
402 lines
10 KiB

use std::{fs, io::{BufRead, BufReader, Lines, Error}};
use crate::Machine;
const MEM_SIZE : usize = 4096;
* Verifier qu'il y a un nombre pair de caractere hexa dans la ligne correspondante d'une section du fichier source
* Sinon on ne peut pas automatiquement remplir chaque octect car 2 hexa = 1 octet
/* FORMAT FICHIER.TXT Représentant la mémoire apres éxecution d'un prog
* PC
* SP
* Section_1
* Section_2
* ...
* ...
* Section_n
/* Chaque section se divise en 3 parties, sur 2 lignes de texte
* addr ESPACE len
* content
//content est une suite hexadécimale
//Section dans le fichier, champ String car informations proviennent d'un fichier txt
pub struct SectionFormat{
addr: String,
len: String,
content: String,
//Section dans le programme
pub struct Section{
addr: usize, // adresse dans la mémoire
len: usize, // nombre d'octets de la donnée à addr
content: Vec<u8>, // la donnée en question
* Voir si instanciation d'une structure deplace les valeurs "locales" à la méthode from, je sais plus ....
impl Section{
fn from(section: &SectionFormat) -> Section {
let mut content: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let addr: usize = string_hex_to_usize(&section.addr);
let len: usize = string_hex_to_usize(&section.len);
let mut tmp_a: char = ' ';
for (i, c) in section.content.chars().enumerate(){
if i%2 == 0 {
tmp_a = c;
else {
Section{addr, len, content}
fn print_section(s: &Section){
println!("ADDR :: {:x}", s.addr);
println!("LEN :: {:x}", s.len);
println!("CONTENT :: {:?}", s.content);
* Representation de l'etat de la mémoire (apres execution.... a confirmer), sous forme de sections
pub struct MemChecker{
pc: usize,
sp: usize,
sections: Vec<Section>,
impl MemChecker{
///Translate lines of a file in e Vector of String
///We need this method to parse the memory we received
/// ### Parameters
/// - **Lines** The file to parse
/// ### Return
/// - A vector of String where each line of the file os an element of the vector
fn vect_from_lines(lines: &mut Lines<BufReader<fs::File>>, pc: &mut usize, sp: &mut usize) -> Vec<String>{
let mut vector = Vec::new();
for (_,line) in lines.enumerate() {
let size = vector.len();
*pc = string_hex_to_usize(vector.get(size - 2).expect("0"));
*sp = string_hex_to_usize(vector.get(size - 1).expect("0"));
/// Fill a mem checker from a file (here the mock memory)
/// Extract the values of pc, sp and sections
/// ### Parameter
/// -**path** addr to the file
/// ### Return
/// Mem-checker filled
pub fn from(path: &str) -> Result<MemChecker, Error> {
let file = fs::File::open(path)?;
let reader = BufReader::new(file);
let mut lines = reader.lines();
let mut pc: usize = 0;
let mut sp: usize = 0;
let vector = MemChecker::vect_from_lines(&mut lines, &mut pc, &mut sp);
let mut sections: Vec<Section> = Vec::new();
let mut tmp_addr_str: String = String::new();
let mut tmp_len_str: String = String::new();
let default = String::new();
for i in 0..vector.len()-2 {
let current_line = vector.get(i).unwrap_or(&default);
//Lecture des sections
if i % 2 == 0 {
//lecture ligne ADDR LEN
let next_word_index = current_line.find(' ').unwrap();
tmp_addr_str = String::from(&current_line[0..next_word_index]);
tmp_len_str = String::from(&current_line[next_word_index+1..]);
else {
//lecture ligne CONTENT
let section_f = SectionFormat{
addr: tmp_addr_str.clone(),
len: tmp_len_str.clone(),
content: current_line.clone().replace(' ', ""),
Ok(MemChecker{pc, sp, sections})
/// Print the content of a Mem_Checker
/// ### Parameter
/// - **m_c** Contains the data we want to print
pub fn print_mem_checker(m_c: &MemChecker){
println!("PC :: {:x}", m_c.pc);
println!("SP :: {:x}", m_c.sp);
for(i,s) in m_c.sections.iter().enumerate() {
println!("\nSection {}\n", i);
/// Fill a machine's memory from a Mem Chacker
/// ### Parameters
/// - **m_c** contains the data
/// - **machine** contains the memry to fill
