use super::{decode::{Instruction, decode}, print::*}; /// doit disparaitre const MEM_SIZE : usize= 4096; pub struct Machine { pub pc : u64, pub int_reg : [i64 ; 32], pub instructions : [u64 ; 100], pub main_memory : [u8 ; MEM_SIZE], pub shiftmask : [u64 ; 64] // futur taille à calculer int memSize = g_cfg->NumPhysPages * g_cfg->PageSize; //creer une struct cfg(configuration) qui s'initialise avec valeur dans un fichier cfg } impl Machine { pub fn _init_machine() -> Machine { let mut shiftmask : [u64 ; 64] = [0 ; 64]; let mut value : u64 = 0xffffffff; value = (value << 32) + value; for item in &mut shiftmask { *item = value; value >>= 1; } Machine { pc : 0, instructions : [0 ; 100], int_reg : [0 ; 32], main_memory : [0 ; MEM_SIZE], shiftmask } } /// Read from main memory of the machine /// /// `panic!` when size is not 1, 2, 4 or 8 /// /// ### Parameters /// /// - **machine** which contains the main memory /// - **size** the number of bytes to read (1, 2, 4, 8) /// - **address** in the memory to read pub fn read_memory(machine : &mut Machine, size : i32, address : usize) -> u64 { if ![1, 2, 4, 8].contains(&size) { panic!("ERROR read_memory : wrong size parameter {}, must be (1, 2, 4 or 8)", size); } let mut ret: u64 = 0; for i in 0..size { ret <<= 8; ret += machine.main_memory[address + i as usize] as u64; } ret } /// Write to the main memory of the machine /// /// `panic!` when size is not 1, 2, 4 or 8 /// /// ### Parameters /// /// - **machine** contains the memory /// - **size** the number of bytes to write (1, 2, 4 or 8) /// - **address** the address to write to /// - **value** data to be written pub fn write_memory(machine: &mut Machine, size: i32, address: usize, value: u64) { if ![1, 2, 4, 8].contains(&size) { panic!("ERROR write_memory: WRONG `size` PARAMETER ({}), must be 1, 2, 4 or 8", size) } let map: [u64; 8] = [0xff000000_00000000, 0x00ff0000_00000000, 0x0000ff00_00000000, 0x000000ff_00000000, 0x00000000_ff00000000, 0x00000000_00ff0000, 0x00000000_0000ff00, 0x00000000_000000ff]; for i in 0..size as usize { machine.main_memory[address + i as usize] = (value & map[i]) as u8; } } /// Execute the instructions table of a machine putted in param /// /// ### Parameters /// /// - **machine** which contains a table of instructions pub fn run(machine : Machine){ let mut m = machine; loop{ Machine::one_instruction(&mut m); } } /// execute the current instruction /// /// ### Parameters /// /// - **machine** which contains a table of instructions and a pc to the actual instruction pub fn one_instruction(machine :&mut Machine) { let unsigned_reg1 : u64; let unsigned_reg2 : u64; let long_result : i128; /*__int128 longResult; int32_t local_data_a, local_data_b; int64_t localLongResult; uint32_t local_data_aUnsigned, local_data_bUnsigned; int32_t localResult; float localFloat; uint64_t value;*/ if machine.instructions.len() <= machine.pc as usize { println!("ERROR : number max of instructions rushed"); return ; } let inst : Instruction = decode(machine.instructions[machine.pc as usize]); match inst.opcode { RISCV_LUI => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = inst.imm31_12 as i64; }, RISCV_AUIPC => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = machine.pc as i64 - 4 + inst.imm31_12 as i64; }, RISCV_JAL => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = machine.pc as i64; machine.pc += inst.imm21_1_signed as u64 - 4; }, RISCV_JALR => { let tmp = machine.pc; machine.pc = (machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] as u64 + inst.imm12_I_signed as u64) & 0xfffffffe; machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = tmp as i64; }, //****************************************************************************************** // Treatment for: BRANCH INSTRUCTIONS RISCV_BR => { match inst.funct3 { RISCV_BR_BEQ => { if machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] == machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize] { machine.pc += inst.imm13_signed as u64 - 4; } }, RISCV_BR_BNE => { if machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] != machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize] { machine.pc += inst.imm13_signed as u64 - 4; } }, RISCV_BR_BLT => { if machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] < machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize] { machine.pc += inst.imm13_signed as u64 - 4; } }, RISCV_BR_BGE => { if machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] >= machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize] { machine.pc += inst.imm13_signed as u64 - 4; } }, RISCV_BR_BLTU => { if machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] < machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize] { machine.pc += inst.imm13_signed as u64 - 4; } }, RISCV_BR_BGEU => { if machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] >= machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize] { machine.pc += inst.imm13_signed as u64 - 4; } }, _ => { panic!