758 lines
29 KiB
758 lines
29 KiB
use std::{ops::{Add, Sub}, io::Write};
use crate::simulator::{print, error::MachineError};
use super::{decode::{Instruction, decode}, interrupt::Interrupt};
use super::global::*;
use std::fs::File;
* Decommenter la variant si il est utilisé quelque part
pub enum ExceptionType {
//Everything ok!
//SYSCALL_EXCEPTION,//A program executed a system call.
PagefaultException,//Page fault exception
ReadOnlyException,//Write attempted to a page marked "read-only" */
/* translation resulted
in an invalid physical
address (mis-aligned or
out-of-bounds) */
AddressErrorException, /* Reference that was
not mapped in the address
space */
//OVERFLOW_EXCEPTION, //Integer overflow in add or sub.
//ILLEGALINSTR_EXCEPTION, //Unimplemented or reserved instr.
pub const STACK_REG: usize = 2;
pub const NUM_INT_REGS: usize = 32;
pub const NUM_FP_REGS: usize = 32;
/// max number of physical pages
pub const NUM_PHY_PAGE : u64 = 400;
/// Must be 2^x
pub const PAGE_SIZE : u64 = 128;
/// Must be a multiple of PAGE_SIZE
pub const MEM_SIZE : usize = (PAGE_SIZE*NUM_PHY_PAGE*100) as usize;
pub trait RegisterNum: Add<Output=Self> + Sub<Output=Self> + PartialEq + Copy {}
impl RegisterNum for i64 {}
impl RegisterNum for f32 {}
pub struct Register<U: RegisterNum> {
register: [U; 32]
impl<U: RegisterNum> Register<U> {
pub fn get_reg(&self, position: usize) -> U {
impl Register<i64> {
pub fn init() -> Register<i64> {
Register {
register: [0i64; 32]
pub fn set_reg(&mut self, position: usize, value: i64) {
if position != 0 {
self.register[position] = value;
} else {
// Panic ou rien ? (dans le doute pour le moment panic)
// unreachable!("You can't write to zero register")
impl Register<f32> {
pub fn init() -> Register<f32> {
Register {
register: [0f32; 32]
pub fn set_reg(&mut self, position: usize, value: f32) {
self.register[position] = value;
pub struct Machine {
pub pc : u64,
pub sp: usize,
pub int_reg : Register<i64>,
pub fp_reg : Register<f32>,
pub main_memory : Vec<u8>,
pub shiftmask : [u64 ; 64],
pub registers_trace : String, // for tests
pub interrupt: Interrupt
// futur taille à calculer int memSize = g_cfg->NumPhysPages * g_cfg->PageSize;
//creer une struct cfg(configuration) qui s'initialise avec valeur dans un fichier cfg
impl Machine {
pub fn init_machine() -> Machine {
let mut shiftmask : [u64 ; 64] = [0 ; 64];
let mut value : u64 = 0xffffffff;
value = (value << 32) + value;
for item in &mut shiftmask {
*item = value;
value >>= 1;
let mut ret = Machine {
pc : 0,
sp: 0,
int_reg : Register::<i64>::init(),
fp_reg : Register::<f32>::init(),
main_memory : vec![0_u8; MEM_SIZE],
interrupt: Interrupt::new(),
registers_trace : String::from("")
ret.int_reg.set_reg(10, -1);
/// Read from main memory of the machine
/// `panic!` when size is not 1, 2, 4 or 8
/// ### Parameters
/// - **machine** which contains the main memory
/// - **size** the number of bytes to read (1, 2, 4, 8)
/// - **address** in the memory to read
pub fn read_memory(machine : &mut Machine, size : i32, address : usize) -> u64 {
if ![1, 2, 4, 8].contains(&size) {
panic!("ERROR read_memory : wrong size parameter {size}, must be (1, 2, 4 or 8)");
let mut ret: u64 = 0;
for i in 0..size {
ret <<= 8;
ret += machine.main_memory[address + i as usize] as u64;
/// Write to the main memory of the machine
/// `panic!` when size is not 1, 2, 4 or 8
/// ### Parameters
/// - **machine** contains the memory
/// - **size** the number of bytes to write (1, 2, 4 or 8)
/// - **address** the address to write to
/// - **value** data to be written
pub fn write_memory(machine: &mut Machine, size: i32, address: usize, value: u64) {
if ![1, 2, 4, 8].contains(&size) {
panic!("ERROR write_memory: WRONG `size` PARAMETER ({size}), must be 1, 2, 4 or 8")
for i in 0..size as usize {
let inv_i = size as usize - i - 1;
machine.main_memory[address + i] = ((value & 0xff << (8 * inv_i)) >> (inv_i * 8)) as u8;
/// Write the contains of the main memory of the machine
/// in a file called burritos_memory.txt
/// ### Parameters
/// - **machine** contains the memory
pub fn _extract_memory(machine: &mut Machine){
let file_path = "burritos_memory.txt";
let write_to_file = |path| -> std::io::Result<File> {
let mut file = File::create(path)?;
match write_to_file(file_path) {
Err(e) => eprintln!("Failed to write memory to file: {}", e),