pub fn fill_memory_from_mem_checker(m_c: &MemChecker, machine: &mut Machine){
machine.sp = m_c.sp;
machine.int_reg.set_reg(2, m_c.sp as i64);
machine.pc = m_c.pc as u64;
for section in m_c.sections.iter() {
for (i,b) in section.content.iter().enumerate() {
machine.main_memory[section.addr + i] = *b;
fn compare_print_m_c_machine(m_c: &MemChecker, machine: &mut Machine){
for section in m_c.sections.iter() {
println!("Content addr : {}", section.addr);
println!("Content len (number of bytes) : {}", section.len);
for i in 0..section.len {
println!("mem[{}] = {}", section.addr + i, machine.main_memory[section.addr + i]);
/// Compare sections of a memChecker and a machine memory
/// ### Parameters
/// - **m_c** contains section of the memory checker
/// - **machine** contains the main memory
pub fn compare_machine_memory(m_c: &MemChecker, machine: &Machine) -> bool {
m_c.sections.iter().map(|section| {
(0..section.len).into_iter().all(|i| machine.main_memory[section.addr + i] == section.content[i])
}).all(|e| e)
fn string_hex_to_usize(s: &String) -> usize {
if s.is_empty() {
return 0;
let max_pow = (s.len()-1) as u32;
let mut ret_value: usize = 0;
let base: usize = 16;
for (i,c )in s.chars().enumerate(){
//println!("Current char :: {} :: Current pow :: {} ::", c, max_pow - (i as u32));
let tmp: usize = one_hex_to_dec(c) as usize;
ret_value += base.pow(max_pow - (i as u32))*tmp;
* c doit etre un caractère hexadécimale
fn one_hex_to_dec(c: char) -> u8 {
match c {
'A' | 'a' => 10,
'B' | 'b' => 11,
'C' | 'c' => 12,
'D' | 'd' => 13,
'E' | 'e' => 14,
'F' | 'f' => 15,
_ => {
c.to_digit(10).unwrap() as u8
fn two_hex_to_u8(c1: char, c2: char) -> u8 {
let a = one_hex_to_dec(c1);
let b = one_hex_to_dec(c2);
16*a + b
* Juste pour voir si via BufReader les \n sont présent, apres test il s'avère que non
* De toute facon on limitera d'une section la lecture par len
fn test_show_sections_file(){
let file = fs::File::open("test_file_section.txt").expect("Wrong filename");
let reader = BufReader::new(file);
for line in reader.lines() {
//println!("Tailles de la ligne : {}",
let current = line.unwrap();
//println!("Taille de la ligne : {}", current.len()); // En effet pas de \n dans chaque line, parfait
println!("{}", &current);
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_fill_memory(){
let path = "osef".to_string();
let m_c = MemChecker::from(&path).unwrap();
let mut machine = Machine::init_machine();
MemChecker::fill_memory_from_mem_checker(&m_c, &mut machine);
print!("\n Comparing memory from loaded context\n\n");
MemChecker::compare_print_m_c_machine(&m_c, &mut machine);
fn test_enum_start_at_zero(){
let v = vec![1,2,3];
for (i,val) in v.iter().enumerate() {
println!("i = {} :: v[i] = {}", i, val);
fn test_create_mem_checker(){
let path: String = "osef".to_string();
let m_c = MemChecker::from(&path).unwrap();
fn test_string_hex_to_usize(){
let s = String::from("AE1F20");
//println!("taille de string : {}", s.len());
let expected: usize = 11411232;
let result = string_hex_to_usize(&s);
fn tmp_fct_read_file(){
println!("Reading A file \n");
fn test_create_section_content(){
let section_format = SectionFormat{
addr: "0".to_string(),
len: "0".to_string(),
content: "00FF0AA0A5".to_string(),
let section = Section::from(&section_format);
let expected_vec: Vec<u8> = vec![0u8, 255u8, 10u8, 160u8, 165u8];
//println!("Vec from created section {:?}", &section.content);
//println!("Expected vec {:?}", &expected_vec);
assert_eq!(section.content, expected_vec);
fn test_hex_1(){
let b = two_hex_to_u8('0', '0');
assert_eq!(0u8, b);
fn test_hex_2(){
let b = two_hex_to_u8('F', 'F');
assert_eq!(255u8, b);
fn test_hex_3(){
let b = two_hex_to_u8('0', 'A');
assert_eq!(10u8, b);
fn test_hex_4(){
let b = two_hex_to_u8('A', '0');
assert_eq!(160u8, b);
fn test_hex_5(){
let b = two_hex_to_u8('A', '5');
assert_eq!(165u8, b);