
58 lines
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//! Crate burritos ((BurritOS Using Rust Really Improves The Operating System)
//! Burritos is an educational operating system written in Rust
//! running on RISC-V emulator.
/// Contain hardware simulated part of the machine
mod simulator;
mod kernel;
/// module containing useful tools which can be use in most part of the OS to ease the development of the OS
pub mod utility;
use std::{rc::Rc, cell::RefCell};
use kernel::{system::System, thread::Thread, process::Process};
use simulator::{machine::Machine, loader};
use clap::Parser;
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
#[command(name = "BurritOS", author, version, about = "Burritos (BurritOS Using Rust Really Improves The Operating System)
Burritos is an educational operating system written in Rust
running on RISC-V emulator.", long_about = None)]
struct Args {
/// Enable debug mode
#[arg(short, long)]
debug: bool,
/// Path to the executable binary file to execute
#[arg(short = 'x', long, value_name = "PATH")]
executable: String
fn main() {
let args = Args::parse();
let mut machine = Machine::new(args.debug);
let (loader, ptr) = loader::Loader::new(args.executable.as_str(), &mut machine, 0).expect("IO Error");
let mut system = System::default();
let thread_exec = Thread::new(args.executable.as_str());
let thread_exec = Rc::new(RefCell::new(thread_exec));
let owner1 = Process { num_thread: 0 };
system.get_thread_manager().start_thread(Rc::clone(&thread_exec), owner1, loader.elf_header.entrypoint, ptr, -1);
let to_run = system.get_thread_manager().find_next_to_run().unwrap();
system.get_thread_manager().switch_to(&mut machine, Rc::clone(&to_run));
machine.run(&mut system);