//! # Thread manager
//! This module describes the data structure and the methods used for thread scheduling
//! in the BurritOS operating system. A struct named [`ThreadManager`] holds the list of
//! all existing [`Thread`] instances and synchronization objects, such as
//! [`Lock`](crate::kernel::synch::Lock),
//! [`Semaphore`](crate::kernel::synch::Semaphore) and
//! [`Condition`](crate::kernel::synch::Condition).
//! ## Purpose
//! [`ThreadManager`] holds the state of the system processes using the following subcomponents:
//! ### Two lists of threads
//!  - **ready_list**: The list of threads ready to be executed
//!  - **g_alive**: The list of currently executing threads
//! The difference between the two above lists lies in the state of the threads in question.
//! Ready threads have just been enqueued. They are not being executed yet. The second list is
//! needed because many threads may be executing at a given time. However, only a single thread
//! can be handled by the machine at a time. The system thus needs to keep in memory the alive
//! threads in case the currently running thread finishes or gets rescheduled.
//! ### A list of synchronization objects
//! Locks, Semaphores and Conditions allow resource sharing among running threads. Since resources
//! can only be accessed by a single thread at a time, we need data structures to signal other
//! threads that a resource may be busy or unavailable; say for example that:
//! - Thread **A** wants to write to a file while **B** is currently reading said file.
//! - Thread **A** mutating the state of the file could cause issues for **B**.
//! - Therefore **B** needs to lock the file in question to avoid such issues.
//! - Thread **A** will have to wait for **B** to finish reading the file.
//! These synchronization objects are held in an instance of the ObjAddr structure held by
//! ThreadManager. Their state is mutated depending on the actions of the currently running thread
//! through methods such as [`ThreadManager::sem_p`].
//! ## Usage
//! [`ThreadManager`] is thought as a subcomponent of the [`System`](crate::kernel::system::System) struct.
//! Instanciating [`System`](crate::kernel::system::System) will automatically instanciate a [`ThreadManager`]
//! Manually loading a [`Thread`] into [`ThreadManager`] to execute a program with BurritOS could look like
//! this:
//! ```
//! fn load_thread_manually(args: ...) {
//!     let mut system = System::new(args.debug);
//!     let thread_exec = Thread::new(args.executable.as_str());
//!     let thread_exec = Rc::new(RefCell::new(thread_exec));
//!     system.get_thread_manager().get_g_alive().push(Rc::clone(&thread_exec));
//!     let owner1 = Process { num_thread: 0 };
//!     let owner1 = Rc::new(RefCell::new(owner1));
//!     system.get_thread_manager().start_thread(Rc::clone(&thread_exec), owner1, loader.elf_header.entrypoint, ptr, -1);
//!     let to_run = system.get_thread_manager().find_next_to_run().unwrap();
//!     system.get_thread_manager().switch_to(&mut machine, Rc::clone(&to_run));
//!     machine.run(&mut system);
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Imports
//! The [`List`] and [`ObjAddr`] submodules used in this module are defined in the utility
//! module. The source code of [`ObjAddr`] has been decoupled from thread_manager in an effort
//! to keep this module concise.

use std::{

use crate::{

/// Using this type alias to simplify struct and method definitions
type ThreadRef = Rc<RefCell<Thread>>;

/// # Thread manager
/// An instance of this struct is responsible for managing threads on behalf of the system
pub struct ThreadManager {
    /// Current running thread
    pub g_current_thread: Option<ThreadRef>,
    /// The list of alive threads
    pub g_alive: List<ThreadRef>,
    /// Thread in ready state waiting to become active
    ready_list: List<ThreadRef>,
    /// List of objects created by the thread manager (such as Locks and Semaphores)
    obj_addrs: ObjAddr,
    /// If true, enables debug mode
    debug: bool

impl ThreadManager {

    /// Thread manager constructor
    pub fn new(debug: bool) -> Self {
        Self { 
            g_current_thread: Option::None,
            g_alive: List::default(),
            ready_list: List::default(),
            obj_addrs: ObjAddr::init(),

