To run Boulevard Combattant, simply get the [latest release]( and run the executable JAR. You need Java >8 installed on your computer. All libraries are packaged within the JAR.
You will need to build the project, as creating a working .jar has proven more difficult than expected. You need `openjdk8`, not `openjdk8-headless`, installed on your computer.
## MacOS
We do not provide support for MacOS. It may work though... Try to build it!
In order to ensure proper building of the project, clone this repository using your favourite IDE and run the `Main` class.
This project is managed via Maven. All dependencies are automatically downloaded as required.
## Packaging
To package, simply clone the project, and run `mvn package` in the root directory of the cloned project. A JAR will be generated in `${project_folder}/target`.