
168 lines
5.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import groovy.json.*
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
JIRA_BASE_URL = 'https://issues.redhat.com/rest/api/2'
RELEASE_NOTES_LABEL = 'add-to-upgrade-guide'
ISSUE_BUG = ['Bug'] as Set
ISSUE_ENHANCEMENT = ['Enhancement', 'Feature Request'] as Set
ISSUE_TASK = ['Task', 'Sub-task']
ISSUE_BASE_URL = 'https://issues.redhat.com/browse/'
if (args.length != 4) {
println "Usage: generate-release-notes.groovy <release-version> <previous-version> <kafka-version> <jira-token>"
return -1
version = args[0]
previousVersion = args[1]
kafkaVersion = args[2]
jiraPat = args[3]
def today() {
def currentDate = new Date()
def format
switch (currentDate.date % 10) {
case 1:
case 21:
case 31:
format = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM d'st' yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH)
case 2:
case 22:
format = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM d'nd' yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH)
case 3:
case 23:
format = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM d'rd' yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH)
format = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM d'th' yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH)
def jiraURL(path, params = [:]) {
def url = "$JIRA_BASE_URL/$path"
if (params) {
url <<= '?' << params.collect {k, v -> "$k=${URLEncoder.encode(v, 'US-ASCII')}"}.join('&')
return url.toString().toURL()
def jiraGET(path, params = [:]) {
jiraURL(path, params).openConnection().with {
doOutput = true
requestMethod = 'GET'
setRequestProperty('Content-Type', 'application/json')
setRequestProperty('Authorization', "Bearer $jiraPat")
new JsonSlurper().parse(new StringReader(content.text))
def unresolvedIssuesFromJira() {
jiraGET('search', [
2022-09-16 12:46:30 +02:00
'jql': "project=$JIRA_PROJECT AND fixVersion=$version ORDER BY key ASC",
'maxResults': '500'
]).issues.collect { ['key': it.key, 'title': it.fields.summary, 'type': it.fields.issuetype.name, 'labels': it.fields.labels] }
def findVersion() {
jiraGET('project/DBZ/versions').find { it.name == version }
def markdownSection(section, issues) {
println """### $section since $previousVersion
if (!issues) {
println 'None'
else {
issues.each { issue -> println "* ${issue.title} [$issue.key](${ISSUE_BASE_URL}${issue.key})" }
println "\n"
def asciidocSection(section, issues) {
println "=== $section\n"
if (!issues) {
println "There are no ${section.toLowerCase()} in this release."
else {
issues.each { issue -> println "* ${issue.title} ${ISSUE_BASE_URL}${issue.key}[$issue.key]" }
println '\n'
def asciidocPlaceholderSection(section, issues) {
println "=== $section\n"
if (!issues) {
println "There are no ${section.toLowerCase()} in this release."
else {
issues.each { issue -> println "[Placeholder for $section text] (${ISSUE_BASE_URL}${issue.key}[$issue.key]).\n" }
println '\n'
def versionId = findVersion().id
def issues = unresolvedIssuesFromJira()
def newFeatures = issues.findAll { it.type in ISSUE_ENHANCEMENT && !(RELEASE_NOTES_LABEL in it.labels) }
def fixes = issues.findAll { it.type in ISSUE_BUG && !(RELEASE_NOTES_LABEL in it.labels) }
def otherChanges = issues.findAll { it.type in ISSUE_TASK && !(RELEASE_NOTES_LABEL in it.labels) }
def breakingChanges = issues.findAll { RELEASE_NOTES_LABEL in it.labels }
println """
## $version
${today()} [Detailed release notes](https://issues.redhat.com/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12317320&version=$versionId)
markdownSection('New features', newFeatures)
markdownSection('Breaking changes', breakingChanges)
markdownSection('Fixes', fixes)
markdownSection('Other changes', otherChanges)
println """
[[release-${version.toLowerCase().reverse().replaceFirst('\\.', '-').reverse()}]]
== *Release $version* _(${today()})_
See the https://issues.redhat.com/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12317320&version=$versionId[complete list of issues].
=== Kafka compatibility
This release has been built against Kafka Connect $kafkaVersion and has been tested with version $kafkaVersion of the Kafka brokers.
See the https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#upgrade[Kafka documentation] for compatibility with other versions of Kafka brokers.
=== Upgrading
Before upgrading any connector, be sure to check the backward-incompatible changes that have been made since the release you were using.
When you decide to upgrade one of these connectors to $version from any earlier versions,
first check the migration notes for the version you're using.
Gracefully stop the running connector, remove the old plugin files, install the $version plugin files, and restart the connector using the same configuration.
Upon restart, the $version connectors will continue where the previous connector left off.
As one might expect, all change events previously written to Kafka by the old connector will not be modified.
2023-07-14 13:36:00 +02:00
If you are using our container images, then please do not forget to pull them fresh from https://quay.io/organization/debezium[Quay.io].
asciidocPlaceholderSection('Breaking changes', breakingChanges)
asciidocSection('New features', newFeatures)
asciidocSection('Fixes', fixes)
asciidocSection('Other changes', otherChanges)
println '\n================================================================================'