    /// Mark a thread as aready, but not necessarily running yet.
    /// Put it in the ready list, for later scheduling onto the CPU.
    /// ## Pamameter
    /// **thread** is the thread to be put on the read list
    pub fn ready_to_run(&mut self, thread: ThreadRef) {

    /// Return the next thread to be scheduled onto the CPU.
    /// If there are no ready threads, return Option::None
    /// Thread is removed from the ready list.
    /// **return** Thread thread to be scheduled
    pub fn find_next_to_run(&mut self) -> Option<ThreadRef> {

    /// Dispatch the CPU to next_thread. Save the state of the old thread 
    /// and load the state of the new thread.
    /// We assume the state of the previously running thread has already been changed from running to blocked or ready.
    /// Global variable g_current_thread become next_thread
    /// ## Parameter
    /// **next_thread** thread to dispatch to the CPU
    pub fn switch_to(&mut self, machine: &mut Machine, next_thread: ThreadRef) {
        if let Some(old_thread) = self.get_g_current_thread() {
            let old_thread = old_thread.clone();
            self.thread_save_processor_state(machine, old_thread.clone());
            // old_thread.save_simulator_state();
            if old_thread != next_thread {
                self.debug(format!("switching from \"{}\" to \"{}\"", old_thread.borrow().get_name(), next_thread.borrow().get_name()));
                self.thread_restore_processor_state(machine, Rc::clone(&next_thread));
                // next_thread.restore_simulator_state();
        } else {
            self.thread_restore_processor_state(machine, Rc::clone(&next_thread));
            // next_thread.restore_simulator_state();

    /// Start a thread, attaching it to a process
    pub fn start_thread(&mut self, thread: ThreadRef, owner: Rc<RefCell<Process>>, func_pc: u64, sp_loc: u64, argument: i64) {
        let mut thread_m = thread.borrow_mut();
        assert_eq!(thread_m.process, Option::None);
        thread_m.process = Option::Some(Rc::clone(&owner));
        let ptr = sp_loc; // todo addrspace
        thread_m.init_thread_context(func_pc, ptr, argument);
        owner.borrow_mut().num_thread += 1;

    /// Wait for another thread to finish its execution
    pub fn thread_join(&mut self, machine: &mut Machine, waiter: ThreadRef, waiting_for: ThreadRef) {
        let waiting_for = Rc::clone(&waiting_for);
        while self.get_g_alive().contains(&waiting_for) {
            self.debug(format!("Joining \"{}\" to \"{}\"", waiter.borrow().get_name(), waiting_for.borrow().get_name()));
            self.thread_yield(machine, Rc::clone(&waiter));

    /// Relinquish the CPU if any other thread is runnable.
    /// Cannot use yield as a function name -> reserved name in rust
    pub fn thread_yield(&mut self, machine: &mut Machine, thread: ThreadRef) {
        let old_status = machine.interrupt.set_status(crate::simulator::interrupt::InterruptStatus::InterruptOff);
        self.debug(format!("Yeilding thread: {}", thread.borrow().get_name()));
        debug_assert_eq!(&Option::Some(Rc::clone(&thread)), self.get_g_current_thread());
        let next_thread = self.find_next_to_run();
        if let Some(next_thread) = next_thread {
            self.switch_to(machine, next_thread);

    /// Put the thread to sleep and relinquish the processor
    pub fn thread_sleep(&mut self, machine: &mut Machine, thread: ThreadRef) {
        debug_assert_eq!(Option::Some(Rc::clone(&thread)), self.g_current_thread);
        debug_assert_eq!(machine.interrupt.get_status(), InterruptStatus::InterruptOff);

        let mut next_thread = self.find_next_to_run();
        while next_thread.is_none() {
            eprintln!("Nobody to run => idle");
            next_thread = self.find_next_to_run();
        self.switch_to(machine, Rc::clone(&next_thread.unwrap()));

