This commit is contained in:
no 2021-06-02 14:27:12 +02:00
commit ab03782425
7 changed files with 175 additions and 81 deletions

View File

@ -1,40 +1,55 @@
"test": "test valide",
"arena": [
"nb_players": [
"character1": [
"character2": [
"resolution": [
"1280 x 1024",
"1680 x 1050",
"1920 x 1080",
"800 x 600"
"width": "800",
"height": "600"
"width": "1280",
"height": "1024"
"width": "1680",
"height": "1050"
"width": "1920",
"height": "1080"
"persoWidth": "800",
"persoHeight": "600"
"button": [

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
package engine;
import engine.input.Input;
//import engine.input.gamepadInput;
import engine.input.GamepadInput;
import engine.input.*;
import engine.math.*;
import engine.object.*;
import engine.sound.*;
@ -73,7 +71,7 @@ public class Engine {
// On met la fenêtre au centre de l'écran principale
glfwSetWindowPos(getWindow(), (vidmode.width() - width) / 2, (vidmode.height() - height) / 2);
glfwSetKeyCallback(getWindow(), new Input());
glfwSetKeyCallback(getWindow(), new KeyboardInput());
glfwSetInputMode(getWindow(), GLFW_STICKY_KEYS, GLFW_TRUE);
// Contexte = zone cible des rendus
@ -207,7 +205,25 @@ public class Engine {
long lastFrame;
int frame = 0;
boolean nextFrame = false;
boolean present = glfwJoystickPresent(GLFW_JOYSTICK_1);
boolean Joystick1Present = glfwJoystickPresent(GLFW_JOYSTICK_1);
* Création des manettes / action
GamepadInput gamepad1 = null;
Button jump = null;
if (Joystick1Present){
gamepad1 = new GamepadInput(GLFW_JOYSTICK_1);
List<Integer> listJump = new ArrayList<>();
jump = new Button("jump", listJump, gamepad1);
@ -215,14 +231,16 @@ public class Engine {
lastFrame = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Game logic should fit here
if (present) { //sprite //bindings
GamepadInput gamepad1 = new GamepadInput(GLFW_JOYSTICK_1, false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false);
if (Joystick1Present) {
System.out.println( " \n left :" + gamepad1.leftJoyLeft +
" \n right :" + gamepad1.leftJoyRight +
" \n down :" + gamepad1.leftJoyDown +
" \n up :" + gamepad1.leftJoyUp);
// Check si le personnage a sauté
if (jump.isButtonPressed()){
// Le personnage saute
System.out.println(" JE SAUTE ");
// Input.keyboardInput(zangief, speed);

