instances are run as threads
#functionRuntimeFactoryClassName: org.apache.pulsar.functions.runtime.thread.ThreadRuntimeFactory
# # thread group name
# threadGroupName: "Thread Function Container Group"
#### Kubernetes Runtime ####
# Pulsar function are deployed to Kubernetes
#functionRuntimeFactoryClassName: org.apache.pulsar.functions.runtime.kubernetes.KubernetesRuntimeFactory
# # uri to kubernetes cluster, leave it to empty and it will use the kubernetes settings in function worker
# k8Uri:
# # the kubernetes namespace to run the function instances. it is `default`, if this setting is left to be empty
# jobNamespace:
# # the docker image to run function instance. by default it is `apachepulsar/pulsar`
# pulsarDockerImageName:
# # the root directory of pulsar home directory in `pulsarDockerImageName`. by default it is `/pulsar`.
# # if you are using your own built image in `pulsarDockerImageName`, you need to set this setting accordingly
# pulsarRootDir:
# # this setting only takes effects if `k8Uri` is set to null. if your function worker is running as a k8 pod,
# # setting this to true is let function worker to submit functions to the same k8s cluster as function worker
# # is running. setting this to false if your function worker is not running as a k8 pod.
# submittingInsidePod: false
# # setting the pulsar service url that pulsar function should use to connect to pulsar
# # if it is not set, it will use the pulsar service url configured in worker service
# pulsarServiceUrl:
# # setting the pulsar admin url that pulsar function should use to connect to pulsar
# # if it is not set, it will use the pulsar admin url configured in worker service
# pulsarAdminUrl:
# # the custom labels that function worker uses to select the nodes for pods
# customLabels:
# # the directory for dropping extra function dependencies
# # if it is not an absolute path, it is relative to `pulsarRootDir`
# extraFunctionDependenciesDir:
# # Additional memory padding added on top of the memory requested by the function per on a per instance basis
# percentMemoryPadding: 10
# # The ratio cpu request and cpu limit to be set for a function/source/sink.
# # The formula for cpu request is cpuRequest = userRequestCpu / cpuOverCommitRatio
# cpuOverCommitRatio: 1.0
# # The ratio memory request and memory limit to be set for a function/source/sink.
# # The formula for memory request is memoryRequest = userRequestMemory / memoryOverCommitRatio
# memoryOverCommitRatio: 1.0
## A set of the minimum amount of resources functions must request.
## Support for this depends on function runtime.
## Only kubernetes runtime currently supports this.
# functionInstanceMinResources:
# cpu: 1
# ram: 1073741824
# disk: 10737418240
# security settings for worker service
# Enforce authentication
authenticationEnabled: false
# Enforce authorization on accessing functions api
authorizationEnabled: false
# Set of authentication provider name list, which is a list of class names
# Authorization provider fully qualified class-name
authorizationProvider: org.apache.pulsar.broker.authorization.PulsarAuthorizationProvider
# Set of role names that are treated as "super-user", meaning they will be able to access any admin-api
#### tls configuration for worker service
# Enable TLS
tlsEnabled: false
# Path for the TLS certificate file
# Path for the TLS private key file
# Path for the trusted TLS certificate file
# Accept untrusted TLS certificate from client
tlsAllowInsecureConnection: false
# Tls cert refresh duration in seconds (set 0 to check on every new connection)
tlsCertRefreshCheckDurationSec: 300
# State Management
# the service url points to bookkeeper table service
# stateStorageServiceUrl: bk://localhost:4181
# Connectors
connectorsDirectory: ./connectors