    /// Finish the execution of the thread and prepare its deallocation
    pub fn thread_finish(&mut self, machine: &mut Machine, thread: ThreadRef) {
        let old_status = machine.interrupt.set_status(InterruptStatus::InterruptOff);
        self.debug(format!("Sleeping thread {}", thread.borrow().get_name()));
        // g_objets_addrs->removeObject(self.thread) // a ajouté plus tard
        self.thread_sleep(machine, Rc::clone(&thread));

	/// Save the CPU state of a user program on a context switch.
    pub fn thread_save_processor_state(&mut self, machine: &mut Machine, thread: ThreadRef) {
        let mut t = thread.borrow_mut();
        for i in 0..NUM_INT_REGS {
            t.thread_context.int_registers[i] = machine.read_int_register(i);
        for i in 0..NUM_FP_REGS {
            t.thread_context.float_registers[i] = machine.read_fp_register(i);
        t.thread_context.pc = machine.pc;

    /// Restore the CPU state of a user program on a context switch.
    pub fn thread_restore_processor_state(&self, machine: &mut Machine, thread: ThreadRef) {
        let t: Ref<_> = thread.borrow();
        for i in 0..NUM_INT_REGS {
            machine.write_int_register(i, t.thread_context.int_registers[i]);
        machine.pc = t.thread_context.pc;

    /// Decrement the value, and wait if it becomes < 0. Checking the
    /// value and decrementing must be done atomically, so we
    /// need to disable interrupts before checking the value.
    /// Note that thread_manager::thread_sleep assumes that interrupts are disabled
    /// when it is called.
    /// ### Parameters
    /// - *id_sema* id of the semaphore, stored in [`ObjAddr`], id given by user program thought exceptions
    /// - *machine* Current state of the machine
    pub fn sem_p(&mut self, id_sema: i32, machine: &mut Machine) -> Result<MachineOk, MachineError> {
        let old_status = machine.interrupt.set_status(InterruptStatus::InterruptOff);
        let thread = match self.get_g_current_thread() {
            Some(thread) => Rc::clone(thread),
            None => Err("sem_p error: current thread should not be None")?
        let sema = match self.get_obj_addrs().search_semaphore(id_sema) {
            Some(sema) => sema,
            None => Err("sem_p error: cannot find semaphore")?
        sema.counter -= 1;
        if sema.counter < 0 {
            self.thread_sleep(machine, thread);

    /// Increment semaphore value, waking up a waiting thread if any.
    /// As with P(), this operation must be atomic, so we need to disable
    /// interrupts.
    /// scheduler::ready_to_run() assumes that interrupts
    /// are disabled when it is called.
    /// ### Parameters
    /// - *id_sema* id of the semaphore, stored in [`ObjAddr`], id given by user program thought exceptions
    /// - **machine** the machine where the threads are executed
    pub fn sem_v(&mut self, id_sema: i32, machine: &mut Machine) -> Result<MachineOk, MachineError> {
        let sema = match self.get_obj_addrs().search_semaphore(id_sema) {
            Some(sema) => sema,
            None => Err("sem_v error: cannot find semaphore")?
        let old_status = machine.interrupt.set_status(InterruptStatus::InterruptOff);
        sema.counter += 1;
        if let Some(thread) = sema.waiting_queue.pop() {

    ///    Wait until the lock become free.  Checking the
    /// state of the lock (free or busy) and modify it must be done
    /// atomically, so we need to disable interrupts before checking
    /// the value of free.
    /// Note that thread_manager::thread_seep assumes that interrupts are disabled
    /// when it is called.
    /// ### Parameters
    /// - **id** id of the lock, stored in [`ObjAddr`], id given by user program thought exceptions
    /// - **machine** the machine where the threads are executed
    pub fn lock_acquire(&mut self, id: i32, machine: &mut Machine) -> Result<MachineOk, MachineError> {
        let current_thread = match self.get_g_current_thread() {
            Some(thread) => Rc::clone(thread),
            None => Err("lock_acquire error: current_thread should not be None.")?
        let old_status = machine.interrupt.set_status(InterruptStatus::InterruptOff);
        if let Some(lock) =  self.get_obj_addrs().search_lock(id) {
            if lock.free {
                lock.free = false;
                lock.owner = Some(current_thread)
            } else {
                self.thread_sleep(machine, current_thread);
        } else {
            Err("lock_acquire error: cannot find Lock.")?