View File

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
package engine.input;
import engine.math.Vector3f;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import static engine.input.inputVariables.*;
import static engine.input.InputConst.*;
import static org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.*;
/* Buttons
0 : Croix / A
@ -34,6 +36,8 @@ import static org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.*;
public class GamepadInput {
private final int gamepadNum;
private ByteBuffer gamepadButton;
private FloatBuffer gamepadAxes;
public boolean buttonA_pressed ;
public boolean buttonB_pressed ;
@ -67,40 +71,40 @@ public class GamepadInput {
public boolean LT_pressed ;
public boolean RT_pressed;
public GamepadInput (int gamepadNum, boolean buttonA_pressed,boolean buttonB_pressed,boolean buttonY_pressed, boolean buttonX_pressed, boolean LB_pressed,
boolean RB_pressed, boolean select_pressed, boolean start_pressed,boolean R_JoyClick_pressed, boolean L_JoyClick_pressed , boolean up_pressed,
boolean down_pressed,boolean left_pressed,boolean right_pressed,boolean leftJoyRight,boolean leftJoyLeft,boolean leftJoyDown, boolean leftJoyUp,
boolean rightJoyLeft, boolean rightJoyRight, boolean rightJoyDown,boolean rightJoyUp,boolean LT_pressed, boolean RT_pressed){
public GamepadInput (int gamepadNum){
this.gamepadNum = gamepadNum;
this.buttonA_pressed = buttonA_pressed;
this.buttonB_pressed = buttonB_pressed;
this.buttonY_pressed = buttonY_pressed;
this.buttonX_pressed =buttonX_pressed;
this.LB_pressed =LB_pressed;
this.RB_pressed =RB_pressed;
this.select_pressed =select_pressed;
this.start_pressed =start_pressed;
this.R_JoyClick_pressed =R_JoyClick_pressed;
this.L_JoyClick_pressed =L_JoyClick_pressed;
this.up_pressed =up_pressed;
this.down_pressed =down_pressed;
this.left_pressed =left_pressed;
this.right_pressed =right_pressed;
this.leftJoyRight =leftJoyRight;
this.leftJoyLeft =leftJoyLeft;
this.leftJoyDown =leftJoyDown;
this.leftJoyUp =leftJoyUp;
this.rightJoyLeft =rightJoyLeft;
this.rightJoyRight =rightJoyRight;
this.rightJoyDown =rightJoyDown;
this.rightJoyUp =rightJoyUp;
this.LT_pressed =LT_pressed;
this.RT_pressed =RT_pressed;
this.gamepadAxes = null;
this.gamepadButton = null;
this.buttonA_pressed = false;
this.buttonB_pressed = false;
this.buttonY_pressed = false;
this.buttonX_pressed = false;
this.LB_pressed = false;
this.RB_pressed = false;
this.select_pressed = false;
this.start_pressed = false;
this.R_JoyClick_pressed = false;
this.L_JoyClick_pressed = false;
this.up_pressed = false;
this.down_pressed = false;
this.left_pressed = false;
this.right_pressed = false;
this.leftJoyRight = false;
this.leftJoyLeft = false;
this.leftJoyDown = false;
this.leftJoyUp = false;
this.rightJoyLeft = false;
this.rightJoyRight = false;
this.rightJoyDown = false;
this.rightJoyUp = false;
this.LT_pressed = false;
this.RT_pressed = false;
public void inputRefresh() {
ByteBuffer gamepadButton = glfwGetJoystickButtons(this.gamepadNum);
FloatBuffer gamepadAxes = glfwGetJoystickAxes(this.gamepadNum);
this.gamepadButton = glfwGetJoystickButtons(this.gamepadNum);
this.gamepadAxes = glfwGetJoystickAxes(this.gamepadNum);
assert gamepadAxes != null;
assert gamepadButton != null;
@ -154,13 +158,55 @@ public class GamepadInput {
public boolean checkPressed(int keyCode){
ByteBuffer gamepadButton = glfwGetJoystickButtons(GLFW_JOYSTICK_1);
FloatBuffer gamepadAxes = glfwGetJoystickAxes(GLFW_JOYSTICK_1);
this.gamepadButton = glfwGetJoystickButtons(GLFW_JOYSTICK_1);
assert gamepadAxes != null;
assert gamepadButton != null;
return gamepadButton.get(keyCode) == 1;
* Envoie la position du stick pointé par axisId sous forme de direction général (9 directions)
* @param axisId l'identifiant du joystick (AXE X)
* @return la direction du stick valeur possible : RIGHT, UPPER_RIGHT, UP, UPPER_LEFT, LEFT, LOWER_LEFT, DOWN, LOWER_RIGHT, CENTER;
public int getAxisDiscreet(int axisId){
float x = gamepadAxes.get(axisId);
float y = gamepadAxes.get(axisId + 1);
float magnitude = (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2));
float angle = (float) Math.toDegrees(2 * Math.atan(y /(x + magnitude)));
if (magnitude < 0.1) return CENTER;
if (angle < 22.5 && angle > -22.5) return RIGHT;
else if (angle > -67.5 && angle < -22.5) return UPPER_RIGHT;
else if (angle > -112.5 && angle < -67.5) return UP;
else if (angle > -157.5 && angle < -112.5) return UPPER_LEFT;
else if (angle < -157.5 || angle > 157.5) return LEFT;
else if (angle < 157.5 && angle > 112.5) return LOWER_LEFT;
else if (angle < 112.5 && angle > 67.5) return DOWN;
else if (angle < 67.5 && angle > 22.5) return LOWER_RIGHT;
return -1; // TEST
* Envoie la position du stick pointé par axisID (AXE X) sous forme de Vecteur
* @param axisId l'identifiant du joystick (AXE X)
* @return un Vecteur représentant la position actuel du joystick
public Vector3f getAxisContinuous(int axisId){
float x = gamepadAxes.get(axisId);
float y = gamepadAxes.get(axisId + 1);
if (x < 0.1 && x > -0.1) x = 0;
if (y < 0.1 && y > -0.1) y = 0;
System.out.println("x: " + x + " y: " + y);
return new Vector3f(x,y);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package engine.input;
public class InputConst {
Button ID
public final static int buttonA=0, buttonB=1, buttonX=2, buttonY=3, LB = 4, RB = 5, select = 6, start = 7,
L_JoystickClick = 8, R_JoystickClick =9, up = 10, right = 11, down = 12, left = 13;
Axis ID
public final static int leftJoyX_Axe = 0, leftJoyY_Axe = 1, rightJoyX_Axe = 2, rightJoyY_Axe = 3, LT = 4, RT = 5;
public final static int RIGHT = 0, UPPER_RIGHT = 1, UP = 2, UPPER_LEFT = 3, LEFT = 4, LOWER_LEFT = 5,

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import static org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.*;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.*;
public class Input extends GLFWKeyCallback {
public class KeyboardInput extends GLFWKeyCallback {
public static boolean[] keys = new boolean[65536];
@ -89,18 +89,18 @@ public class Input extends GLFWKeyCallback {
public static void keyboardInput(ObjectGl token, int speed) {
boolean keyPressed = false;
if (Input.isKeyDown(GLFW.GLFW_KEY_S)) {
if (KeyboardInput.isKeyDown(GLFW.GLFW_KEY_S)) {
token.setTextureWrap(161,260,56,59, ObjectGl.STICK_BOTTOM);
keyPressed = true;
} else if (Input.isKeyDown(GLFW.GLFW_KEY_W)) {
} else if (KeyboardInput.isKeyDown(GLFW.GLFW_KEY_W)) {
keyPressed = true;
if (Input.isKeyDown(GLFW.GLFW_KEY_A)) {
if (KeyboardInput.isKeyDown(GLFW.GLFW_KEY_A)) {
token.translate(new Vector3f (speed * -5.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
token.setTextureWrap(121,0,57,82, ObjectGl.STICK_TOP);
keyPressed = true;
else if (Input.isKeyDown(GLFW.GLFW_KEY_D)) {
else if (KeyboardInput.isKeyDown(GLFW.GLFW_KEY_D)) {
token.translate(new Vector3f (speed * 5.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
token.setTextureWrap(178,0,62,82, ObjectGl.STICK_TOP);
keyPressed = true;

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
package engine.input;
public class inputVariables {
public final static int buttonA=0, buttonB=1, buttonX=2, buttonY=3, LB = 4, RB = 5, select = 6, start = 7,
L_JoystickClick = 8, R_JoystickClick =9, up = 10, right = 11, down = 12, left = 13,
leftJoyX_Axe = 0, leftJoyY_Axe = 1, rightJoyX_Axe = 2, rightJoyY_Axe = 3, LT = 4, RT = 5;

View File

@ -10,6 +10,11 @@ public class Vector3f {
z = 0.0f;
public Vector3f(float x, float y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public Vector3f(float x, float y, float z){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;