Ok(_) => println!("Memory extracted to {}", file_path)
pub fn print_machine_status(machine: &mut Machine) {
println!("######### Machine status #########");
for i in (0..32).step_by(3) {
print!(">{0: <4} : {1:<16x} ", print::REG_X[i], machine.int_reg.get_reg(i));
print!(">{0: <4} : {1:<16x} ", print::REG_X[i+1], machine.int_reg.get_reg(i+1));
if i+2 < 32 {
print!(">{0: <4} : {1:<16x} ", print::REG_X[i+2], machine.int_reg.get_reg(i+2));
let sp_index = machine.int_reg.get_reg(2);
for i in 0..5 {
println!("SP+{:<2} : {:16x}", i*8, Self::read_memory(machine, 8, (sp_index + i*8) as usize));
pub fn string_registers(machine: &mut Machine) -> String {
let mut s = String::from("");
for i in 0..32 {
s.push_str(format!("{} ", machine.int_reg.get_reg(i)).as_str());
/// Execute the instructions table of a machine putted in param
/// ### Parameters
/// - **machine** which contains a table of instructions
pub fn run(machine : &mut Machine){
while let Ok(()) = Machine::one_instruction(machine) {}
println!("trace : \n{}", machine.registers_trace);
/// Execute the current instruction
/// ### Parameters
/// - **machine** which contains a table of instructions and a pc to the actual instruction
pub fn one_instruction(machine :&mut Machine) -> Result<(), MachineError> {
if machine.main_memory.len() <= machine.pc as usize {
panic!("ERROR : number max of instructions rushed");
let mut val: [u8; 4] = [0; 4];
for i in 0..4 {
val[i] = machine.main_memory[machine.pc as usize + i];
let val = u32::from_be_bytes(val) as u64;
let inst : Instruction = decode(val);
println!("executing instruction : {:016x} at pc {:x}", val, machine.pc);
println!("{}", print::print(decode(val), machine.pc as i32));
let trace = Self::string_registers(machine);
machine.registers_trace.push_str(format!("{}\n", trace).as_str());
machine.pc += 4;
match inst.opcode {
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, inst.imm31_12 as i64);
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize,machine.pc as i64 - 4 + inst.imm31_12 as i64);
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.pc as i64);
machine.pc = (machine.pc as i64 + inst.imm21_1_signed as i64 - 4) as u64;
let tmp = machine.pc;
machine.pc = (machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) + inst.imm12_I_signed as i64) as u64 & 0xfffffffe;
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, tmp as i64);
Self::branch_instruction(machine, inst)
// Treatment for: LOAD INSTRUCTIONS
Self::load_instruction(machine, inst)
// store instructions
Self::store_instruction(machine, inst)
// Treatment for: OPI INSTRUCTIONS
Self::opi_instruction(machine, inst)
Self::op_instruction(machine, inst)
// Treatment for OPIW INSTRUCTIONS
Self::opiw_instruction(machine, inst)
// Treatment for: OPW INSTRUCTIONS
RISCV_OPW => Self::opw_instruction(machine, inst),
// Treatment for: Simple floating point extension
RISCV_FP => Self::fp_instruction(machine, inst),
// Treatment for: System instructions
// temporary return value to stop the loop of run
// before we can use system call
Err(MachineError::new(format!("{:x}: System opcode\npc: {:x}", inst.opcode, machine.pc).as_str()))
_ => Err(MachineError::new(format!("{:x}: Unknown opcode\npc: {:x}", inst.opcode, machine.pc).as_str()))
/// Treatement for Branch instructions
fn branch_instruction(machine: &mut Machine, inst: Instruction) -> Result<(), MachineError> {
match inst.funct3 {
if machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) == machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) {
machine.pc = (machine.pc as i64 + inst.imm13_signed as i64 - 4) as u64;
if machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) != machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) {
machine.pc = (machine.pc as i64 + inst.imm13_signed as i64 - 4) as u64;
if machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) < machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) {
machine.pc = (machine.pc as i64 + inst.imm13_signed as i64 - 4) as u64;
if machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) >= machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) {
machine.pc = (machine.pc as i64 + inst.imm13_signed as i64 - 4) as u64;
if machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) < machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) {
machine.pc = (machine.pc as i64 + inst.imm13_signed as i64 - 4) as u64;
if machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) >= machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) {
machine.pc = (machine.pc as i64 + inst.imm13_signed as i64 - 4) as u64;
_ => {
panic!("In BR switch case, this should never happen... Instr was {}", inst.value);
/// Executes RISC-V Load Instructions on the machine
fn load_instruction(machine: &mut Machine, inst: Instruction) -> Result<(), MachineError> {
match inst.funct3 {
let tmp = Self::read_memory(machine, 1, (machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) + inst.imm12_I_signed as i64) as usize) as i64;
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, tmp);
let tmp = Self::read_memory(machine, 2, (machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) + inst.imm12_I_signed as i64) as usize) as i64;
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, tmp);
let tmp = Self::read_memory(machine, 4, (machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) + inst.imm12_I_signed as i64) as usize) as i64;
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, tmp);
let tmp = Self::read_memory(machine, 8, (machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) + inst.imm12_I_signed as i64) as usize) as i64;
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, tmp);
_ => panic!("In LD switch case, this should never happen... Instr was {}", inst.value)
/// Executes RISC-V Store Instructions on the machine
fn store_instruction(machine: &mut Machine, inst: Instruction) -> Result<(), MachineError> {
match inst.funct3 {
RISCV_ST_STB => Self::write_memory(machine, 1, (machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) + inst.imm12_S_signed as i64) as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) as u64),
RISCV_ST_STH => Self::write_memory(machine, 2, (machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) + inst.imm12_S_signed as i64) as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) as u64),
RISCV_ST_STW => Self::write_memory(machine, 4, (machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) + inst.imm12_S_signed as i64) as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) as u64),
RISCV_ST_STD => Self::write_memory(machine, 8, (machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) + inst.imm12_S_signed as i64) as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) as u64),
_ => panic!("In ST switch case, this should never happen... Instr was {}", inst.value)
/// Executes RISC-V Integer Register-Immediate Instructions on the machine
fn opi_instruction(machine: &mut Machine, inst: Instruction) -> Result<(), MachineError> {
match inst.funct3 {
RISCV_OPI_ADDI => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) + inst.imm12_I_signed as i64),
RISCV_OPI_SLTI => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, (machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) < inst.imm12_I_signed as i64) as i64),
RISCV_OPI_XORI => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) ^ inst.imm12_I_signed as i64),
RISCV_OPI_ORI => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) | inst.imm12_I_signed as i64),
RISCV_OPI_ANDI => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) & inst.imm12_I_signed as i64),
RISCV_OPI_SLLI => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) << inst.shamt),
RISCV_OPI_SRI => if inst.funct7_smaller == RISCV_OPI_SRI_SRLI {
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, (machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) >> inst.shamt) & machine.shiftmask[inst.shamt as usize] as i64);
} else { // SRAI
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) >> inst.shamt);
_ => panic!("In OPI switch case, this should never happen... Instr was %x\n {}", inst.value)
/// Executes simple RISC-V mathematical operations on the machine
fn op_instruction(machine: &mut Machine, inst: Instruction) -> Result<(), MachineError> {
let long_result: i128;
let unsigned_reg1: u64;
let unsigned_reg2: u64;
if inst.funct7 == 1 {
match inst.funct3 {
long_result = (machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) * machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize)) as i128;
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, (long_result & 0xffffffffffffffff) as i64)
long_result = (machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) * machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize)) as i128;