    ///     Wake up a waiter if necessary, or release it if no thread is waiting.
    pub fn lock_release(&mut self, id: i32, machine: &mut Machine) -> Result<MachineOk, MachineError> {
        let old_status = machine.interrupt.set_status(InterruptStatus::InterruptOff);
        let current_thread = match self.get_g_current_thread() {
            Some(thread) => Rc::clone(thread),
            None => Err(String::from("lock_release error: current_thread should not be None."))?
        let mut lock = match self.get_obj_addrs().search_lock(id) {
            Some(lock) => lock,
            None => Err(String::from("lock_release error: cannot find lock."))?
        if let Some(lock_owner) = &lock.owner {
            if current_thread.eq(lock_owner) { // is_held_by_current_thread
                match lock.waiting_queue.pop() {
                    Some(th) => {
                        lock.owner = Some(Rc::clone(&th));
                    None => {
                        lock.free = true;
                        lock.owner = None;
        // self.get_obj_addrs().update_lock(id, lock);

    /// Currently running thread
    pub fn get_g_current_thread(&mut self) -> &Option<ThreadRef> {

    /// List of alive threads
    pub fn get_g_alive(&mut self) -> &mut List<ThreadRef> {
        &mut self.g_alive

    /// Set currently running thread
    pub fn set_g_current_thread(&mut self, thread: Option<ThreadRef>) {
        self.g_current_thread = thread

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the ObjAddr field of this thread_manager
    pub fn get_obj_addrs(&mut self) -> &mut ObjAddr {
        &mut self.obj_addrs 

    /// Prints debug messages if self.debug is set to true.
    fn debug(&self, message: String) {
        if self.debug {
            println!("{}", message);


mod test {
    use std::{rc::Rc, cell::RefCell};

    use crate::{simulator::{machine::Machine, loader}, kernel::{system::System, thread::Thread, process::Process, thread_manager::ThreadManager, synch::Semaphore}, utility::cfg::get_debug_configuration};
    use crate::kernel::synch::Lock;

    fn test_thread_context() {
        let mut machine = Machine::new(true, get_debug_configuration());

        let (loader, ptr) = loader::Loader::new("./target/guac/halt.guac", &mut machine, 0).expect("IO Error");
        let start_pc = loader.elf_header.entrypoint;
        let system = &mut System::new(true);

        let thread1 = Thread::new("th1");
        let thread1 = Rc::new(RefCell::new(thread1));

        let owner1 = Process { num_thread: 0 };
        let owner1 = Rc::new(RefCell::new(owner1));
        system.get_thread_manager().start_thread(Rc::clone(&thread1), owner1, loader.elf_header.entrypoint, ptr, -1);
        debug_assert_eq!(thread1.borrow_mut().thread_context.pc, start_pc);

        let to_run = system.get_thread_manager().find_next_to_run().unwrap();
        debug_assert_eq!(to_run, Rc::clone(&thread1));

        system.get_thread_manager().switch_to(&mut machine, Rc::clone(&to_run));
        debug_assert_eq!(system.get_thread_manager().g_current_thread, Option::Some(Rc::clone(&thread1)));
        debug_assert_eq!(machine.pc, loader.elf_header.entrypoint);


    fn test_lock_single(){
        let mut machine = Machine::new(true, get_debug_configuration());
        let mut thread_manager = ThreadManager::new(true);
        let lock = Lock::new();
        let lock_id = thread_manager.get_obj_addrs().add_lock(lock);
        let thread = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Thread::new("test_lock")));
        let thread_test = thread.clone();

        thread_manager.lock_acquire(lock_id, &mut machine).expect("lock acquire return an error: ");
            let lock = thread_manager.get_obj_addrs().search_lock(lock_id).unwrap();

        thread_manager.lock_release(lock_id, &mut machine).expect("lock release return an error: ");
            let lock = thread_manager.get_obj_addrs().search_lock(lock_id).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(lock.owner, None);