("In BR switch case, this should never happen... Instr was {}", inst.value); } } }, //****************************************************************************************** // Treatment for: LOAD INSTRUCTIONS RISCV_LD => { match inst.funct3 { RISCV_LD_LB => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = Self::read_memory(machine, 1, (inst.rs1 as i16 + inst.imm12_I_signed) as usize) as i64; }, RISCV_LD_LH => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = Self::read_memory(machine, 2, (inst.rs1 as i16 + inst.imm12_I_signed) as usize) as i64; }, RISCV_LD_LW => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = Self::read_memory(machine, 4, (inst.rs1 as i16 + inst.imm12_I_signed) as usize) as i64; }, RISCV_LD_LD => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = Self::read_memory(machine, 8, (inst.rs1 as i16 + inst.imm12_I_signed) as usize) as i64; }, // same thing three opration ? RISCV_LD_LBU => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = Self::read_memory(machine, 1, (inst.rs1 as i16 + inst.imm12_I_signed) as usize) as i64; }, RISCV_LD_LHU => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = Self::read_memory(machine, 2, (inst.rs1 as i16 + inst.imm12_I_signed) as usize) as i64; }, RISCV_LD_LWU => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = Self::read_memory(machine, 4, (inst.rs1 as i16 + inst.imm12_I_signed) as usize) as i64; }, _ => { panic!("In LD switch case, this should never happen... Instr was {}", inst.value); } } }, //TODO store instructions RISCV_ST => { match inst.funct3 { RISCV_ST_STB => { todo!("Write memory here"); }, RISCV_ST_STH => { todo!("Write memory here"); }, RISCV_ST_STW => { todo!("Write memory here"); }, RISCV_ST_STD => { todo!("Write memory here"); }, _ => { panic!("In ST switch case, this should never happen... Instr was {}", inst.value); } } } //****************************************************************************************** // Treatment for: OPI INSTRUCTIONS RISCV_OPI => { match inst.funct3 { RISCV_OPI_ADDI => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] + inst.imm12_I_signed as i64; }, RISCV_OPI_SLTI => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = (machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] < inst.imm12_I_signed as i64) as i64; }, RISCV_OPI_XORI => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] ^ inst.imm12_I_signed as i64; }, RISCV_OPI_ORI => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] | inst.imm12_I_signed as i64; }, RISCV_OPI_ANDI => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] & inst.imm12_I_signed as i64; }, RISCV_OPI_SLLI => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] << inst.shamt; }, RISCV_OPI_SRI => { if inst.funct7_smaller == RISCV_OPI_SRI_SRLI { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = (machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] >> inst.shamt) & machine.shiftmask[inst.shamt as usize] as i64; } else { // SRAI machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] >> inst.shamt; } } _ => { panic!("{} inconnu", inst.funct3); } } }, RISCV_OP => { if inst.funct7 == 1 { match inst.funct3 { RISCV_OP_M_MUL => { long_result = (machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] * machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize]) as i128; machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = (long_result & 0xffffffffffffffff) as i64; }, RISCV_OP_M_MULH => { long_result = (machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] * machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize]) as i128; machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = ((long_result >> 64) & 0xffffffffffffffff) as i64; }, RISCV_OP_M_MULHSU => { unsigned_reg2 = machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize] as u64; long_result = (machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] as u64 * unsigned_reg2) as i128; machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = ((long_result >> 64) & 0xffffffffffffffff) as i64; }, // VOIR CE QUE FAIT EXACTEMENT CE TRUC , PK on converve /* * VOIR SI LES CAST machine.int_reg[....] = i128*u64 as u32 FAUSSE RESULTAT (suit pas la logique du code c++) * WHAT DA HECK */ RISCV_OP_M_MULHU => { unsigned_reg1 = machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] as u64; unsigned_reg2 = machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize] as u64; long_result = (unsigned_reg1 * unsigned_reg2) as i128; machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = ((long_result >> 64) & 0xffffffffffffffff) as i64; }, RISCV_OP_M_DIV => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] / machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize]; } _ => { panic!