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, ((long_result >> 64) & 0xffffffffffffffff) as i64)
unsigned_reg2 = machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) as u64;
long_result = (machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) as u64 * unsigned_reg2) as i128;
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, ((long_result >> 64) & 0xffffffffffffffff) as i64)
unsigned_reg1 = machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) as u64;
unsigned_reg2 = machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) as u64;
long_result = (unsigned_reg1 * unsigned_reg2) as i128;
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, ((long_result >> 64) & 0xffffffffffffffff) as i64);
RISCV_OP_M_DIV => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) / machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize)),
_ => panic!("RISCV_OP : funct7 = 1 (Multiplication) :: Error\n")
} else {
match inst.funct3 {
RISCV_OP_ADD => if inst.funct7 == RISCV_OP_ADD_ADD {
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) + machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize))
} else {
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) - machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize))
RISCV_OP_SLL => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) << (machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) & 0x3f)),
RISCV_OP_SLT => if machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) < machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) {
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, 1)
} else {
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, 0)
unsigned_reg1 = machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) as u64;
unsigned_reg2 = machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) as u64;
if unsigned_reg1 < unsigned_reg2 {
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, 1)
} else {
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, 0)
RISCV_OP_XOR => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) ^ machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize)),
RISCV_OP_SR => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) >> machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize)), // RISCV_OP_SR_SRL inaccessible
RISCV_OP_OR => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) | machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize)),
RISCV_OP_AND => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) & machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize)),
_ => panic!("RISCV_OP undefined case\n")
/// Exectutes simple RISC-V *iw instructions on the machine
fn opiw_instruction(machine: &mut Machine, inst: Instruction) -> Result<(), MachineError> {
let local_data = machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize);
match inst.funct3 {
let result = local_data + inst.imm12_I_signed as i64;
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, result)
let result = local_data << inst.shamt;
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, result)
let result = if inst.funct7 == RISCV_OPIW_SRW_SRLIW {
(local_data >> inst.shamt) & machine.shiftmask[32 + inst.shamt as usize] as i64
} else { // SRAIW
local_data >> inst.shamt
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, result)
_ => panic!("In OPI switch case, this should never happen... Instr was {}\n", inst.value),
/// Executes simple RISC-V *w instructions on the machine
fn opw_instruction(machine: &mut Machine, inst: Instruction) -> Result<(), MachineError> {
if inst.funct7 == 1 { // rv64m
let local_data_a = machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) & 0xffffffff;
let local_data_b = machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) & 0xffffffff;
let local_data_a_unsigned = machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) & 0xffffffff;
let local_data_b_unsigned = machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) & 0xffffffff;
// Match case for multiplication operations (in standard extension RV32M)
match inst.funct3 {
RISCV_OPW_M_MULW => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, local_data_a * local_data_b),
RISCV_OPW_M_DIVW => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, local_data_a / local_data_b),
RISCV_OPW_M_DIVUW => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, local_data_a_unsigned / local_data_b_unsigned),
RISCV_OPW_M_REMW => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, local_data_a % local_data_b),
RISCV_OPW_M_REMUW => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, local_data_a_unsigned % local_data_b_unsigned),
_ => panic!("this instruction ({}) doesn't exists", inst.value)
} else { // others rv64 OPW operations
let local_dataa = machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) & 0xffffffff;
let local_datab = machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) & 0xffffffff;
// Match case for base OP operation
match inst.funct3 {
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, local_dataa + local_datab);
} else { // SUBW
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, local_dataa - local_datab);
RISCV_OPW_SLLW => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, local_dataa << (local_datab & 0x1f)),
RISCV_OPW_SRW => if inst.funct7 == RISCV_OPW_SRW_SRLW {
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, local_dataa >> (local_datab & 0x1f) & machine.shiftmask[32 + local_datab as usize] as i64)
} else { // SRAW
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, local_dataa >> (local_datab & 0x1f))
_ => panic!("this instruction ({}) doesn't exists", inst.value)
/// Executes simple RISC-V floating point instructions on the machine
fn fp_instruction(machine: &mut Machine, inst: Instruction) -> Result<(), MachineError> {
match inst.funct7 {
RISCV_FP_ADD => machine.fp_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) + machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize)),
RISCV_FP_SUB => machine.fp_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) - machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize)),
RISCV_FP_MUL => machine.fp_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) * machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize)),
RISCV_FP_DIV => machine.fp_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) / machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize)),
RISCV_FP_SQRT => machine.fp_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize).sqrt()),
let local_float = machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize);
match inst.funct3 {
RISCV_FP_FSGN_J => if machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) < 0f32 {
machine.fp_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, -local_float)
} else {
machine.fp_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, local_float)
RISCV_FP_FSGN_JN => if machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) < 0f32 {
machine.fp_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, local_float)
} else {
machine.fp_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, -local_float)
RISCV_FP_FSGN_JX => if (machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) < 0.0 && machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) >= 0.0) || (machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize) >= 0.0 && machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) < 0.0) {
machine.fp_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, -local_float)
} else {
machine.fp_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, local_float)
_ => panic!("this instruction ({}) doesn't exists", inst.value)
let r1 = machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize);
let r2 = machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize);
match inst.funct3 {
RISCV_FP_MINMAX_MIN => machine.fp_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, if r1 < r2 {r1} else {r2}),
RISCV_FP_MINMAX_MAX => machine.fp_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, if r1 > r2 {r1} else {r2}),
_ => panic!("this instruction ({}) doesn't exists", inst.value)
if inst.rs2 == RISCV_FP_FCVTW_W {
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) as i64)
} else {
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, (machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) as u64) as i64)
if inst.rs2 == RISCV_FP_FCVTS_W {
machine.fp_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) as f32);
} else {
machine.fp_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, (machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) as u32) as f32);
RISCV_FP_FMVW => machine.fp_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.int_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) as f32),
if inst.funct3 == RISCV_FP_FMVXFCLASS_FMVX {
machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) as i64);
} else {
panic!("Fclass instruction is not handled in riscv simulator");
match inst.funct3 {
RISCV_FP_FCMP_FEQ => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, (machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) == machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize)) as i64),
RISCV_FP_FCMP_FLT => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, (machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) < machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize)) as i64),
RISCV_FP_FCMP_FLE => machine.int_reg.set_reg(inst.rd as usize, (machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs1 as usize) <= machine.fp_reg.get_reg(inst.rs2 as usize)) as i64),
_ => panic!("this instruction ({}) doesn't exists", inst.value)
_ => panic!("this instruction ({}) doesn't exists", inst.value)
/// print memory FOR DEBUG
/// "@"adresse [16 bytes]
pub fn _print_memory(machine : &mut Machine, from: usize, to: usize) {
for i in from..to {
if i%16 == 0 {
print!("\n@{:04x} ", i);
print!("{:02x}", machine.main_memory[i]);
pub fn read_int_register(&self, index: usize) -> i64 {
pub fn read_fp_register(&self, index: usize) -> f32 {
pub fn write_int_register(&mut self, index: usize, value: i64) {
self.int_reg.set_reg(index, value);
pub fn write_fp_register(&mut self, index: usize, value: f32) {
self.fp_reg.set_reg(index, value);
mod test {
use std::fs;
use crate::simulator::{machine::Machine, mem_cmp};
macro_rules! get_full_path {
($prefix: expr, $test_name:expr) => {{
let mut s = String::from("test/machine/");
macro_rules! init_test {
($a:expr) => {{
let mut m = Machine::init_machine();
let end_file_name = { let mut s = String::from($a); s.push_str("End"); s };
let memory_before = mem_cmp::MemChecker::from(get_full_path!("memory", $a)).unwrap();
let memory_after = mem_cmp::MemChecker::from(get_full_path!("memory", &end_file_name)).unwrap();
mem_cmp::MemChecker::fill_memory_from_mem_checker(&memory_before, &mut m);
Machine::run(&mut m);
let expected_trace = fs::read_to_string(get_full_path!("reg_trace", $a)).unwrap();
(m, memory_after, expected_trace)
fn test_init_machine() {
let _ = Machine::init_machine();
fn test_read_memory() {
let mut m = Machine::init_machine();
m.main_memory[4] = 43;
m.main_memory[5] = 150;
assert_eq!((43 << 8) + 150, Machine::read_memory(&mut m, 2, 4));
fn test_write_memory() {
let mut m = Machine::init_machine();
Machine::write_memory(&mut m, 2, 6, (43 << 8) + 150);
assert_eq!(43, m.main_memory[6]);
assert_eq!(150, m.main_memory[7]);
Machine::write_memory(&mut m, 4, 8, (52 << 24) + (20 << 16) + (43 << 8) + 150);
assert_eq!(52, m.main_memory[8]);
assert_eq!(20, m.main_memory[9]);
assert_eq!(43, m.main_memory[10]);
assert_eq!(150, m.main_memory[11]);
fn test_comp() {
let (m, memory_after, expected_trace) = init_test!("Comp");
assert!(mem_cmp::MemChecker::compare_machine_memory(&memory_after, &m));
fn test_add() {
let (m, memory_after, expected_trace) = init_test!("Add");
assert!(mem_cmp::MemChecker::compare_machine_memory(&memory_after, &m));
fn test_div() {
let (m, memory_after, expected_trace) = init_test!("Div");
assert!(mem_cmp::MemChecker::compare_machine_memory(&memory_after, &m));
fn test_if() {
let (m, memory_after, expected_trace) = init_test!("If");
assert!(mem_cmp::MemChecker::compare_machine_memory(&memory_after, &m));
fn test_jump() {
let (m, memory_after, expected_trace) = init_test!("Jump");
assert!(mem_cmp::MemChecker::compare_machine_memory(&memory_after, &m));
fn test_mul() {
let (m, memory_after, expected_trace) = init_test!("Mult");
assert!(mem_cmp::MemChecker::compare_machine_memory(&memory_after, &m));
fn test_ret() {
let (m, memory_after, expected_trace) = init_test!("Ret");
assert!(mem_cmp::MemChecker::compare_machine_memory(&memory_after, &m));
fn test_sub() {
let (m, memory_after, expected_trace) = init_test!("Sub");
assert!(mem_cmp::MemChecker::compare_machine_memory(&memory_after, &m));
fn test_switch() {
let (m, memory_after, expected_trace) = init_test!("Switch");
assert!(mem_cmp::MemChecker::compare_machine_memory(&memory_after, &m));