    fn test_lock_multiple() {
        let mut machine = Machine::new(true, get_debug_configuration());
        let mut thread_manager = ThreadManager::new(true);
        let lock = Lock::new();
        let lock_id = thread_manager.get_obj_addrs().add_lock(lock);
        let thread_1 = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Thread::new("test_lock_1")));
        let thread_2 = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Thread::new("test_lock_2")));
        let thread_test_1 = thread_1.clone();
        let thread_test_2 = thread_2.clone();

        thread_manager.lock_acquire(lock_id, &mut machine).expect("lock acquire return an error at first iteration: ");
            let lock = thread_manager.get_obj_addrs().search_lock(lock_id).unwrap();

        thread_manager.lock_acquire(lock_id, &mut machine).expect("lock acquire return an error at second iteration: ");
            let lock = thread_manager.get_obj_addrs().search_lock(lock_id).unwrap();
        thread_manager.lock_release(lock_id, &mut machine).expect("lock release return an error at first iteration: ");
            let lock = thread_manager.get_obj_addrs().search_lock(lock_id).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(lock.owner, Some(thread_test_2));
        thread_manager.lock_release(lock_id, &mut machine).expect("lock release return an error at second iteration: ");
            let lock = thread_manager.get_obj_addrs().search_lock(lock_id).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(lock.owner, None);

    fn test_semaphore_single() {
        // Init
        let mut machine = Machine::new(true, get_debug_configuration());
        let mut thread_manager = ThreadManager::new(true);
        let semaphore = Semaphore::new(1);
        let sema_id = thread_manager.get_obj_addrs().add_semaphore(semaphore);
        let thread = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Thread::new("test_semaphore")));
        // P
        thread_manager.sem_p(sema_id, &mut machine).expect("semaphore P return an error: ");
            let semaphore = thread_manager.get_obj_addrs().search_semaphore(sema_id).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(semaphore.counter, 0);
        // V
        thread_manager.sem_v(sema_id, &mut machine).expect("semaphore V return an error: ");
            let semaphore = thread_manager.get_obj_addrs().search_semaphore(sema_id).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(semaphore.counter, 1);

    fn test_semaphore_multiple() {
        // Init
        let mut tm = ThreadManager::new(true);
        let mut machine = Machine::new(true, get_debug_configuration());
        let semaphore = Semaphore::new(2);
        let sema_id = tm.get_obj_addrs().add_semaphore(semaphore);
        let thread1 = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Thread::new("test_semaphore_1")));
        let thread2 = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Thread::new("test_semaphore_2")));
        let thread3 = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Thread::new("test_semaphore_3")));

        // let mut borrow_tm = tm.borrow_mut();
        // let scheduler = &mut tm.g_scheduler;
        // P
        tm.sem_p(sema_id, &mut machine).expect("semaphore P return an error: ");
            let semaphore = tm.get_obj_addrs().search_semaphore(sema_id).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(semaphore.counter, 1);
        tm.sem_p(sema_id, &mut machine).expect("semaphore P return an error: ");
            let semaphore = tm.get_obj_addrs().search_semaphore(sema_id).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(semaphore.counter, 0);

        tm.sem_p( sema_id, &mut machine).expect("semaphore P return an error: ");
            let semaphore = tm.get_obj_addrs().search_semaphore(sema_id).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(semaphore.counter, -1);
            assert!(semaphore.waiting_queue.iter().count() == 1);

        // V
        tm.sem_v(sema_id, &mut machine).expect("semaphore V return an error: ");
            let semaphore = tm.get_obj_addrs().search_semaphore(sema_id).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(semaphore.counter, 0);

        tm.sem_v(sema_id, &mut machine).expect("semaphore V return an error: ");
            let semaphore = tm.get_obj_addrs().search_semaphore(sema_id).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(semaphore.counter, 1);

        tm.sem_v(sema_id, &mut machine).expect("semaphore V return an error: ");
            let semaphore = tm.get_obj_addrs().search_semaphore(sema_id).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(semaphore.counter, 2);