("RISCV_OP : funct7 = 1 (Multiplication) :: Error\n"); } } } else { match inst.funct3 { RISCV_OP_ADD => { if inst.funct7 == RISCV_OP_ADD_ADD { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] + machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize]; } else { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] - machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize]; } }, RISCV_OP_SLL => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] << (machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize] & 0x3f); }, RISCV_OP_SLT => { if machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] < machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize] { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = 1; } else { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = 0; } }, RISCV_OP_SLTU => { unsigned_reg1 = machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] as u64; unsigned_reg2 = machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize] as u64; if unsigned_reg1 < unsigned_reg2 { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = 1; } else { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = 0; } }, RISCV_OP_XOR => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] ^ machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize]; }, RISCV_OP_SR => { // RISCV_OP_SR_SRL inaccessible machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] >> (machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize] & 0x3f); }, RISCV_OP_OR => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] | machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize]; }, RISCV_OP_AND => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] & machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize]; }, _ => { panic!("RISCV_OP undefined case\n"); } }//LA } }, //****************************************************************************************** // Treatment for: OPW INSTRUCTIONS RISCV_OPW => { if inst.funct7 == 1 { let local_data_a = machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] & 0xffffffff; let local_data_b = machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize] & 0xffffffff; let local_data_a_unsigned = machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] & 0xffffffff; let local_data_b_unsigned = machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize] & 0xffffffff; // Match case for multiplication operations (in standard extension RV32M) match inst.funct3 { RISCV_OPW_M_MULW => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = local_data_a * local_data_b; }, RISCV_OPW_M_DIVW => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = local_data_a / local_data_b; }, RISCV_OPW_M_DIVUW => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = local_data_a_unsigned / local_data_b_unsigned; }, RISCV_OPW_M_REMW => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = local_data_a % local_data_b; }, RISCV_OPW_M_REMUW => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = local_data_a_unsigned % local_data_b_unsigned; }, _ => { panic!("this instruction ({}) doesn't exists", inst.value); } } } else { let local_dataa = machine.int_reg[inst.rs1 as usize] & 0xffffffff; let local_datab = machine.int_reg[inst.rs2 as usize] & 0xffffffff; // Match case for base OP operation match inst.funct3 { RISCV_OPW_ADDSUBW => { if inst.funct7 == RISCV_OPW_ADDSUBW_ADDW { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = local_dataa + local_datab; } else { // SUBW machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = local_dataa - local_datab; } }, RISCV_OPW_SLLW => { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = local_dataa << (local_datab & 0x1f); }, RISCV_OPW_SRW => { if inst.funct7 == RISCV_OPW_SRW_SRLW { machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = local_dataa >> (local_datab & 0x1f) & machine.shiftmask[32 + local_datab as usize] as i64; } else { // SRAW machine.int_reg[inst.rd as usize] = local_dataa >> (local_datab & 0x1f); } }, _ => { panic!("this instruction ({}) doesn't exists", inst.value); } } } } _ => { panic!("{} opcode non géré", inst.opcode)}, } machine.pc += 4; } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { }