rawset(_G, "lb_score_t", function(map, name, skin, color, time, splits, flags, stat, checksum) return { ["map"] = map, ["name"] = name, ["skin"] = skin, ["color"] = color, ["time"] = time, ["splits"] = splits, ["flags"] = flags, ["stat"] = stat, ["checksum"] = checksum } end) rawset(_G, "lb_TicsToTime", function(tics, pure) if tics == 0 and pure then return "-:--:--" end return string.format( "%d:%02d:%02d", G_TicsToMinutes(tics, true), G_TicsToSeconds(tics), G_TicsToCentiseconds(tics) ) end) rawset(_G, "lb_ZoneAct", function(map) local z = "" if map.zonttl != "" then z = " " + map.zonttl elseif not(map.levelflags & LF_NOZONE) then z = " Zone" end if map.actnum != "" then z = $ + " " + map.actnum end return z end) rawset(_G, "lb_stat_t", function(speed, weight) if speed and weight then return (speed << 4) | weight end return 0 end) local F_SPBBIG = 0x4 local F_SPBEXP = 0x8 -- True if a is better than b rawset(_G, "lb_comp", function(a, b) -- Calculates the difficulty, harder has higher priority -- if s is positive then a is harder -- if s is negative then b is harder -- if s is 0 then compare time local s = (a.flags & (F_SPBEXP | F_SPBBIG)) - (b.flags & (F_SPBEXP | F_SPBBIG)) return s > 0 or not(s < 0 or a.time >= b.time) end) local function djb2(message) local digest = 5381 for c in message:gmatch(".") do digest = (($ << 5) + $) + string.byte(c) end return digest end -- Produce a checksum by using the maps title, subtitle and zone rawset(_G, "lb_map_checksum", function(mapnum) local mh = mapheaderinfo[mapnum] if not mh then return nil end local digest = string.format("%04x", djb2(mh.lvlttl..mh.subttl..mh.zonttl)) return string.sub(digest, #digest - 3) end) rawset(_G, "lb_mapnum_from_extended", function(map) local p, q = map:upper():match("MAP(%w)(%w)$", 1) if not (p and q) then return nil end local mapnum = 0 local A = string.byte("A") if tonumber(p) != nil then -- Non extended map numbers if tonumber(q) == nil then return nil end mapnum = tonumber(p) * 10 + tonumber(q) else --Extended map numbers p = string.byte(p) - A local qn = tonumber(q) if qn == nil then qn = string.byte(q) - A + 10 end mapnum = 36 * p + qn + 100 end return mapnum end) local eventHandler = {} rawset(_G, "lb_hook", function(event, callback) local handle = eventHandler[event] or {} table.insert(handle, callback) eventHandler[event] = handle end) rawset(_G, "lb_fire_event", function(event, ...) local handle = eventHandler[event] if not handle then return end for _, callback in ipairs(handle) do pcall(callback, ...) end end)